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高中英语人教版选修7练习 Unit 2 Section 3.docx

1、高中英语人教版选修7练习 Unit 2 Section 32020年精编人教版英语资料Unit 2 Section .单词拼写1Dogs _(服从) their owners because they want to stay close to them.2Youve done so much work that youre _(一定的) to pass the exam.3Most of the computers we are using are _(数字的) computers.4There is a summary at the end of each _(章节) to illustr

2、ate the authors point.5In a modern company, the manager should be accessible to his _(职员)6He is studying at a _(初级的)middle school.7His report card can point up his _(才能) for maths.8Jack _(与离婚) his wife after twenty five years of marriage.9The dog has transferred its _(感情) to its new master.10There m

3、ust be something wrong with the _(电话听筒)there are lots of noises in it.答案:1.obey2.bound3.digital4.chapter5.staff6.junior7.talent8.divorced9.affection10.receiver.用所给短语的适当形式填空in publicset offcarry outfrom then onbe based onmake comments onbecome infected withset asidein all,be bound to 1He _come, for h

4、e is always keep his word.2Dont_that kind of task which will do harm to others.3Recently many buildings in Afganistan have been_by terrorists.4I warned them not to do it, but my objection was _.5The doctor happened to_HIV when operating on a patient.6We have 13 subjects to learn_.7His theory_the fac

5、ts.8Though the girl was shy, her parents managed to make her speak_.9_she has performed in several films.10Dont_anything if you know nothing about it.答案 bound to2.carry out3.set off4.set aside5.become infected based public9.From then on10.make comments on.单项填空1He is famo

6、us not only for his _ but also for his kindness.Aclever BbrightCweak Dtalent答案:D介词后跟名词,talent“天才;才艺”为名词,A、B、C三项都是形容词,故排除。2Children are _ to meet with setbacks (挫折) as they grow up, so their parents dont have to worry about it.Apossible BdueCnecessary Dbound答案:D考查形容词辨析。英语中有些形容词不能用somebody作主语,比如possib

7、le,necessary,convenient等。be bound to do sth.意思是“必定会做;一定会做”。be due to do sth.“预定做某事”,不符合句意。3There I saw ten children _, two of whom were from Class 3.Ain all Bat allCfor all Dabove all答案:A考查all的短语。句意:在那里我总共看到了10个孩子,其中有两个是3班的。in all“总共”;at all“根本”;for all“尽管”;above all“最重要的是”。4Its a really creative id

8、ea that a robot can do homework for us._ Maybe its best for us to do our homework by ourselves.AI couldnt agree more.BI dont think so.CYou are right.DYou are welcome.答案:B本题考查交际用语。句意:“让机器人为我们做作业确实是一个创意。”“我不这样认为。或许我们自己做作业才是最好的。”A项意为“我非常同意”;B项意为“我认为不是这样的”;C项意为“你是对的”;D项意为“不用谢”。5New computers are soon ou

9、t of date since newer models are _ constantly.Aturned up Bturned outCturned down Dturned over答案:B句意:由于更新型的电脑不断地被生产出来,新电脑也很快就过时了。此题考查动词词组。turn up“出现”,不能用在被动语态中;turn out“生产,制造出来”;turn down“拒绝”;turn over“翻身,翻转”。故选B。6The weight of _ machine will of course be determined by the sort of _ metal used.Athe;t

10、he B/; theC/;/ Dthe;/答案:D本题考查冠词的用法。句意:机器的重量当然由所使用的金属的种类来决定。machine是可数名词,表达类别时,其前通常加a或the;“the kind/sort/typeof名词”结构中,名词前通常不用冠词,故选D。7I desire that the students _ their composition in English regularly.Awrites Bwould writeCwrote Dwrite答案:Ddesire后的宾语从句中谓语动词用“(should)动词原形”表示虚拟语气,所以应选D项。8Would you please

11、 do me the _ to phone my sister about the accident?With pleasure.Apatience B. favourCreaction Dbond答案:B考查名词词义。句意为“请你帮个忙,给我姐姐打电话告诉她这个事故好吗?”“我很乐意”。favour意为“恩惠,喜爱”;do sb. the favour to do sth.“帮助某人做某事”;patience“耐性,忍耐”;reaction“反应,回应”;bond“联系,纽带”。9Are you getting a new computer this week?You must be jok

12、ing! I cant afford to pay my school fees,_ a new computer.Alet alone Bleave aloneCor rather Dother than答案:Alet alone意为“更不用说”。答句句意为“我连学费都支付不起,更别说买新电脑了”。10If everyone offers _ to the refugees in the war, they would suffer much less.Ascholarship BsatisfactionCsympathy Dstrength答案:C考查名词词义。句意为“如果每个人对战争中的

13、难民都给予同情,他们将少受很多痛苦”。sympathy“同情(心)”,符合句意。satisfaction“满意,满足,令人满意的事物”;scholarship“奖学金”;strength“强项,长处”。.阅读理解AClaude Sammut, a professor of computer science and engineering at the University of New South Wales in Australia, said it would soon be possible for robots to defeat the stars of the future.For

14、 many years, Mr Sammut has been a member of a project called RoboCup, where robots have been programmed to learn how to play football and compete against others in a football match.As he explains, the robots are having difficulty in learning how to control the ball and move the ball on their own, bu

15、t he is still full of confidence that one day in the future they will show the same skills as Wayne Rooney, who is one of the best football players in the world.Mr Sammut also said,“In 1968, John McCarthy and Donald Michie made a bet with David Levy, who was then the chess champion in Scotland, that

16、 within 10 years a computer program would be able to beat him. It took a little bit longer than 10 years (nearly 30 years) but eventually such programs came into being.”“In the same spirit of a grand challenge, RoboCup aims to develop a team of robots that can defeat the world soccer champion team b

17、y the year 2050. To achieve this, or come even closer to the ambition, the robots will have to be able to sense and act in completely unstructured environments. This will require major advances in perception(感知), decision making, learning, and cooperative behaviors. Considering robots are integrated

18、 hardware and software systems, great advances will also be needed in sensors (传感器) , energy storage, and materials.”1The RoboCup is aimed to develop robots that know how to _.Aplay computer football gamesBplay football and win in real matchesCunderstand the rules of the football gameDimprove the sk

19、ills of real football players答案:B细节理解题。根据第二段“.where robots have been programmed to learn how to play football and compete against others in a football match.”可知应选B。2What kind of difficulties are the robots facing in playing football?AThey cant run as fast as real people.BThey cant recognize their pa

20、rtners accurately.CThey cant control the ball well by themselves.DThey cant pass the ball to their partners.答案:C细节理解题。根据第三段“.the robots are having difficulty in learning how to control the ball and move the ball on their own.”可知应选C。3The idea of designing a computer program that could defeat a chess

21、champion came forth _.Ain 1968 Bin 1978Cin the 1990s D30 years ago答案:A细节理解题。根据第四段“In 1968,John McCarthy and Donald Michie made a bet with David Levy, who was then the chess champion in Scotland.”可知应选A。4Whats the best title for this passage?AScientists Wisdom in Designing Robot Football PlayersBRobot

22、 Football Players to Beat the Worlds Best Team by 2050CRobot Football Players Bright FutureDMr Sammutthe Father of Robot Football Players答案:B主旨大意题。文章主要讲的是机器人足球队在2050年可能会打败人类最好的足球队,故B项能体现文章的大意。BTOKYOIf you grow old in Japan, you may expect to be served food by a robot, ride a voicerecognition wheelch

23、air or even possibly hire a nurse in a robotic suitall examples of cuttingedge technology to care for the countrys rapidly graying population.With nearly 22 percent of Japans population already aged 65 or older, businesses here have been rolling out everything from easyentry cars to remotecontrolled

24、 beds, fueling a caretechnology market worth some $1. 08 billion in 2006, according to industry figures.At a home care and rehabilitation(恢复) convention in Tokyo this week, buyers crowded round a demonstration of Secom Co. s My Spoon feeding robot, which helps elderly or disabled people eat with a s

25、poon and a fitted swiveling(转动的) arm.Operating a joystick (操纵杆) with his chin, developer Shigehisa Kobayashi maneuvered the arm toward a block of soft tofu, deftly (灵巧地) getting the fork to break off a piece. The arm then returned to a preprogrammed position in front of the mouth, allowing Kobayashi

26、 to bite and swallow.“Its all about empowering people to help themselves,”Kobayashi said. The Tokyobased company has already sold 300 of the robots,which come with a price tag of $ 3,500.“We want to give the elderly control over their own lives,”he said.The rapidly aging population here has spurred

27、a spate of concerns: a labour shortage, tax falls, financial difficulties in paying the health bills and pensions of large numbers of the elderly.Moreover, a breakdown of family ties in recent years means a growing number of older Japanese are spending their golden years away from the care tradition

28、ally provided by children and grandchildren.Thats where cuttingedge technology steps in. 5Shigehisa Kobayashi is the name of _.Aan elderly patientBa robotCthe developer of the robotDthe head of a company答案:C细节理解题。从文章第四段可知,这是机器人的研发者。6The underlined word “maneuvered” in the fourth paragraph probably m

29、eans “_”Amoved skillfully Bturned carefullyClifted with effort Dfixed quickly答案:A词义猜测题。从第四段对这一机器人的描述可知,因为它是专门喂老年人和残疾人食物的机器人,因此机器臂要能转动自如才行。7My Spoon feeding robot is specially designed for _.Athose aged 55 or olderBthose who have difficulty in feeding themselvesCthose who have lost the ability of eat

30、ingDthose who can move their arms freely答案:B推理判断题。由第三段可知,这个机器人是为帮助吃饭有困难的人专门设计的。8With the special robots, the elderly in Japan can _.Aput their lives under the control of the robotsBhelp themselvesCsave a lot of money for the governmentDhave their medical bills reduced答案:B推理判断题。文章倒数第四段有说明“Its all about empowering people to help themselves.”。选 做 题.短文改错此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个沟();如有错误(每行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正;此行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线(/)划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词。并也用斜线划掉。此行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词

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