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1、个人手工制作中学英语趣味任务连连做五十六中学英语趣味任务连连做(五十六)(任务一)英语知识趣谈-英语趣味问答1.What would be the next number in this series? 0 5 1 4 2 ? 2,3 , -1 , 10 答案是3,0加5等于5,1加4等于5,以此类推2应该加上3才能等于5,所以应该选32.Which word is least like the others? ROSE - DELIVERER - RABBIT - HIGHWAY - HORSE答案是HIGHWAY,ROSE(玫瑰)、RABBIT (白兔)、DELIVERER(搬运工)与HO

2、RSE(马)都是有生命的东西,因此唯一的一个不同类的单词就是HIGHWAY-高速公路。3 What would be the next picture in this series? Choose one of the following five: 答案是A。这个题目看起来有点杂乱无章,可是,如果你的心足够地细,那么你会发现,原来小方块一直在这个等腰三角形的顶角上,而那个小球却在不停地在三个角上轮流运动,那么小球的下一个位置应当是又回到了顶角,中间的小方块是不动的,因此应该选择图a。4.If you rearrange the letters in GOICCHA, you get a na

3、me of a/an: CITY - ANIMAL - COUNTRY - PARK 答案是CITY(城市),GOICCHA经过重新安排可以得到CHICAGO(芝加哥),芝加哥是美国中西部的一个大城市,大名鼎鼎的芝加哥公牛队就是这个城市的象征。(任务二)英语趣味知识-英语知识竞答思维训练. 1 Why is jaywalking tiring?乱穿马路为什么很累?2Why are giraffes considered intelligent?人们为什么认为长颈鹿是有智慧的?3Why are horses considered talented in painting?人们为什么认为马在绘画方

4、面有天赋?答案1Because it may make one have a rundown feeling.因为它有可能让人觉得身体情况不佳。2Because its the highest form of animal life因为它是动物的最高形态。3 Because they draw a lot of things.因为它们拖很多很多东西。(任务三)英语趣味句子1、Be honest rather clever.诚实比聪明更要紧。2、Being on sea, sail; being on land, settle.随遇而安。3、Be just to all, but trust n

5、ot all.要公正对待所有的人,但不要轻信所有的人。4、Believe not all that you see nor half what you hear.眼见的不能全信,耳闻的也不能半信。5、Be slow to promise and quick to perform.不轻诺,诺必果。(任务四)英语精美故事连连读聊斋志异英文版:吕无病This is a story from Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio. MrSun of Luoyang married the daughter of a magistrate. About twenty day

6、s after the wedding,his wife died of illness. Sun was extremely sad. One rainy day,an average-looking girl came to his house and said:My name is Lu Wubing. I admire you for losing your sife at such a young age;I admire you for your courage at this difficult time. I come to offer help; Iam willing to

7、 be your maid.Mr1Sun waw that she was simple,generous,diligent,kind and able to read and write,so he accepted her as his concubine,rather than as a maid. He later married a woman named XuA year later,Xu bore him a boy as her own child. Ahjian loved Lu Wubin more than his mother. When Ahjian was thre

8、e years old,Xu fell seriously ill,and she told Sun,Wubing loves Ahjian. Please let Wubing be the wife after I die.In tears,Sun promised he would dw so. Nevertheless,he could not follow through on his promise because his family did notgive its permission. His family elders dictated that Sun marry a w

9、oman named Wang,the daughter of an official. Wang,short-tempered,often beat and scolded Wubing and Ahjian. There the whole family was neither in harmony nor tranquil. Sun went far away from home to avoid the shrewish woman. After a while,Wubing could bear it no longer. She took Ahjian and escaped. S

10、he cold him about what had happened in the family and his sons whereabouts. While telling the story,she was weeping and crying and then suddenly she fainted,falling on the ground. Sun rushed to help her,only to find her clothes on the ground. She had disappeared. By then,Sun realized that Lu Wubing

11、was the incarnation of a ghost. In memory of Lu Wubing Sun set up a tombstone with the epitaph:Tomb of Lu Wubing,my ghost wife.聊斋志异中的故事。洛阳孙公子,娶太守女儿为妻。婚后二十天妻子得一场大病去世,公子十分悲伤。一天下大雨,有一相貌平平的女子挑帘进来说:“我叫吕无病,见公子青春丧偶,又屡屡悲伤,我慕公子才华,特来投奔,愿作使女。” 公子见他朴素大方,殷勤温柔,又识文断字,便收为妾。孙公子又娶许小姐为妻,一年后生一子名叫阿坚。吕无病如同自己孩子一样爱惜,阿坚对吕无病

12、比亲母亲还亲。阿坚三岁时,许小姐得重病,她叮嘱公子说:“无病爱阿坚,我死后把无病扶正。”公子含泪答应,无奈家族不许,又娶王天宫女儿为妻。王女性格暴燥,对无病、阿坚打骂为常事,吵得全家不得安定。公子为避恶妇远离家乡,后来,无病看到在这个家实在无法呆下去了,就带上阿坚逃跑了。她把阿坚寄托在熟人家中,自己千方百计去打听公子的下落。寻到公子后,告诉阿坚住的地方,又泪流满面的诉说家中发生的情况。边说边哭,昏倒在地。孙公子要去扶她,只见衣服在地上,人早没影了。孙公子这才明白,吕无病原是鬼变的。公子为纪念吕无病,专为她立了一块石碑,上刻:鬼妻吕无病之墓。(任务五)英语歌曲连连唱在雨中哭泣 Crying In

13、 The Rain歌词Ill never let you seeThe way my broken heart is hurting meIve got my pride and I know how to hideAll my sorrow and painIll do my crying in the rainIf I wait for cloudy skiesYou wont know the rain from the tears in my eyesYoull never know that I still love you soThough the heartaches remai

14、nIll do my crying in the rainRaindrops falling from heavenWill never wash away my miseryBut since were not togetherIll wait for stormy weatherTo hide these tears I hope youll never seeSomeday when my cryings doneIm gonna wear a smile and walk in the sunI maybe a fool,but till then, darling youWill n

15、ever see me complainIll do my crying in the rainIf i wait for cloudy skiesYou wont know the rain from the tears in my eyesYoull never know that I still love you soThough the heartaches remainIll do my crying in the rainRaindrops falling from heavencould never wash away my miseryBut since were not to

16、getherI look for stomy weatherTo hide these tears I hope you never seeSomeday when my cryings doneIm gonna wear a smile and walk in the sunI maybe a fool, but till then,darling youWill never see me complainIll do my crying in the rain从不让你看见 心碎怎样伤害我 我还那么骄傲, 还知道怎么隐藏 我的悲伤和痛苦 在雨中哭泣 如果我等来到是暴风骤雨 你就不会知道是我的眼泪幻化成了雨 你就不会知道 我爱你依旧 尽管我心痛依然 我选择在雨中哭泣 天国的雨水 永远冲不走我的悲伤 既然已经不能在一起 那就让我等来暴风雨 它会掩藏我的泪水让你永远看不见 如果有一天我不再哭泣 微笑的在阳光中漫步 也许那时候我已是个傻瓜 但是那时候,亲爱的,你就永不会看见我的悲叹 哭泣在雨中 哭泣在雨中 哭泣在雨中 哭泣在雨中

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