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1、上海高考英语模拟练习卷1上海高考模拟练习卷 1 (2013.1.22)wkd第I卷I.听力(略)124题n .Grammar and VocabularySection A25.( ) It was claimed that his daughter was engaged a sound all-round B. in C. about D. for26.( ) The winning prize in the Wife-carry ing World Champi on ships is an amount of beerequal to of the winner

2、 s wife s body B. this C. that D. those27( ) An Indian man has been described as the world s sthialenajled heshigh school exams 38 times.A.bad B. worse C. worst D. worse ned28.( ) Restaurants, clothing stores and book stores from providing free plasticshopp ing bags.A.have prohibited B.

3、are prohibit ingC. have bee n prohibited D. will prohibit29.( ) Often listening to MP3 with a high-volume lead to permanent hearing loss.A.must B. may C. should D. n eed30.( ) It less likel y that an earthquake will happe n in Sha nghai, accord ing to a report the urba n quake risks of 30 major citi

4、es.A.estimated B. to estimate C. being estimated D. estimati ng31.( ) pan das diets usually con sist mostly of bambothey can also eat meat andthey sometimes catch in sects and small birds.A.Much as B. On con diti on C. Providi ng that D. The mome nt32.( ) Hotels in Beijing a rising reservation rate

5、in spite of a slight drop in theaverage room price last mon th.A.saw B. see C. was see ing D. had see n33.( ) -What is it that made Obama happy? - the US Preside nt.A.To elect B. Electi ng C. Bei ng elected D. Hav ing elected34.( ) Scien tists are actively searchi ng for liv ing thi ngs and sending

6、messages into space just liv ing thi ngs do exist.A.eve n if B. as though C. as long as D. in case35.( ) About 2/3 of the world population watched Beijing Olympic events, making theGames the most in history.A.watchi ng B. hav ing watched C. watched D. to watch36.( ) It s reported some 100,000 colleg

7、e graduates will be chosen to assume villageofficials across the country in 5 years.A.if B. because C. whe n D. that37.( ) A lack of sense of family responsibility has caused many couples born in the 1980s quickly.A.divorce B. to divorce C. divorc ing D. divorced38.( ) Many people sleep with the cha

8、rging phones right next to their heads, couldin crease the cha nces of gett ing cancer.A.which B. whom C. who D. that39.( ) Most people take Internet search engines for gran ted, Page and Brin have adiffere nt view.A.before B. but C. after D. uni ess40.( ) An idea occurred to the headmaster he might

9、 resolve the problem ofsecurity in school.A. which B. who C. that D. whereSection nallyD.successfulE.n ecessarilyF.n ervousG.victimH.bla nkI.supplyJ.strikeYou re making a PowerPoint presentation to a group of professors, for which you have stayed over ni ght. Eve n though your

10、 kn ees knock together, you try really hard to prete nd to be con fide nt on the site. All of a sudde n, however, your mind goes 41 , for one of the professors shoots a gla nee at you, and he whispers somethi ng toano ther professor beside him. All kinds of questi ons 42 your mind at the sametime. D

11、id I say something wrong? Am I making a bad impression? Such un comfortable feeli ngs totally 43 you.If you once found yourself trapped in this nightmare situation, you fit the typical model of a shy person. Shy people, as many experts define in their studies, usually fall 44 to what is simply a car

12、eless gla nee or a meanin gless 45 . What s more, because of their low self judgeme nt rooted deeply in their mi nd, they often cannot take friendly comments like you are ntft so 46 , you ll make abetter performanee. But being shy doesn 4 7 mean being lacking in abilityor compete nee. Rather, many s

13、hy people are capable professi on als. And what disti nguishes betwee n a 48 com muni cator and a shy sharer is just that the lattern eeds to build up his self con fide nee.Despite the terrible situations shy people are usually involved in, there s definitely hope for them. According to experts, 40

14、percent of the shy population can 49 overcome shyn ess if give n eno ugh en courageme nt and support.IH .Reading Comprehension Section ATheres a new security threat at the USA military basea nd it looks like a can of Coke._50_ prepared Coke cans, part of a summer promotio n ,con tai n _51_ and globa

15、l positioning chips. That has officials worried the cans _52_ be used to eavesdrop , and they are con sideri ng _53_ measures.Coca-Cola says such _54_ are nonsen se.The can is greatly _55_ looking,” Mart Martin, a CocaCola spokesman said . The cans have a special desig n on the outside and a big red

16、 butt on . It clear that theresmobile pho ne device.Whe n a pers on _56_ the butt on , it can only call cokes prize cen ter , he said .Data from the GPS(Global Positi oning System ) device can _57_ be received by Cokes prize center. Prizes include cash , a home entertainment center , and an SUT (Spo

17、rt Utility Vehicle ). It cannot be an eavesdropp ing device”,Marti n said._58_ ,the US military basesare asking soldiers to - examine their Coke cans _59_ bringing them in .Wee take n measures to make sure every one _60_ of this con test and to make sure devices are cleared _61_ there taken in to _6

18、2_ areas, she said.Bruce Don , a senior analyst , said the military concern is rational and appropriate.Theres a lot of reas on to worry about how the tech no logy could be used by a _63_ party without Cokesk no wledge : he said.Asked if Coke would limit the promotional campaign because of the _64_

19、issue ,Martin said , No.Theres no reason to”50.A. EspeciallyB.SpeciallyC.Mai phonesC.pois onD.cash52.A.couldB.mustC.shouldD.ought to53.A.detectiveB.immediateC.activeD.protective54.A.c oncernsB.wordsC.promotio ns D.measures55.A.beautifulB.differe ntC.similarD.amazi ng

20、 ndsB.fixesC.holdsD.pushes57.A. nowB.usuallyC.on lyD.hardly58.A.Amusi nglyB.No nethelessC.Defi nitelyD.ln stead59.A.afterB.whe nC.before D.unl ess60.A.c oncernedB.i nefitD.aware61.A.u ntilB.afterC.beforeD.u nless62.A.restrictedB.rema

21、irdD.secret64.A.certai no logyD.militarySection B:(A)When you are advised to get an educati on ”f you want to raise your in come , you are only told half the truth . What you should be told is to get just eno ugh educati on to provide man power for your society , but not too much e

22、ducation that would prove an embarrassment ( 窘迫)to your society .Get a high school diploma , at least . Without that, you are occupati on ally dead , uni ess your n ame happe ns to be George Bernard Shaw or Thomas Alva Edis on and you can successfully drop out in grade school .Get a college degree ,

23、 if possible . With a BA, you are on the launching pad . But now you have to start to put on the brakes . If you go for a master degree , make sure it san MBA, and only from a first-rate uni versity . Bey ond this ,the famous law of dimi nish ing returns ( 报酬递减规律性)begins to take effect . Do you know

24、 , for instance , that heavy truck drivers earn more a year than full professors ? Yes , the average 1977 salary for those truckers was $ 24,000, while the full professor man aged to average just $ 23,930.A Ph. D is the highest degree you can get , but except in a few specialized fields such as phys

25、ics or chemistry , where the degree can quickly be turned to in dustrial or commercial purposes , you are facing a dark future . There are more Ph. Ds un employed or un deremployed in this country tha n in any other part of the world by far .If you become a doctor of Philosophy in English or History

26、 or Anthropology or Political Science or Ianguage or-worst of all-in Philosophy , you run the risk of becoming overeducated for our n ati onal dema nds .Thousands of Ph. Ds are selling shoes , driving cabs , waiting on tables and filling out fruitless applications month after month . And then maybe

27、taking a job in some high school or backwater (死气沉沉)college that pays much less than the janitor (门卫)earns .In come and educati on are closely related . Far eno ugh ,that is , to make you useful to the gross n ati onal product , but not so far that no body can turn much of a profit on you .65.Accord

28、ing to the writer , what the society expects of education is to turn out people who .A.will become loyal citizens to a nation B. can always take good care of themselvesC. will not be a shame to society or their fam Des can meet the dema nds as a source of man power66. If you are as gifted as Bernard

29、 Shaw or Edis on .A . you can get a high school diploma without can be professi on ally successful without a diplomaC.the least you should do is to get a will be successful in grade school67.Many Ph. Ds are out of work because .A.they are of little commercial value to the

30、 societyB.they prefer easy jobs with more moneyC.they are fewer jobs in high schoolsD.they are wrongly educated68.According to the passage , which of the following is NOT true ?A . The higher your education level is , the more money you learn .B.If you are too well-educated , you may make things dif

31、ficult for the societyC.One must think carefully before going for a master degree .D.Bernard Shaw did n tfi nish high school, nor did Edis on .(B)CFNFRIC NAMEDESLORATADINE INSTRUCTIONSDESLORA TADINE (地氟雷他定 药物名称)USESDesloratadine provides relief of seasonal allergy (过敏)symptoms and allergic nose con diti ons such as runny no se, sn eez ing, and watery eyes.HOW TO USETake this medicati on by mouth once a day or as directed by your doctor.Do not in crease your doseor take this more ofte n tha n directed.Do not take th

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