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1、黑龙江省龙东南七校学年高二英语上学期期末联考试题2020 学年度上学期期末龙东南七校联考高二(英语)试题考试时长: 120 分钟 试卷满分: 150 分第一卷第一部分:单项选择(共 20 道小题,每题 1 分,满分 20 分)Union.A.directly B. direct C. immediate D. instant5. Don t take for granted that he will keep his promise.A. lay; laid B. lied; lay C. lied;lied D. lay, lied7.Don t an excuse. It s no use

2、.D. go upA. make upB.take upC.pick up8. is no need to worry about the matter.A. It B. That C. This D. There9.Do you know how many parts this machine ?A. consists in B. consists of C. is consisted of D. consists with10.He wanted to book a ticket for the football match , but missed11.the chance.posses

3、sion of his brother.13. Many appplicants were without being admitted to.14. my homework, I went to bed.A. On finishing B. In finishing C. To finish D. Finishing16.I don t regret him what I thought even if it might have upset him.17.The boss is good terms with his staff.A.on B. in C. of D. at18.All t

4、he students laughter when David walked into the classroomlike Donald Duck.A. broke up B. broke out C. burst out D. burst into19.My neighbour s son was of being a soldier though he was soweak and thin.A. worried B. anxious C. ambitious D. eager20.He was walking along the beach. All of sudden, he saw

5、a beautifulgirl dancing music.A. a; with B. / ; with C. / ; to D. a ; to第二部分: 阅读理解(本题共两节 20 道小题,每题 2 分,满分 40 分)第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项( A、B、C、D )中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上填涂。本题共 15 小题,每题 2 分,满分 30 分ASome students prefer a part-time job after class to earn some money and improve themselves. Here are some good com

6、panies:IN-N-Out BurgerIt is the best hamburger shop in the west of America. Regarded as one of the best employers, it offers flexible hours and the highest part-time salaries( 薪水 ). Above all, the company treats its employees the way they would like to be treated: like family. However, there is no d

7、iscount offered to its employees.Position: selling assistant (experience required)Website: CoffeeStarbucks has been at the forefront( 前沿 ) of the United States coffee revolution. Working hours are flexible. Fit twenty hours of work into your week. There is also a 30% discoun

8、t and a free pound of coffee or box of tea every week.Position: assistant coffee taster(experience required)Website: www.Starbucks.ComWhole Foods MarketWhole Foods Market is the world slargest natura l and organic food selling company. With its focus on organic ingredients, Whole Foods Market is all

9、 about health. Working hours are flexible. Benefits include paid-time off and a 20% discount so you can eat like a king or at least like a top chef in training. There are also training courses on health and food every week.Position: secretaryWebsite:.Lands EndLands End is a Wisconsin -based clothes

10、store that focuses on casual comfort and warmth for the great outdoors. Employees(even part-time employees) have the chance to go to a company-owned entertainment centre and get a 25% discount on theme parks and movies, and an invitation to the yearly company picnic. Besides, for part-time employees

11、, working hours are flexible and they can come to work anytime they like as long as they work for 4 hours a day.Position: salespersonWebsite:21.Which company offers its employees the best discount?A. In-N-Out Burger. B. Whole Foods Market.C. Lands End. D. Starbucks Coffee.22.Which website should you

12、 visit if you are interested in selling clothes?A. B. D. 23.What do the four companies have in common?A. Working hours are flexible. B. Training courses are offered.salaries.BThe use of cars is becoming more and more popular in the twentiethcen tury. A large nu mber of the worlds populat

13、i on are now able to buy and use cars.Having a car gives much mobility, en abli ng the driver to move aroundfreely. The owner of a car is no Ion ger forced to depe nd on public tran sportand does nt, therefore, have to work in a place n ear his home. In stead, hecan choose from a greater variety of

14、jobs and he could change his job freque ntly.Travelling to work by car is also more comfortable than having to usepublic tran sport; the driver can use the heat ing in win ter and the aircon diti oning in summer to meet his own n eed and prefere nee. There is no discomfort caused by wait ing forbuse

15、s, trains or underground trains etc. With the building of good fastmotorways long distances can be covered rapidly and pleasantly. Also, forthe first time in the century, many people are able to enjoy their free time to the full by making trips to the countryside or seaside at weekends. This feeling

16、 of independence and the freedom to go wherever you please is perhaps the greatest advantage of the car.24.What does the writer think of the public transport?A.It enables a variety of jobs B. It is not comfortable at allC. It gives less mobility D. It is becoming more popular thanbefore25.Traveling

17、by bus may be .A.less comfortable than by underground trainB.more comfortable than by other transportC.less comfortable than by carD.less comfortable than by other public transport26.What does the underlined word mean?A. with difficulty B. from time to timeC. against his own will D. never27.What doe

18、s the writer think of having a car of your own?D. It offers free trips.A. It has lots of independence. B. It offers lots of advantages.C. It gives the feeling of freedom.CForget drinking countless glasses of water or getting your beauty sleep The secret of looking young is simply to stay out of the

19、sun A study of hundreds of women has revealed that those who avoided the sun srays looked up to 20 years younger than they actually are. However, other supposed rules for a youthful complexion, from drinking lots of water to sleeping well and exercising regularly, failed to hold back the hands of ti

20、me.Only keeping out of the sun, and wearing sunscreen when this wasnpossible, made a difference, the A merican Academy of Dermatology s annual conference will hear today.The finding comes from a study of 231 women of all ages who were quizzed about their lives, including whether they were sun-loves.

21、 When researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital in the US guessed how old the women were, they found those who took care in the sun tended to have aged more slowly.Four lucky women had so few wrinkles and age spots and such a glowing complexion ,that they appeared to be twenty years younger th

22、an they really were Researcher Dr Alexa Kimball said the popular belief that we drink lots of water to stay healthy is false an d the body is “ pretty goodat judg”inghow much we need Previous research by the British Nutrition Foundation reached a similar conclusion It isn t clear why the women who s

23、lept well didn t have younger-looking skin But it may be that the question they were asked was too narrow and didn t consider their lon-tgerm sleep patterns 28 Which way can help women stay younger according to the study?AHaving a good sleep BDrinking plenty of water CTaking exercise regularly D Kee

24、ping out of the sun 29 How did the researchers know the finding about women of all ages?AThrough calls B. Through games CBy quizzes D By interviewing face to face 30 What s the main purpose of the passage?ATo introduce a good way to make women look younger BTo explain how scientists carried out the

25、research C To prove people s previous ideas are trueDTo persuade women to change their long-term sleep patterns 31 This passage is most probably taken from Aa school textbook B a science fiction Ca reference book D a science paper come to the Internet Of course , people can also learn through readin

26、g orlistening to the radio . But with the Internet they can learn better and more easily . A lot of information can be collected at a great speed .Can we go shopping without leaving home ? Can we see a doctorwithout going to the hospital ? Can we study without going to school ? Can we draw money wit

27、hout going to the bank ? All these things seemed to beimpossible , but now have become true .The Internet helps us to ope n our eyes . The Internet also helps to ope nour minds . The Internet often gives us new ideas . In a word , it helps us in many ways . Great changes have taken place in our life

28、 since the use of the In ternet .32.Whats the main idea of the sec ond paragraph ? A.We can lear n on ly through readi ng or liste ning to the radio .B.We can know everyth ing through the In ternet .C.We can become wise because of the InternetD.A lot of information can be collected at a great speed

29、through theIn ternet .33.According to the third paragraph , we can do the following on theIn ternet EXCEPT .A.go shopp ing without leav ing homeB.see a doctor without going to the hospitalC.draw money without without going to school34.The un derl ined senten ce The Internet also helps t

30、o ope n ourminds . means .A.we can get some new ideas from the InternetB.someth ing is wrong with our mi nds because of the In ternetC.our minds cant be ope ned uni ess we search the InternetD.we cannot thi nk without the Internet35.The passage mainly tells us A.we dont need banks , schools or hospi

31、talsB.the Internet helps us a lot in many waysC.the Internet is everythi ngD.we cannot live without the Internet第二节(本节共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为 多余选项。Have you ever see n an ani mal being mistreated ( 虐待)? See ing a pet orwild ani mal get hurt might make you sad, an gry, or afraid. 36 Infact, the good n ews is that every one in clud ing you can be a help inghand for ani mals.Keep your eyes

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