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1、全新版大学英语听说教程4原文期末英语听力考试范围第一大题 20个短对话 20分。(本科和艺术均选自课外,艺术难度稍低。)第二大题 长对话 3篇 30 分 分别选自全新版新交互PartB 和自主学习网上部分。第三大题 篇章听力理解 3篇 30分 分别选自全新版, 新交互,艺术有一篇选自课外,难度低于四级。第四大题 听写 20分 分别选自全新版和自主学习网上部分。全新版是上过的1,3,5,6,7,8,10。新交互(1-7)Part B。自主学习部分占20%,课外占20%以上,课本均为改编题。考试时间估计是6月25日。注:新交互的听力原文书后附有,故不再打印出来,这里仅给大家复印全新版学过的part

2、B、C的内容(其中包括的短对话也已删除)Unit1 Part B The Hospital Window Jack and Ben, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. Jack, whose bed was next to the rooms only window, was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. But Ben had to spend all day

3、and night flat on his bed. To kill time the two men began to talk. They talked for hours about their wives, families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service, and where they had been on vacation. As days went by, a deep friendship began to develop between them. Every after

4、noon when Jack could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to Ben all the things he could see outside the window. And Ben began to live for those one-hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the world outside. The window overlooked a park

5、with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm amid flowers of every color of the rainbow. Grand old trees beautified the landscape, and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance. As Jack described a

6、ll this in exquisite detail, Ben would close his eyes and imagine the picturesque scenes. One warm afternoon Jack described a parade passing by. Although Ben couldnt hear the band - he could see it in his minds eye as Jack portrayed it with descriptive words. Days and weeks passed. One morning the d

7、ay nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body of Jack, who had died peacefully in his sleep. She was saddened and called the hospital attendants to take the body away. Ben was heart broken. Life without Jack was even more unbearable. How he longed to hear Jacks voice

8、 and his melodious descriptions of the outside world! As he looked at the window, an idea suddenly occurred to him. Perhaps he could see for himself what it was like outside. As soon as it seemed appropriate, Ben asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch,

9、and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone. Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the world outside. Finally, he would have the joy of seeing it for himself! He strained to slowly turn to look out the window beside the bed. It faced a blank

10、 wall! What could have compelled my roommate to describe such wonderful things outside this window? Ben asked the nurse when she returned. Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you to live on, she said. You know, he was blind and could not even see the wall. Unit 3 Part B Birthday Celebrations Around

11、the World Chairman: Welcome to this special birthday edition of One World. Yes, folks, weve been on the air for exactly one year now, and we thought it would be a nice idea to have a special program dedicated to birthday celebrations around the world. With us in the studio tonight we have Shaheen Ha

12、g and Pat Cane, who have a weekly column on birthdays in the Toronto Daily Star.Shaheen: Good evening. Pat: Good evening.Chairman: Shaheen, perhaps we could begin with you. How are birthdays celebrated in India? Shaheen: Well, perhaps were all assuming that everyone in the world celebrates their bir

13、thday. This just isnt the case. Low-income families in India, for instance, simply cant afford any festivities. And most Muslims dont celebrate their birthdays.Pat: I think Shaheen has raised an interesting point here. The Christian church, too, was actively against celebrating birthdays, and in any

14、 case most people, until a couple of hundred years ago, couldnt even read and wouldnt have even been able to spot their birthday on a calendar anyway.Shaheen: Of course some Muslims do celebrate their birthdays. In Egypt, Turkey and Indonesia, for example, the rich people invite friends and families

15、 around. But not in small villages.Chairman: Here in England your twenty-first used to be the big one. But now it seems to have moved to eighteen. Is that true?Pat: Yes, in most parts of the West eighteen is now the most important birthday. In Finland, for example, eighteen is the age when you can v

16、ote, you know, or buy wines, drive a car and so on. But in Japan I think you have to wait till youre twenty before you can smoke or drink.Shaheen: I know in Senegal, which is another Muslim country, girls get to vote at sixteen and boys at eighteen. And in Bangladesh, girls at eighteen and boys at t

17、wenty-one.Chairman: Thats interesting. I mean is it typical that around the world girls are considered to be more mature than boys?Shaheen: Yes, I think so, and there are some countries, particularly in South America, which have a big party only for girls. In Mexico and Argentina, for example, they

18、have enormous parties for 15-year-old girls.Pat: You know in Norway they have a great party for anyone whos not married by the time theyre thirty. Its kind of embarrassing. I mean you get pepper thrown at you.Chairman: Pepper? Why pepper?Pat: Im not really sure.Shaheen: So does that mean that on you

19、r 29th birthday you can start thinking God I better get married?Pat: Well, Im not sure how seriously they take it.Chairman: In England we have quite big parties for your fortieth, fiftieth, sixtieth and so on. Pat: Well, in Japan your eighty-eighth is considered .Chairman: Eighty-eighth? Pat: . to b

20、e the luckiest birthday. Eight is a very lucky number in Japan. Part C One World One MinuteOne World One Minute is a unique film project that invites participants in every country around the globe to record, simultaneously, one minute of their lives, one minute of our world. Sponsors of this project

21、 have chosen 12:48 GMT, September 11th 2002 as the one minute to record. At that moment exactly a year earlier began the terrorist attacks that led to the deaths of more than 2,000 people from over 60 countries. For many this will be a time of remembrance and reflection. And for others this will be

22、an appropriate time for international communication, cooperation and sharing. It will offer them an opportunity to share a moment of their world and their life with others, an opportunity to both talk to and listen to the world, to join with others around the globe and create a truly unique record a

23、nd experience. This is the idea behind the project One World One Minute. Participants are free to choose what and how to record their One Minute. Some may want to take photographs, some paint or draw pictures, while others may want to write something and record their readings. The material can be su

24、bmitted to the project organizers in Scotland via e-mail or post within 6 weeks of September 11th. All the material will then be made into a feature-length film, which will capture that One Minute of our existence. The film will explore the rich diversity that is both humanity and our world. It will

25、 allow a voice to all people regardless of nationality, religion, race, political viewpoint, gender or age. The rich diversity that is Humanity shall be there for all to see. Participants will not only be kept informed of the progress of the film and the release process but will be invited to active

26、ly participate through newsletters and discussion forums. When the film is finished, it will be shown in every country of the world, both in cinemas and on TV. Contributors will be invited to attend the premiere of the film in their respective countries and will receive a full screen credit on the f

27、inished production. Unit5 PartB How Our Memory Works Try to imagine a life without a memory. It would be impossible. You couldnt use a language, because you wouldnt remember the words. You couldnt understand a film, because you need to hold the first part of the story in your mind in order to unders

28、tand the later parts. You wouldnt be able to recognize anyone - even members of your own family. You would live in a permanent present. You would have no past and you wouldnt be able to imagine a future. Human beings have amazing memories. Apart from all our personal memories about our own lives, we

29、 can recall between 20,000 and 100,000 words in our own language as well as possibly thousands more in a foreign language. We have all sorts of information about different subjects such as history, science, and geography, and we have complex skills such as driving a car or playing a musical instrume

30、nt. All these things and countless others depend on our memory. How well you remember things depends on many different factors. Firstly, some people naturally have better memories than others, in just the same way as some people are taller than others, or have different color eyes. Some top chess pl

31、ayers, for example, can remember every move of every game that they have ever seen or played. Secondly, research shows that different things are stored in different parts of the brain. Ideas, words, and numbers are stored in the left-hand side, while the right-hand side remembers images, sounds, and

32、 smells. In most people one side of the brain is more developed than the other, and this may explain why some people can remember peoples faces easily, but cant remember their names. Thirdly, we all remember exciting, frightening, or dramatic events more easily. This is because these experiences produce chemicals such as adrenaline, which boost your memory. They say that anyone who is old enough to remember knows exactly where they were on Tuesday, September 11, 2001, when radio and TV programs around the world were interrupted with the shocking news th

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