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1、李阳疯狂英语突破语法自制浓缩精华版第一章 时态每种语言都有自己的特色,正是因为时态的变化,才让英语具有独特的魅力。我爱一般现在时:I love grammar. / I hated grammar before. / I will be a grammar master. 我爱过去将来时:I thought I would never learn grammar well.我爱现在进行时:Im working on my grammar now.我爱过去进行时:I was struggling with my grammar .我爱将来进行时:I will be speaking with p

2、erfect grammar.我爱现在完成时:Ive studied grammar for ten years.我爱过去完成时:I had forgotten all the grammar I learned for exams.我爱现在完成进行时:Ive been studying grammar for ten years, but I still cant speak English.1、一般现在时表示现在的特征或经常性动作Top 1: I like English very much. 我非常喜欢英语。Top 2: Im Chinese.Im from Beijing. 我是中国人

3、,我来自北京。 Top 3: I hope you enjoy your stay here. 我希望你在这里过得愉快。2、一般现在时表示普遍真理Top 1: Blood is thicker than water. 血浓于水。Top 2: Health is better than wealth. 健康比财富更好。Top 3: Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand. 脑中有知识,胜过手中有金钱Top 4: Time is money. 时间就是金钱Top 5: Mothers always worry about their

4、children. 母亲总是为她们的孩子们操心3、一般过去时表示过去发生的动作或情况或习惯性动作Top 1: I came from a poor family. 我出身贫寒。Top 2: I was very shy when I was young. 我小时候很害羞。Top 3: I hated going to school. 我以前不喜欢去上学。4、一般将来时最单纯的未来式,表示将要发生的动作或情况Top 1: I will call you later. 我会给你打电话。Top 2: I will find out who did this. 我会查出是谁干的。Top 3: I wi

5、ll think about it. 我会考虑的。5、be going to形式的将来时表示打算将进行某一行动Top 1: Im going to study in America next year. 明年我要去美国留学。Top 2: Im going to get married next month. 下个月我要结婚了。 Top 3: Im going to look for a new job. 我打算找份新工作。6、用进行时表示将来表示即将来临的未来预定要做的事情,一般指个人计划要做的事Top 1: Im leaving Shanghai tomorrow. 我明天去上海。Top 2

6、: My parents are coming here next week. 我父母下星期要来。 Top 3: Im taking my CET band 4 next month. 我下个月要参加四级考试。 7、过去将来时表示从过去某时看将来要发生的事情,它有两种形式,一种是would+动词原形,一种是was / were+going to + 动词原形Top 1: I was going to call you when you came in. 你进来的时候我正要给你打电话。Top 2: She said she would come. 她说她会来的。 8、现在进行时表示说话时或现阶段

7、正在发生的事情,通常用于动态的、表示动作的动词Top 1: Im working on it. 我正为之努力。Top 2: Whos calling, please? 请问是哪位(打电话)? Top 3: What are you doing? 你在做什么?9、现在进行时表示不断重复的动作,带有某种感情色彩,如赞叹、厌烦等,常和always、constantly等一起用14. A:Youre always complaining.你总是在抱怨!B:Thats because you are always leaving your dirty socks on the floor!那是因为你总是

8、把脏袜子到处乱扔。10、过去进行时表示过去某一刻或某一段时间正在发生的事情Top 1: I was taking a shower when you called. 你打电话来的时候我正在洗澡。Top 2: I was working all weekend. 我整个周末都在工作。 Top 3: I wasnt trying to annoy you. 我没想要让你烦恼。11、将来进行时表示单纯的将来,说明未来某个时刻会发生的事情Top 1: Hurry up! The train will be arriving soon. 快!火车就要到了。Top 2: Will she be joini

9、ng us for dinner? 她会和我们一起吃饭吗?12、现在完成时表示已经发生的或尚未发生的动作或情况,也可表示开始于过去并持续到现在的事态,还可表示反复性和习惯性的动作。Top 1: I really love that movie.Ive seen it ten times. 我真的喜欢这部电影,我已经看过十遍了。Top 2: Ive never met him before. 我以前从来没有见过他。 Top 3: Shes worked here for three years. 她在这儿工作了三年。13、过去完成时表示过去某时前已经发生的或尚未发生的动作或情况Top 1:By

10、the end of the year, we had helped 50 00 homeless people. 到年底我们已经帮了50 00 个无家可归的人。Top 2:After CRAZYing to her again, I realized that I had been wrong. 再次跟她谈话后,我认识到我错了。Top 3:I had never used chop sticks before I came to China. 我来中国前没用过筷子。14、现在完成进行时表示从过去某时开始一直持续到现在的动作,特别强调事情尚要继续或刚刚停止Top 1: Ive been lea

11、rning English for ten years.Top 2: Ive been teaching in this school since I graduated.Top3: I have been dying to see you since I CRAZYed to you on the phone last week.15、过去完成进行时Top 1: He had been training for the mr ten years. Top 2: At last I got the package I had been expecting.Top 3: He had been

12、working very hard until he got sick. 第2章 名词的数 1、名词的规则复数-由名词-s或-es构成 (1) We have six English classes every week. (2) I hate washing dishes.A: Why do we have potatoes for dinner every day? B: I thought you liked potatoes. A: No, I hate potatoes. I like tomatoes! 2、集体名词-本身表示复数概念,所以不用加-s Say hello to yo

13、ur family. The Chinese are a great people. 3、抽象名词和物质名词 -没有单复数之分,如需计数,要使用数量词 A: Dont spend too much money on clothes. B: Dont worry. I wont. Thanks for your advice.Henry(1) Henry is at the supermarket and hes really upset. He just bought some groceries, and he cant believe he spent forty dollars! He

14、bought only a few oranges, a few apples, a little ice cream, and a few eggs. (2) He also bought just a little coffee, a few onions, a few bananas, a little rice, a little cheese, and a few lemons. He didnt buy very much fish, he didnt buy very many grapes, and he didnt buy very much meat. (3) Henry

15、spent forty dollars, but hes walking out of the supermarket with only two bags of groceries. No wonder hes upset! 第三章 情态动词 1、can-表示能力、许可 还可用来请求或提供帮助 Top 1: She can speak three different languages. Top 2: You can do anything if you try. Top 3: Do you think you can pass the test? 【超级否定句型】 (1) I cant b

16、elieve it. (2) I cant make it. (3) I cant help you. (4) I cant eat anymore (5) I cant promise. (6) I cant finish it. (7) I cant hear you. (8) I cant help it. (9) I cant stand his lies. (10) I cant lend you any money. (11) I cant find my wallet. (12) I cant understand what you mean. 2、could-表示具有的能力,表

17、示可能发生的情况,也可表示一个可行的提议 Top 1: He could do better. Top 2: I could help you with your English if youd like. Top 3: That could be a good solution. 3、could have-表示能 够或可能但没有发生的动作或事件 CRAZY经典句 Top 1: I could have done a lot better. Top 2: I could have helped you, but I didnt know you were in trouble. Top 3:

18、I could have been anything. I could have been a doctor 4、cant have/couldnt have-表示觉得过去不可能发生的事 A: Has Jim left for home? I cant find him in the office. B: He couldnt have left so soon. He must be somewhere else in the company. 5、Would you-表示客气的请求 Top 1: Would you give me a hand? Top 2: Would you pass

19、 me the salt? Top 3: Would you please repeat that? A: Would you please be quiet? Im trying to concentrate. B: This is my house! I can do whatever I like. 6、may, might-表示可能发生的事 A: I might have gotten straight As this semester. B: Really? When will you know for sure? A: I may know by this afternoon. I

20、ll keep you posted. B: Good luck! I hope you are right. 7、May I-请求许可Top 1: May I use your computer? Top 2: May I smoke here? Top 3: May I ask you something? A: May I have your business card? B: Sure. Here you are. A: May I take off a little early today? B: No, I really need you to stay until 10:00.

21、8、should-表示应该 做或发生的事,可用于建议、命令等 Top 1: You should study hard. Top 2: You should think twice before you make a decision. Top 3: I think you should try again. 9、should have-表示本应该做某事,但没做,主要用于责备他人或表示自责 A: You should have worn warmer clothes. Its cold in Beijing These days. B: Well you should have told me

22、 it was cold before I left home. The weather is still warm in Guangzhou. 10、have to-表示 必 须、不得不 CRAZY经典句 Top 1: I have to go now Top 2: I have to change my plans. Top 3: I have to get some sleep. Im too tired. A: Why cant I speak English like you do? B: You have to practice more. (1) You dont have to

23、 come. (2) You dont have to remind me. (3) You dont have to decide now. 11、had better-表示建议,意为最好做Top 1: Youd better not waste time. Top 2: Youd better practice more. Top 3: Youd better get going or youll be late. A: Youd better not eat so many sweet things, or you will gain weight. B: Youre right. Le

24、t me just eat my last ice cream. 12、would-表示意愿 A: I would never CRAZY to him again. B: What did he do to make you so angry? A: I would try Chinese medicine to cure your cold. B: OK. Ill try.I just want to feel better.13、Would you like-表示询问对方是否需要什么 Top 1: Would you like anything else? Top 2: Would yo

25、u like to know the reason? Top 3: Would you like to join us for dinner? A: Would you like something to drink ? B: Thank you. Id like a cup of coffee. 14、must-表示必须 A: You must finish the job before five. B: Its impossible! There is only half an hour left! 15、must-表示揣测 16、must have-表示对过去的揣测 A: I must

26、have left my keys in the car. B: Oh no, did you lock the door? 17. shall-征求对方同意 A: Shall we leave? B: No, Im not quite ready yet. 18、Will you-表示请求 A: Will you please bring me some coffee? B: Sure. 第四章 不定式动词 1、不定式当主语(1) It isnt right to gossip about others. (2) It is not an easy thing to master a lan

27、guage. (3) How would it be to start tomorrow? (4) It cost me a lot of money to have the car repaired. 2、不定式当表语-不定 式可以在句中作表语, 起名词的作用 A: My wish is to be a doctor. What about yours? B: My wish is to be a billionaire! 3、be+不定式-在主语为人时,可表示义务、计划或可能、希望等将要发生的事 A: Where are we to meet? B: We are all supposed

28、 to meet at the gate at 7:00. 4、不定式当宾语-不定式可以在句中充当动词的宾语 Top 1: I want to become a millionaire. Top 2: I cant afford to buy a car. Top 3: He promised to help me with my English. 5、不定式当宾语补足语-不定式可以与动词及其宾语构成复合结构,此时不定式作宾语的补足语 Top 1: Jim wants you to call him back. Top 2: My teacher encouraged me to try ag

29、ain. Top 3: Force yourself to do more. 6、不定式当定语-不定式可以用作形容词,在句中充当定语,不同的是,不定式作宾语都是后置,放在所修饰的词之后 A: Li was the first to arrive. B: Really? Thats not like him. Hes always the last one to arrive. 7、不定式当状语-不定式可以用作副词,在句中充当状语,表示目的、 结果或原因 A: Ill do everything I can to help you.(目的) B: Youre really very kind t

30、o say so.(原因) A: What have I said to make you so upset? (结果) B: Everything you say makes me upset. You are too heartless! 8、不定式当状语-不定式当状语有一些常见的固定结构, A: He is old enough to make his own decision. B: I know he is old enough, but he is not smart enough! A: Youd better work harder in order to catch up w

31、ith the others. 9、不定式作独立成份-不定式可以在句中充当独立成份,用来说明说话人的态度,对全句进行解释 A: To tell the truth, I have no money with me. B: Then why did you invite me to lunch? A: Because I need some- one to pay the bill! 10、疑问词 + 不定式 - A: Have you decided whether to go or not? B: I really want to go, but I just dont have enough money to buy a ticket.

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