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全国卷高考倒计时5天语法专项练习 时事新闻有答案.docx

1、全国卷高考倒计时5天语法专项练习 时事新闻有答案高考倒计时5天语法填空1.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The launch of the sci-tech innovation board also provides reference 1._ ChiNext, Chinas another NASDAQ-style board for hi-tech companies in the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, on2._ (implement) the registration-based IPO system, Liu said

2、. To boost the domestic capital market, the government introduced the new Securities Law in March 3._expand the registration-based IPO system, 4._ ensures streamlining the approval procedures for companies to float shares in mainland stock markets, stricter 5._ ( requirement) on information disclosu

3、re, and tougher penalties for illegal market practices. Later in April, it 6._ (decide)to pilot the system at ChiNext to replace the approval-based one to boost startups.The sci-tech innovation board has seen rising foreign participation as China7._ (continue) to improve its A-share market and globa

4、l index provider MSCI further increases index weighting for China A-shares. Equities on the STAR Market have become eligible for inclusion in the Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) Global Investable Market Indexes (GIMI) since November last year.An Shumei, an employee of the British multina

5、tional 8._ (invest) bank HSBC Securities (USA), told China Securities Journal, the MSCIs A-share inclusion and the launch of the sci-tech innovation board have attracted more foreign 9._ (investor)to the Chinese capital market through the Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors and RMB Qualified F

6、oreign Institutional Investors programs.Further foreign participation in the STAR Market would require expansion of the sci-tech innovation board and smooth entry of eligible participants to facilitate the 10._ ( trade) of big institutional investors, Dong said.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7 ._ 8._ 9._ 1

7、0._2.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。According 1._ annual reports of the enterprises listed on the board on April 29, rising spending on R&D has driven technological innovation of the firms, 2._ created over 2,500 new patents in 2019.The board has tightened reviews of enterprises 3._ (list). Everse

8、c Technology Co. Ltd. was denied IPO by the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) in August last year, 4._ (mark)the first STAR market IPO denial. According to the CSRC, it found that the company had weaknesses in 5._ (it)accounting work.However, it has created inclusive rules to embrace eli

9、gible tech firms in different 6._ (grow) phases and with different equity structures, as a registration-based system with five sets of standards for listings is developed for unprofitable firms and red chip enterprises. The latter are enterprises registered overseas, 7._ (list)d in Hong Kong but mai

10、nly operating in the Chinese mainland.8._ January, Shanghai-based UCloud Technology Co. Ltd. went public on the board as the first company with a dual-class share structure on the A-share market. Suzhou Zelgen Biopharmaceuticals Co. Ltd. was also listed on the board in the same period, marking the9.

11、_ (begin)of the listing of loss-making enterprises on the A-share market.The inclusive standards have allowed some enterprises with great potential to be listed on the STAR market and grow 10._ (rapid), Dong Dengxin, Director of the Finance and Securities Institute, Wuhan University of Science and T

12、echnology, told Beijing Review.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7 ._ 8._ 9._ 10._3.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Besides the boards problems in IPO approval, 1._ (inform) disclosure and the delisting system were discussed during the Two Sessions. The SSE pledged that it will 2._ (strength) the information

13、 disclosure system to ease access of listing, enhance supervision and enforce administrative punishment for illegal practices more3._ (strict) to protect the interests of investors. It has highlighted the 4._ (introduct)of the T+0 system for investors to sell the stocks they buy on the same trading

14、day to ensure the liquidity in the market, and adjusted the SSE Composite Index system.A circular5._ ( release)by the SSE on June 5 said that it will introduce more supporting policies to attract high-quality red chip enterprises to list on the sci-tech innovation board.The measures can attract list

15、ed enterprises of diverse 6._ (innovate) to the A-share market, Dong said, adding that the sci-tech innovation board needs to be expanded to allow access7._ large-scale institutions and more capital.According to Liu, the STAR Market also needs to explore8._ different role from ChiNext and drive the

16、capital market through competition with the latter.As Xie Dong, Director of the Shanghai Municipal Financial Regulatory Bureau, 9._ (tell) Shanghai Observer, the sci-tech innovation board can play a greater role in boosting new infrastructure by backing Internet-based and intelligent enterprises. It

17、 needs to improve 10._ (it)global competitiveness and introduce a SSE STAR Market 50 component index.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._ 7 ._ 8._ 9._ 10._阅读理解Kazakhstan announced plans to bring wild tigers back to their historical range in the IliBalkhash region,and signed an agreement with World Wide Fund for

18、Nature(WWF) to conduct a tiger reintroduction program.“It will not only bring wild tigers back to their ancestral home,but also protect the unique ecosystem of the IliBalkhash region.”said Askar Myrzakhmetov,the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.If successful,Kazakhstan will be t

19、he first country in the world to bring wild tigers back to an entire region where they have died out for nearly half a century.Tiger reintroduction projects have only been achieved within national borders and in areas that are considered current tiger habitats(栖息地)Kazakhstans tiger reintroduction pr

20、ogram is unique and it desperately requires the restoration of a vast forest that is part of the wild tigers historical range.Since the beginning of the 20th century,wild tigers have lost over 90 per cent of their historical range.Wild tigers have completely disappeared from the region since the lat

21、e 1940s,due to the loss of habitat.To prepare for the return of wild tigers,on 1st January 2018 Kazakhstan will set up a new nature reserve in the southwestern IliBalkhash,in order to restore the unique forest habitat.This will include the protection of existing wildlife,and reintroducing important

22、prey(猎物),such as the endangered wild Bactrian deer.Restoring tigers will also help protect Lake Balkhash and prevent it from repeating the fate of the Aral Sea,formerly the worlds fourth largest lake and now 10 per cent of its original size.“The hard work remains ahead of us.We have to spare no effo

23、rt to make this region ready for tigers and involve all stakeholders(利益相关者) to make this happen.That means dealing with illegal activities,having these people who govern parks be welltrained and equipped,increasing prey populations and involving local communities,”said Ekaterina Vorobyeva,Director o

24、f the WWF program.1What is Askar Myrzakhmetovs attitude toward the tiger reintroduction program?ADoubtful. BFavorable.CConcerned. DDisapproving.2What made the wild tigers disappear in the IliBalkhash region?AThe increasing loss of prey.BThe evolution of the species.CThe lack of natural living places

25、.DThe serious environmental pollution.3Which measure may be taken for the reintroduction of tigers?ARegulating human activities.BLimiting the number of prey.CBuilding a reserve for tigers only.DTraining tigers to be more adaptable.4What is the best title of the passage?AEfforts to Restore Forests in

26、 KazakhstanBBringing Tigers Back Home to KazakhstanCAttempts to Handle Illegal Activities EffectivelyDPreventing Tigers Disappearing in Kazakhstan语法填空第一篇 for implementing to which requirements decided continuesinvestment investors trading第二篇 towhich to be listed marking its growth liste In beginning rapidly第三篇informationstrengthen strictly introduction released industriestoa told its 第四篇1B2C3A4B

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