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1、湖北省咸宁市中考英语试题卷含答案湖北省咸宁市2020年初中毕业生学业考试英语试卷考生注意:1.本认老分试题卷(共8页)和各題卷(共2页):仝基共78个小题(舍2个连做題); 满分120分,考试时间120分钟.2.考生答邈前,请将自己所在学校、柱名、准考证号填写在试.题卷和客題卷指定的位 并认夂阅读签题卷上的注意事项.3.考生答遭时,请在答翅巻上对应題亏的吾遨区域.内作答,苓案写在试邃卷上尢效。第一部分听力部分(共40分)做題时,请先将答案标在试題卷上。录予内容结束后,再捋答案转涂到篆題卷上。一、情景交际听下面五个提示句,从每小题A、BS C三个迭项中,迭岀能回应提示句的 最佳迭项。听每个提示句

2、蔚,你将右时间问读各个,卜題,每小题5秒钟:听完,各 个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间.每金提示句读两遍(每小題1.5分,共7.5分)1. A. He is in CIaSS 1.B He is tall.C. She IikeS blue.2. A. m from Cuba.B. Thank you.C. HaVe a good time.3 A. YoUIre welcome.B. Its nothing.C. No, it isn,t.4. A. 1 agree.B. YOU are kidding.C. ThafS OK.5. A. YCSt you arc.B. You,d better

3、 not.C. Sure, go ahead.二、听对话选图 听下面五段对话,每段对话后有一个问題,从下面所给的A、B、C、DXE、F六个图片选项中,选出相应问题的最佳选项(其中有1个为干扰选项)o 听完每段对话后,你将有5秒钟的作答吋问。每段对话读两遍。项。听每找对话丽,你将冇时间Pq读各个小逊,每4、题5秒丼;听完后,各个小趣将给出5秒钟的作各时间。每我对活读两遍。(每小题15分,共15分)C. TiIree times a Week-C. A teacher.C. In a restaurant.C. At 12:30.C. FOr IhrCC days.C. PreParefbran

4、examC. TO the City Park.C. We don,t know.选出相应问题的最佳选(每小題2分,共10分C. 15.C. Li PingtS mother.C. In a factorr.C. BOth A and B.听下面一段对话,回答11-13小题。11.What does the boyws father Often do in his SPare time?A.He Often goes SWimming.B.He Often PlayS basketball.C.HC OrtCn goes fishing.12.HOW Often (IOCS IhC boy,s

5、 mother go to the library?A.OnCe a Week. B. TWiCe a Week.13.What does the boys brother do?A.A doctor. B An engineer.听下面一段对话,回答14-16小题。14.Where are they talking?A.In a classroom. B. In a ShOP15.Why do they IikC this place?A.BCCtIUSC its VCry famous.B.BCCaUSC it has the most delicious ChinCSC food.C.B

6、CCaUSC tc dishes here arc not hard to cook.16.WhCn did Kate COmC here?A.At 12:00. B. At 12:20.听下面一段对话,回答1720小题。17.HOW IOng Will the good Weather last?A.FOr a WCCL B FOr two weeks.18.What are PaUl and Maria going to do tomorrow?A.VVatCh a movie. B. GO for a walk.19.Where WiII PaUl and Maria go tomorr

7、ow?A. To the CCntral Park B. TO the Peoples Paric20.Wiil Annie have IUnCh With PaUI and Maria tomorrow?A. Yes, She WiIL B. No, She wont.四、短文理解 听下面一段短文,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中, 项。听短文前,你舟有30杪铉的时间阅读各小瓯短文读两遍。21.IlOW Old is Li Ping?A. 13. B. 14.22.WhO is Ihe hero in Li Pings heart?A. A IaInOUS SingCn B. A【novic s

8、tar.23.WhCrC docs Li Pingsmohcrwork?A.In a hospital. B. In a school.24.WhCn Li Ping docs badly in study, What docs Li Ping,s mother do?A ShC always encourages Li PingB.ShC docsn,t CarC about itC.She teaches Li Ping how to speak.25.What docs Li Ping PIan to do On MOther,s Day?A. Write a beautiful car

9、d. B. COOk a meal.第二部分 语言知识运用(共25分)五、单项选择 从每小題所给的A、B. C D四个选项中,选出可以填入相应空格处的最 佳选项。(每小题1分,共13分)26. Does your teacher go to work, by Car every day?No He USUaIIy takes bus-A. /; I B. /; Ihe C. a; Ihe D. the; a27.I Want to WatCh TV the WhOle day after the Iongjoumcy.一 YOU shouldnt WatCh TV too much. IttS

10、 bad your eyes. With I3 in C. On D. for28. What did ChinCSC PrCSidCnt Xi JinPing Say UUring IhC CPidCmiC (疚怙? is more important Ihan PCOPlClS SafCty and health.A. NOtlUng B. EVerything C SOmething D. Anything29. DoeS Ihe dish IaSle as as it looks?Yes. I cant Wait to eat it.D. bestD. UnlCSSA. WCIl B

11、good C. better30.My aim is to go to WUhan UniVCrSity for further study.WOrk hard, you Can IlIakC it.A. if B. SO C. and31.A LOng MarCh 5 (氏征五号)rocket Carrying China,s heaviest SalelIite WaS launched.Amazing! It happened On DCC 27, 2019 in Wenchang. Hainan.A. SlJCCeSSilll B. SUCCeSSfillly C. SUCCeSS D

12、- SIlCCeed32.MiChaCh COUld you PlCaSC help me this math problem?OK. LCt II)C have U try.A. IOok UP B. IOOk after C. WOrk OUt D PUt away33. OUr SChoOl SPortS meet next week. WhiCh SPOrt Will you take Part in?ThC IOngjUmP and IhC high jump m good aljumping.A. holds B held C. WaS held D. WiIl be held34

13、.一 PrajeCI HOPe CeIebrated its 30,h birthday in 2019.Ycah. It ChiIdrCn from POOr families the ChanCC to go to SChOoI SinCe 1989.A. OffbrCd D. IIaS OftCrCd C is OflCrCd D is OffCring35. Mum, its too hot. I SWim in the IakC With my friends?No, you . ThattS too dangerous!A. Could; mustn B. Need; COUldn

14、HC. Must; neednt D. Should; can,t36. ChinCSC PCOPlC USUally Stay at home With IhCir families On to WClCOmC IhC new year.BUt tlis year, IhOUSandS Of JnCdiCal WOrkCrS ICft their homes to fight the COVlD-19( 冠肿炎). A NatiOnaI Day B. IhC Mid aUtUInn FCStiVaIC. the SPring FeStiVal D. the DragOn Boat FeSti

15、Val37. Mr Wang, I didn,t CatCh What you said. COUId you tell me again?OK. Wait a minute.A. how We Win get there B. What ShOUld We takeC. WhCn WOUId WC Start D. WhCre ShalI WC meet38. lt,s CXCiting that ChinCSC womens VOnCyban team won the WOrId Cup.WCllI teamwork is important. AS WC know, .A. a good

16、 beginning is half done B. OnC tree cant make a forestC. actions SPCak IOUdCr than WOrdS D. CVCry COill has hvo SidCS六、完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可 以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(每小题1分,共12分PiaO WCnyaO (什文克fell Ln IOVC UiIlI IhC game of g(H34) WhCn IlC SIanCd to Play it at IIIC age of 5. 39 Ihal lime, he kn

17、ew he WoIlId be a go PIayer for life. He kepi PraCIiCing hard Ibrmany years.On FebrUary 23t 201L PiaO 40 the 15th LG WOrId Cp final(决赛) He became the41 go WOrId ChamPiOn (延军) It is PiaotS 42 international title. He WaS then Only 22 years old.WhCn PiaO WaS about 10 years old. he CamC to BeiJing with

18、his ParCntS to ICam go. SCVCral months Iatcr9 an accident happened and his father IOSt his IifC in an UndCrPaSS(M下述道) It WaS a big blow(打击)to his 43 PimfS mother had to WOTk harder to 44 IlCr SOn in his educatio r.PiaO began to Shine in 2005, but 45 got a ChamPiOnShiP. AS younger PIayerS attracted t

19、he WOrIdtS attention, PiaO kept 46 CoOLIn 2008, PiaO CnterCd Ihe nal Of an important intcmalional match. He Started Orr strong, but his rival (对手)】atcr CaUght UP to him and PiaO IOSt the match ThiS IOSS WaS a 47 and CIiSaPPOinting failure for Piao.BUt even CiUring these dark times PiaO didn,t 48 giv

20、ing up. What gives him SUCh StrOng det 已 ITnination (决心)?The game Of go has a SPeCial attraction 49 makes me give my WhOle heart Try OUrbest and 5039. . Ingel IhC ViCtOry it is IhC best Ihing in the WOrldr he said.B. AtC. OnD FOr40. A. WOnB. beatC. gotD defeated41. . bestB. tallestC youngestD. OldCS

21、t42. A. firstD. SCCOndC. thirdD IaSt43. A. CIaSSB. gradeC. familyD SChOOl44. . giveB. inviteC. takeD. SUPPOrt45. A. OiICCB. neverC SCldOmD SOn)CtinKS46. A. herB. hisC.yourD their47. A. IUCkyB. easyC. niceD terrible4& A. hear OfB. dream OfC. think OfD. take Care Of49. A. itB. WllOC. WhatD dial50. A.

22、finallyB. IOUcllyC. SilenllyD. CareIeSSly第三部分阅读理解(共30分)七、阅读理解 阅读下列三篇短文。5160小题为选择题,从每篇短文后所给毎小題的A、B. C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案;61(5小题为填空题。(每小題2分,共30分)AOn FCb 12, Dalian(Mt)/ his real name WaS taking a train to Changsha, Hunan, Ibr a business trip. WhiIC On IhC train, he WCnt into a Carriagc(车 4)to have IUnCh an

23、d ChOSC to remain in the Carriagc. IIC didnt know IhaI IhC CarriagC WaS Only for PCOPIC heading to Wuhan.SeVeral hours later, When the train arrived in Wuan, Dalian WaS asked to get Offi as he WaS in the SPeCial Carriage AlthOUgh he WaS surprised, he didnt Want to CaUSe trouble and got Off the Carri

24、age WitIljUSI a SingIe bag.BeCaUSe Of the epidemic, WUhan had been IOCked down. SO DaIian COUIdn,t find a hotel to Stay in. Feeling at a Ioss5 he SaW a notice OnIine IOoking for VOlUnteerS to WOrk in hospitals. DaIian decided to give it a try.IlC SOOn became a VOlUntCcr in WUhan NoHospiwL IIC WaS re

25、sponsible ftr(对 负) taking OUt rubbish, SWCCPiag the floor, disinfecting (消 ) the hospital, dealing With USCd PrOICCIiVC SUilS (防护服)and bringing meals o PaliCnis.The young man, reportedly from northcast China, had to WOrk 12 hours CVCry day. Changing his PrOteCtiVe SUit Ihree times a day. While worki

26、ng, he COUIdntt drink anything Or go to the bathroom He also had Io have CloSeCOnlaCI With infected patients, WhiCh is risky JF).Dalian WaS afraid Of getting infected at tlrst. wwWhen I entered the WardS(病房),I WaS kind Of frozen ( 6)and felt Iike I COUldn,t move,” he said. BUt after he SaW more Pati

27、entS get better,his fear gradually Went away.DaIian, S StOry has gone Viral ( 红的)online. PCOPIC WCrC sriscd by his experience, and described him as having 4ba heart OfgOIe51.Why did Dalian have to get Ofr in WUhan in the passage?A.BeCaUSC he WaS in the WrOng carriage.B.BCCaUSC he bought the VVrOng t

28、rain ticket.C.BeCaUSe he ChoSe to have IUnCh in WUhanD BeCaUSe Ile Went to WUhan for a business trip.52.Dalian decided to Work in a hospital because A. IIe ran OUt Of money B. he couldnt find a IIotCl to Stay inC. he WaS OnCe a VOhInteer D. he Walned to become a doctor53.DaIian did many things as a

29、VOIUntCCr in WUlIan No l HOSPiIal EXCEPT ./V bringing meals to doctors B. dealing With USCd PrOtCCtiVC SUitSC. disinfecting the hospital D taking OUt bbish and SWCCPing IhC r54.What the meaning Of the IInderIine(I WOrd infeCtei in ParagraPh 5?A.被处罚的 B.被表扬的 C被感染ffj D被感动的55.What does this PaSSage try

30、to IelI us?A.EVerybOdy ShOUld be a VOlUnteer.B.We must PrOteCt OUrSelVeS all the time.C.We ShOUld be thanktil tor medical workers.D.EVCryonC Can fight the VirUS (病毒)in their OWn way.BTn your SPare time, do you help your ParentS With CIlOres( )around the house? Can you Cook for your family?In Order t

31、o StreSS(i) the importance Of hard-working SPirit education (劳动救 ff) among S(UdCrIIS Of diflcrcl ages, the ConlInUniSl Party Of ChilIa CCrKral Coininittec ( + recently released(发布)a guidelineThe guideline CalIS for StUdentS to respect IabOr work. StUdentS ShOUId Iearn basic Iife Skil)S and form good WOrking habits through SUCh education.The gov已mment has been trying

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