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1、alevel化学常用单词汇总chapter 1 atomic structureelement n.元素 all know materials can be broken down into fundamental substances we call element.我们所知道的所有物质都可以分解成原子。atom n.原子 atom is the smallest particle of matter having all that elements characteristics. 原子时具有元素性质的最小粒子。nucleus /nju:klis,nuklis/ 原子核electron n

2、.电子proton 质子neutron 中子compound n. 化合物:When two or more elements combine and form a compound, a chemical change takes place.当两种或两种以上的元素结合形成化合物时, 发生化学变化。化学中的物质分为单质和化合物,大部分元素是以化合物的形式存在的。ion n. 离子:when an atom get or lost elections,it becomes ion.原子得失电子后形成离子。cathode n. 阴极(negative electrode)Cathode rays

3、 are attracted by a positive charge.阴极射线被阳电荷所吸引。anode n. 阳极(positive election)A red wire is often attached to the anode.红色电线通常与阳极相联。particle n. 粒子:Particles include moleculars,atoms , protons, neutrons ,electrons and ions.微小粒子包括分子,原子,质子,中子,电子,离子等等。ionisation n. 电离,离子化:We can get some elementary subs

4、tance by ionisation.可以通过电离的方法来制取某些单质。ionisation energy n.电离能:the energy needed to remove 1 mol of electrons from 1 mol of gaseous atoms .从原子中移走一个电子所需要的能量。First ionisation energy n.第一电离能 the energy required to remove one electron from each atom in one mole of gaseous atoms is called first ionisation

5、energy,Hi1(2010年真题) as: Ca(g)Ca+(g)+e-;Hi1=+590KJ/molisotope n.同位素:which element have same number of protons ,but different number of neutrons.有相同质子数的元素就是同位素。shielding effect n.屏蔽效应: electrons in the filled inner shells repel electrons in the outer shell and reduce the effect of the positive nuclear

6、 ,this is called shielding effect.电子都是带负电荷的所以外层的电子受到内层电子的一个排斥力,这就是屏蔽效应。 chapter2 atoms molecules and stoichiometryRelative mass n. 相对质量The actual mass of an atom is very small (in the range of 10-20 kg ,for C atomic mass is 1.93310-20g ). Hence relative mass( where the mass of an atom is compared wi

7、th the mass of one reference atom) is used instead.因为原子本身的质量很小,计算使用都很不方便,因此我们采用一个相对质量,用质量和一个标准物质作比较。relative atomic mass n.相对原子质量:elative atomic mass is the mass of an atom relative to 1/12 times the mass of carbon-12, relative atomic mass is a ratio,it has no unit.相对原子质量就是物质的质量与C-12 原子的1/12 的一个比值。相

8、对原子质量是一个比值,没有单位。relative isotopic mass n. 相对同位素质量relative isotope mass is the mass of one atom of the isotope relative to 1/12 times the mass of one atom of carbon-12.相对同位素质量就是用同位素的质量和1/12 C-12原子的质量相比的一个比值。relative molecular mass n. 相对分子质量As we all know moleculars are all made by atoms so we can get

9、 the relative molecular mass by adding up the relative atomic mass of all the atoms present in the molecule.相对分子质量就是组成分子的各元素的相对原子质量之和。avogadros constant n. 阿伏伽德罗常数:The number of atoms in exactly 12g of carbon -12 is 6.021023 ,the number is called avogadros constant .12克C-12 所含原子的个数是6.021023,这个数就是阿伏伽

10、德罗常数empirical formulae n.实验式:empirical formulae of a compound shows the simplest whole number ratio of the element present.实验式表示的是分子中原子的最简单组成。molecular formulae n.分子式molecular formulae shows the total number of atoms of each element present in a molecule of the compound.分子式表示的是分子中原子的组成。titration 滴定:

11、A titration is a way of measuring quantities of reactants.滴定反应是定量测定的一种方法halogen 卤素:在元素周期表中含fluorine氟,chlorine 氯,bromine溴,iodine 碘,astatine 砹五种卤素precipitation n.沉淀:it is a solid.是一种固体物质。两种离子结合后形成一种微溶或不溶物沉淀下来。dilute vt稀释:adding water or something else to decrease the molarities.在溶液中加水或加入其它溶剂使溶液浓度变低。Th

12、e water will dilute the wine.水能使酒变淡。Molarity n.摩尔浓度:the mol of the substance divided by the volume of the solution ,the unit is mol/dm-3.浓度比上体积就得到我们的摩尔浓度,单位是mol/dm-3chapter3 化学键ionic bond n.离子键 The electrostatic attraction between positive ion and negative ion is called ionic bond.正负离子之间的引力成为离子键,如Na

13、Clcovalent bond n.共价键 A covalent bond is formed when electrons are shared between two atoms.两个原子共用电子形成共价键,如O2metallic bond n.金属键 Metallic bond is an attractive forces between the positive ions and the delocalized electrons.金属键就是金属阳离子和自由电子(离域电子)之间的作用力,它的大小和金属最外层电子数有关,电子数越多,金属键越强。co-ordinate bond n.配位

14、键 In the co-ordinate bond ,one atom provides two electrons that are shared with another atom.thus,the donor atom must have a lone pair of electrons while the acceptor atom must have an empty orbital to accommodate the electrons.一个原子提供一对电子,另一个原子提供一个空轨道。 hydrogen bond n. 氢键 Hydrogen bond are usually r

15、epresented by three dashes: fluorine, oxygen, nitrogen and it is a very strong dipole-dipole attraction.Such as in water:the oxygen atoms have lone pairs of electrons,the hydrogen atom has almost lost both the shared electrons to the oxygen to which it is covalently bonded and this leaves it almost

16、bare of electron.实际上氢键也是一种静电引力,形成氢键的分子中必须带有孤电子对,电负性很大,而且原子半径很小(如N,F,O)。考试时要把元素中的孤对电子标出,把分子中的极性标出,表示出氢键。Van der waals forces n.范德华力 Instantaneous dipole-induced dipole forces is called Van der waals forces.瞬间诱导偶极就是分子间作用力。 VSEPR(valence Shell electron pair repulsion)n. 价层电子互斥理论The shape of simple cova

17、lent molecules can be predicted using the valence shell electron-pair repulsion theory. Electron pairs (bond pairs and lone pairs )will repel one anther so that they are as far apart as possible.孤电子对之间相互排斥,从而使原子呈现一定的空间结构,从而可以根据价层电子对理论来推测分子的空间构型。permanent dipole /dipole-dipole force n. 永久偶极The water

18、molecules are attracted to the charged nylon rod or comb because they have a permanent electric dipole .a force of this type is called a dipole -dipole force.水分子被吸引到了尼龙或梳子上,是因为他们有了一个瞬间的电偶极。像这种力就被称为由诱导产生的诱导力,也就是永久偶极。temporary dipole/instantaneous dipole n.瞬时偶极 induce dipole n. 诱导偶极The instantaneous d

19、ipole - induce dipole is rather like the effect of a magnet on a pin .the pin becomes temporarily magnetised and is attracted to the magnet .the strength of the force increase with the number of electrons and protons present.瞬间诱导偶极就好像靠近磁铁的大头针。大头针有了瞬间的磁性,而被吸引到了磁铁上,这种瞬间的力随着质子数,电子数的增加而增加。 induce vt.引导

20、Her illness was induced by overwork.她的病是操劳过度引起的。 polarity 极性 Polarity is inherent in a magnet.极性是磁铁的固有性质。chapter4 物质状态Kinetic energy n. 动能The kinetic energy of the molecules in a solid ,liquid or gas is a measure of the amount of random movement of molecules.分子动能就是固体,液体,气体分子做规则运动的数目。Evaporation n. 蒸

21、发,发散,消失 Evaporation is a phase transition from the liquid phase to gas phase that occurs at temperatures below the boiling temperature at a given pressure .and evaporation usually occurs on the surface.蒸发是一个在低于沸点的温度下从液体变为气体的过程,蒸发一般是发生在液体表面。Vapor pressure n. 气压Vapor pressure is the pressure of a vapo

22、r in equilibrium with its non-vapor phase. All liquid and solid have a tendency to evaporate to a gaseous form , and all gases have a tendency to condense back into their original form .at any given temperature ,for a particular substance ,there is a pressure at which the gas of that substance is in

23、 dynamic equilibrium with its liquid or solid forms. This is the vapor pressure of that substance at that temperature.气压是一种气液平衡状态,液体和固体都有一种蒸发成气态的趋势,所有的气体也都有一种聚集成原始状态的趋势,。在任何给定的温度下,对于一种特殊的物质,都有一种气态和固态或液态成动态平衡的压力。这种压力就被称为在此温度下的气压。melting vt. 融化Melting is a physical process that results in the phase ch

24、ange of a substance from a solid to a liquid.融化是一个从固体变成液体的物理过程。giant molecular lattices n. 大分子晶体 molecular lattices are three dimensional arrangement of atoms held together by strong covalent bonds .some giant molecular structures contain atoms of only one element . 这种大分子晶体是通过共价键结合成三维空间排布的晶体。一些大分子晶体

25、只含有一种元素。giant ionic lattices n. 大离子晶体in such a lattice ,there is a regular arrangement of anions and cations ,sodium chloride and magnesium oxide form a cubic lattice ,in which each cations is surrounded by six anions and each anions is surrounded by six cations.在大分子晶体中,阴阳离子呈规则排布,以立方体的氯化钠和氧化镁为例,每个阴离

26、子都被六个阳离子包围,每个阳离子都被六个阴离子包围。ideal gas law n. 理想气体定律the behaviour of ideal gases is represented by the ideal gas equation :PV=nRT p is the pressure ,measured in pascals ,Pa; V is the volume ,measured in metre cubed ,m3 ; T is the temperature on the Kelvin ;R is the gas constant ,8.314JK-1 mol-1;and n i

27、s the 理想气体符合理想气体定律。PV=nRTIntermolecular force n.分子间作用力Intermolecular force tend to bring order to the movement of molecules .分子间作用力趋于使分子的运动有序化。Brownain motion n. 布朗运动The random movements of the pollen ,known as brownain motion.花粉的这种有序运动称为布朗运动。 Instantaneous dipole forces n. 瞬时偶极力van der waals forces

28、 n. 范德华力It is one of the features of large molecules that their electron clouds are more spread out , and it is just this type of molecule that has large forces between instantaneous dipoles. There forces are called instantaneous dipole forces ( are also known as van der waals forces).大分子的分子云有一种特点就是

29、他们的分子云会扩散,在他们的瞬间偶极间会产生一种力叫瞬间偶极力(也叫分子间作用力)。chapter 5 chemical energeticsExothermic adj. 放热的Most chemical reactions release energy to their surroundings ,these reactions are described as exothermic.一些化学反应会向环境释放能量,这种反应称为放热的反应。Endothermic adj. 吸热的Some chemical reactions occur only while energy is transf

30、erred to them an external source. Reactions such as these which require a heat input are endothermic reactions. 一些化学反应需要从外界环境中吸收能量,这种化学反应为吸热反应。Ehthalpy n. 焓Enthalpy is the total energy content of the reacting materials .it is given the symbol H. enthalpy cannot be measured as such , but it is possib

31、le to measure the enthalpy change . 焓是反应物中所含有的总能量,用H来表示,焓的数值不能直接测得,但可以测定焓变。Enthalpy change n. 焓变Enthalpy change is given the symbol H ,the units are kilojoules per mole(Kj/mol). H= H products- H reactants Standard conditions n. 标准条件When we compare the enthalpy changes of various reactions we must us

32、e standard conditions. such as known temperature ,pressures , amounts ,and concentrations of reactions or products .我们在测定不同反应物的焓变时必须是在标准条件下,比如特定的温度,压强,反应物或产物的数目和浓度。Standard enthalpy change of reaction n. 标准反应焓The standard enthalpy change of reaction is the enthalpy change when amounts of reactants, as shown in the reaction equation, react together

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