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新目标版Go for it秋季九年级上学期期末教学质量检测卷B卷.docx

1、新目标版Go for it秋季九年级上学期期末教学质量检测卷B卷新目标版(Go for it)2020年秋季九年级上学期期末教学质量检测卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 听力题 (共8题;共20分)1. (1分)选择正确的答案( )A . Go to the park.B . Go to school.C . Finish her homework.2. (1分)选择正确的答案( )A . The traffic was busy.B . He had an accident.C . His car didnt work.3. (1分)What does the woman like b

2、etter? A . City sightsB . Nature sightsC . Town sights4. (1分)Who are going to the airport?A . Lisa and Julie.B . Lisa and Emily.C . Emily and Julie.5. (1分)听下面一段较长对话,回答下列三个小题。(1)Which animal is on the face of the watch now?A . Chicken.B . Monkey.C . Tiger.(2)Whats the date today?A . April 30th.B . Ma

3、y1st.C . May 2nd.(3)Where was the girls watch bought?A . On the Internet.B . At a gift shop near her home.C . In Hong Kong.6. (2分)听第1段材料,回答小题。(1)How far is Heping Hotel?A . Half an hours bus ride.B . An hours walk.C . 15 minutes walk.(2)How often do the buses go to Heping Hotel? A . 4 times a day.B

4、. 5 times a day.C . 6 times a day.7. (3分)听下面一段对话,回答问题。 (1)What kind of TV programs does Wang Mei like? A . Programs about animals.B . Programs about music.C . Programs about sports.(2)Why does she like them? Because theyre _. A . interestingB . boringC . relaxing8. (10分)信息转述及询问。(1)信息转述你将听到Mabel介绍消防安

5、全知识,录音播放两遍。请根据所听到的内容,结合思维导图提示的信息,在50秒内写一段话,介绍消防安全知识,包含四个要点的内容。下面你有50秒的准备时间。你的介绍可以这样开始:What should we do if a fire happens? FirstlyWhat should we do if a fire happens?Firstly,(2)询问信息你希望了解更多消防安全知识,请根据以下提示向她提两个问题。你想了解我们可以用什么灭火,你问Mabel:_你想了解我们是否要捂住嘴巴,你问Mabel:_二、 完形填空 (共2题;共15分)9. (7分)完形填空 Language is hu

6、mans greatest inventions. The ability to read and write is1to express ones feelings. Most humans can speak very well2they are about three years old. But how can we become a better reader? Here are some ways.First take it slow. Many readers feel that they read too slowly, especially compared3others.

7、But the truth is that the faster you read, 4you are to understand what youre reading. The best readers can slow down when needed. If you get to the5of a passage and realize you cant understand, please read it again. Learning to read6will help you become faster without missing anything.The second way

8、 is to read aloud. When humans first began7written words 8was unusual to read in silence. Reading aloud is one of the best ways to improve your reading ability. You may feel it9to read to your cat or to no one at all. But once you get into the rhythm(节奏) of the authors voice, you will begin to read

9、more accurately(精确地) and with better vocal(有声的) expression.Feeling it is also a good way. Can you remember the first piece of writing that take you to10world? Learning to enter into the lives of imagined stories is important to you. As you read, allow different ideas to11. Youll appreciate novels li

10、ke fine wine.The12way is to write. Writing and reading go hand-in-hand: how and what you read influence how and what you write. And the best readers often make the best13. There are many pleasures to language14can only be experienced through the practice of writing.The last way is to tell your frien

11、ds. There is15magical about sharing books with friends or a book club. Its a good way to see the world from someone elses eyes. And you can understand the story that youre reading better.(1)A . important B . difficult C . similar D . willing (2)A . before B . when C . since D . unless (3)A . in B .

12、on C . with D . of (4)A . the better B . the less C . the more D . the fewer (5)A . first B . beginning C . last D . end (6)A . quickly B . loudly C . easily D . slowly (7)A . copying B . reading C . writing D . speaking (8)A . it B . that C . this D . he (9)A . sad B . sorry C . happy D . silly (10

13、)A . other B . another C . the other D . others (11)A . come in B . come true C . come on D . come out (12)A . second B . third C . fourth D . fifth (13)A . writers B . teachers C . students D . artists (14)A . what B . who C . that D . where (15)A . anything B . something C . everything D . nothing

14、 10. (8分)完形填空How can you think in English? I think the best way is to practice as what a football player does every day. During the1the football player will pass the ball to his teammates over and over again. So he wont have to2passing the ball in the game; he will just do it. You can train yourself

15、 to3in English this way. The first step is to think of the words that you use daily, simple everyday words4book or shoe or tree. For example,5you see a “book” you should think of it in English instead of in your mother language.After you have learned to think of several words in English, then move o

16、n to the next step-thinking in6. Listening and repeating is a very useful7to learn a language. Listen first and dont care too much about8you fully understand what youre hearing. Try to repeat what you hear. The more you listen, the9you learn. After you reach a higher level,10having conversations wit

17、h yourself in English. This will lead you to think in English.(1)A . practice B . break C . game D . day (2)A . wait for B . think about C . look at D . give up (3)A . speak B . say C . tell D . think (4)A . in B . about C . like D . from (5)A . whatever B . whichever C . whenever D . however (6)A .

18、 sentences B . passages C . lessons D . classes (7)A . idea B . step C . way D . plan (8)A . which B . if C . how D . unless (9)A . harder B . less C . later D . more (10)A . remember B . stop C . start D . finish 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)11. (10分) When I was a teenager growing up in Russia, I wanted to le

19、ave school and have my own life. The only way I could do this was to work in the local brick factory in my town, or get married. I was nervous when I told my father I wanted to leave school. I thought he would say, No! You are going to college. He took me by surprise when he said, “OK. Well go to th

20、e brick factory.”Two days later, he took me to the factory. I had a very romantic idea of working in a factory. I had imagined everyone to be friends working together and having fun. I even imagined there would be music and singing. I guess I had watched too many movies as a teenager.When we arrived

21、 at the factory gate, my father spoke to the guard and one minute later we were inside. My father said, “Take your time. Look around.” I walked around the factory looking at the building, the workers, and listening to the noise. It was horrible. I ran back to my father and said, “I want to go home.”

22、He asked me, “What do you think of the factory?”Its terrible, I replied.And marriage is even worse! he said.I went back to school the next day thinking about studying hard so I could get into a good college. I enjoyed studying English so I decided to major in languages at college. Thanks to my fathe

23、r and our trip to the brick factory, I now work at the United Nations and my father is very proud of me. I married a very good man and my life is much better than it would have been working in the factory! (1)The writer lived in when she was a teenager.A . RussiaB . JapanC . China(2)At first she tho

24、ught life in the factory would be than in school.A . more carefulB . more colorfulC . more beautiful(3)When she told her father that she wanted to leave school, he expressed his disagreement .A . by doing nothingB . in a special wayC . by saying nothing(4)After they visited the factory, the girl .A

25、. decided to work thereB . decided to get marriedC . changed her mind(5)The underlined work “horrible” means “ ” in Chinese.A . 糟糕的B . 紧张的C . 浪漫的12. (10分)阅读下列短文, 请从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(C)Perhaps you have heard a lot about the Internet, but what about it?The Internet is many different networks(网络

26、) around the world. A network is a group of computers put together. These networks joined together are called Internet.Maybe that doesnt sound interesting. But when weve joined the Internet, there are lots of things we can do. We can have a lot of interests on the World Wide Web (WWW). We can use th

27、e Internet instead of a library to find all kinds of information for our homework. We can find information about our favorite sports or film stars and do the shopping on the Internet. We can also send messages to other people by e-mail. It is much cheaper and quicker than calling out friends or send

28、ing letters.Thanks to(多亏了) the Internet, the world is becoming smaller and smaller. People can now work at home with a computer in front. They can buy or sell whatever they want by the Internet. But do you know 98% of the information is in English? So what will English be like tomorrow?(1)The quicke

29、st and cheapest way for people to send messages to their friends is _. A . by postB . by e-mailC . by TVD . by telephone(2)The Internet can NOT be used to _. A . Send messages to othersB . get some information about our favorite sports starsC . do some shoppingD . do some housework(3)Which of the following is NOT

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