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1、高中英语首字母为C的词汇C1. cab n. 计程车,出租汽车2. cabbage n. 卷心菜3. cabin n. 船舱,机舱4. cafeteria n. 自助食堂,自助餐厅5. cage n.笼子6. calculate v.计算 同根词: calculation n. 计算 calculator n 计算器7. cake n. 蛋糕,饼 块状物 E.g. a cake of soap 一块肥皂8. call v. & n. 大声说,叫,召唤 拜访,去某人家 给某人打电话 给取名短语: call it a day : 暂停或永久停止(某事物)E.g. After forty years

2、 in politics he thinks it is time to call it a day. 他从政40年,认为该结束了. call for sth. 要求或需求(某事物)E.g. The situation calls for prompt action. 形式所迫,必须立即采取行动. call sth. off 取消或放弃某事物 E.g. The match was called off because of bad weather. 由于天气不好, 比赛取消了. call on/ upon sb. ( to do sth. ) 恳求或促使某人( 做某事)E.g. We are

3、calling upon you to help us. 我们恳求你帮助我们. call sb. out 召唤某人(尤指处理紧急事件) E.g. call out the troops召集军队 call sb. up 给打电话9.calm adj. 平静的,安静的,镇静的短语: calm ( sb.) (down ) ( 使某人)平静,镇静,安静10. calorie n. 热量,加路里 E.g. high/ low calorie 高/低热量11. camp n. 营地 v. 设营,扎营,宿营12. campaign n. 战役,活动13. canal n. 运河14. cancel vt.

4、 取消,使作废,注销 E.g. cancel an agreement/ contract 取消协议/合同15. cancer n. 癌症16. candidate n. 侯选人,应聘者,报考者17. candle n. 蜡烛18. canteen n. (工厂学校等的)食堂,餐厅19. capital n. 首都,首府资本,资金20. capsule n.太空舱,胶囊 21. captain n. 队长,船长,机长,上校 22. caption n. 标题,题目,字幕23. carbon n. 碳24. care 1 n. 密切的注意,仔细,小心关怀,关心 E.g. a mothers ca

5、re for her children忧虑,烦恼 E.g. free from care 无忧无虑短语: take care 当心,小心 take care of oneself/ sb. / sth. 照料/照顾/看管care 2 v. 忧虑,关心,在意,惦念 care ( about sth. ) care for sth.或care to do sth. (用于否定句或疑问句中,尤与would 连用) “愿意或同意做某事”, “希望或喜欢做某事” care for sb/.sth. 深深地喜欢或爱某人/某物 E.g. I dont care much for opera. 我不太喜欢歌剧

6、.25. career n. 职业,生涯26. carpenter n. 木匠,木工27. carpet 1 n. 地毯 地上一层厚的东西E.g. a carpet of leaves/ snow 一厚层的叶子/ 雪 carpet 2 v. 以地毯或如地毯般地覆盖 28. carriage n. 马车,车厢29. carrot n. 胡萝卜30. carry vt. (a)携带,搬,运, 送E.g. The car had carried him 500 miles before it broke down. 汽车载了他行驶500英里后抛锚了. (b)(指管道等)输送,传导(水,电流等)E.g

7、. a pipeline carrying oil 输油管 持有,代有 E.g. I never carry much money with me. 我身上从来不多带钱.E.g. a file carrying virus 携带病毒的文件(尤指不动的东西)支撑,承载(某物)E.g. A road bridge has to carry a lot of traffic.高架路得承载很多车辆.(a) 有某种特性,具有E.g. His voice carries the ring of authority.他的声音中带有权威的口气. (b)含有,使承担 E.g. Power carries gre

8、at responsibility. 有权利就要承担重任. 短语:carry on sth. 进行某事, 经营某事 E.g. The meal over, the managers went back to the meeting room to carry on their discussion. 饭后,经理们又回到办公室继续开会了carry sth. out 执行/ 实施 E.g. carry out an order 执行命令 carry sth. over 将某事物延续到E.g. And this carries over to the classroom. 这种看法又带到教室里.同根

9、词: carrier n. 运货者,传播媒介,运输工具31. carve v. 雕刻., 削,凿 把(熟肉)切成片供实用 同根词:carving n. 雕刻(品)32. case n. 情形,情况,实情E.g. If that is the case, you will have to work much harder. 情况果真如此,你得更加努力了. 病例,患者 cureless case 不治之症患者 案件 E.g. a case of murder 谋杀案 箱子短语: in any case无论如何 (just) in case: 以防万一,万一 E.g. Youll need a go

10、od map, a compass, a raincoat, a cellphone to call for help in case you get lost. 万一迷路了,你就用地图,指南针,雨衣或手机呼救。in case of sth. 假如,若(某事)发生 E.g. in case of emergency 一旦出现紧急情况in no case 在任何情况下决不,无论如何都不in that case: 既然那样33. cash n. 现金 vt. 将某物兑换成现金34. cassette n. (装磁带的)盒35. cast ( cast, cast) vt. 扔,投,掷,抛 E.g.

11、 cast a stone 扔石 浇铸,铸造 E.g. cast bronze 浇铸青铜cast sth. off 抛弃某物cast sb. out (fml) 把某赶走,逐出( 尤用于被动语态)36. castle n. 城堡37. casual adj. 不经意的,随便的偶然的,碰巧的 E.g. a casual meeting不期而遇38. cat n. 猫 E.g. rain cats and dogs 下倾盆大雨 39. catalogue n. 目录40. catastrophe n. 毁灭性的大灾难41. catch v. (caught, caught )短语: catch o

12、nes breath ( 因恐惧、震惊等) 一时停止呼吸 catch fire 着火 catch sight of = catch a glimpse of 瞥见 catch up with 赶上 catch hold of 抓住 catch ones eyes 引人注意42. category n. 种类,类别 E.g. place things in categories 分门别类43. cater v. 满足需求 短语: cater for 迎合 ,满足 E.g. cater for many different tastes 迎合各种人的爱好44. catholic n. 天主教的 广

13、泛的,普遍的45. cattle n. 牛的总称(谓语用复数) E.g. twenty head of cattle 二十头牛46. cause 1 vt. 引起,使发生 E.g. cause serious problems 产生严重问题短语: cause sth. to do sth. E.g. The cold weather caused the plants to die. 寒冷的天气把植物都冻死了。 cause 2 n. 原因,理由,事业 E.g. His life was devoted to the cause of injustice. 她为正义事业而献身.47. cauti

14、on 1 n. 小心,谨慎,慎重 警告 caution 2 vt. 提醒或警告某人要小心E.g. We were cautioned not to drive too fast. 人家提醒我们车不要开得太快.同根词: cautious adj. cautious of/ about sb./ sth 小心的,谨慎的 E.g. cautious of strangers 提防陌生人 48. cave n. 山洞49. ceiling n. 天花板,顶棚上限E.g. The government has set a wage and prices ceiling of 10%. 政府规定工资和物价

15、提高的最高限度为10%.50. celebrate vt. 庆祝,祝贺 (fml)称赞,赞扬同根词: celebration n. 庆祝,祝贺 celebrity n. 名人 celebrated adj. 著名的,驰名的 = famousE.g. Hang Zhou is celebrated for the West Lake. 杭州以西湖而著称.51. cell n. 电池,细胞,小房间,牢房52. cent n. 分53. center adj. 中心,(篮球,足球等的)中锋同根词: central adj. 中心的,中央的 最重要的,首要的 44. centigrade n. 摄食度

16、55. centimeter n. 厘米56. ceremony n. 仪式 57. certain adj. 无疑的,确定的短语: be certain to do sth. 一定/肯定会做某事, be certain of/ about 对有把握E.g. She saw me: Im certain of that. 她看见我了, 这一点我可以肯定. 某个E.g. For certain reasons I will be unable to attend the meeting. 因为某种原因,我不能参加会议短语: for certain 无疑地,确定地E.g. I couldnt sa

17、y for certain when hell arrive. 我说不准他什么时候到. make certain that 弄清楚,弄明白E.g. I remember theres a train from Jinzhou to Su Jiatun, but you ought to make certain. 我记得有趟火车从锦州开往苏加屯,不过你应该问问清楚.同根词: certainly adv. 无疑地,确定地58. certificate n. 毕业文凭,证书59. chain 1 n. 链子,链条 E.g. keep a dog on a chain 用链子把狗拴住 一系列的事物

18、E.g. a chain of events 一系列事件 同一公司所属的商店或旅店等 E.g. a supermarket chain 连锁超市 chain 2 vt. 拴住,束缚 E.g. chain a dog for the night 晚上用莲子把狗拴起来60. chair n. 椅子 主席 v. 担任的主席 E.g. chair a meeting 主持会议61. challenge n. 挑战 vt. 要求某人参加(竞赛等),向挑战同根词: challenging adj. 激励人的,有挑战性的62. champion n. 冠军63. chance 1 n. 机会,运气 UE.g

19、. In many games chance plays a big part. 在很多比赛中运气起着很大作用可能性 C 短语: chance of doing sth / chance to do sth. 意外事件,偶然,机遇 by chance 偶然地,意外地 E.g. I met her quite by chance. 我遇见她纯属偶然. take a chance 冒险,碰运气 chance 2 v. 偶然,碰巧 E.g. She chanced to be in when he called. 他打电话时碰巧她在家64. change 1 v. 改变 change 2 n. 变化

20、,零钱 E.g. make some changes 做一些变动短语: changeable adj. 易变的,多变的 E.g. changeable weather 多变的天气65. channel n. 海峡,水渠,频道,(新闻,消息等传播) 途径66. chant n. 圣歌 v.有节奏地唱或喊叫67. chaos n. 杂活 混乱,紊乱68. chapter n. 章69. character n. 人物,角色 品质,性格 文字,字母同根词: characteristic adj. 典型性的 n. 特点70. charge 1 v. 指责,控告 charge sb. with sth.

21、 指控某人 进攻 charge (at sb./ sth. )E.g. Move quickly behind the tree as the unicorn charged. 独角兽进攻时要马上躲到树后。 要价,收费 charge for sth. / change sb. 钱 for sth./ doing sth.E.g. How much do you charge for mending a TV? 修电视费用是多少? 装弹药,充电 charge 2 n. 指责,控告 进攻 费用 free of charge 免费照管,监护 E.g. leave a child in a frien

22、ds charge 把孩子留给朋友照管短语: in charge of sb. / sth. 负责 E.g. Who is in charge here? 这儿谁负责? under ones charge 在某人照看下 take charge of sth. 负责,掌管E.g. The department was badly organized until she took charge of it. 这个部门在她负责以前组织工作做得很差. 炸弹量,充电量,电荷71. charm v. 吸引,使陶醉 n. 魅力,吸引力,妩媚 同根词: charming adj. 有魅力的72. chart

23、n. 图表 v. 制图.chat n. & vi . 聊天,闲聊73. chase v. & n. 追逐,追捕,追击 短语: chase (after) sb. / sth. chase sb. / sth off( away, out ) 赶走,驱逐 E.g. chase the cat out of the kitchen 把猫赶出厨房74. cheat 1 v. vi 作弊 短语: cheat at sth. E.g. cheat at cards 玩扑克作弊 vt. 欺骗或哄骗 E.g. cheat the taxman 欺瞒税务 cheat 2 n. 骗子,作弊者,欺骗手段75. c

24、heck v. 查看,验证,检查 check ( up ) 抑制,克制 E.g. unable to check ones laughter/tears/ anger 控制不住笑声/眼泪/愤怒短语: check sth. in 托运,寄存 check in 登记,入住, check out 结帐 76. cheek n. 面颊77. cheer 1 v. 向(某人)欢呼,喝彩短语: cheer sb. on 鼓舞或鼓励某人更加努力 cheer ( sb. ) up ( 使某人)更高兴或更快活 E.g. Try and cheer up a bit! 高兴点么? cheer 2 n. 欢呼声,喝

25、彩.声同根词: cheering adj. 另人鼓舞的 E.g. cheering news 另人振奋的消息 cheerful adj. 快乐的,兴高采烈的,开朗的78. cheers int.干杯,再见,谢谢79. chef n. 厨师80. chemical n. 化学药品 adj. 化学的 同根词: chemist n. 化学家,药剂师 chemistry n. 化学81. chess n. 国际象棋 82. chest n. 大箱子 E.g. a tea chest 茶叶箱 胸部83. chew v. 咀嚼 84. chick n. 小鸡,小鸟85. chief n. 领袖,统治者,首

26、长,处长 E.g. a chief of police 警长 adj. 主要的,首要的 E.g. the chief rivers of India 印度主要的河流86. chin n. 下巴87. chip n. 碎屑,碎块 (usu. Pl. ) 薯条 锌片 v. 切成碎片88. choir n. 唱诗班,合唱队89. choke v. 哽咽,窒息E.g. She choked ( to death ) on a fish bone. 鱼刺把他卡住而窒息死. vt. 呛,使某人难已呼吸E.g. The fumes almost choked me. 烟雾几乎把我呛死. 阻塞,充满,填满 短

27、语: choke sth.( up)( with sth. )E.g. The drains are choked ( up ) with dead leaves. 下水道被枯叶堵塞.90. choose v. (chosen,chosen) 选择,挑选 宁愿,喜欢短语: choose ( not) to do sth. 决定/ 宁愿做某事 E.g. People may have chosen to keep horses that had a gentle personality so they could be ridden more easily. 为了更容易驾驭马,人们可能决定选择性

28、格温顺的马来饲养同根词: choice1 n. 选择,挑选,选择的权利 短语: make a choice 作出选择 have no choice but to do sth. 别无选择只好做某事E.g. He had no choice but to design. 他除了辞职别无选择. choice 2 adj. ( 尤指水果和蔬菜)优质的,精选的 choice goods 精选品91. chorus n. 合唱,齐声说或喊的内容92. Christian adj. 基督教的 n. 基督徒93. cigar n.雪茄94. cigarette n. 香烟95. circle1 n. 圈,环

29、,圆周E.g. Use your compasses to draw a circle. 用圆规画圆. ( 有共同兴趣、职业等的人形成的) 圈子E.g. be well known in business circle 在商界中知名 circle 2 v. 转圈,环行 同根词: circular adj. 圆形的96. circuit n. 环形97. circulate v. (使某物)循环 流通 E.g. open an window to allow the air circulate 开窗使空气流通 (使某事物)流传,传播=spreadE.g. The news of her deat

30、h circulated( spread) quickly. 他死去的消息迅速传开.同根词: circulation n. 血液循环,流传,传播,流通 (报纸,杂志等)发行量,销售额98. circumstance n. 情形,情况 短语: in/ under the circumstances在这种情况下 in/ under no circumstances 无论如何不99. circus n. 马戏,马戏团100. citizen n. 公民101. civil adj 公民的, 国内的 平民的 有礼貌的,文明的 同根词: civilian n. 平民,百姓civilly adv. 有礼貌地 civilization n. 文明102. clap1 vt. 拍(手), 鼓(掌) clap 2 n. 鼓掌,掌声,突然的巨响 E.g. Lets give her a good clap. 咱们给她

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