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1、年北京中考英语真题及答案Le le2013年北京市高级中等学校招生考试 英 语 试 卷学校_姓名_准考证号_考生须知1.本试卷共12页,满分12分,考试时间10分钟。.在试卷和答题卡上准确填写学校名称、姓名和准考证号。3试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。4.在答题卡上,选择题用2B铅笔作答,其他试题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。5.考试结束,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。听力理解(共26分)1、听对话,从下面各题所给的、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话你将听两遍。(共4分,每小题分)二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A .C三个选项中选择最佳选项

2、。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。(共2分,每小题1分)请听一段对话,完成第5至第小题。5. What ae the spees gng todo? Toav lunc. B. Too sppig C To do sors.6. W wl theybe bac school?.B 1:0 BB1:0 C. By 2:30.请听一段对话,完成第7至第8小题。7.Hw de he wan fee?A.ltle nevos BA litle sad. CA litte woid.8.her i the oman going?A. Engnd. B. America. C. Canada.请听一段对话,完成

3、第9至第0小题。9. How isth mn goig tohe Ciy Hall?A. By bik. B.Bc. . By bs.0 her s e City all?. On Paka. A King Square. CInLogStreet请听一段对话,完成第1至第1小题。.Why is thwomagoig to lern Chinee? he was o meet estudensB. She wats to ebtter graes. Se as ogo toChina1. Wha doyou knowbo the ?. H is good at Jaanee.B. He has

4、 towor hard this yar. Hewiljoinhe Intational Cl.13. at are thesparsmin taking about?A. Scool lif B. Pral intersts. C ekend aiviis.请听一段独白,完成第14至第16小题。1. How man pasare therein th race?A. To. BTree C. ix.hatdosespekertink ofthe pers i he ac?A. ave an seious. B Stronganskillfl. C Frdy a helpful.6 tishe

5、pehaily about?A. Wh cener te ace B. Wh eopl goto the race.C. Watplayers do in tera三、听对话,记录关键信息。对话你将听两遍。(共10分,每小题2分)请根据所听到的对话内容和提示词语,将所缺的关键信息填写在答题卡的相应位置上。Landing CardName:_17_ YangDate of Birth: _18_16th, 1978 Job: a _19_Address: No. _20_ West Street, New YorkReason for the Trip: to visit a _21_知识运用(

6、共 5 分)四、单项填空(共 13分,每小题 1 分)从下面各题所给的A. B. C.D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。2.Icnt find my pen.Coud ou hep_ findt?A. me B. her C i D. tem23 Luy vedn Being fo 2008_02.A. on B. to . at D.o4 -Whchd yo pefer, te_ cofee? -Tea,plae.but B.o C or D. nd25. Debie is growing fast. Sh s en_ t eroth. ll B. talle C.llest D.

7、thetllst26.-_ yu snga Enihsong? - es, canA. Cn B. May C. ust Need27.-T,supperis reay. -I dtwat o at_,MumI ot feeliell.A evrything B. othi C. sehig Daytig2.ere_ mny trees in fron of my oe nwA. is B are C. was D. Were9.-_doyo go to e ciema? -nc mon.A. w ong B w far C. Ho ofen D Ho much3. r. Green, fou

8、srier, _ ur scooext eek. visie B vsis C.wasisitigD. llvis31. Our teacerften asks u_ quesion in groupsA. dscuss . o disuss C. dicussn D.iscssed2.Miss Lin_ a lo of ok foth por aeaie 200. does B id C.h done D. w do33 Flowers_alngtheroa lst ear.A.plant B. plante C. ar paned D. r pland34I demmer_ hebok y

9、esteday. herI put B.whee di putC. erewil ut D.wer l il pu 五、完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A. B .D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。Mysute(口吃)had awys beemuchofprble. Idhad so mn specalists foy_3_ ovr t yearAs l walked doth haat ee a new one, memorispopped i y headof o painful(痛苦的)beinga kid who suttes had ben

10、 It_6_ hurt. “Hell!Im s. Caussen hearyure fom Texas! “Ye-Ye-Ye-smm-m-m-mam am”My eart felt like t wa pouning through my chesnd my ands were ripngw.I realy blwtht_3_ . “Well, shad wih _38_Smile.161ve alays ied Tea.S rned u tohbe speechsecialis I eve ha, notlike thosewo tol me to cla yhands whileseaki

11、ng. h ws_39_Sh spt te rst severalwee t talkngto - akingme a ins f qustiosabout myself,espillymy eings.nsh_40_. Se then be tach e abot the speh. Not just aot my speec, but aut everyboys. I_1_ in my ol schl nd saprty od tenor(男高音), but I learnthatee schools inging roup as allill up.It wassuc ba ews, f

12、r Ithought that wastheonen coureall do ell - and I coul dot_42_ sttteing.Somehw Caussnnaly got me in he gup.Ifelt lik sh rellycaed abou ma a persn,nost a spch studet.During thenext two ears, my peech idnt tuch betr - xcepwit r.WhenI wa i cole, ings t ose Ioce evn wondeif I udeer be ablet_43_! It w a

13、 verydeprsin time,d I ofte feltalne. When I as feeing ly sorrfor mself, I emembre s. lassen had told mewhther cou_4_ y pee was al p o She had td me nt to iht for pefect eeh,js ettr speech. he was rigt about that I inaly iroved myspeech years have pasd, Ithink herrotme to ime, wnderig ifse

14、ha asmch_45_n hr ote studnts as s ad n . lk to think tht he id Hername was rs Clussen. and se_46_ IInever fge her.35. A.spech . study Cdra D fer36 A. may B. eve C til D. never37.A nstrction .decriptn Citroducin D. resenttion Ashy B.col C. weak kind39.A.lent B. ile . diret D. differnt4. . cried B. st

15、ened C. wate D. stopped4. ang B spo C. plaed D. lapd42.A.agains B beside C. beyod D witout43. A. pacise B cmmnica C. reprt D. rely44.A. rain B. shar C. chne D. folo5. advice Binlence C deendenc D. aci46. .oninued B. tght C.aed D. care阅读理解(共4分)六、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(共26分,每小题2分)

16、 A47.Hw any popular arties e teeinthe magaine?A. 2 B. 3 C 4 .548.Which articleis about savin mony?A I creamnd bakig Blk sheep and Uncle ob.C.Reaibetwee you andfod. . Fims hat arenteallabot Cana4 What isBlakheep nd Uncle Bob abo?A. merin films. B. Famly is. C.Food. D. aking.B bought aasmin plant fory

17、ofice. Whn Iboght t, I was tl iwl loom(开花)and te sweet smellwoul fill my ofie. I hade plantfor w onth, and very da ked at i, bute weretay flowr plasant sel. I as not hpp, I vethpan t frie Linda.One day,aoter frd Mary lled and inited to hoffice Whn waledi, herasmine flowssrpried meI chdout o tuch hfl

18、oers. Maryt sme n ve them o e I could hep smeln them. Srounded b hsweet mell f nly andfulofthese flowrs, Iudenlyudso othingarbout her lan thesamete I did. Itook a year fo hrasmine to boom. was s imatentfor minto loom; reretfuly, I ave it awa.I ay my ife is i thasminla. nedto b aentndlet tins happeLa

19、st udLn toldme tha hwa goin aroad thnext week.Befor e lef, sheetured the lantt . This imeI am gi toait. I have learned hat wn w wantsmethng n our ie,we hve to be tt. I am slowylearng to have tha ptiene tit or m asmineo blom. Befre she gave thejasmne w,hre hat r .A on da on year . to weeks twomos. Wh

20、en the writer saw ys jasmn,se fet_ .A. unhay B. eacfu C.opefl D. surrised52. What has th writer lerne romher xperiece?A. atienc sneeedi lif.B. Flowers can mae le ttr. rienhi is esaryforu.D mincan b wodrflpat.CAssetieness is th ability cnfdentlyexpress ou opin,felings,titds, ad rght, in a waythat doe

21、snt infinge(侵犯) the ightsof othrs.Many f us re tuhtat it is ot nie o onsider uronneed abov thseofthe f oone ays des sothing thatwe dontlk, wesold justbe quiet adtry stywy from at ersoninhfuureWhyis Assertieness imoran?Ifyu dot know how to b see, you mihteeience:Deresion Ar, sene ofbeing hele,hopeles

22、s, o f havin control overour lfe.Rsentmn -r aotersfo taking advantag of you.rusration - Whydid Illow thttohape?Mspople findit easirto be asertive in someitutins han nohers. Ti maksetense. Is al eie to hd your gound wth astangertha wth someoneyou love. B the moe impota th relationship s toyou, temor

23、impotn s o be asrtiveAetive bevor eadstoincres respec from others!Btbeoreodide o act servly, you hv to decid if youan livewit the rsu.Alhough sertive beavior saly ill sul in asiversponse (积极的回应),some peole mght rct dffrentl.Howt b fecively(有效地) aetive:Use I statemes Kehe ocu n prblem yrehing. Id lik to be le ttll m storieswithot nterrupon. inste of Your lwas nptng y stries ! se acts,

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