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Unit 1 Your college years教案.docx

1、Unit 1 Your college years教案Unit 1一、授课时间:第1、2周二授课类型:理论课9课时;实践课3课时三授课题目:Your College Years四授课时数:12五教学目的和要求:通过讲授课文使大学生了解如何学习和做人,学会用英语解释句子以达到学以致用的目的。要求学生主动地预习课文,课前预习,学会分析文章体裁和进行段落划分。六教学重点和难点:1)背景知识的传授:Developmental Changes;2)文章的体裁分析及段落划分;3)语言点的理解:Word study: observe; handle; apply; occur; involveGrammar

2、 Focus: The way sb. did sth.; Ways of expressing the object; Determiners七教学基本内容和纲要Part One Warm up Warm-up Questions Myths and Facts Regarding College Experience On Seasons in CollegePart Two Background Information Author Erik H. EricksonPart Three Text Appreciation Text Analysis3.1.1 Theme of the t

3、ext 3.1.2 Structure of the text Writing Devices3.2.1 Antithesis 3.2.2 Developing paragraphs by examples3.2.3 Other ways of developing paragraphs Sentence ParaphrasePart Four Language Study Phrases and Expressions 4.1.1 Word list:4.1.2 Phrases and expressions list: 4.1.3 Word Building Grammar 4.2.1 O

4、bject Part Five Extension Group discussion Debating 八、教学方法和措施本单元将运用黑板、粉笔、多媒体网络辅助教学设备等教学手段,主要采用以学生为主体、教师为主导的任务型、合作型等教学模式,具体运用教师讲授法、师生讨论、生生讨论等方法进行教学。九作业,讨论题,思考题完成课后练习;多看英语报刊杂志及英语经典小说,扩大阅读量;精听与泛听相结合,逐步提高自己的听力水平;积极参加英语角等有助于提高英语口语的活动;坚持用英语写日记;做一些专四相关练习;十参考资料:1) 杨立民主编,现代大学英语精读(3)第二版,学生用书。北京:外语教学与研究出版社,201

5、2。2) 杨立民主编,现代大学英语精读(3)第二版,教师用书。北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2012。3) 李观仪主编,新编英语教程(第三、四册)。上海:上海外语教学研究出版, 1999。4) 黄源深,虞苏美等主编,综合英语教程(1-4册)。北京:高等教育出版社,1998。 5) 高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲,北京:外语教学研究出版社,2000。6) Judy Pearsall主编,新牛津英语词典。上海:上海外语教育出版社,1998。7) 丁往道、吴冰等编着,英语写作手册。北京:外语教学与研究出版社。8) 张道真,现代英语用法词典(重排本)。北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1994。9) 张道真,温

6、志达, 英语语法大全上、下卷。北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1998。十一、课后小结Unit 1 Your College YearsPart One Warm up Warm-up Questions1. As a sophomore, what is your general impression of college2. Have you experienced anything different from your middle school life3. Whats your purpose of receiving a college education you had any p

7、sychological problems ever since you entered college Myths and Facts Regarding College ExperienceCollege years are times of significant transition and challenge for an individual. Transition simply means change. Higher levels of anxiety are always experienced by people who are in a state of transiti

8、on regardless of whether the change is perceived as good or bad. The following are some of the myths vs. the facts regarding college experience.Myth 1: College years are the best years of ones life.Fact 1: While college years are memorable and enjoyable, they can also be among the most stressful and

9、 anxious times. One is faced with constant evaluation from his professors. Personal and parental expectations are always on his mind. Financial stress is often a way of life. Career decisions, various relationships and the move toward independence are also common issues. Making these the best years

10、of ones life involves developing an approach that is proactive and includes a support network. Myth 2: Students experiencing stress or anxiety are unprepared to handle the rigors of college. Fact 2: College and university environments are designed to be challenging academically, personally and socia

11、lly. Stress and anxiety, among other emotions, are natural by-products of the accelerated pace of learning and growth. It is not a matter of whether or not we experience these unpleasant feelings but rather, a matter of how we manage these emotions. Myth 3: A good student does not need assistance du

12、ring his/her college experience.Fact 3: Many students come to college with the belief that to ask for help is a sure sign of inadequacy. In fact, nothing could be farther from the truth. Your college or university has an abundance of resources available to you, for which you are paying through tuiti

13、on or fees. So become familiar with and make use of the campus resources, especially when you need assistance. Myth 4: I am the only one that doesnt have it all. Fact 4: As you walk on campus and observe other students, it appears that everyone else is so sure of himself. Everyone else has friends.

14、Everyone else has direction. Everyone else is confident. Everyone else is without troubles or hassles. This misperception is common among college students. It has its roots in one of our more powerful social norms. We all wear a “public mask” to protect a certain social image. This “public mask” com

15、municates a sense of self-assuredness to those with whom we come in contact. It often belies the inner turmoil that we all experience from time to time. The above are just some of the myths versus facts concerning college experiences. Can you think of any other myths Have a discussion with your clas

16、smates about their truths. On Seasons in CollegeThere are four seasons in a year, which make the days distinctive and exiting. Metaphorically, there are four seasons in ones college years representing different aspects of college life, which make the days rewarding and unforgettable.Do you agree If

17、so, what do you think the four seasons represent Share your opinions, please.Spring is the season for nature to revive, to grow and to get ready to boom. Similarly, in college, spring is the season for you to acquire knowledge, to develop yourself and to lay a solid foundation for the future. Its th

18、e season of growth.Summer is the season for flowers to bloom, and its the season for you to enjoy the greatest passion in nature love, love from your classmates, from your teachers and from your romance. It is the season of affectionAutumn is a season of harvest in college. Its the season for you to

19、 enjoy what you have achieved.Winter is the harshest season of the four, which presents so many difficulties and hardships. Likewise, not every day in college is full of joy. You have to meet new faces, get adjusted, make decisions for yourself, be financially and psychologically dependent, etc. So

20、winter is the season of change. Unpleasant as it may seem to some students, it is simply inescapable and beneficial to ones growth and maturity.Part Two Background Information Author Bob Hartman was born in Pittsburgh, the United States, and moved to England in the summer of 2000. He has been workin

21、g as a storyteller for children for more than a decade and is a part-time pastor. Erik H. EricksonErik H. Erikson (19021994), was a German-born American psychoanalyst whose writings on social psychology, individual identity, and the interactions of psychology with history, politics, and culture infl

22、uenced professional approaches to psychosocial problems and attracted much popular interest. He was most famous for his work on refining and expanding Freuds theory of developmental stages.Ericksons Developmental StagesBasic Theory:Babies are born with some basic capabilities and distinct temperamen

23、ts. But they go through dramatic changes on the way to adulthood and old age. According to psychologist Erik H. Erikson, each individual passes through eight developmental stages. Each developmental stage is characterized by a different psychological crisis, which must be resolved by the individual

24、before the individual can move on to the next stage. If the person copes with a particular crisis in a maladaptive manner, the outcome will be more struggles with that issue later in life. To Erikson, the sequence of the stages are set by nature. It is within the set limits that nurture works its wa

25、ys.Stage 1Infant: Trust vs MistrustNeeds maximum comfort with minimal uncertaintyto trust himself/herself, others, and the environment.Stage 2Toddler: Autonomy vs Shame and DoubtWorks to master physical environment while maintainingself-esteem.Stage 3Preschooler: Initiative vs GuiltBegins to initiat

26、e, not imitate, activities; developsconscience and sexual identity.Stage 4 School-age Child: Industry vs InferiorityTries to develop a sense of self-worth by refining skills.Stage 5Adolescent: Identity vs Role ConfusionTries integrating many roles (child, sibling, student, athlete, worker) into a se

27、lf-image under role modeland peer pressure. Stage 6Young Adult: Intimacy vs IsolationLearns to make personal commitment to another as spouse, parent or partnerStage 7Middle-Age Adult: Generativity vs StagnationSeeks satisfaction through productivity in career, family, and civic interests.Stage 8Olde

28、r Adult: Integrity vs DespairReviews life accomplishments, deals with loss and prepares for death.Part Three Text Appreciation Text Analysis3.1.1 Theme of the text College is designed to be a time of changes for students. Threatening the changes may be, they contribute to young adults growth and mat

29、urity. College students are experiencing a lot. Not only are they being introduced to new people and new knowledge, but they are also acquiring new ways of assembling and processing information. They are also proudly growing in their understanding of themselves, others and the world. 3.1.2 Structure

30、 of the textPart 1 (para. 1): Many key changes happen to college students during their college years.Part 2 :The key changes involve the following: identity crisis, the independence/dependence struggle, establishment of sexual identity, affection giving and receiving, inter-nalization of religious f

31、aith, values and morals, development of new ways to organize and use knowledge, a new understanding of the world and himself/herselfPart 3 ): Conclusion.Relevant questions:1. Question: How do college students go through an identity crisis at college What factors may influence identity Mentioned in P

32、ara. 2Students endeavor to find out who they are and what their strengths and weaknesses are. They want to know how other people perceive themselves as well.Identity may be influenced by genes, environment and opportunities.2. In fact, it may be heightened by their choice to pursue a college education.Question: What does “it” refer to here For reference: “it” re

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