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1、教学法考试2013年12月英语学科教学论考试题型和题库复习总体范围:教材、PPT、周三下午系列讲座资料,有些材料,包括开放性的问题,答案不一定在上述资料中。希望大家通过各种渠道,例如工具书、网络、图书馆等积极查找。考试题型I. Abbreviations (20 points, 2 points for each item)PPP: presentation, practice, and productionTTT : Teacher Talking Time STT: Student Talking TimeEAP :English for Academic PurposesESP: Eng

2、lish for Specific Purposes ESEA: Engage-Study-Engage-ActivateIATEFL: The International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language TESOL: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (P185) EFL: teacher a teacher who teaches English as a foreign language p2ESA:engage study activat

3、eTQ: teaching aids SA: means stages where the teacher leads a question and answer session with the students SS: means pairworkTQ-SA: it means stages where the teacher leads a question and answer session with the studentsOHP: the overhead projectorA AE - American English ACTFL - American Council on t

4、he teaching of Foreign Languages AAAL - American Assocation for Applied LinguisticsB BrE - British English BL: boomerang lessons BVT - Bilingual Vocational TrainingBAAL - British Assocation of Applied Linguistics BC - British Council BEC - Business English Certificate - Cambridge business English ex

5、am certificate C CAE - Certificate of Advanced English - the fourth Cambridge Exam Cambridge Exams - The standard in English examination throughout the world outside of the USA (where the TOEFL is preferred).CALI - Computer-Assisted Language InstructionCALL - Computer-Assisted Language LearningCanE

6、- Canadian EnglishCAT - Computer Adaptive TestingCBT - Computer-Based TeachingCEELT - Cambridge Examination in English for Language Teachers.CEIBT - Certificate in English for International Business and Trade for advanced levels.CPE - Certificate of Proficiency in English - the fifth and the most ad

7、vanced of Cambridges series of exams (roughly comparable to a score of 600-650 on the TOEFL).CELTA - Certificate in English language teaching to adults (Cambridge/RSA Teaching Certificate also known as C-TEFLA)CLT: communicative language teachingD DELTA - Diploma in English language teaching (Cambri

8、dge/RSA Language TeachingDD: describe and drawDA: describes and arrangeE ESA: Engage-Study-Activate ELT: English Language TeachingEFL: English as a Foreign LanguageESL: English as a Second LanguageELT - English Language TeachingEFL - English as a Foreign Language EAP - English for Academic PurposesE

9、CCE - Exam for the Certificate of Competency in English (Michigan University) - lower level.ECPE - Exam for the Certificate of Proficiency in English (Michigan University) - higher level.EGP - English for general purposes EIP - English as an International LanguageELICOS - English Language Intensive

10、Courses to Overseas Students. Government registered centres teaching English to overseas students in Australia.ELT - English Language TeachingESOL - English for Speakers of Other LanguagesESP - English for special purposes (business English, English for tourism, etc.)ETS - Educational Testing Servic

11、eF FL : Foreign LanguageFCE - First Certificate in English - the third of Cambridges series of exams (comparable to a score of 500 on the TOEFL and 5.7 on the IELTS).G GMAT - Graduate Management Admission Test. The GMAT measures general verbal, mathematical, and analytical writing skills.GPA - Grade

12、 Point AverageGRE - Graduate Record Examination - an evaluation test for graduate admission to colleges and universities in the U.S.I IATEFL - International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign LanguageIPA - International Phonetic AssociationJ JALT: The Japan Association for Language Teac

13、hingK K12 - Kindergarten - 12th grade.KET - Key English Test - The most elementary of Cambridges series of examsL L1 - Language 1 - native language; L2 - Language 2 - the language you are learningLEP - Limited English ProficienLL - Language LearningM MT - Mother TongueMTELP - Michigan Test of Englis

14、h Language ProficiencyN NATECLA - National Association for Teaching English and other Community Languages to Adults (UK) NATESOL - National Association of Teachers of English for Speakers of Other Languages NCTE - National Council of Teachers of EnglishNLP - Neurolinguistic ProgrammingNNEST - Non-Na

15、tive English Speaking TeacherNNL - Non-Native LanguageO OE - Old English OED - Oxford English DictionaryOHP: Overhead projectorsOHT: Overhead transparenciesP PPP: Presentation, Practice and ProductionPL: patchwork lessonsPET - Preliminary English Test - The second of Cambridges series of exams.R RP

16、- Received Pronunciation - standard British pronunciationRSA/Cambridge C-TEFLA - Certificate of Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Adults.S SS: pair workSAL: straight arrow lessonsSPF: sun protection factorSL: Second LanguageSARS: select adapt reject supplementSTT: Student talking timeSAE - S

17、tandard American EnglishSAT - Scholastic Assessment (Aptitude) Test - pre-university entrance exam in theT TEFL - Teaching English as a Foreign Language TEFLA - Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Adults TEIL - Teaching English as an International LanguageTESL - Teaching English as a Second La

18、nguageTESOL - Teaching English to Speakers of Other LangaugesTOEFL - Test of English as a Foreign Language - the most common English proficiency exam for North American universities and colleges, also accepted by some British universities and employers as proof of English proficiency.TOEIC - The TOE

19、IC (pronounced toe-ick) is a Test of English for International Communication.TTT: Teacher talking timeTESOL: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other LanguagesTQSA: teacher question students answerTBS: task based learningV VE - Vocational EnglishVESL - Vocational English as a Second LanguageW WO: wo

20、rd orderY YLE - Young Learners English Tests - Cambridge Examinations for young learners PPP: Presentation, Practice and ProductionESA: Engage, Study and ActivateTTT&STT: Teacher talking time & Student talking timeEFL: English as foreign languageOHP: Overhead projectorsOHT: Overhead transparenciesII

21、. True or False (10 points, 2 points for each statement)III. Terms and definitions. (20 points, 4 points for each item)1. language acquisition and language learning language acquisition: gaining use of a language without any conscious learning2. comprehensible inputlanguage which is certainly above

22、the students productive level, but which they can more or less understand 3. developmental error An error in learner language that does not result from first language influence but rather reflects the learners gradual discovery of the second language system. These errors are often similar to those m

23、ade by children learning the language as their mother tongue. 4. StereotypeStereotype is a popular and highly exaggerated concept of a particular group of people. Concentrating on just a few features of the particular group, it is an image, conception, or belief which exaggerates, oversimplifies, an

24、d thus distorts the characteristics of people and their behavior. For example, one group might consider another to be backward, belligerent, sexy, or arrogant. In those traditional Chinese films, thieves and criminals are always those who have ugly faces and look violent. But in reality, people with

25、 ugly faces may also have a kind heart like the cartoon film “The Beauty and the Beast”. This kind of misconception is the result of stereotype.5. active vocabulary and passive vocabulary6. attention spanthe length of time you can concentrate on some idea or activity(internet P11)7. Approach8. Schem

26、aschema is a structured cluster of pre-conceived ideas about a specific theme, it helps us to organize our background knowledge about the reading material. 9. information gapTwo speakers have different parts of information making up a whole. One person has information that the other lacks. The speak

27、er has the information which the listener does not know or the speaker wants to know information that the listener has. They have different information, and there is a gap between them. Students need to negotiate. In the classroom, the same kind of information gap will have to be created if we are t

28、o encourage real communication.10. skimming and scanningSkimming is a kind of reading skill which means getting a general idea of what the reading material is about. Scanning is a kind of reading skill which means searching for particular bits of information.11. corpusIn linguistics, a corpus (plura

29、l corpora) or text corpus is a large and structured set of texts (now usually electronically stored and processed). They are used to do statistical analysis and hypothesis testing, checking occurrences or validating linguistic rules on a specific universe. A corpus may contain texts in a single lang

30、uage (monolingual corpus) or text data in multiple languages (multilingual corpus). Multilingual corpora that have been specially formatted for side-by-side comparison are called aligned parallel corpora.12. interaction13. gist listening Listening exercise which require students to listen for the ma

31、in idea14. plateau effect and fossilizationthe phenomenon that people sometimes find they dont improve much or as fast as before.(P13)15. rough-tuneexaggerate the voice tone and gesture to help get the meaning across/ rough-toning is that unconscious simplification which both parents and teacher use

32、 by exaggerating tones of voice, speaking with less complex grammatical structures than they would if they were talking to adults. When rough-toning, their vocabulary is generally more restricted. They dont set out to get the level of language exactly correct for their audience, but to rely on a general perception of what is being understood by the people listening to them. (P3)16. learner autonom

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