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1、SSAT数学练习题SSAT数学练习题SSAT,全称Secondary School Admission Test,中文名称为美国中学入学考试,适用于美国、加拿大私立中学的入学,是申请者所必须具备的一个考试成绩。主要测量学生的数学、语文以及阅读理解能力,考察考生的逻辑思维和发展潜力。由Admission Test Board命题。针对不同年龄的学生,SSAT考试分为高级(upper level)和低级(lower level),前者针对目前就读8-11年级的学生,后者针对目前就读5-7年级的学生。1 What is the perimeter of a rectangle with side l

2、engths of 8 and 3?一个长方形的边长为8 和3 ,它的周长是多少?a. 6b. 11c, 16d. 22e. 252 The base angles of an isosceles triangle are:等腰三角形的底角是:Perpendicular Congruent 全等Complimentary 互余Supplementary 互补Parallel 平行3 How many points are necessary to define a line?确定一条直线需要几个点?a. Oneb. Twoc. Threed. Foure. Infinite4 Two cars

3、 start from the same place two hours apart. The first car travels at 10 miles per hour and the second travels at 15 miles per hour. How many hours after the second car leaves does it take for the second car to catch up?两辆车从一个地方出发,一个先走两个小时。甲车每小时走十英里,乙车每小时走15英里。当乙车开始走的时候,它需要多久才可以追上甲车?a. 1b. 2c. 3d. 4e

4、. 55 What interest rate is necessary to get $1000 in interest over 2 years on a $10000 investment?投资10000美元,那么利率为多少的时候,在两年里才可以得到1000美元的利息?a. 4%b. 5%c. 6%d. 7%e. 8%6 The sum of 14 consecutive integers is 217. What is the sixth number in the series?14个连续整数的总和是217.那么这个序列中第六个数是几?a. 13b. 14c. 15d. 16e. 1

5、77 Paul needs to be at a meeting in 20 minutes. If his office is 15 miles away, how fast does he need to drive to get there on time, in miles per hour?保罗需在20分钟内赶到一个会议。如果他离公司15英里,那么他需要开多快才可以准时参加会议(英里/ 小时)?a. 15b. 20c. 30d. 40e. 458 The base angles of an isosceles triangle are:PerpendicularCongruentCo

6、mplimentarySupplementaryParallel9 If A $ B = A * B - ( A + B), what is 3 $ (2 $ 1)?A. -5B. -3C. 0D. 1E. 410 What is the average (arithmetic mean) of 4x + 5, 7x-6,and -8x+2?4x + 5, 7x-6,和 -8x+2 的平均值是多少?A. x + 1B. x + 1/3C. 3x + 1D. 3x + 1/3E. 3x + 3 1/311 In a classroom of 35 students, 14 are male. W

7、hat percent of the classroom is male?教室里有35个学生,14 个是男生。 那么教室里男生的比例是多少?A. 14%B. 20%C. 30%D. 40%E. 50%12 If the area of a triangle is 24 and its base is 6, what is the length of the altitude to that base?一三角形的面积是24,其底边是6,那么底边上的高是多长?A. 3B. 6C. 8D. 10E. unknown13 If Jeff and Jimmy have less than 22 doll

8、ars between them, and Jeff has 8 dollars, which of the following could be the number of dollars that Jimmy has?如果Jeff 和Jimmy 俩人共有不超过22美元,jeff 有8美元. 那么下面哪一项可能是jimmy 有的钱?121416A. I onlyB. III onlyC. I & III.D. I & IIE. Neither I, II, nor III is correct.14 Stephanie drove at an average rate of 50 miles

9、 per hour for two hours and then increased her average rate by 50% for the next 3 hours. Her average rate of speed for the 5 hours was t miles per hour. What is the value of t?Stephanie以每小时 50英里的平均速度行驶了2小时,后来她把平均速度提高50%后又开了3小时。若她5小时的平均速度是t,那么t 值是多少?A. 55 mphB. 60 mphC. 65 mphD. 70 mphE. 75 mph15 If

10、1 alpha = 2 betas and 1 beta = 3 gammas, how many alphas are equal to 36 gammas?若 1 a= 2 b,1 b = 3 c,几个 a 等于 36 个 c?A. 6B. 12C. 36D. 72E. 10816 At Joes Steakhouse the hourly wage for a chef is 20% greater than that of a dishwasher, and the hourly wage of a dishwasher is half as much as the hourly wa

11、ge of a manager. If a managers wage is $8.50 per hour, how much less than a manager does a chef earn each hour?在乔德牛排餐厅的厨师的小时工资比一个洗碗工多20,洗碗工每小时的工资是经理人的每小时工资的一半。如果一个经理的工资是每小时8.50美元,那么厨师比经理每小时少赚多少钱?A. $5.95B. $4.25C. $5.10D. $3.25E. $3.4017 A florist buys roses at $0.50 a piece and sells them for $1.00

12、 a piece. If there are no other expenses, how many roses must be sold in order to make a profit of $300?一花匠以每支0.5 美元的价格买进玫瑰,又以每支1美元是价格卖出去。如果没有其他开支,那么他要卖多少枝玫瑰才可以赚到300美元?A. 100B. 150C. 200D. 300E. 60018 A certain pump can drain a full 375-gallon tank in 15 minutes. At this rate, how many more minutes

13、would it take to drain a full 600-gallon tank?某水泵可是在15分钟内抽干 转着375 加仑的水的水箱。以这个速度,它抽干一个600加仑水的水箱好要多久?A. 9B. 15C. 18D. 24E. 2519 Lennys average score after 3 tests is 88. What score on the 4th test would bring Lennys average up to exactly 90?Lenny 三次考试以后的平均分是88. 那么第四次考试她需要考多少才可以使其平均分为90?A. 92B. 93C. 94

14、D. 95E. 9620 If an integer is divisible by 6 and by 9, then the integer must be divisible by which of the following?如果一个整数可以被3 和9 整除,那么下面哪一个也可以被这个整数整除?A. 12B. 18C. 24D. 36E. 5421 A certain machine can make 3 widgets every 2 seconds. At this rate, how many widgets will be made in 1 minute?某机器可以在2秒内造出

15、3个零件。那么一分钟此机器可以造出多少零件?A. 90B. 110C. 150D. 180E. 22022 What is the average of the first 50 positive integers?前50个正整数的平均值是多少?A. 25B. 25.5C. 26D. 26.5E. 2723 If ab is negative, which of the following CANNOT be negative?若 ab 是负数,下面哪个不可能是负数?A. b-aB. a-bC. a2bD. ab2E. a2b224 In a certain set of numbers, t

16、he ratio of integers to nonintegers is 1:4. What percent of the numbers in the set are integers?在某一系列的数中,整数和非整数的比例是1:4, 那么整数的比例占多少?A. 20%B. 25%C. 40%D. 75%E. 80%25 What is the smallest positive number that leaves a remainder of 2 when the number is divided by 3, 4, or 5?当一个整数能被3,4,5整除时,这个最小的正整数是多少?A

17、. 42B. 82C. 22D. 62E. 12226 Which is greater?哪一个更大?Column A(A栏)Column B (B 栏)3-5+6-8-4+7 -2A. the quantity in Column B is greaterB. the relationship cannot be determined from the information givenC. the quantity in Column A is greaterD. the two quantities are equal27 If a die is tossed twice,the pro

18、bability of getting a 3 on both tosses is:一骰子被掷两次,被掷到3 的比例是多少?A. 1/4B. 1/36C. 1/12D. 1/6E. 1/2528 An instrument store gives a 10% discount to all students off the original cost of aninstrument. During a back to school sale an additional 15% is taken off the discountedprice. Julie, a student at the l

19、ocal high school, purchases a flute for $306. How much diditoriginally cost? 一五金店给所有学生每件文具打9折。在回校的路上,又在打折价上再打了8.5折。Julie,是当地学校的学生,话306美元买了一横笛,那么它原价是多少?A. $325B. $375C. $400D. $408E. $42529 If y(x-1)=z then x=A. y-zB. z/y + 1C. y(z-1)D. z(y-1)E. 1-zy30 Which of the following values is NOT equal to 34

20、(58+9)?下面那个值不等于34(58+9)A. 34 x 67B. 58(34+9)C. 34 x 58 + 34 x 9D. 1,972 + 306E. (9 + 58) 3431 Two angles of a triangle measure 15 and 85 . What is the measure for thethird angle?一三角形的两底角分别是15度和85度。那么第三个角的度数是多少?A. 50B. 55C. 60D. 80E. 9032 If 5 ounces is equal to 140 grams, then 2 pounds of ground mea

21、t is equal tohow many grams?若5盎司等于140个,2 磅绞肉等于多少克?A. 863B. 878C. 896D. 915E. 93233 Which year did the most children take swimming lessons?哪一年上游泳课的孩子最多?A. 1990B. 1991C. 1992D. 1994E. 199534 Between which year did the largest decrease in children taking swimminglessons occur?在那几年之间上游泳课的孩子降幅最大?A. 1990-

22、1991B. 1991-1992C. 1992-1993D. 1993-1994E. 1994-199535 What was the average number of children taking swim lessons from 1990 to 1995?1990年到1995年上游泳课的孩子的平均数是多少?A. 250B. 308C. 385D. 450E. 1,85036 Which of the following is equal to 5.93 x 10-2?下面哪个等于5.93 x 10-2?A. 0.0593B. 0.00593C. 593D. 5930E. 593003

23、7 On a Map, 1 inch represents 20 miles. The distance between 2 towns is 6 1/5inches. Howmanymiles are actually between the two towns?在地图上,一英尺代表20英里。两个镇之间的距离是6.2英尺,那么两镇之间的实际距离是多少?A. 65 milesB. 84 milesC. 124 milesD. 138 milesE. 145 miles38 How many cubed pieces of fudge that are 3 inches on an edge c

24、an be packed intoa Christmas tin that is 9 inches deep by 12 inches wide by 8 inches high withthe lid still being able to be closed?A. 18B. 24C. 32D. 36E. 4339 Sarah is twice as old as her youngest brother. If the difference between theirages is 15 years. How old is her youngest brother?莎拉是她最小的弟弟的两倍

25、大。如果他们的年龄之间的差异是15年。是她最小的弟弟多大年纪?A. 10B. 15C. 20D. 25E. 3040 Which of the following fractions is equal to 5/6?下列哪一个分数等于5 / 6?A. 20/30B. 15/24C. 25/30D. 40/54E. 2/741 What will it cost to tile a kitchen floor that is 12 feet wide by 20 feet longif the tile cost $8.91 per square yard?给一个宽12英尺,长20英尺的厨房铺地

26、板瓷砖,如果瓷砖的成本每平方码8.91元,那么铺整个厨房的成本是多少?A. $224.51B. $237.60C. $246.55D. $271.38E. $282.3242 In a writing competition, the first place winner receives of the prizemoney. The second runner up receives of what the winner won. What was thetotal amount of prize money distributed if the winner receives $6,000

27、?在写作比赛中,第一名可以得到一半的奖金。季军可以得到冠军奖金的四分之一。若冠军得到6000美元,那么总奖金额是多少?A. $6,000B. $8,500C. $12,000D. $15,000E. $18,50043 You are lying 120 ft away from a tree that is 50 feet tall. You look up at thetop of the tree. Approximately how far is your hear from the top of the treein a straight line?你躺在离一棵树120英尺的地方,树

28、高50英尺。你看向树的顶部。那么从顶部到你那大约有多远?A. 50 feetB. 75 feetC. 120 feetD. 130 feetE. 150 feet44 A cyclist bikes x distance at 10 miles per hour and returns over the same path at 8 miles per hour. What is the cyclists average rate for the round trip in miles per hour?一个人以每小时每小时10英里的速度骑自行车X英里,然后以在8英里每小时返回相同的路径。那么

29、这个人往返的平均速度是多少?A. 8.1B. 8.3C. 8.6D. 8.9E. 9.045 If edging cost $2.32 per 12-inch stone, and you want a double layer of edgingyour flower bed that is 6 yards by 1 yard. How much will edging you flower bedcost?如果磨边的成本是2.32元每12寸,你想有一个1码乘6码双层磨边花坛。那么磨边花坛需要多少成本?A. $32.48B. $64.96C. $97.44D. $129.92E. $194.8846 If 3x=6x-15 then x + 8=A. 5B. 10C. 11D. 12E. 1347 The number of milliliters in 1 liter is1升是多少毫升?A. 10,000B. 1,000C. 0.1D. 0.01E. 0.001P

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