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1、谢孟媛被动语态Unit 3 被动语态主动及被动例:l. Tom repairs bikes. 由汤姆的立场而言。2. Bikes are repaired by Tom. 由脚踏车的立场而言。被动语态的形式主词+ be V +过去分词+ by +行为者be动词+过去分词 表时态 表被动例:1. The song is sung by Jolin. (这首歌由Jolin所唱。) 现在式 被动2. I hear the song sung by Jolin. (我听到这首歌由Jolin所唱。) 现在式 被动3. English and French are spoken in Canada. (加

2、拿大说英语及法语。)非行为者, 介系词不用by主动及被动的转换主词动词受词主动HepraisedMe.被动Iwas praisedby him.由上例句得知, 及物动词才有被动语态。但有些不及物动词+介系词可被视为及物动词片语, 所以仍可形成被动语态。例:1. I listen to music. (我听音乐。)2. Something happened to Mark. (马克出事了。)3. He takes care of the newcomer to the club. (他照顾社团里的新人。)The newcomer to the club is taken care of by h

3、im. 时态的被动语态形式(1)现在式的被动语态am / are / is +过去分词例:Betty keeps five newborn cats at home. (贝蒂家里养着5只刚生下的猫咪。)Five newborn cats are kept by Betty at home. (2)过去式的被动语态was / were +过去分词例:l. They sold many kinds of child seats at the shop. (他们店里卖许多种类的儿童座椅。)Many kinds of child seats were sold (by them) at the sho

4、p.2. The police ran after the thief in the street. (警方人员在大街上追捕小偷)The thief was run after by the police in the street. (3)现在进行式的被动语态am / are / is +being +过去分词例:Workers are building the new shopping center. (工人们正在盖新的购物中心) The new shopping center is being built by workers. (4)过去进行式的被动语态was / were +bein

5、g +过去分词例:Mr. Smith was printing the exam papers. (史密斯先生正在印考卷)The exam papers were being printed by Mr. Smith. (5)未来式的被动语态例:1. They will hold the school sports in October. (十月份将举办学校运动会。)The school sports will be held (by them) in October.2. Our class are going to discuss the problem. (我们班上的同学将讨论这个问题。

6、)The problem is going to be discussed by our class. 其它助动词, 如:can, must, should等的被动语态形成方法, 和未来式的被动一样。例:Every one of us should follow school rules. (我们每一个人应该遵守校规。)School rules should be followed by every one of us. (6)现在完成式的被动语态have/has +been +过去分词例:The teacher has already punished the naughty boy. (老

7、师已经处罚了那个顽皮的男孩。)The naughty boy has already been punished by the teacher. 各句型的被动语态形式(1)Yes / No问句即be动词或助动词为首的问句例:l. Did Judy mess up my room? (我的房间被茱蒂弄乱的吗?)Was my room messed up by Judy?2. Must I take the cold medicine three times a day? (我必须一天吃三次这感冒药吗?)Must the cold medicine be taken three times a d

8、ay (by me)?(2)WH问句即疑问词为首的问句例:1. What did he catch? (他抓到什么?) =What was caught by him? The lion was. (是狮子。)2. When did the boy break the window? (这男孩是什么时候打破窗户?) =When was the window broken by the boy?It was broken yesterday afternoon. 3. What language is spoken in Spain? (西班牙说何种语言?)Spanish is. (3)“Who

9、 +动词”的问句By whom +be动词+主词+过去分词?例:Who bought the sweater?(谁买了这件毛衣?)By whom was the sweater bought?(4)否定句例:1. They dont collect recyclable paper every day. (他们并非每天回收纸类。)Recyclable paper isnt be collected (by them) every day. 2. We cant see a full moon tonight. (今晚我们无法看到满月。)A full moon cant be seen (by

10、us) tonight. 特别注意的被动语态(1) by+行为者之省略by之后的行为者, 若泛指一般人或未指明某人或含糊不清的某人时, 则省略。例:1. Rice is grown in Taiwan. (台湾种稻。)2. My uncle was killed in the war. (我叔叔死于战争。)3. The novel was translated into many languages. (这小说被翻译成许多语言。)(2)不使用by的被动语态例:l. Mr. Jackson is known to people in this town. (杰克森先生为此镇上的人所知。)Taip

11、ei is known for its good foods. (台北以美食闻名。)She is known as a successful singer. (她以身为成功的歌手闻名。)2. Those mountains are covered with snow. (那些山为白雪所覆盖。)3. They were caught in a shower during the barbecue. (他们在烤肉时被一阵雨给淋湿了。)4. Shoes are made of leather. (皮鞋由皮革制成。)5. Bread is made from flour. (面包由面粉制成。)表感情;

12、情绪的被动语态也不用by例:主词(人)+be动词+事物(3)授与动词的被动语态例:l. The embassy gave me a new passport. (大使馆发给我一份新护照。)I was given a new passport by the embassy.A new passport was given (to) me by the embassy.2. Mr. White told us the history story. (怀特先生跟我们说那个历史故事。)We were told the history story by Mr. White.The history sto

13、ry was told (to) us by Mr. White. 有些授与动词, 如:make, cook, get, read, sell, sing, write, pass等,不可用人做为被动语态的主词。例:Mom cooked us vegetable soup. (妈妈为我们煮蔬菜汤。)Vegetable soup was cooked for us by Mom. We were cooked vegetable soup by Mom. ()(4)主词+动词+受词+补语的被动语态补语不能做为被动语态的主词。例:l. They painted the board blue. (他

14、们将板子涂成蓝色。)The board was painted blue by them.2. We elected Jack chairperson. (我们选杰克为主席。)Jack was elected chairperson by us. (5)祈使句的被动语态原形动词+受词例:Open the door. (打开门。)Let the door be opened.Let +O(人)+原形动词+ O (物)例:Let me tell the truth. (让我说实话吧。)Let the truth be told by me. (6)使役动词的被动语态使役动词受词主动被动make /

15、 haveOVP.P.letVbe p.p.getto VP.P.例:1. My brother made me run errands for him. (我哥要我替他跑腿。)My brother let me run errands for him. My brother got me to run errands for him.2. I had my hair cut yesterday. (我昨天剪短头发了。)3. Let it be done at once. (立刻这么做吧。)4. Mr. Lin made me do the work. (林先生叫我做这工作。)5. Mr. L

16、in made the work done by me.6. I was made to do the work by Mr. Lin. (7)感官动词的被动语态感官动词受词主动被动feel, see, watch,look at, notice,listen to, hear0VV-ingP.P.例:1. I saw him beat/beating the little boy. (我看见他打这小男孩。)2. I saw the little boy beaten by him. (我看见小男孩被他打。)3. He was seen to beat / beating the little

17、 boy by me. (他被我看见打这小孩。)被动语态1.The terrorists bomed the station.(主动)2.The station bomed by the terrorists.(被动)车站被恐怖分子炸毁了。1.We keep a dog named lucky.lucky is an old dog and cant move quickly,he was almost runover by a car yesterday.named是PP run over碾过2.My sister isnt very good at driving.Yesterday sh

18、e insisted on driving my car and sheAlmost ran over an old dog.昨天她坚持要开我的车子。被动语态-beV+过去分词PP现在式+被动 am/is/are+pp过去式+被动 was/were+pp未来式+被动 will be+pp现在进行时+被动 am/are/is being+pp过去进行时+被动 was/were being+pp未来进行时+被动 will be being +pp现在完成时+被动 have/has been pp过去完成时+被动 had been pp未来完成时+被动 will have been pp主被动语态转

19、换People all over the world watch the Olympics.The Olympics is watched by people all over the world.Tom threw the paper plane during the break.The paper plane was thrown by Tom during the break.这个纸飞机被汤姆在课间扔来扔去。第76卷及物动词才有被动语态被动语态 beV+p.p.beV管时态p.p.管被动They do not permit talking on cell phone in the tra

20、in.火车上不允许讲手机。Talking on cell phone is not permitted (by them )in the train.一 S+V+O的被动语态注意1By+受词可省的情形有三1. 动作者为一般人或泛指一类人时在这个地区随处可看见野生猴子Wild monkeys are seen around this area.2. 动作者不清楚时这个座位有人坐了This seat is taken.3. 从前后文的关系可清楚动作者是谁时报纸约在早上五点送达The newspapers are delivered around 5:00 a.m.This swimmer will

21、 make a new record.A new record will be made by this swimmer.注意2当一个动词加上一个介词有特定意义,可做被动语态The wind had blown away the balloons before the come.The balloons had been blown away by the wind before they come.红字部分是吹走 是一个及物动词片语The teacher is counting the number of students.The number of students is being co

22、unted by the teacher.一、 S+V+O+O的被动语态一次只用一个受词来做变化。物在前人在后要加介系词。1. They sent all the customers a card about the sale.他们寄给所有顾客一张贩售物品的卡片。All the customers were sent (by them) a card about the sale.They sent a card about the sale to all the customers.A card about the sale was sent (by them)( to )all the c

23、ustomers.第77卷2. The embassy gave me a new passport.大使馆给了我一份新的护照。I was given a new passport by the embassy.A new passport was given( to )me by the embassy.3. My father bought me a motorcycle.I was bought a motorcycle by my father.A motorcycle was bought for me by my father.注意1: 动词buy, get, make, read

24、, sing, write, build, cook, pass, choose等,其被动语态,多不用间接受词(人)当主语注意2: 用to时,可以省略二、 S+V+O+C的被动语态1. His grandfather named the baby Doris.The baby was named Doris by his grandfather.They painted the wall blue.The wall was painted blue by them.2. John persuaded me to go to the dentist.I was persuaded to go t

25、he dentist by john.重点使役动词和感官动词的被动语态。使役V+O+VR=beV+使役PP+TOV感官V+O+VR/VING=beV感官PP+TOV/VING1. They made the students wait in line.The students were made to wait in line.2. He heard his dog bark/barking at a cat.His dog was heard to bark / barking at a cat (by him).3. I saw a man jump/jumping into the ri

26、ver.A man was seen to jump / jumping into the river by me.三、 疑问句的被动语态1) YES/NO问句(beV或助动词为首的问句)1. Does your wife cook your meals? 你太太帮你做三餐吗?Are your meals cooked by your wife?2. Did your father bake this pizza?Was this pizza baked by your father?3. Will you finish the work tomorrow?Will the work be f

27、inished (by you) tomorrow?2) WH问句1. Who produced this CD?Who(m) was this CD produced by?By whom was this CD produced? 文章体2. Who do the police suspect?Who is suspected by the police?3. What do you call this in English?What is this called (by you) in English?4. What kind of program do you favor?What k

28、ind of program is favored by you?第78卷四、 祈使句的被动语态1) (Dont/Never) +原形动词Let1. Open the door of the room.Let the door of the room be opened.注意let后使用be(原形)2. Dont forget this lesson.Dont let this lesson be forgotten.Let this lesson not be forgotten.2) Let +受词+原形动词1. Let my daughters pack the things.Let t

29、he thing be packed by my daughters.重点: 使役动词a. make/have+O+I made him to do it.I made it done.我叫某人做这件事。b. get+O+I got him to do it.I got it done.c. let+O+I let him do it.I let it be done.五、 say, believe, expect, know, think, consider等的被动语态1. They say that yawns are catching. 打哈欠会传染It is said (by them

30、) that yawns are catching. 据说Yawns are said to be catching.It is said+that+S+V = S is said toV2. We expect that the plane will land on time.It is expected that the plane will land on time.The plane is expected to land on time.3. They think that he is the best football player of the year.It is thought that he is the best football player of the year.He is thought to be the best football player of the year.六、 特别注意的被动语态1) 被动语态行为者前不加by情绪动词如interest 使-感到兴趣English interests me.English is interesting to me.红字

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