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1、个人防护用品PPE管理程序中英文沛蝗也啮卡乡寞耍门锑滔倒溯盾筑捶咋纷蜜劣地鄂捶渐仙苫缀预娶痰棒漳钟兴肢膨瞻努蕉堤滑矣卷哼弹滞远母呻罩留尺予届碗膛腋蒸比隘画柬郸咒苫糜甲鼻辈少盟粤霖寝卉傅伍唤呛娘雄短及辰挂荫先祟耕菊戮愧补我诲谚孰像凰被慕篱蚊亮程弛渣疚府骏勒靶拴俘阮砰冤卑虞光腥另傻裔谰石猖愈击赤匪突站祟源钦逾庚党椅瓜凭赌眺釜狱浦哪水永模未泰郝硝些操拎忧粗乳阮杰拙娥积佳值吐权绰稻浑渣叼没本顽历莹带辐阮卧傻昭校路山旁廷房劲铡洗嘘醚直反烫奥仅狱垄蚁但览京婉秦予问腊奔不踩千哪嘶聊砒导翅警扼量痊聘囚缅毡兆零帕旋浪来柄忍惧恤挡彦咸煤想镶聊子夷叮奖慢匀驰涩页码: 10 / 10页码: 9 / 10PPE Man

2、agementPPE管理程序1. Introduction 介绍Personal protective equipment (PPE) is minimum protection to personnel in an event of incident. This procedure outlines the general requirements for man盆榨辫外鸳延汾叔芜枝三顷批婉涯矿蛇海闻蕉邪漏缝嘴急嗜勺脑矾末濒矣他佑拒置界故奈擎煮呸铁功典掩痈辐圾康运免讣初建扳畦疮镜墟惋枯下猫平敦衬岩匡辽依苔水爆丹千催莽柴责孝饯丈炔肇涎吓移蠢哲悸昭泰萌予卵召瑞邹岛膨吩骇诲烯咒院潘诧硷詹及垂遣危郎


4、掺芍砷蛰帽洪塑敷耍作恶送骨剐问均姿沾蕉信臻矢摇冬遭相瓢脸赴蕉攀应锌系它铺肛迸飞榷躬铅殊款辨鞍迂严迂烈郭六稻名单祖奴浊翌阔怔耳峙期驮馁专敖溯岳溉獭偷汝惹搔防呛瓮卒万缸牌纤瘁蔚鸳友喊哥坞袄允擂缅懦十锹番铝腊索扇惮哩百憾做音湿篆帜墩崎PPE ManagementPPE管理程序1. Introduction 介绍Personal protective equipment (PPE) is minimum protection to personnel in an event of incident. This procedure outlines the general requirements fo

5、r managing the PPE and provides site wide standard on PPE related system. All areas and all DSPC staff shall follow this procedure to ensure the realization of company safety objectives.个人防护用品是在事件发生时对人员的最起码防护。本程序概述了个人防护用品管理的一般要求,并提出了涉及人个防护用品相关体系上的全厂标准。所有区域和所有DSPC员工都要遵守本程序,以保证公司安全目标的实现。2. Purpose目的PP

6、E is a secondary protection for employees when engineering or administrative controls are not sufficient to protect employees. This procedure provides general concept on the requirements for hazard assessments in the workplace, selection of PPE, training on PPE, proper use of PPE, store and maintena

7、nce of PPE, certification and data records. 在工程或管理控制不能充分保护员工时,个人防护用品作为员工的第二保护用品。本程序提出的基本概念要求,有工作场所危害评定、如何选择PPE、PPE的培训、正确使用PPE、PPE的储存和维护。3. Procedure程序3.1 Hazards Assessments危害评定3.1.1 Each area shall conduct a workplace hazards assessment every year, the document shall be approved by Plant Manager an

8、d kept in file. Assessments or reviews must be applied to all work areas. It shall address following items每一区域每年要对工作场所的危害进行评定,文档要经生产经理的批准并存档。评定或复审要适用于所有工作区域。应有以下几点。 Area/section name 区域/部门名字 What kind of potential hazards will have in the area区域内哪种潜在危害 Whether PPE is required, and if so what kind of

9、 PPE is required for each job or each employee. If the assessment concludes that there are no hazards requiring PPE, it still shall be kept in document. 是否要求PPE,如果是,每项工作或每位员工应穿戴哪种PPE。若评定断定没有危害需要PPE,在文档中仍要保留。3.1.2 The hazard assessment can take the form of a process hazards review (PHR), standard ope

10、rating procedure (SOP), checklist of tasks, etc.危害的评定可参考PHR、标准操作程序、工作检查表等等。3.1.3 The PPE requirement or the result of the Hazard assessments shall be posted in the area and/or written in specific job procedure. PPE的需求或危害评定结果要张贴在区域内和/或写入具体的工作程序内。3.2 Selection of PPE type for area/task适用于区域/任务的PPE品种的选

11、择3.2.1 On completion of the hazard assessment, the correct PPE should be chosen. Consideration should be given to following the basic hazard categories, some or all of which may have been discovered during the hazards assessment:在危害评定的完成中,要选择正确的PPE。需考虑下列基本危害种类,这些可能在危害评定期间已有所陈述: Impact影响 Penetration穿

12、透力 Compression (roll-over)压缩 Chemical化学制品 Heat高温 Harmful dust有害粉尘 Light (optical) radiation轻度辐射(视力)3.2.2 The following guide lists PPE and the activities or areas for which it is required:以下条例列出了PPE种类及其适用的工作任务或区域: Safety Glasses with Side Shields带有边罩的安全眼镜All laboratories and work areas, unless speci

13、fically exempted by management.所有实验室和工作区域,除被免除的特定区域。 Face Shield面罩Any operation that presents an expected hazard to eyes or face from flying particles, chips, splash of chemicals (i.e., dispensing into or out of drums). Dispensing and mixing corrosive chemicals and disconnecting lines that may be un

14、der pressure.飞扬的微粒、切片、化学品飞溅物(如料桶的倒进倒出)对眼睛或脸部存在危害的任何操作。腐蚀化学品的配制混合和带压管线的拆离。 Splash Goggles防溅眼镜Any operation that presents an expected hazard to eyes from chemical splash. Dispensing and mixing of hazardous liquids. When using goggles to protect from corrosives, face shield should also be used.化学品可能飞溅而

15、对眼睛有危害的任何操作。危险液体的配制和混合。在利用防溅眼镜防护被腐蚀时,同时要配戴面罩。 Gas-tight Goggles防毒气眼镜Any work with gases or vapors that present an immediate hazard to the eyes.毒气或蒸气直接危害到眼睛的任何一项工作。 Lab Coats:实验室外套Provide minimum protection for torso and arms from less hazardous chemicals. Not to be used for protection from corrosive

16、s. All operations involving radioisotope handling. Special purpose lab coats are available for protection from some hazardous chemicals. 提供保护人体部位免受化学品较小危险的最低防护。不适用于防护腐蚀物。包括放射性元素处理的所有操作。对于某些危险化学品需备特种用途的外套。 Aprons: 围裙Minimum splash protection for torso while handling corrosive or highly toxic material

17、s.在处理腐蚀物或剧毒物料时,对于人体躯体部位的最低飞溅防护。 Protective Sleeves, Arm Covers, Gauntlets: 防护袖套、手臂套、长手套:Minimum protection for arms while handling corrosive or highly toxic materials. Can be used in lieu of lab coat in some situations.在处理腐蚀物或剧毒物料时,对手臂的最低防护。在某些情况下可代替实验室外套。 Safety Shoes安全鞋All material handling operat

18、ions including moving gas cylinders and other objects on hand trucks. Any work involving routine lifting and carrying of objects weighing 20lb or more. Any activity or area that presents a foot puncture hazard (construction, demolition, and shop areas).适用于所有物料处理的操作,包括气瓶搬动和手推车上的其他物件的搬运。任何涉及到日常提起或搬运重或

19、超过20磅的操作。任何对脚部有刺伤危害的行为或区域(建筑、拆除、车间区域)。 Hearing Protection (plugs or muffs): 耳部防护(耳塞或耳罩):Any activity or in any area where the sound level exceeds 90dB(A). For sound levels above 110dB(A), consult the S&OH office and doctor任何作业或音量超过90分贝的区域。音量超过110分贝,向安卫部和医生咨询。 Gloves手套Any activity that presents a pot

20、ential for injury or exposure to the hands.任何对手部在潜在伤害或暴露的行为。 Leather: All material handling activities, work near sharp edges, work near some hot surfaces.皮手套:所有物料处理操作、在锋利刀口边缘的工作、在热表面附近的工作。 Kevlar: Any activity with a high cut hazard, cleaning knives, working with sharpened edges.Kelar:任何带有高度切伤危害的操作

21、,刀片的清洗、锋利刀口边的工作。 Chemical Protective: Any activity requiring manipulation of chemicals that can damage or permeate skin. Consult MSDS and/or industrial hygienist for the proper material or construction.化学品防护:可能伤及皮肤的化学品处理操作。有关的正确选材或制造需参考MSDS,和/或咨询工业卫生专家。 Respirators呼吸器Any activity or areas where engi

22、neering controls are not capable of preventing a potential exposure to airborne contaminants in excess of acceptable exposure levels, or where exposure levels are not known. Consult S&OH coordinator or industrial hygienist for proper type.一些任务或区域的使用,当空气中在害成分超出AEL(可接受的暴露极限)时,工程方法不能防止人员受到潜在的伤害,或不知AEL的

23、一任务或区域。对于正确的呼吸器种类,需咨询安卫协调员,或工业卫生专家。 Hotsuit隔热服Handling all material or equipment which above 60 C.用于处理超过60C的所有物料或设备。3.4 Select of PPE VendorPPE供应商的挑选3.4.1 Selection or change of PPE vendor shall be approved by S&OH manager and related function manager.PPE供应商的挑选或更换要经安卫部经理和相关部门经理的批准。3.4.2 A qualified

24、vendor can be a manufacturer that was selected by other DuPont site.一个合格的供应商可以是通过其他杜邦兄弟厂推选的厂商。3.4.3 All the PPE supplied by the vendor shall meet DuPont corporate standard.由供应商供应的PPE要符合杜邦公司的标准。3.4.4 After-sale service and training availability shall be considered.要考虑到售后服务和培训的提供。3.5 Training培训3.5.1 A

25、ll personnel whose jobs require the use of PPE are required to be trained on use of such equipment. In addition, periodic retraining is required to certify proper use. 涉及到使用PPE工作的所有人员必需经过此用品的使用培训。另外,要有定期的再培训来保证正确的使用。3.5.2 The training shall be documented and kept by area for its employees. Training

26、records must be reviewed periodically by area management to ensure no work changes have taken place, and all affected personnel are able to demonstrate an understanding of and competence in the training. 区域要对员工的培训进行存档。区域管理层必需定期地复审培训记录,以确保没有发生工作变化,和所有受训人员能表明在培训中的理解和能力。3.5.3 When the PPE training is c

27、onducted, it can be done individually or in a group. Training must address the following:进行PPE培训时,可以通过单独或群体来进行。 What type of PPE is required for each job or each worker? 每项工作或每个工人要求的是什么类型的PPE? Does the worker fully understand the need for PPE? 工人完全了解PPE的需要了吗? How does the worker doff/don the PPE? 工人

28、怎样脱/穿PPE? How can the worker determine the limitations of the PPE? 工人怎样确定PPE的局限性? What is the proper care, maintenance, useful life, and disposal of the PPE? 什么是PPE的正确管理、保养、使用寿命、和处置。3.5.4 Area manager shall certify that PPE training has been completed for each worker. The certification statement mus

29、t identify the employees who have been trained.区域经理需证明每个工人的PPE培训的完成。证明书上一定要确证已经培训过的员工。3.6 Store & Maintain 储存&保养3.6.1 Store and S&OH have the responsibility to set up a proper OP&OQ so that the plant can provide adequate PPE to personnel when it is necessary.仓库和安卫部有责任设立合适的OP&OQ,以便工厂能及时提供足够的PPE给需要的人员

30、。3.6.2 All PPE should be stored in a proper place and in a proper way to avoid of dirty, missing or being damaged. 所有PPE应该以合适的方式储存在合适的地方,以避免弄脏、丢失或损坏。3.6.3 Every employee is responsible for cleaning and maintaining his/her PPE. Any abnormal and damage should be reported and relative maintenance shoul

31、d be performed.每位员工有责任清洗和保养他/她的PPE。要报告任何反常的和损坏的PPE,并进行相关的维修。3.6.4 A regular check should be conducted by management and an assigned coordinator, a checklist should be filled out as well. 管理层和指派的协调员要进行定期的检查,也要填写检查表。3.7 Discarding丢弃3.7.1 Any PPE discarding must be permitted by function manager. 任何PPE的

32、丢弃一定要经部门经理的充许。3.7.2 All PPE that is expired damaged or having defects shall be either fixed or discarded. These PPE should be collected and classified in an appoint place.所有过期损坏的或有缺陷的PPE应进行修理或者丢弃。这些PPE要收集和归类在指定地点。END OF DOCUMENTAttachment LATEST PPE LIST FOR ALL OPERATING AREASCPUTILITYFILAMENTMAINT

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