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1、学年高新区初三上学期期末考试附答案解析2018.1高新区初三上期末II读音选词根据所给句意和音标,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(5分)21. Tom, _ /hu:z / iphone7 is that?Its mine.A. Holds B. Whose C.Who D. Whos22. We all think he will _ / fel / a test because henever works hard.A. fell B. fail C. fall D.feel23. Peter was _ / b:n / with the abilityto sing.

2、 A. ball B. beat C.born D. buy24. She also has a _ / ti:neid/ granddaughter whois really kind.A. language B. teenage C.teammate D. fridge25.The Chinese _ /nnl / womens volleyball team won an Olympic gold medal in Rio 2016.A. nation B. international C. northern D. nationalIII选择填空从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最

3、佳答案。(30分)26. What do you think of the lion? Well, I think its _ ugly animal.A. a B. an C. the D. /26.B【解析】冠词辨析。Ugly开头因素为元音音素,且表示一类事物,所以用an。27. Lily, its Lindas birthday tomorrow. Oh, yes, I will buy _ a birthday cake.A. her B. she C. hers D. herself27.A【解析】代词辨析。Buy sb sth. 及物动词后面加人称代词宾格,所以选A。28. Cou

4、ld you please give me a _ to Daming Lake? Sure.A. take B. left C. lift D. help28.A【解析】短语辨析。Give sb a lift. 捎某人一程。29. What are the _ of bike riding? It can help to protect the environment.A. advantages B. reasons C. results D. ideas29.A【解析】名词辨析。A. 优势 B.原因 C. 结果 D. 主意 句意为:骑自行车的优势是什么? 能保护环境。30. Angela,

5、 you are going to buy a house here, arent you? Yes, but I cant _ an expensive one. A. spend B. cost C. pay D. afford30.D【解析】动词辨析。A. spend +钱/时间 B. cost + sb +钱 C. pay + sb for sth D. afford + sth 买的起31. I have enjoyed 6 shows _ total since Shandong Grand Theater was built. Oh, may I join you next ti

6、me?A. by B. with D. on31.C【解析】介词辨析。 In total 总共,总计。32. Do you need a helping hand with the job? I can _ it. Thanks anyway.A. refuse B. praise C. encourage D. manage32.D【解析】A. 拒绝 B. 赞扬 C. 鼓励 D. 处理 根据句意:你工作上需要帮忙吗?我能处理。谢谢。33. Did you buy the car ten years ago? Yes. _ its old, it still works well.A

7、. Though B. Because C. But D. And33.A【解析】连词辨析。你十年前买的这个车吗?是的,尽管有些旧,但仍然运转正常。34. Jenny, _ are you taking part in our School Uniform Show? - To learn about different styles of school uniforms.A.What B. Where C. Why D. How34.C【解析】特殊疑问词辨析。根据句意:詹妮,你为啥参加校服展啊?为了学习了解更多款式的校服。35. Your article _many happy memori

8、es, no wonder everyone likes it very much.A. thinks of B. brings back C. reminds me D. thinks up35.B【解析】动词短语辨析。A.想到 B. 使回想起。句意:你的文章使大家回忆起快乐的记忆,难怪每个人都十分喜欢它。36. My brother hates waiting in lines. I think hes just not very _.A. creative B. patient C. helpful D. careful36.B【解析】形容词辨析。 A.有创造力的 B. 有耐心的 C.

9、有用的 D. 小心的。句意为:我的哥哥讨厌排队等待。我认为他就是没大有耐心。37. I hear the South Korean girl group, Girls Generation, is popular among teenagers. Yes. Their songs _ sweet and many of us enjoy listening to them.A. hear B. feel C. taste D. sound37.D【解析】感官动词辨析。A. 听(不是感官动词) B. 感觉起来 C. 尝起来 D. 听起来。38. Paper cuttings are put on

10、 the doors and windows as a _ of good luck during the Spring Festival in China.A. sign B. symbol C. speech D. spread38.B【解析】名词辨析。A. 记号 B. 标志 C.演讲 D. 传播 句意为:在春节期间,剪纸背作为一种好运的象征被贴在门上和窗户上。39. Who took part in the Shenzhou-11 manned spaceflight mission and worked in the space for 33 days last year. A B C

11、 D40. Everyone went to the playground to have a rest _ Mike. He was copying the notes in the classroom.A. except B. expect C. beside D. besides40.A【解析】A. 除了 B. 希望 C. 在。旁边 D. 除了。还有。每个人都去操场休息了除了Mike。他当时正在教室里抄笔记。41. Its _ to our health if we often stay up late. Yes, we should pay more attention to our

12、health.A. badly B. good C. harmful D. patient41.C【解析】形容词辨析。 A. 严重地(副词) B. 好的 C. 伤害的 D. 耐心的 句意为:如果我们经常熬夜,对我们的身体有害。 是的,我们应该更注意我们的身体健康。42. If you have any trouble, be sure to call me. _.A. I am glad to hear that B.I will. Thank you very muchC. I have no trouble D. I will think it over42.B【解析】如果你遇到麻烦,一定

13、要给我打电话。A. 我很高兴听到这个。 B.好的,我会的。非常感谢。 C. 我没麻烦。 D. 我会仔细考虑的。43. Is the tall man your father? No. It _ be him, He is much shorter than the man.A. must B. cant C. may D. neednt43.B【解析】情态动词。那个高高的男人是你的爸爸吗?不可能,不可能是他,他比那个男人矮的多。44. Jack didnt pass the math test again, he regretted ever _ during the math lesson.

14、A. sleep B. sleeping sleep D. slept44.B【解析】regret doing 后悔做过某事。Jack 又没有通过数学考试,他后悔在数学课上睡觉了。45. Why dont you get used to the life in Beijing? _ the crowded traffic _ the high living cost. The only reason is the badly polluted air.A. Eitheror B. Neither, nor C. Not only, but also D. Both, and45.B【

15、解析】A. 或者。或者 B. 既不。也不 C. 不仅。而且 D. 两者都 句意为:你为什么不习惯北京的生活? 不是因为拥挤的交通,也不是因为高的生活开销。唯一的原因是严重的空气污染。46. They decided to _ a small business to make some money.A. set up B. put up C. take up D. look up46.C【解析】动词短语辨析。 A. 建立 B. 搭建 C. 开始从事 D. 查。句意为:他们决定开始做点小买卖挣一些钱。47. What do you think of the report about the air

16、 pollution on TV last night? I think the situation is so _ that we should take action to protect the environment.A. serious B. amazing C. necessary D. fantastic47.A【解析】形容词辨析。A. 严肃的 B. 令人惊奇的 C. 有必要的 D. 棒极了的 你觉得昨晚电视上那个关于空气污染的报道怎么样?我觉得情况已经很严重了,我们需要采取行动保护环境。48. Tom, would you please help me get some cha

17、lk? _. What color do you want?A. Never mind B. Congratulations C. With pleasure D. Youre welcome48.C【解析】情景交际。A. 没事 B. 祝贺 C. 很荣幸 D. 不客气 汤姆,你能给我拿些粉笔吗? 很荣幸。你想要什么颜色?49. More and more people have realized that we shouldnt _ the ancient buildings in cities.A. cut down B. put off C. pull down D. set out49.

18、C【解析】动词短语辨析。A.砍到 B. 推迟 C. 拆除 D. 出发 越来越多的人意识到我们不应该拆除城市里的古建筑。50. The girl doesnt want to _ her parents _, so she works harder than before.A. make , happy B. let , down C. cheer , up D. put , up50.B【解析】let sb down 使某人失望 女孩不想让她的父母感到失望,所以她比以前更加地努力。51. _ I stay with the people in Jinan, _ I think they are

19、.A. The longer, the friendlier B. Longer, friendlier C. Long, friendly D. The longest, the friendliest51.A【解析】the morethe more 越。就越。52. Did you watch the movie Your Name last weekend? Yes._ fantastic movie!A. What an B. How an C. What a D. How52.C【解析】感叹句辨析。Movie 可数,fantastic 开头为辅音因素53. Now more and

20、more people have realized that drugs do great harm to peoples health and their families. Quite true, so everyone should _them.A. throw away B. keep away from C. put away D. give away53.B【解析】A. 扔掉 B. 远离。 C. 收起来 D.捐赠 句意为:越来越多的人已经意识到毒品损害人们的健康和他们的家庭。54. How long have your parents _? For about 15 years.A

21、. left their hometown B. got to Jinan C. joined the ping-pong club D. worked in this city54.D【解析】完成时的延续性动词。ABC均为短暂性动词。55. Did Mrs King leave a message? Yes. She wanted to know _ this Sunday.A. who would go shopping with her B. if you will go shopping with herC. if you would go shopping with her D. w

22、hen would you go shopping with her55.C【解析】宾语从句的陈述句语序。只有C语序和时态符合。IV完形填空阅读短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。(10分)An old man walked slowly into a restaurant with his cane(拐杖). His old jacket and worn-out shoes made him different from other.A young waitress named Mary watched him move towards a_56

23、_ by the window. She ran over to him, and said, “Here, Sir. Let me help you.”_57_ saying a word, he smiled and nodded a thank-you. She pulled the chair away from the table and helped him sit down. Then she put his cane against the table _58_ he could reach it. In a soft, clear voice he said, “Thank

24、you, Miss.”“Youre welcome, Sir,” she replied, “Ill be _59_ in a moment. If you need anything when Im away, just wave at me!”After he had finished a good _60_, Mary brought him the change(找回的零钱). She _61_ him his cane, and walk with him to the front door. Holding the door open for him, she said, “Come back and see us, Sir!” The old man turned around and smiled.When Mary went to clean his table, she was _62_.Under the plate, she found a business card, a 100-dollar bill and a _63_.The note read, “Dear Mary, I respect (尊重)you very much, and

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