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1、大学考研英语雅思英语口语新东方英语D精华 301.Time is money. 时间就是金钱。302.Tomorrow never comes. 莫依赖明天。303.Two heads are better than one. 人多智广。304.We are in the sme boat. 我们的处境相同。305.We can get by. 我们过得去。306.We can work it out. 我们可以解决这个问题。307.We have a lot in common. 我们有很多相同之处。308.Well see. 再说吧。309.What a coincidence! 真是太巧

2、了!310.What a shame! 真是遗憾!311.What are you up to?你在忙什么呢?312.What are you talking about? 你在说什么?313.What are your plans for the weekend? 你周末计划做什么?314.What can I do for you? 要我帮忙吗?315.What do you do for relaxation? 你做什么消遣? 316.What do you recommend? 你推荐什么?317.What do you think of my new car? 你觉得我的新车怎么样?

3、318.What do you think of it? 你觉得怎么样? 319.What is it about? 这是关于什么的?320.What is it like there? 那儿怎么样?321.What makes you say so? 你怎么这么说? 322.Whats going on? 发生什么事了? 323.Whats on your mind? 你在想什么呢?324.Whats the deadline? 截止到什么时候?325.Whats the matter with you?你怎么啦?326.Whats the purpose of your visit?你来访

4、的目的是什么?327.Whats the weather like? 天气怎么样? 328.Whats your favorite food? 你最喜欢的食物是什么?329.Whats your job? 你做什么工作? 330.Whatever you think is fine with me. 我随你。331.When is the most convenient time for you? 你什么时候最方便?332.When will it be ready? 什么时候能准备好?333.Where are you going? 你去哪儿?334.Where can I check in

5、? 在那儿办理登记手续? 335.Where can I go for help? 我该怎么办?336.Where do you live? 你住在哪儿?337.Where have you been? 你去哪儿了?338.Where is the rest room,please? 请问洗手间在哪儿?339.Where were we? 我们说到哪儿了?340.Who is in charge here? 这里谁负责?341.Would you care for a drink? 你要不要来点儿喝的?342.Would you do me a favor? 你能帮我一个忙吗?343.You

6、are just saying that. 你只是说说而已。344.You are kidding. 你开玩笑吧。345.You are so considerate. 你真有心。346.You can count on me. 你可以指望我。347.You can say that again. 我同意。348.You cant complain. 你该知足了。349.You deserve it. 这是你应得的。350.You did a good job. 你干得很好。351.You get what you pay for. 一分钱一分货。352.You got a good deal

7、. 你买得真便宜。353.You need a vacation. 你需要休息。354.You never know. 世事难料。 355.You said it. 你算说对了。356.You should give it a try. 你应该试一试。357.You should take advantage of it. 你应该好好利用这个机会。358.You will be better off. 你的状况会好起来的。359.You will have to wait and see. 你得等一等看。360.Youll get used to it. 你会习惯的。361.Youve dia

8、led the wrong number. 你拨错电话号码了。362.Youve got a point there. 你说的有道理。363.Youve got it. 你明白了。364.Youve made a good choice. 你的眼力不错。365.Your satisfaction is guaranteed. 包你满意To all Chinese English learners:写给所有中国英语学习者的第一封信:1.I am truly honoured to have this fantastic opportunity to make all your guysacqua

9、intance.万分荣幸能够有这样绝佳的机会与大家相识。2.I suppose we are not as different as chalk and cheese.我认为我们并没有多大的区别或不同。3.If I can realize my dream,you can!Cracking English is a piece of cake!如果我能实现我的梦想,你也能! 攻克英语就是小菜一碟!4.Were gonna chalk up the victory of conquering English together!我们将携手一起取得攻克英语的胜利!5.What the task Iv

10、e encountered and resolved was marvellous and overwhelming in 2008.我在2008年取得了难以置信的成果。6.I wanna share these achievements with all you guys here.我想和所有人分享这些成就感。7.You know, in my humble abode the CNN radio is on full blast almost 24 hours a day.你知道吗?在我的寒舍中,CNN广播几乎全天24小时在播送着。8.Eventually, I have blazed a

11、 trail in the treatment of deaf-and-mute English.最终,我研究出了一套攻克聋哑英语的方法。9.My spectacular professional career that is about to embark on in a blaze of glory.我无限光明的职业生涯将要轰轰烈烈的开始了。10.I wanna plaster the densely-populated cities with posters proclaiming my unique inventions and qualifications and astonishi

12、ng experiences.我想要在所有人口密集的城市中贴上我的海报,来宣布我独一无二的创造和资历,还有令人惊讶的坎坷经历。11.I sincerely hope that my learning package and technique will squeak through all you guys strict supervision.我衷心的希望我的学习法将会受到各位学习者的严格鉴证和指导!12.I have stumbled across an extremely simplified but very exact method naming as simultaneously-

13、repeated-way for conquering listening comprehension and oral English。This has been my greatest creation ever!我创造了一种极其简单但非常精确实用的同声复述法,是用来攻克听力和口语的,这是我最伟大的发明!13.Its definitely an astounding technique. Its useful and powerful for a whole host of learners.这绝对是一个可以让人折服的方法,对于所有学习者它都是适用的!14.My legend which

14、were beginning to filter out of the location of SINA blog。Its bound to thoroughly throughout over the china.我的传奇故事将会从新浪博客开始蔓延,终有一天可以蔓延到全中国。15.That to be a preeminent teacher and freely assist substantial sum of learners to crack English is my wildest dream from the bottom of my heart.成为一名出色的教师,同时公益帮

15、助无数的学习者来攻克英语是我内心深处最疯狂的梦想。16.Actually , I really hope to throw my arms round all you guys and embrace you passionately and feel how violently or intenseLy our heart pumps someday.我真心希望有一天能和大家充满激情的热情拥抱,来彼此感受一下我们激情澎湃的内心!17.Perhaps , my prose is vigorous and dense or abstruse , occasionally to the point

16、 of view of obscurity. I hope you wont despise the expression_r_r_r_r_r_r_r_r_r Im choosing.也许我的文章有些晦涩难懂或有时让人很难领悟,我希望大家不要介意我的写作方式!18.I absolutely wanna be a phenomenal philosopher indeed. I just would like to obtain the wisdom of Confucius!我特别19.My particular theories embraced the whole field of my

17、endeavours.我别具匠心的理论包含了我在所有领域所做出的努力。20.I have idled the precious time away in dreamy thought for 24 years. I wont waste my precious time any longer,I will treasure any minute to assist English learners to conquer English!我在醉生梦死的生活中浪费了24年的大好年华,我再也不会浪费我的宝贵时间了,我将会珍惜每一分钟去帮助英语学习者攻克英语!21.I looked physicall

18、y sharp and powerful, a athletic ,energetic ,enthusiastic guy。我看起来精力充沛,充满能量、是一个身体健壮、满怀激情和热情的男人。22.I definitely hope that there is a chance for me of being plucked from obscurity and thrown into the glamorous world of teaching profession for Three-More English。我真心希望能够从平凡的生活中走进前途无限光明的三多英语教学事业的职业生涯中。23

19、.I was once a thug in our local area, but now I wanna be a prominent big-shot in the field where English professors and lecturers stayed.我曾是地方的小混混,但是现在我想成为一个像那些英语教授和讲师一样有名的大人物。24.You know, I am so amiable, amicable, genial ,accommodating,intelligent, sophisticated, bright, able, smart, secure, brave

20、ry and full of guts, spiritual limitlessness. Do you think I am too modest?你知道吗?我是一个亲切的、和蔼可亲的、友好的、乐于助人的、有才智的、成熟的、聪明机警的、能干的、精明灵敏的、可靠的、勇敢的人,同时充满了胆识,而且精力无限!你是不是认为我太谦虚了?25.Ive been looking forward to lusting after the close ties with you. I hope you can advocate my special creation of ThreeMore English。

21、我一直期待能够和大家成为最亲密的好友!希望大家可以支持我所创造的三多英语。26.I sincerely hope that I can have the authority and personality to weld the Chinese learners together to master English. If so,that would be overwhelming and incredible.我衷心希望我能够有一定的权威度和性格魅力可以把所有的中国学习者团结在一起攻克英语,如果那样的话,将是无比的令人惊讶和不可思议!27.I extremely excelled at bl

22、urting out English. I discovered that you can easily recited a sentence when you read and repeated many times。So I think that to read means to recite。我特别擅长脱口而出,我发现通过朗读和重复很多次,你可以轻松的背下一句话。所以,我认为读就等于背!28.Hows your healthy condition right now? How often did u work-out? Exercise can build up your strengt

23、h and suppleness. You can be full of energies and powers. I suggest that all you guys should run a few miles per day just like me。你的健康情况怎么样呢?你多长时间锻炼一次呢?锻炼可以让你产生无穷的力气,同时让你身体柔韧有余,还可以让你充满精力和能量,我建议大家像我一样每天跑上几公里来锻炼。29.Now vast quantities of universities are dipping their toes in the waters of MBA educati

24、on. Do you think its necessary for our English learners to get one peculiar certificate in this kind of qualification ? Its seriously significant to hunt a handsome-salary job in the big firm。现在越来越多的大学都在尝试开设MBA(工商管理硕士)课程,大家是否认为我们英语学习者也应该拥有这样一个特别的资历证书呢?对于大家想在大公司找到一份高薪工作是十分重要的!30.One essay from foreig

25、n country says that China is not a unified and internally coherent entity. And our disposition comprises selfishness and jealousy. But I suppose that all you guys will disagree with that point of view. Although the earthquake has caused irreparably catastrophic damage to china .But 5.12 incidents re

26、flected the true virtue and unification of our human being.一篇报道声称中国不是一个统一和内部团结的国家,说我们的人性中包含太多的自私和嫉妒,但我想在座各位是不同认同这个看法的。尽管地震对中国造成了不可挽回的惨重破坏,但是,5.12事件充分反映出了我们人类真正的美德和团结。想成为一名出色的哲学家,我想拥有像孔子一样的智慧!31.You should acquire that my learning techniques is particularly successful where problems occur as the resu

27、lt of repetitive movements of your mouth muscles. Can u follow the drift of my remarks?你应该获悉我的学习法是特别适用的,其实这些成果就是归结于嘴巴肌肉的反复运动,大家明白我说话的要旨了吗?32.Ive served in the army in ShanXi province TaiYuan. I was fond of the spectacular scenery over there!There have a whole host of quarries and coal mines nearby.

28、So the weather was bleak and dull.我曾在山西太原服兵役,我很喜欢那里风光无限的景色,由于这个城市到处都是煤矿和采石场,所以天气特别昏暗,让人感到郁闷。33.You know why I wanna be successful so badly, cause Ive been living in the shanty town for 25 years. I cant abide it any longer! So my dream of turning to be a preeminent and superb trainer jus like teacher

29、 lee will never perish. I will never throw up the sponge in mastering fluent English 。大家知道我为什么特别想成功吗?因为我在贫困的农村中已经度过了25个春秋,所以我想成为像李阳老师一样出色优秀教师的梦想是永远不会磨灭的,不讲出一口流利的英语我是绝对不会放弃的!34.I am crazy about BMW,I hope someday Ill obtain one for my own through my relentless effort and determination. Did you have a

30、 personal voyage to Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region . Its the location of my humble abode. Our hometown is a fantastic spot to visit!我特别喜欢宝马汽车,希望有一天通过我不懈的努力和坚强的毅力可以拥有一台属于自己的宝马汽车!大家来过内蒙古自治区吗?我的寒舍就在这里,我的家乡是一个旅游的圣地!35Have you ever seen the criminals burst in wearing balaclavas and brandishing revolve

31、rs and sawn-off shotguns? Its so horrible! I was taken aback and shocked by picking up the scene in a secret rendezvous of a local pub. Its the most unforgettable adventurous experience in my existence!你是否见过一个罪犯穿着一身黑衣服只露出眼睛,手里舞动着左轮枪和短管霰弹枪,太可怕了,我在一个本地酒吧的私人会面场所看了这一场面,当时被惊呆吓坏了,这是我生命中最难忘、最惊心动魄的经历了!36.Iv

32、e spent most of my life grumbling about missed opportunities and sponging off my parents for adequate bucks to spent! But from now on , I am gonna embark on my splendid career by training English in big cities。我花费了大部分时间来抱怨我所错过的机遇,还曾不断从父母索求大量的资金来消费,但是,从现在起,我将通过在全国传授英语开始我的无比灿烂辉煌的职业生涯。37. I was filled with indignation about the putrefactive and gangrenous traditional educationa

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