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1、各类作文模板各类作文模板1 现象阐述型作文模板(一)At no moment in history has the issue of _ been a more common occurrence than now.The reasons for this phenomenon can be listed as follows. One is that, _. Another important reason lies in _.Obviously, _ incur a lot of disturbing effects. Undoubtedly your purse will suffer

2、if you come across _. Accordingly, it is a waste of _. Whats worse, you can easily find numerous cases of the harmfulness of _.Therefore it is high time that we took some actions to fight against _. As for the government, they should enforce _ laws. Meanwhile, we _ should obtain the sense of _ and a

3、lso join the campaign.In brief, a healthy _ environment depends on everyones effort and in turn, everyone will benefit from it.(二)In recent years there has been an experienced growing tendency in _(提出现象). For that, I think it is not an occasional phenomenon.A number of factors might contribute to (a

4、ccount for) the phenomenon. Parts of the explanations for it is that _(原因1)_. For example, _(原因2)_ is also responsible for the problem, such a case as _.The significance of _ is far-reaching; it might exert a profound influence on _(结论)_.(三)nowadays, we often hear that _(提出一种要探讨的现象). This phenomenon

5、 is not accidental, and there are social and individual background.Why cannot _?For one thing, _(现象产生的原因1)_. For another, _(举例说明)_. For instance, _(现象产生原因2)_. Form that we _.As far as I am concerned, I agree that _. I think that _(作者本人的观点)_.(四)When asked about _, a vast majority (a sizable percentag

6、e) of people claim (answer) that _(提出一种看法)_.Contrary to the widely-held belief, I prefer _(自己的看法)_.There are several reasons for my preference. _First, _(原因1)_. A good example of this can be provided (cited, offered) by _(举例说明)_.Second, _(原因2)_.Personal experience shows (demonstrates) that _(例子2)_.F

7、inally, _(原因3)_.For all these reasons, it comes as no surprise that _.(五)Why have I chosen to _(提出问题)_? - a question I have put to myself many times in the past two years. But the answer is always the same: _(总体上给出原因)_.There are many reasons for my choosing to _. The main one is _(原因1)_. I decided t

8、o _ not only because _ but also _(原因1进一步说明)_. It helps me to _. Of course I must admit that I _ also because _(原因2)_. For in todays world _For these reasons, I _(总结)_.(六)In recent years A has become _(提出现象,总结说明其有利有弊). However, there are both positive and negative points associated with it.As is ofte

9、n ( frequently ) pointed out that _, it certainly helps people to solve ( benefit ) _(有利面1)_. For all the advantages, it also brings others content that _(有利面2)_. However, it still has some drawbacks. For one thing, _(不利面1)_.For another, _(不利面2)_.Whether it is positive or negative, in my opinion, on

10、e thing is clear _(结论)_.(七)Like most people who _, I have been considering _. Although there are some disadvantages of _, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. (提出现象,总结说明)Generally, three advantages can be overwhelming. Firstly, _ because _(有利面1)_. Besides, _(有利面2)_. Moreover, _(有利面3)_, for exa

11、mple, _(举例说明)_.As in most thing we do, there are no gains without pains, so I think that _(结论)_.(八)A now plays such an important part in so many peoples lives that _(提出现象,说明存在利弊)_. Obviously, A has both advantages and disadvantages.As is often pointed out, A makes us know _ so that _(有利面1)_. In addi

12、tion, _(有利面2). Yet here again, there is a danger: The main problem with it is that _(不利面1)_. It is criticized on the grounds that it contributes (leads to ) rise in _(不利面2)_.In any case ,whether the ultimate of A is good or not, one thing is certain that _(结论)_.(九)Title _Nowadays, wherever you go, y

13、ou will hear people talk / complain about _. In / On _, people are talking about _; in/on _, the _ are concerned with / considering _; and in _ areas, _ are interested in / worrying about _. In a word, there is _ in every walk of our life. Why do _/ What has brought about the _.There are many reason

14、s/ factors, I think, that underline the change / phenomenon/ development. The primary reason/ factor is, clearly, _ Besides, _ And a third reason is probably that _.Obviously, with the development of _ ( and with more and more _), I believe that _ So I am sure that _ in the long run.2 正反观点对比型作文模板(一)

15、When asked about _, people may find it hard to come to consensus due to their different experience and conflict values.Those who advocate the idea of _ believe that you are less likely to _ if you dont _, since the competition is fierce today. For one thing, _ while _. For another, it can corrupt _

16、and even cause _. Therefore, _ can never be overlooked.Nevertheless, those who insist on _ hold that people can _ and _ by _.First of all, one should always go after _. Furthermore, only by _, can one _. Most important of all, _.On balance, I think we should _ both _ and _. That is because the signi

17、ficance of _ cannot be overvalued as well as that of _.(二)As two main solutions for _, _ and _ draw more attention of the public than ever before. Some place more stress on the former while others attach heavier weigh to the latter. If asked to make a choice between the two forces, I would not hesit

18、ate to choose the latter over the former.There is no need to deny that _(先承认所反对的事物有优点)_, but it seems _(所反对事物存在的缺点)_. Just consider the situation in which _(详述反对理由1)_. Moreover, _(反对理由2)_. By contrast, _ enables us to feel _(所赞成的事物的优点). In fact, as _, nothing brings more benefit that _(详述优点1)_. And

19、what is more, _(详述优点2)_. As can be concluded from analyses above, when you judge between both on the basis of their nature, dont you think that _? Therefore, _(作出结论,说明选择后者是一种正确的决定)_.(三)With the advent of _(提出一种现象)_, _ plays an important role in our daily life. While it is commonly believed that A _(

20、A观点)_, I believe B _(B观点)_.It is true that A _(A的优点)_. But the chief faults are _(A的缺点)_. Researches demonstrate that _(举例说明)_. On the contrary, the advantages of B _ far outweigh advantages of A _.For one thing, B _(原因1)_. For another, B also _(原因2)_. Although B fails to _(B的缺点)_, few things can be

21、 compared with B in terms of _.Therefore, in my opinion, _(自己的观点)_. The result depends on the balance between their advantages and disadvantages.(四)To most people, _ are two common means to _.There are both strengths and weaknesses to the two systems. _(提出比较对象,总体说明各有利弊)The most important advantage o

22、f A is _(A的优势1)_. Another point in favor of A is _(A的优势2)_. On the other hand, A has its disadvantages. Perhaps the most obvious is _(A的不利面)_. Compared with A _, B can _(B的有利面)_. However, B, just like anything else, has its negative side as well, it has also given rise to a series of problems. For e

23、xample, _(B的不利面并举例说明)_.Anyhow both the ways have their merits ( strengths) and their faults (imperfections), a combination of their merits might be a step in the right direction. _(作者的平衡观点)_.(五)A and B are two important means of _(A与B当前所处的地位)_. Although in recent years more and more A are being put

24、in service, B has not declined, instead it has grown steadily.People prefer B to A for several reasons. First, it is convenient to _, because with it you can _(B的优点1)_. Second, B is regarded, especially, by those _ as an _(B的优点2)_. Most people, however, choose B mainly to _.Because of these unique advantages offered by B over

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