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1、电气工程一级学科博士研究生培养方案华北电力大学North China Electric Power University留学生培养方案(硕士研究生)Graduate Programs in English for International Student(Master)二一七年十月本培养方案的中英文版本具有同等效力,当中英文版本内容发生冲突时,以中文版本的解释为最终解释。The training plans are in Chinese and in English. Both language versions share the same validity, in the event o

2、f any inconsistency between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.电气工程Electrical Engineering Program 1动力工程及工程热物理Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics Program9核科学与技术Nuclear Science and Technology Program 17环境科学与工程Environmental Science and Engineering Program 24计算机科学与技术Computer

3、 Science and Technology Program 31可再生能源与清洁能源Renewable Energy and Clean Energy Program 39控制科学与工程ControlScienceandEngineering Program 47企业管理Enterprise Management 55数学Mathematics Program 63物理学Physics Program70法学Law Program 77公共管理学Public Management Program84外国语言文学Foreign Language and Literature Program9

4、2华北电力大学(留学生)英语授课North China Electric Power University (International Student)电气工程一级学科硕士学位研究生培养方案Master Degree Program in First-level Discipline of Electrical Engineering(学科代码:0808 授予工学硕士学位)(Discipline Code: 0808 Degree: Master Degree of Engineering)一、培养目标(Objectives)在电气工程学科领域内掌握坚实的基础理论和系统的专门知识,熟悉所从事

5、的研究领域中科学技术的发展动向。具有创新能力和从事科学研究、教学工作或独立承担专门技术工作的能力。熟练掌握汉语。This program aims to provide students with solid and systematic theory and knowledge, and good understanding of the development trends of Electrical Engineering. Upon completion, students will possess innovative abilities and be competent for r

6、esearch, teaching and specific technology task. Students would also be proficient in Chinese.二、学科研究方向(Brief Introduction of Research Direction of Discipline)电气工程一级学科包含电机与电器、电力系统及其自动化、高电压与绝缘技术、电力电子与电力传动、电工理论与新技术5个二级学科,其中,电力系统及其自动化学科为国家重点学科,电气工程一级学科为北京市重点学科,由华北电力大学电气与电子工程学院承担培养任务。The first-level disci

7、pline of Electrical Engineering includes 5 sub-discipline, Motor and Electric Appliances, Electric Power System and Its Automation, High Voltage and Insulation Technology, Power Electronics and Power Transmission, Electrician Theory and New Technology, among which, Power System and its Automation is

8、 the national key discipline, and the first-level discipline of Electrical Engineering is the Beijing key discipline, the cultivation task is undertaken by the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in North China Electric Power University.主要研究方向:1电力系统分析与控制2电力系统保护与安全防御3电力变换与主动配电网4先进输变电技术5电气

9、设备智能监测诊断与大数据分析6电气绝缘与电磁环境7电机系统与控制8能源电力经济9新能源电力系统特性与多源互补Main research directions:1. Power System Analysis and Control2. Power System Protection and Safety Defense3. Power Transformation and Active Distribution Network4. Advanced Transmission and Conversion Technology5. Intelligent Monitoring Diagnosis

10、 and Big Data Analysis of Electrical Equipment6. Electrical Insulation and Electromagnetic Environment7. Motor System and Control8. Energy and Power Economy9. The characteristics of New Energy Power System and Complementary with many sources三、培养方式及学习年限(Mode and Duration of Training)1全英文授课(汉语综合课除外)。1

11、. Teaching language: English (except for Chinese Comprehension)2实行导师负责制,或组成指导小组集体培养。充分发挥导师、学术群体指导研究生的作用。可跨学科专业或与有关研究部门、企业联合培养。跨学科或交叉学科培养硕士生时,应从相关学科中聘请具有高级职称的有关人员协助指导。导师指导小组要负责审查研究生的文献综述与选题报告、论文中期检查以及论文预答辩等培养环节的工作完成情况。2. The training implements supervisor responsibility system, or composes the steeri

12、ng group for collective cultivation. It gives full play to the role of supervisors and academic groups to guide postgraduates. Joint training of cross-disciplinary majors with related research institutes and enterprises can also be applied, and relevant personnel with senior titles should be recruit

13、ed from corresponding disciplines to offer guidance. The supervising team is responsible to inspect the students completion status of the Literature Review and Thesis Proposal, midterm review and pre-defense of dissertation.3导师应根据培养方案的要求,多方面了解所指导的硕士生的知识结构、学术特长、研究兴趣、能力基础等具体情况,据此制定出研究生个人培养计划,并督促检查其实施情

14、况。3. Supervisor should acknowledge the knowledge structure, academic skills, research interests, and abilities of the master candidates according to the requirement of the training scheme, based on which to formulate a training plan for individual graduate student and supervise the implementation ac

15、cording to the plan.4学术型硕士研究生的培养采用课程学习与科学研究并重的方式。既要使硕士生掌握坚实的基础理论和系统的专业知识,又要培养研究生科学研究或独立担负技术、管理等方面工作的能力。4. The training of academic oriented postgraduate students adopts the method of course learning together with scientific research. Enable students to master not only basic theories and systematic knowledge, but also to gain the abilities of conductin

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