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高二英语外研版选修六习题单元卷六 含答案精校版.docx

1、高二英语外研版选修六习题单元卷六 含答案精校版外研版精品英语资料(精校版)单元质量检测(六)(时间:100分钟满分:120分).阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AGrandfather and 3yearold boys are natural buddies. On this particular day in May, the grandfather was pleased to have the company of his best little pal when planting the vegeta

2、ble garden. For a while, the boy seemed to like it too. His small fingers were just the right size to pick up tiny seeds and drop them into Granddadmade holes. They were a great team.But before long the boy became restless and directed his anger at the seeds themselves.“Whats this one, Granddad?”“Be

3、ets (甜菜)”“Ugh, I hate beets.”“Well, then, lets do the pumpkin instead.”“Yuck. I really hate pumpkin.”“Okay, buddy. What would you like to plant?”“How about . doughnuts (油炸圈饼)?”Just in time, the grandfather stopped himself from saying there was no such thing as a doughnut seed. Looking at the unhappy

4、 little face, he suddenly got an inspiration.“Wait a second. I have to go inside and get the right seeds.”Granddad returned with a handful of seeds. He and the small boy solemnly planted them in a special corner of the vegetable garden.Weeks later, when the real seeds began to break through the soil

5、, the boy became delighted with the tiny seedlings (秧苗)He spent many afternoons helping Granddad water and hoe (用锄头锄) and watch them grow.And when the first baby vegetables were harvested, he liked them after all.For weeks, he forgot all about the doughnuts.But then one day at lunch, he said,“Grandd

6、ad, what happened to our doughnuts?How come they didnt grow?”Granddad paused a moment.“Well, you know, doughnuts are tricky.Some years when you plant them, you get lots of doughnuts.”He sighed sadly.“But other years, all that comes up are the holes.”1From the first half of the conversation we can le

7、arn that the boy_Apossibly doesnt like vegetablesBhates planting anythingCdoesnt like playing with his GranddadDhates planting vegetables because of his small hands2The boy became interested in the vegetables later because_Ahe liked them from the very beginningBthose vegetables were the kinds he lik

8、edChis Granddad advised him to do soDthey were the fruits of his own labour3What do Granddads words imply in the last paragraph?ADoughnuts sometimes grow into fruits but other times not.BDoughnuts like to do tricks.CYou can get only holes if you plant doughnuts.DAll jobs do not produce good results.

9、BOn June 2, 2015, President Barack Obama awarded Henry Johnson, a World War soldier, the Medal of Honor. It was the result of a long campaign for a soldier whose heroism had gone unrecognized because of racial discrimination.Johnson was one of the soldiers serving as guards in France in 1918 when th

10、ey were surrounded by more than a dozen Germans. The Germans opened fire on them, wounding Johnson over 20 times, but he fought on even after his weapon wouldnt fire anymore.Though praised by his fellow soldiers and awarded the French Croix de Guerre (法国英勇十字勋章), he was denied the Medal of Honor in h

11、is own country.The_efforts_to_get_the_soldier_recognized_have_been_filled_with_starts_and_stops. The work was supported by the office of Charles Schumer, who handed in a 1,258page recommendation for the award in May 2011 after a great many new documents were discovered.“A lot of people advocated for

12、 this over a long period of time,” said a member of Schumers, Caroline Wekselbaum, who had spent thousands of hours on Johnsons case.Their effort to get Johnson the Medal of Honor was blocked in 2003 by Air Force General Richard Myers, who wanted more evidence.But Schumers office kept looking for mo

13、re documentation. One of their findings was a telegram during the war, which mentioned the heroism of Johnson.Caroline expressed disappointment at the way Johnson was treated. As a black soldier, he and his colleagues were sent to the shorthanded French military, but not allowed to fight in the US.

14、force.Johnsons life after World War was filled with highs and lows. His injuries were never properly documented, so he did not receive any medical benefits. He died poor in July 1929, 11 years after his heroism.4Obama awarded Henry Johnson in order to_Ashow the equality between all racesBcorrect a m

15、istake he had madeCset a good example for soldiersDapprove Henry Johnsons heroism5What can we know from Paragraphs 2 and 3?AJohnson fought bravely without weapons.BJohnson was too seriously wounded to fight on.CJohnsons fellow soldiers thought highly of him.DJohnson was awarded the Medal of Honor by

16、 France.6How can we understand the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4?APeople had great difficulty in getting the government to recognize Johnson.BThe work of making the government recognize Johnson went very well.CA great many people started the case of Johnson and then stopped.DPeople made great e

17、fforts to get Johnson recognized but failed.7What on earth resulted in Johnsons being mistreated?ALack of evidence of his actions.BRacial discrimination.CHis fighting for French military.DNo documentation of his injuries.CCities around the world have started to use composting (堆肥) as a way to recycl

18、e organic waste and reduce the amount of landfills (填埋) and pollution. Cities spend hundreds of millions of dollars transporting waste to landfills, which also burns fuel and contributes to global warming. Compost is made out of organic waste, such as rotten leaves, leftover fruits, vegetables, egg

19、shells and other foods. It recycles organic materials into fertilizer (肥料) for plants and vegetables.South Korea uses a system for the effective collection of garbage waste and the reuse of natural resources. Garbage must be separated according to “common garbage,” “food waste recyclables” and “larg

20、e waste objects”, or the resident will be fined. In Canada, millions have access to roadside organic waste collection. Residents are expected to sort their kitchen waste and place it in the appropriate bins for collection. New York City started a composting pilot program in 2013, with workshops for

21、individuals an NYC schools, such as worm composting using worms to help turn the organic material into compost for fertilizer by eating the waste and passing it through their bodies.Some people are not excited about composting. For example, in June 2013, some New York residents complained about the

22、smell of the composting site in the park. It can also be difficult to remember to separate organic waste from regular waste.But in Portland, Oregon, which has had a composting program for two years now, residents report that they have got used to the downsides. “Its encouraging us to make less waste

23、, and it doesnt smell bad anymore, because our food leftovers are going out more often,” Portland resident Kendra Yao told Oregon Public Radio.8Which is NOT the advantage of composting according to Paragraph 1?AReducing pollution.BRecycling organic waste.CContributing to global warming.DSaving money

24、 used to transport waste to landfills.9From Paragraph 2 we learn that_Aa South Korean will be fined if he doesnt sort garbageBonly kitchen waste is expected to be sorted in CanadaCworm composting is the best way of compost in NYCDcomposting systems are operated all over the world10What does the unde

25、rlined word “it”refer to in Paragraph 2?ACompost.BFertilizer.CThe waste. DThe pilot program.11What does Paragraph 3 tell us?AThe future of composting.BThe problems of composting.CPeoples opinions about composting.DThe bad effects of composting on peoples lives.DA peace treaty is a formal agreement b

26、etween two or more countries that have formerly been at war. The treaty is a contract designed to cease wars immediately or other requirements to ensure peace. Many of the most famous wars of history ended with a peace treaty. In modern times, complicated conflicts often call for a more detailed res

27、olution than a simple treaty.Wars are conducted by governments or other opposing bodies for a variety of reasons. When one force has superior combat strength, the war often ends with bloody conquest.When forces are evenly matched, or nearly so, fighting can last for months or years, with tremendous

28、losses on both sides.In these cases,diplomacy often triumphs where strong force fails to resolve the conflict.A peace treaty is a common way for opposing forces to end wars and begin the process of rebuilding. In modern history, Paris has long been the site for the signing of peace treaties, as it i

29、s often a neutral (中立的) location.The American Revolution ended with the 1783 Paris Peace Treaty, while Napoleon acknowledged defeat with the Treaty of Paris in 1815.During the Indian wars of the 18th and 19th centuries,the American government got a bad prestige for disregarding treaties it had previ

30、ously signed with Native American tribes, and more battles resulted.The Treaty of Versailles,which officially ended World War in 1919, imposed serious punishments on Germany, the defeated party.These punishments damaged the German economy and caused bitter anger among the German people.Many historia

31、ns believe these conditions led to the rise of the Nazi party and the Second World War.In modern times, war rarely ends with a comprehensive peace treaty.The Vietnam War, the Korean Conflict, and Frances Algerian War ended with agreements that slowed combat gradually over a period of years rather th

32、an bringing an immediate peace.Modern war is a messy business that is difficult to control through such civilized measures as a signed contract.Nevertheless, diplomats work diligently to ensure that conflicts are resolved, one way or the other by eventual peace.12Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AWars will last for long when the combat strength of bot

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