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1、中国西部美国城项目商业计划书中国西部美国城商业计划书Business PlanContents一、背景介绍Background Information二、市场需求及政策支持Market Demand and Governmental Supports三、地理位置和区位优势Geographic Position and Location Advantages四、开发计划Development Plan五、投资概算、收益预测Investment and Profit六、项目业主和项目运营公司Project Owner and Operation Company一、 背景介绍 I. Backgrou

2、nd Information“中国西部美国城”落户于双流现代商贸集中发展区,位于双流东升镇,总占地面积1139亩(约187.94英亩),是省最大的综合商业地产开发项目之一。其主要建设项目是“美国产品展示和交易中心”以及星级酒店、高尚住宅区、商业中心、学校、医院等,总投资约25亿人民币(约3亿5千万美圆),分数期投入完成建设。China Western American Town (CWAT), located at Shuangliu Developing Modern Trade Center, Dong Sheng Town, Shuangliu, Chengdu, covers an a

3、rea of 1139 mu(187.94 acre). It is one of the largest commercial/residential complex properties in Sichuan Province. Main construction projects include American Products Exhibition and Exchange Center (APEEC), five-star hotel, high-end residential communities, shopping mall, school, hospital, etc.,

4、with total investment of around RMB 2.5 billion (around USD 313 million) to be invested by installments.中国西部美国城的建设宗旨是:建立一套没有中间商的直接行销通路,让美国产品能够大量进入中国市场,增加美国出口额,增加美国公民就业机会,减少中美贸易逆差。在中国境设立的美展中心,其作用在维护中国消费者的权益,让中国消费者可以使用物美价廉的美国产品之外,并可享有美国式的产品售后服务。The objective of CWAT is to build a direct marketing plat

5、form without middlemen,which will help a large number of American products enter into Chinese market,increase American export volume,increase employment opportunity for American citizens and narrow Sino-US trade deficit .The APEEC set up in China is to protect the rights and interests of Chinese con

6、sumers,allow Chinese consumers to purchase quality American products at a reasonable price. Besides, Chinese consumers can enjoy American high-quality after-sales services.中国西部美国城将引进美国政府的州办事处及州展馆,促使中美双方人民在商贸、投资、观光、教育、文化及公共关系方面的深度交流。引进美国金融融资服务;引进美国科技发明专利,在中国寻求合作、投资以及进一步的研发、生产;引进美国法律会计;引进美国文化及艺术表演及展示等

7、State offices and state exhibition halls of the U.S will be set up in CWAT,which will significantly promote bilateral exchange of business and trade, investment, sightseeing, education, culture and public relations. CWAT will bring in American finance service; introduce American science and technolo

8、gy patents of invention to seek cooperation, investment and future R&D, production in China; bring in American law and accounting institutions; and bring in performance and exhibitions of American culture and arts, etc.中国西部美国城的龙头项目是“美国产品展示交易中心”,并综合商业地产开发修建酒店、大型联体商城、高尚住宅区等,共同促进当地经济的繁荣发展。CWAT is highl

9、ighted by APEEC, integrating commercial property development including hotel, mall, high-end residential community, etc., to boom the local economic development. “美国产品展示交易中心”的建立为美国产品在中国市场提供一个直接的展示、销售平台。该平台的建立缩短了美国产品在中国销售中间环节,节约产品流通成本,利用中国保税区的售前免关税政策,提供短、中、长期定点展览及连接中国百余个大城市的商贸服务代理。APEEC is to provide

10、 a direct exhibition and sale platform for American products in China market, which will cut down middle agents of American products in China, and reduce the circulation cost. By making full use of tariff exemption policy in the free trade zone, it provides short, medium, and long-term fixed site di

11、splays and connects business and trade agents in over hundred Chinese big cities.“美国产品展示交易中心”是由美国联邦商务部及五十个州政府协助并参与所组成的美国产品在亚洲的行销中心。它的建立为直接缩小中美贸易逆差、引进美国金融融资服务,两国民间的商业贸易和文化交流起到极大的作用。APEEC is an American product marketing centre in Asia joined and assisted by the US Department of Commerce and 50 State

12、authorities. The establishment of APEEC will reduce Sino-US trade deficit, bring in American financing and play an important role in facilitating civilian trade, business and cultural exchange.二、 市场需求及政策支持II. Market Demand and Governmental Supports由于房地产市场的持续繁荣,房地产价格的在近年来呈现快速增长的势态。2005年,市新建商品房成交总量高达1

13、600.51万平方米(17221.49万平方英尺),同比增长7.71%;销售金额高达507.79亿元,同比增长21.88%。由于土地供应的限制,今年第一季度住宅和商业房的供应量均下降了30%。房地产市场保持着健康、稳定的发展态势。Because of the continued prosperity of the real estate market, housing price shows a rapid growth in recent years. In 2005, total transaction amount of the newly built commercial housin

14、g in Chengdu reaches as high as 16 million square meters (172 million sq.ft.), increased by 7.71% compared with the same period of last year; the sales value reaches as high as RMB 50.779 billion Yuan (USD 6.34 bil), increased by 21.88% compared with the same period of last year. As a result of the

15、land supply limit, the residential and commercial supply dropped by 30% at first quarter of this year. Chengdu real estate market is maintaining a sound, stable development momentum.市场调研显示,在半径10公里 (6.214英里)围,目前居住有近40万人口,仅有两个较大型的商场。随着武侯区国际社区的建设,双流县东升新区和牧马山国际社区的建成,该区域的居住人口会大幅度的上升,预计在2010年居住人口会升至60万。另外

16、,市的私家车拥有量为全国第三,代步工具的变革将空间距离缩小以上的原因使大型的商业地产开发项目蕴含了极大的开发和增值潜力。According to the market survey, there are nearly 400,000 people live within 10 kilometers (6.214 miles) radii but with only two large stores. It is estimated that, with the development of Wuhou District International Community and Shuangliu

17、 County Dongsheng New District and Mountain Muma International Community, the resident population will rise up to 600,000 in 2010. Besides, the amount of private cars in Chengdu ranks No 3.among major cities of China. The transform of walk-instead vehicles greatly narrows the space distanceFor the r

18、easons mentioned above, large commercial property development project is bestowed with huge development and appreciation potential.“中国西部美国城”项目对当地经济发展是最重要的里程碑项目之一,当地政府给予了极大的重视并提供一系列的优惠政策。CWAT project is one of the most significant milestone projects for local economic development and has been attache

19、d great importance by local government who has provided a series of preferential policies for the project.美国城项目总占地1139亩(187.94英亩),建设用地为897亩(148.01英亩),用地性质为商贸,其中兼容住宅20%(项目正式启动后,作为省上重点项目,住宅用地比例将根据需要调增至40%)。美国产品展示中心占地约100亩(16.5英亩),剩余797亩(131.51英亩)的商贸用地除建设住宅配套项目外,拟建大型Mall、酒店住宅、学校和医院等项目。CWAT covers an ar

20、ea of 1139mu (187.94 acre) with 897mu (148.01 acre) for construction use. The nature of the land is for business and trade purpose. Among which the residential part is 20% (the residential proportion shall be adjusted up to 40% according to the demand). APEEC covers an area of approximately 100mu (1

21、6.5 acre). The left area of 797mu (131.51 acre) will be used for construction of residential supporting facilities, large-scale shopping mall, hotel, apartment, school and hospital, etc.对项目提供的优惠政策包括:建筑规费收取的减免(项目报建规费除招标费、质检费减半收取外,其余费用一律免;项目基础设施建设配套费的优惠;水、气收费在一定时期参照工业用地的费用征收标准;政府承担一部分基础设施的改造工作等等Prefer

22、ential policies provided for the project includes: reduction and exemption of fees (The application fee for project construction is exempt except the bidding fee and the quality testing fee which will be charged by 50%); infrastructure construction matching expenses will be charged favorably; water

23、and gas will be charged according to the standard of land for industrial use in a certain period of time; local government will undertake part of infrastructures transformation engineering, etc.双流县积极争创一流的投资软环境,切实提高办事效率。双流县政务服务中心为客商提供优质的“一站式”服务。现代商贸集中发展区管委会针对美国城项目的具体情况,还采取“一企一策”等办法,急事急办,特事特办。Shuangli

24、u County endeavors to create the first-class investment environment, and enhance the working efficiency. The Shuangliu County Governmental Affair Service Center provides high quality one-stop service for investors and businessmen. Modern Business Trade Centralization Development Area Committee takes

25、 some measures like one policy for one enterprise, the timely solutions for urgent matters, and the special procedures for special matters to support CWAT.三、 地理位置和区位优势III. Geographic Location and Location Advantage美国城项目位于紧邻武侯区的双流东升镇的双流现代商贸集中发展区。CWAT is located at Shuangliu Developing Modern Trade Ce

26、nter, Dong Sheng Town, Shuangliu, Chengdu.双流现代商贸集中发展区园区启动于2005年9月,位于双流县新城区北部与市南部接壤的黄金地带,规划面积5.51平方公里(2.13平方英里)。紧临全国第四大国际枢纽机场双流国际机场,西南地区最大的货运中心火车南站。老川藏路、新川藏路、绕城高速路、双流绕城环路穿越全境;紧临机场高速、成雅高速、成乐大件路等交通干线构成密集的公路网络体系,县境的华阳航运港可直达港、港;园区水、电、气、道路、通讯、主干线(网)等基础设施齐备;组成集航空、铁路、公路、航运为一体的立体交通网络,是地区交通运输体系最发达的地区。宽140米(45

27、9.31 英尺)的双楠大道实现双流城区与市区的零距离对接,离三环路5分钟车程,进一步构成园区得天独厚的环境优势。Shuangliu Developing Modern Trade Center (SDMTC) was established in Sep 2005. It locates in the golden area bordering the north of Shuang liu New City and south of Chengdu City with total planning area of 5.51 square kilometers (2.13 sq.mile).

28、It is near to the domestic fourth biggest international airport- Shuangliu International Airport and the biggest freight center in Southwest China - Chengdu South Railway Station. The Old and New Sichuan-Tibet roads, Chengdu Loop Highway and Shuangliu Ring Road run through the area. It is in the int

29、ensive road network system which consists of Airport Highway, Chengdu-Yaan Highway and Chengdu-Leshan Road.The Hua Yang Cheng Du shipping port in Shuangliu County directs to Le Shan port and Chong Qing port. The infrastructure is well-equipped with supply of water, electricity and gas, road, telecom

30、, main trunk circuits, etc. The transportation network integrating aviation, railway, highway and shipping comes into being. It is deemed as an area with most developed communications and transportation system in Chengdu. 140m-width(459.31 ft.) Shuangnan Ave. connects Shuangliu County and Chengdu Ce

31、nter City.园区分区规划于2005年10月26日通过市规划委员会审定,明确园区以“汽车城、物流、商业购物、中高档商住”为产业发展目标,并被确定为市四大物流中心之一。Planning of SDMTC has passed the review of Chengdu Municipal Planning Committee on Oct 26, 2005. It will focus on developing industries including Motor Town, logistics, shopping mall and properties. SDMTC is planne

32、d as one of the fourth biggest logistics center in Chengdu.2006年10月1日双楠大道全线通车。通车后,双流新城与市区的距离将缩短至10分钟车程。双楠大道起于外双楠,途经武侯大道、武侯国际社区、绕城高速接待寺跨线立交桥,最终直达双流新城。大道全长约2.7公里(1.68英里),140米(459.31英尺),宽双向8车道,路两旁将建设30米(98.42英尺)宽绿化带。该区域多是中高档楼盘,平均价格已经达到人民币4500-5000元/平方米(美圆52-58元平方英尺),在双楠大道的正式通车使该区域的楼盘具备了高大的增值空间。Shuang Nan Ave. will be open to traffic on Oct 1, 2006. After that, car-trip between Shuangliu new city and Chengdu downtown will takes only 10 minutes. Shuang Nan Ave. begins from outer Shuang Nan, passes through Wu Hou Ave, Wu Hou International Community, Jie Dai

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