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1、完整版新概念英语第三册课后习题答案详解Lesson 01 A Puma at large 逃遁的美洲狮Special difficulties 难点Exercises A1. at/for 2. to 3. to 4. in 5. onExercises B1. He is the man we have heard about so much.2. The shelf you put those books on has collapsed.(vi.倒塌, 崩溃, 瓦解)3.Whom did you receive a letter from 特殊疑问句中whom 不能省略(本句)。定语从句

2、中Which以及指代人的做宾语的Whom, 在非正式用法当中可以省略。省略时,介词不能前置到关系代词Whom, Which前,只能用于非固定的动词短语后面。固定的动词短语look for:寻找(去掉for后look没有寻找的意思,所以介词for不能前置)非固定的动词短语look at:注视live in:居住(去掉in后live仍有居住的意思,所以介词in可以前置)This is the old house in which he lived. = This is the old house he lived in.4.This is the road we came by 5.Where i

3、s the pencil you were playing with Multiple choice questions 多项选择1 正确答案:Din common adv.共有 (替换了similar)2 正确答案:BA)只是一个具体的特定的事列,阅读理解题的时候要把握中心大意B) large catpersuade v.说服, 劝说3 答案正确:C 做理解题时要紧扣主题、紧扣中心大意文章最后一句话总结了大意句型结构题和词汇题是每课的关键4 答案正确:C Make的用法:make somebody do(在主动语态中不定式的符号to应该省略)be made to do(被动语态中不定式的符号

4、to必须补充完整)- They made her wait for hours. She was made to wait for hours.5 答案正确: D A)把say改成claim就对了 (- People claimed to have seen the puma.)D)清楚的道明了动作发生的先后关系6 正确答案:B原句中的 when引导的时间状语从句表示:.就(as soon as)被动:On being observed, it immediately ran away.主动:On observing her, it immediately ran away.On seeing

5、 me, he waved to me.7 正确答案:Dexcept可以和名词/名词性从句进行搭配(也可是when/if引导的从句形式)unless = if.not = except on the condition thatwhen = if- except when they are cornered. = except if they are cornered.- Whenever you come, you are welcome. = If ever you come, you are welcome.8 正确答案:DA)must be只是对客观现实的推测,时态不一致- 对于过去事

6、实推测一定要用:情态动词+ have +过去分词9 正确答案:Con more than = nothing more than = only / within = not more than10 正确答案:Bin a corner 偷偷摸摸地, 暗中地, 秘密地in a trap 落于陷阱中at an angle 不正的, 倾斜的(angle n.角, 角度, 角落, 墙角, 棱角)under cover 在遮蔽处, 秘密地, 暗中11. 正确答案:Bfishes for pleasure 钓鱼消遣travel for pleasure 外出游玩read for pleasure 阅读消遣1

7、2 on ones own adv.独自地, 独立地, 主动地 (= alone)for ones own benefit 为了某人自己的利益。Lesson 02 Thirteen equals one 十三等于一Special difficulties 难点in 1与表达惊奇、恐惧、失望或生气等感情色彩的名词搭配连用, 在句中起状语作用。in surprise惊奇地 / in astonishment惊愕的 in alarm恐吓的 / in embarrassment窘迫的 in amazement极为惊讶 / in despair绝望的 in dismay沮丧的 / in anger恼火的

8、 / in disappointment失望的2表示以、用。用于语言, 书写材料, 色彩或声音等方面。in English / in pencil / in ink / in oil 用颜料 / in red用红色 / in code用代码in such a high voice 用这么高的声音 / in a few words 用几句话3表示状态、情况或处境in trouble / in difficulty在困境中 / in bed在床上 / in a hurry匆忙的 in debt负债 / in love with sb爱上某人 / in tears流着泪 in good order有

9、条不紊, 整齐, 情况正常 / in good repair维修良好 in good health 身体好 / in poor health身体坏in the bad mood情绪坏 / in the good mood情绪好in haste匆忙的 / in a favor of excitement 欣喜若狂in poverty 在贫穷中 / in luxury奢侈的Exercise:very quickly = in a hurryeventually = in the end (eventually adv.最后, 终于)be seen = in sightwith a pen = in

10、 ink / with a pencil = in pencilwhich they share = in common (share v.共享)crying = in tearsMultiple choice questions 多项选择 1. Din order adv.整齐, 状况良好, 适宜out of order adv.次序颠倒, 不整齐, 状态不好 (= was damaged)2. B3. C为表示感谢:be grateful for / be thankful for不辞辛劳地做某事:take the trouble to do sth.4. B in the past 是过

11、去时态的标志;always用在实意动词之前5. D stroke n.击, 敲, 报时的钟声强调句式结构:It was not until.that. 直到才- It was not until midnight that snow stopped. 直到半夜, 雪才停了。6. B 宾语从句的语序是陈述句语序7. C Mend vt.修理, 修补突出结果或者对现在的影响, 用现在完成时。8. A get used to doing 表示习惯于 (to是介词)9. Bfund 基金; cash 现金; scholarship 奖学金; investment 投资10. A run a shop

12、经营商店11. A night after night = every night12. Cstill 1adv.仍, 仍然, 还- He came yesterday and he is still here. 他昨天来的,现仍在此。still 2adv.(连接副词) 尽管如此, 依旧, 仍然(表达一种坚持的态度)相当于in spite of that, even though, just the same)- Its raining;Still, I must go out.- This picture is not too valuable;Still, I like it.Yet co

13、nj.但是, 然而(表示一种转折的关系)- I have failed, yet I shall try again.Lesson 3 An unknown goddess 无名女神1. DIts missing head happened to be among remains of the fifth century B.C.2. D be employed in 被应用在.方面this is confirmed by the fact that 引导同位语从句,补充说明fact的内容 4. D prosperity n.繁荣(不可数)know 1知道, 认识2(文学用语)经历过, 曾经有

14、过(= experience, 比experience更加正式) - He knew poverty in his early days. 他早年有过痛苦的经历5. B since:自从 (主干的时态为现在完成时)6. Cto ones surprise 使某人感到惊讶的是在句中可做独立的状语, 句子的主语不必是某个人- To my great disappointment the train had already leftwith surprise 惊讶地 (With satisfaction/delight/dismay)必须与行为动词连用, 句子的主语必须是某个人- He smoked

15、 his last cigarette with satisfaction.- He went home with dismay.- To our dismay the party proved to be a failure.7. B despite = in spite of (可以和名词、代词、动名词搭配)8 B so far:现在完成时的标志如果用possible/impossible, 就要采用形势主语it- So far, it has been impossible for the archaeologists to discover her identity.9. A Holy

16、 adj. 神圣的, 圣洁的religious 宗教的 / frightening 令人害怕的 / colourful 丰富多彩的10. D in good condition情况良好 = in good statewell done 侧重强调做得好conserve vt.保存, 保藏 (= keep from being wasted, damaged, lost, destroyed) “不用尽或耗尽某物,保留”- Conserve your energy you needed. (energy n.精力, 精神) 你该养精蓄锐,你会用得上的。- We must conserve our

17、forest.maintain vt.维持, 维修 - 通过修缮保养, 不使.破损(强调动作的过程)11. B turn out = prove, 都表示系动词resolve vt,vi决定 vt.(使)分解, 溶解- He resolved on going out. 他决定出去。12. Bso far = until now, up till nowbeforehand (adv.预先) = in advance (adv.预先)at this distance of/in time 时隔已久- I can hardly remember him at this distance of t

18、ime. 时隔这么久, 我几乎想不起来他了。Lesson 04 The double life of Alfred Bloggs 阿尔弗雷德.布洛格斯的双重生活1. A illustrate vt.阐明, 阐述“.a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar worker2. C double life3. D .he feels that his rise in status is well worth the loss of m

19、oneyprevious adj.在前的, 早先的respect n.某方面 vt.尊敬, 尊重4. B to go 可以省略They usually go to work wearing a collar and tie.5. DAlfred was too embarrassed to say anything to his wife about his不定式to表示否定)so.that(在that引导的结果状语从句中, 如果采用否定式,可以和 互换)- The water is too hot for us to drink. = The water

20、is so hot that we cant drink.6. C He simply told her that he worker of the Corporationsimply副词(仅仅是, 再没有别的了= only, just)无论是simply, only还是just,往往用在所修饰的主体词之前。- I did it simply/only for the money- I dont like driving. I do it simply/only because I have to go to work each day.and no more(放句尾)in a simple

21、way 简单地, 简朴地- She was always dressed in a simple way.7. BBefore是介词和动名词形式搭配。 - Before returning home.Before是连接词,引导时间状语从句。 - Before he returned home.before 引导的从句, 常用一般现在时或一般过去时, 不用进行时。8. C half as much as it used to bethe amount 要用定语从句进行限定当主句的谓语动词是行为动词时,used to之后的动词必须省略掉当主句的谓语动词是系动词时,used to之后必须带有系动词b

22、e.- I feel the summers are hotter than they used to be.- I feel you are much fatter than you used to be.9. Dgain:获利, 赢得(表示通过努力)- gain time, gain reputation, gain speed, gain heightfee:(为专业服务支付的)费用- doctors fees 医疗费 / the lawyers fees 律师费- pay for my university fees 支付我的大学学费payment:(商业、信贷)支付的款项(非常正式)

23、wages:(体力劳动者的)工资salary:(白领的)薪水10. B companion n.同伴, 共事者 comrade n.朋友, 同志, 伙伴11. C well worth the loss of moneypay back 偿还, 报复reward 酬劳value 价值compensate v.偿还, 补偿compensate for赔偿 = make up for弥补- His intelligence more than compensate for his lack of experience.12. A call = addressed as被称为name命名 / cry

24、 out喊叫 / shout v.呼喊, 呼叫Lesson 05 The facts 确切数字1 Cexcuse n.理由, 借口beyond prep.除以外satisfy vt.满足, 使满意dissatisfy vt.使感觉不满, 不满足factual adj.事实的, 实际的content n.内容2 B 3. A activity n.行动, 行为 / suspicious adj.可疑的, 怀疑的4 B 课文中的and then强调动作的先后。- Having seen the movie, they went for a walk.6. D a reply表示“任意”的一个答复7

25、. B unless = if not 一般过去时8 C inform sb of/about sth9 C public n.公众, (特定的)人群audience n.听众, 观众lecture n.演讲10 B print = publishpress n.压, 按 go to press 交付印刷pressing adj.紧迫的;迫切的impress vt.盖印, 留下印象11. D innocent adj.清白的, 无罪的, 天真的, 无知的unfortunate adj.不幸的12. D 请求允许做某事:ask for permission to do sth允许某人做某事:be

26、 given permission to do sthadmit + 名词/动名词/that从句Lesson 06 Smash-and-grab 砸橱窗抢劫Exercise:1 polite(adj.有礼貌的) impolite(adj.无礼的, 粗鲁的)2 agree disagree3 legible(adj.清晰的, 易读的) illegible(adj.难辨认的, 字迹模糊的)4 accurate(adj.正确的, 精确的) inaccurate(adj.错误的, 不准确的)5 locked unlocked6 regular irregularMultiple choice ques

27、tions 多项选择1.B正确on ones way to do - He is on the/his way to become a lawyer.2.A正确warn somebody out of ones way 警告某人别挡住去路in ones way 挡住某人的去路- You are in my way. 挡住了我的去路。3.C正确4. C正确形容词和名词共同修饰名词时, 形容词在前, 名词在后。(adj + n +被修的名词)- an old village school- an empty beer glass5.B正确 做句子结构题时要和原文加以对比6. A正确 made of

28、 可以看出原材料7. A正确 began doing something = began to do something8.D正确9. A正确accelerate v.加速, 促进- The driver accelerated to pass the other car.speed v.加快(加快动作和工作的进程, 常和up连用)- Wed better speed up, if we want to get there in time.- The car sped along the road.Reverse vt.倒车, 颠倒, 倒转- The car reversed through the gate.10. A正确Overdressed v.(使)穿得太讲究- I fell rather overdressed in this smart suit.Overlooked vt.俯瞰, 远眺11. B正确for the time being = temporarily(adv.临时)meanwhile = at the same timeAs it happened 随着这类事情的发生for a while = for a moment

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