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1、四级阅读理解突破1 如何提高阅读速度,增加阅读题的答对率? 做阅读理解题的主要障碍之一是文章长、句子复杂、问题难,因此分配的时间往往不够用,在规定的时间里读不完文章,做不完题目。根据考试大纲,CET-4阅读部分的文章为4篇,总词数约为1000词,问答题为20题,总词数值为800词,分配的时间为35分。根据这一要求,考试每分钟只要阅读52词,这似乎并不难,但做阅读理解题不仅要读,了解文章的大意,更重要的读了以后还要理解思考,还要辨别是非,概括判断。因此,第一,掌握阅读方法,加强训练自己的阅读习惯与方法。平时训练阅读时不能一词一词地阅读,更不能张着嘴巴一词一词的朗读,而要根据意群,注意句子、段落的


3、, how, when, where, why, who, not true/not mentioned等形式来提问的,往往在检测我们辨别信息的能力,也就是辨别文章中主要信息与次要信息的能力,这就要求我们重点理解文章中主要的、具体的细节;而问题涉及到主题思想、最佳标题、作者的观点、文章的写作框架、文章的主要来源等问题,往往在检测我们的概括、归纳能力,这就要求我们从语篇高度去理解文章;而问题中提到infer, imply等词时,往往检测我们的推理能力,这就要求我们不仅要理解文章中相关信息的表面意思,更要理解这些表层信息中隐含着的深层意思。了解这些题型的特点,有助于我们有的放矢,提高阅读速度与理解


5、上,也是必要的。2 正确选择项有何特点文章理解了,要从每一个问题的四个选择中选出正确答案并不容易,因为正确选择项不仅混在三个很相似,且相关的干扰项中,而且其表现形式多种多样,它不可能是原文中相同的词、相同的结构,甚至是相同的语义关系,其语言表达形式相差很大。因此,了解和掌握正确选择项的特点,以及它与文章相关句的语义关系,对于我们快速、有效地确定正确答案是大有裨益的。一般来说,正确选择项与原文中的信息主要有以下几种相关性:1) 正确选择项是原文中相关信息的同义关系如1999年6月CET-4中的第1篇文章:例1The biggest safety threat facing airlines to

6、day may not be a terrorist with a gun, but the man with the portable computer in business class. In the last 15 years, pilots have reported well over 100 incidents that could have been caused by electromagnetic interference. The source of this interference remains unconfirmed, but increasingly, expe

7、rts are pointing the blame at portable electronic devices such as portable computers, radio and cassette players and mobile telephones.RTCA, an organization which advises the aviation industry, has recommended that all airlines ban such devices from being used during critical stages of flight, parti

8、cularly take-off and landing. Some experts have gone further, calling for a total ban during all flights. Currently, rules on using these devices are left up to individual airlines. And although some airlines prohibit passengers from using such equipment during take-off and landing, most are relucta

9、nt to enforce a total ban, given that many passengers want to work during flights.The difficulty is predicting how electromagnetic fields might affect an aircrafts computers. Experts know that portable devices emit radiation which affects those wavelengths which aircraft use for navigation and commu

10、nication. But, because they have not been able to reproduce these effects in a laboratory, they have no way of knowing whether the interference might be dangerous or not.The fact that aircraft may be vulnerable to interference raises the risk that terrorists may use radio systems in order to damage

11、navigation equipment. As worrying, though, is the passenger who cant hear the instructions to turn off his radio because the musics too loud.22. What is said about the over 100 aircraft incidents in the past 15 years?A. They may have taken place during take-off and landing.B. They may have been caus

12、ed by the damage to the radio systems.C. They were suspected to have resulted from electromagnetic interference.D. They were proved to have been caused by the passengers portable computers.24. Why is it difficult to predict the possible effects of electromagnetic fields on an airplanes computers?A.

13、Because experts lack adequate equipment to do such research.B. Because it is extremely dangerous to conduct such research on an airplane.C. Because it remains a mystery what wavelengths are liable to be interfered with.D. Because research scientists have not been able to produce the same effects in

14、labs.文章中的第22题,正确选择项(C)中的have resulted from与原文中的have been caused为同义短语。又如24题正确选择项(D)中的produce与原文because they have not been able to Reproduce these effects in a laboratory句中的 reproduce为同义关系。2) 正确选择项是原文中相关信息的反义关系如1995年6月CET-4中的第4篇(参见3、概括性推理 实例剖析 Passage 1)中的第40题:例2 40. It can be concluded from Dr. Dubos

15、s remarks that _.A. people find invisible diseases difficult to deal with B. attacks by hidden enemies tend to be fatalC. diseases with obvious signs are easy to cureD. people tend to overlook hidden dangers caused by pesticides正确选择项(D)中的overlook正好与原文中的impressed形成反义关系,hidden dangers 与原文中的obvious sig

16、ns同样形成反义关系,即: 人们对有明显症状的病最关心,反过来说,他们对杀虫剂造成的潜在危害往往忽视了。3) 正确选择项是原文中生词的解释关系正确选择项是对原文中出现的某个不太熟悉的词的解释。如1999年6月CET-4中的第2篇中的第28题:(参见词汇词义辨别题中的文章) 例328. The word “provincial” (Line 2, Para.3) most probably means “_”.A. limited in outlookB. like people from the provincesC. rigid in thinkingD. interested in wor

17、ld financial affairs一般来说“and”连词所连接的前后两个成分的内容通常一致。当take more of an interest in local affairs作为与provincial前后并列出现时, provincial已可以确定为“美国人只对自己的或局部的事物感兴趣,而对外界缺乏关注”的词义了,因此,正确选择项(A) limited in outlook就是对 provincial这个词的释义。4)正确选择项是原文中长句、难句的解释关系阅读理解文章中个别句子比较难,有的句子很长,且结构复杂,有的句子表达比较抽象,且生词较多;而有些问题的设计就是要求理解这些句子,其答

18、案就是对这些句子的解释。例4Such large, impersonal manipulation of capital and industry greatly increased the numbers and importance of shareholders as a class, an element in national life representing irresponsible wealth detached from the land and the duties of the landowners; and almost equally detached from t

19、he responsible management of business. 这一句话长达47个单词,针对这句话设计了如下问题:The growth of limited liability companies resulted in _.A. the separation of capital from managementB. the ownership of capital by managersC. the emergence of capital and labour as two classesD. the participation of shareholders in muni

20、cipal business问题的正确选择项(A)就是上述这一长句的释义。当然,要理解这一长句没有一定的语言水平很难做到。5)正确选择项是对原文主题思想的归纳在解答问题,正确选择项不可能在文章中的某个句子中直接找到相关的信息,它需要通过对原文中的例证的归纳、对原文叙述归纳、对文章对某一段落大意的归纳,对文章的主题思想归纳后才能得到。例5 (文章参见概括、归纳主题思想的能力 中的例句)The main idea of the passage is that _.A) teachers should do as little as possible in helping students lear

21、n to readB) teachers should encourage students to read as widely as possibleC) reading ability is something acquired rather than taughtD) reading is more complicated than generally believed在通读全文后,即可发现文章第一段最后一句:Reading can not be taught directly是文章的主题句(Topic sentence),而其他各段均是来论证这一主题的。因此,正确选择项(C)就是对整篇

22、文章的主题思想的归纳,表达比较笼统。6) 正确选择项是对作者所持观点的归纳作者的观点往往不会轻易地在文章直接表达出来,而是通过读者对他(她)描述的事或人来概括推理的;问题中往往用一个词高度概括了作者的观点,如1990年1月第4篇 (文章参见作者观点、态度归纳 实例解剖 Passage 1)例636. In the passage the authors attitude towards “mixed-ability teaching” is _.A. critical C. approvingB. questioning D. objective正确选择项(C)表示持“赞同的”态度。根据第一段

23、内容,尤其是前二句中的动词选择:rarely held back, enrich, 可以归纳作者对“混合编班”持“赞同”态度。7) 正确选择项是对原言语中相关信息的推理正确选择项往往要求读者通过信息的表层意思去理解隐含在其中的深层意思。如1993年6月CET-4 第1篇 (文章参见概括性推理实例剖析Passage 2)例722. It can be inferred from the passage that _.A. compared with other hospitals nurses at Beth Israel Hospital are more patientB. in most

24、hospitals patient care is inadequate from the professional point of viewC. in most hospitals nurses get low salariesD. compared with other hospitals nurses have to work longer hours at Beth Israel Hospital正确选择项(B)是对文章第1段最后一句句意的推理:“如果我们确要解决护理工作不足(不充分)的问题,那么各地医院的行政部门和医生最好还是效法一下Beth Israel医院的榜样”,据此可以推断

25、:护理不充分是一个普遍存在问题。3 错误选择项有何特点上面讨论了正确选择项的特征,下面谈一谈错误选择项的特点,这同样有益于帮助我们更好地理解文章。1) 相同的词汇,错误的信息如1999年6月份的第一篇文章(见例1)第22题中的A),B)选项提供的信息均为错误,他们具有一定的欺骗性,因为这两个选择项中的信息表达均出现了文章反复提及的词汇,如take-off and landing, caused, damage, radio等,但这些词汇所传递的信息与题目所要求信息相比是错误的。2) 相同的信息,错误的范围在问题中出现的信息与原文中的信息相同或相似,但并不属于问题提问中所涉及的范围,如上文22题

26、中的A)项They may have taken place during take-off and landing是指RTCA这一机构建议在所有航行上禁止在飞行的关键时刻使用这类仪器,尤其是起飞和着陆的时候;这一信息并不指在过去15年中100多起飞行事故是在起飞与着陆过程中发生的。因此,我们不应被相同的信息所迷惑。3) 无中生有的信息有些错误选择项中的信息是原文中根本没有提及的,尽量信息的表达中夹杂着一些文中出现的词汇,如上文第23题中的B),文中根本没有提及the passenger dont believe there is such a danger as radio interfer

27、ence 这一信息。再如本文24题中的A),B)两选择项中信息也是文本没有提及的信息。对于这类错误选择项,我们只要不渗杂自己的观点,便可容易排除的。4) 以偏概全的信息以偏面或不完全的信息来概括完整的信息,这一错误选择项往往出现在主题思想题中以及一些具体信息题中,如上文22题D)项就是用passengers portable computer这一具体的小概念要涵盖, electromagnetic interference这一比较笼统的大概念; 再如,99年1月份第3篇文章例8The appeal of advertising to buying motives can have both n

28、egative and positive effects. Consumers may be convinced to buy a product of poor quality or high price because of an advertisement. For example, some advertisers have appealed to peoples desire for better fuel economy for their cars by advertising automotive products that improve gasoline mileage.

29、Some of the products work. Others are worthless and a waste of consumers money.Sometimes advertising is intentionally misleading. A few years ago a brand of bread was offered to dieter with the message that there were fewer calories in every slice. It turned out that the bread was not dietetic, but

30、just regular bread. There were fewer calories because it was sliced very thin, but there were the same number of calories in every loaf.On the positive side, emotional appeals may respond to a consumers real concerns. Consider fire insurance. Fire insurance may be sold by appealing to fear of loss.

31、But fear of loss is the real reason for fire insurance. The security of knowing that property is protected by insurance makes the purchase of fire insurance a worthwhile investment for most people. If consumers consider the quality of the insurance plans as well as the message in the ads, they will benefit from the advertising.Each consumer must evaluate her or his own situation. Are the be

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