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1、七年级英语知识要点总结牛津英语7A基础总复习讲义 Chapter 1 语言重点1. favourite sport 最喜欢的运动 10。enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事2. write to sb. 写信给某人 11。best subject最好的科目3. would like to 愿意:想 12。a photo of myself 一张我自己的照片4. play chess 下国际象棋 13。in the middle 在中间 5. live with 和一起住 14。best wishes 诚挚问候(用于信尾)6. speak Chinese 说中文 15。reply to =

2、 answer 回复 7. work as 从事工作 16。hear from 收到(某人)来信8. walk to school 步行去学校 =get/receive a letter from9. be keen on 对着迷:热衷于 1. I am in Form One at Walker School.我在沃克学校读中学一年级。英国中学的每个年级称为Form, Form One即是中学一年级,相当于中国的Grade One,或Junior one。2. I am keen on sports.我热爱运动。Many boys are keen on playing the guitar

3、.很多男孩喜欢弹吉它. = Many boys like playing the guitar very much. = Many boys are interested in playing the guitar. =be interested in3. I enjoy playing rugby and badminton in winter, and tennis in summer.我喜欢在冬天打英式橄榄球和羽毛球,在夏天打网球. enjoy doing sth. = like doing sth.表示喜欢做某事。如: He enjoys reading newspapers afte

4、r supper. 他喜欢晚饭后读报。 4. Here is a photo of myself and some school friends.随信附上一张我和同学们的照片。 a photo of myself = a photo of me是指一张有我本人的照片,强调的是我在照片里。Questions with question words.(带特殊疑问词的特殊疑问句)(1) what什么What is your name? My name is Simon. What is your job? I am an engineer. (2) where在哪里;到哪里 Where do you

5、 live? I live in Shenzhen(3) when什么时候 When will you go to Australia? I will go there the day after tomorrow.(4) who(主格) 谁 Who is your favourite film star? (5) whose 谁的 Whose car is this? It is Tims.(6) which哪一个 Which magazine is yours? The new one is mine.(7) why为什么,必须用because回答。 Why were you late t

6、his morning? Because I missed the bus.(8) how怎么,怎样 How are you? I am very well, thank you. How does Simon often go to school? He often goes to school on foot. (9) how old多大岁数 How old are you? Im twelve years old. (10) how many+可数名词多少How many people are there in your family? There are three. (11) how

7、 much十不可数名词多少或多少钱 How much milk is there in the bottle? There is a little. How much is the meal? It is two hundred yuan. (12) how long多长时间How long does it take you to do your homework every day? About two hours. How long问,答for, about(13) how often 多久.一次,指频率。How often do you write to your penfriend?

8、Twice a month (14) how soon多快,指时间。How soon will your father come back? In two hours. (15) how far多远,指距离。 How far is it from your house to your school? About two miles. 不定冠词a和an (a用于以辅音音素开头的单词前, an用于以元音音素开头的单数单词前,不是字母。 a dentist a magazine an architect an engineer a horse a hospital 第二行的四个单词虽然都以字母h开头

9、,但house和hospital中的h都发/ h/音,音素为辅音,所以不定冠词要用a;而hour和honest中的h都不发音,所以它们的首音素为元音,不定冠词要用an。I have an orange. The orange is on the table. The girl wants to be an actress. Conjunctions: and, but and so(连词and, but和so) (1) and和,表示并列。She has a son and a daughter.(2) but但是,表示转折。He has much money, but he is not h

10、appy at all. 写信的格式:(1)信内一般会写上寄信人的地址。在写地址的时候,要注意:从小写到大。这和中文信地址的写法刚好相反。(2)写信日期也与中文不同,英文信的日期一般写在寄信人地址之下,中文信一般写在信的末尾。 (3)英文信中,常常用Dear作为问候。如正式信函,一般用Dear Mr. Smith/Dear Miss Wang等;如无法分辨男女, 则用Dear Sir/Madam;如是朋友,往往直接在Dear后加名字,如Dear Kitty/Dear Simon等。(4)信的正文往往占据了很大篇幅。一般信的开头要稍加问候,信的末尾也要问候收信人,并期待收到对方的来信。如: Be

11、st wishes! Looking forward to your letter.(5)结尾还要写上敬语,如Yours sincerely或Vurs tnlly(比较正式、庄重)、Yours love(比较随意,用于亲 人、朋友之间)、Yours等。(6)信的末端还要签名。如是打印的信件,在打上自己的名字后,还要有亲笔签名。Chapter 2 语言重点1. be still at school 仍旧在上学 11. about twice a week 大约一周两次 2. get up 起床 12. return to school 返回学校 3. put on school uniform

12、穿上校服 13. after school 放学后 4. discuss business 讨论生意 14. attend a club 参加俱乐部 5. at breakfast 在吃早餐的时 15. ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某z 6. make phone calls to 打电话给某人 16. assist sb. 帮助某人 7. on the way to school 在去学校的路上 17. continue doing sth. 继续做某事 8. achieve A grades 获得A等 18. lose ones temper 发脾气 9. fail a

13、n exam 考试不及格 10. collect sb. from school 从学校接某人 1. Wendy Wang,15, is one of the top students in Shenzhen十五岁的王温迪是深圳尖子生之一。 top student = excellent student = best student尖子生:优秀学生 one of+名词复数之一 LiuXiang is one of the top runners in the world now.刘翔是世界上顶尖的跑步运动员之一。 2. I get up at six oclock, wash and put

14、on my school uniform.我六点起床,洗漱后穿上校服。 put on与wear的区别: put on表示穿的动作,而wear表示穿着的状态。 Mary, put on your coat. Its cold outside.玛丽,穿上你的大衣。外面很冷。 Mary is wearing a red coat.玛丽正穿着件红大衣。 反义词: take off 3. I have breakfast with my parents.我和父母一起吃早餐。 have breakfast / have lunch / have dinner (supper)(中间不用冠词) 4. Eve

15、ry morning, we discuss business at breakfast.每天早上我们在吃早餐时讨论生意。 = Every morning we talk about business when having breakfast.discuss = talk about讨论 5. I sometimes make phone calls to clients on the way to school.有时在上学路上我会和客户通电话。 =I sometimes call my clients on the way to school.make phone calls to sb.

16、 = call sb. / phone sb.给某人打电话 on the way to school在上学路上 on the way to work在上班路上 注意: on the way home在回家的路上(home是副词,前面要省略to)on the way here/there在来这里/去那里的路上( here/there是副词,前面要省略to) 6. I usually achieve A grades in all my subjects.我的各科成绩通常都是A等。 achieve = get/receive获得 You have achieved the success you

17、want. 你己获得你想要的成功。 7. About twice a week my driver collects me from school.大约一周两次,司机会到学校接我。 1 collect me from school = pick me up from school从学校接我( collect志为接走)collect sb=pick sb upHis hobby is collecting stamps.他的爱好是收集邮票。( collect意为收集)8. After school, I usually attend a club.放学后我通常会参加兴趣小组的活动。 attend

18、 = go to 出席,参加 9. Other students often ask me to assist them.其他同学经常请我帮他们。 = Other students often ask me to help them.We should assist those people who need help.我们应该帮助那些需要帮助的人。 10. Then I go to my office and continue working on my games.然后我回我的办公室继续编写游戏。 continue doing sth.= go on doing sth继续做The sim

19、ple present tense(一般现在时) 一般现在时用来表示现在的状态、经常的或习惯性的动作、真理、基本事实或常见现象等。与一般现在时连用的时间状语有: often, always, sometimes, usually, every day/week/year等。2.一般现在时的构成: 肯定句:(注意:第三人称单数的行为动词后要加s)I/You/We/Theylivein Shenzhen.He/She/ItlivesI get up at seven every day.我每天七点起床。 My mother gets up at six every day.妈妈每天六点起床。Luc

20、y usually goes to school on foot.露西通常走路去上学。 Her parents sometimes go to work by bus她的父母有时乘公共汽车去上班。 否定句:(注意:第三人称单数的助动词要用does.其他的用do)I/You/We/Theydont livein Shenzhen.He/She/Itdoesnt liveI dont like hamburgers. 我不喜欢汉堡包。 We dont often go to the cinema. 我们不常去看电影。 Tom doesnt like playing with others. 汤姆不

21、喜欢和别人玩。一般疑问句及其肯定、否定回答:(注意:第三人称单数的助动词要用does.其他的用do)DoI/you/we/theylivein Shenzhen?Doeshe/she/itYes,I/you/we /theydo.he/she/itdoes.No,I/you/we/theydonthe/she/itdoesnt- Do the Greens often go swimming in summer? 格林一家经常夏天去游泳吗?- No, they dont.不,他们不去。 - Does the earth go around the sun? 地球围绕太阳转吗?- Yes, it

22、 does.是的。 描述频率的副词和副词短语 与一般现在时连用的频率副词有: always(总是),usually(通常),often(经常),sometimes(有时),seldom(很少),never(从不),on Sundays, once a week/month等。They always play football in the playground. 他们总是在操场踢足球。 I sometimes make phone calls to clients on the way to school.有时在上学路上我和客户通电话。 Wendy usually achieves A gra

23、des in all her subjects.温迪的各科成绩通常都是A等。Chapter 3 语言重点1. deal with 对待:处理:涉及 10. hurry aboard 匆匆忙忙地登上船 2. hold out 取出:伸出 11. run away 逃跑 3. take a ferry 乘坐渡船 12. go after sb. 跟着某人 4. wait for 等待 13. report a theft 报告一宗盗窃案 5. women tourists女游客 14. on the other side of the river 在河的对岸 6. begin arguing 开始

24、争吵 15. get off 下(车、船) 7. show sth. to sb. 给某人看某物 16. stand round 围着站立 8. go up 走上前去 17. in handcuffs 戴着手铐 9. find sth. missing 发现某物不见了 1. Dealing with trouble处理纠纷 deal with意义很广,常表示对付、处理、论述、涉及等。如: Deal with a man as he deals with you.以其人之道,还治其人之身。2 This is a book dealing with Asian problems.这是一本论述亚洲问

25、题的书。近义词 do with;常用 howdeal with ; what do with2. An exciting thing happened to him on 28 September. 9月28日,他遇到了一件激动人心的事情。 sth. happened to sb. 某事发生在某人身上 An exciting / A happy / A sad thing happened to Paul yesterday. on用在星期几或几月几号之前, in用在月份,年份,季节之前,如: on Wednesday在星期三 on August 8th, 2008在2008年8月8日 in

26、January在一月 in 2008 在2008年 in Autumn在秋天 3. Suddenly, two women tourists and a man began arguing.突然,两名女游客和一个男子开始争吵起来。 (1) man,woman作定语修饰名词构成复合名词变成复数形式时,须跟随名词变成复数。 如: men workers women teachers men singers women nurses但boy和girl修饰名词时,则不必跟随名词变为复数。如: boy students girl students(2) argue的两条用法 argue about st

27、h.为某事而争论如: They always argue about money.他们总是为钱争吵。argue with sb.与某人争吵如: He argued with the driver about the也re.他就车费与司机理论。(3) begin doing sth.和begin to do sth.意义相近,可以互相转换。 4. The man held out a bag and showed it to the women.这个男人拿出一个包让妇女们看。 hold out = take out伸出,拿出 The man held out a bag. = The man t

28、ook out a bag. 5. I found my purse missing. = I couldnt find my purse.我发现我的钱包不见了。 find sth. missing = cant find sth. missing = lost不见了 6. . Everyone stared at the three people. 每个人都盯着这三个人看。 7. The other two men ran away, and we followed this man here.另外两个男人逃跑了,我们跟着这个男的到了这里。 follow是动词,它的用法如下: (l)跟随:接

29、着The boy followed his father out.那个男孩跟着他父亲走了出去。 Spring follows winter.冬去春来。 (2)沿着路前进follow = go along a road Follow the road until you come to the post office, and you will find the library around the comer. 顺着马路走到邮政局,拐弯的地方就是图书馆。(3)领会,听懂 I didnt quite follow, could you explain it again?我不太明白,请再解释一遍好

30、吗? 8. The man hurried aboard, and the two tourists went after him.那个男的急急忙忙上了船,两名女游客跟着他上了船。 hurry的用法如下: hurry to some place赶往某地 hurry to do sth.赶着去做某事 in a hurry = hurriedly匆忙地 hurry to . = go to . in a hurry / hurriedly 我匆忙地赶去学校。I hurried to school.= I hurried to go to school. = I went to school in

31、a hurry. = I went to school hurriedly. aboard adv.登船:登机 ; hurry aboard匆忙上(船、飞机等)Are all the passengers aboard the ship?所有的乘客都上船了吗? go after sb. = follow sb.跟着某人 The little dog likes going after the children. = The little dog likes following the children那条小狗喜欢跟着孩子们。 9. A man stole a purse from a tourist.一个男子从一名游客那里偷了一个钱包。 steal sth. from sb.从偷 steal是不规则动词,过去式为stole。如: The

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