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1、黄埔区六年级英语期末卷2016-2017学年第一学期小学六年级质量监测英语试卷(全卷共8页,90分钟完成)听力部分(30%)一、听句子三次,判断句子是否与图意相符,如相符在括号内写T,否则写F。(在答题卡上把答案的字母编号涂黑)(10%)二、听对话三次,选出问题的正确答案,(在答题卡上把答案的字母编号涂黑)。(8%)11. How old is Mike? A. 53 B. 35 C. 5012. Whats the matter with Sally? A. She has a cold. B. She has a headache C. She has a fever.13. Where

2、do Toms grandparents live? A. They live in Shanghai. B. They live in the countryside. C. They live in Guangzhou.14. What did the lady do last night? A. She went shopping. B. She went to a library. C. She wrote a song.15. Does Lilys sister want to keep her hair long or short? A. Long. B. Short. C. Sh

3、e is pretty.16. How long does the woman stay in London last summer? A. For two months. B. For two days. C. For two weeks.17. What does the girl look before? A. She was heavy. B. She was slim. C. She was tall.18. Whats Bills favourite festival? A. Christmas. B. Spring Festival. C. Mid-autumn Festival

4、三、听句子三次,写出所缺的单词。(7%)19. I like living in the countryside because I can have plenty of clean _.20-21. Your city is not big and _, but its very _.22-23. The boy _ a bottle of water in the _ just now.24. Mike was very _ when he met his friend in New York.25. Dont eat too much _ food. Its not healthy.四、

5、听短文三次,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,如符合写“T”,否则写“F”。(在答题卡上把答案的字母编号涂黑)(5%)26. Jack goes to work by bike.27. Jack works at a hospital.28. Jack goes to the eighth floor to have lunch at noon.29. Jack and his wife like going for a walk after dinner.30. Jack has no child.读写部分(70%)五、阅读句子,在Words box中选出与句子意思相同的词。(在答题卡上把答案的

6、字母编号涂黑)(10%)A. candy B. Halloween C. grandpa D. theatre E. supermarket31. Its a store. We can buy things there.32. Its a place for the performance of plays.33. Its a western festival. Its on October 31st.34.He is the father of someones father or mother.35. Its a kind of food, its sweet.F. frog G. is

7、land H. mountain I. office J. countryside36. Its a place. People work there.37. Its a land outside the cities, used for farming.38. Its a piece of land in the middle of water.39. Its a very high hill.40. His body is green. He likes to swim and jump.六、阅读。I.阅读下列句子,请你选出5个Healthy tips(健康小贴士)。(把答案的大写字母编号

8、写在答题卡上相应的横线上)(5%)A. You can watch TV or play computer games for too long at nightB. You need plenty of sleep.C You need to eat too much chocolate, sweets of ice cream.D. You need eat meat, fruit, vegetables, grains(谷物) and dairy(乳制品) foods every day.E. You should always travel by car or by bus.F. Yo

9、u should do exercise. Exercise can make you strong.G. You need to drink plenty of water every day.H. Early to sleep, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.41-45.II. 阅读短文,判断句子是否符合短文内容,如符合写T,否则写F。(在答题卡上把答案的字母编号涂黑)(5%)One day at a PE lesson, Candy and Sally talked about what they could d

10、o when they were wrong.“When I was three, I was 15kg. I was fat. I couldnt walk fast. My mother carried me around,” said Candy.“Really?” said Sally. She was surprised.“Yes. I just sat on the floor and carried. Then my mother came and picked me up.”“You were naughty!” said Sally.“When I was four, I c

11、ould get anything I wanted. My father sang and read to me every night.” Candy went on.“I dont like growing up. Im 27 kg now. My mother doesnt pick me up any more.” Candy said sadly.“Well, youre eight years old now!” said Sally.“Yes, my father says Im a big girl now. He doesnt read or sing to me anym

12、ore.” Said Candy.“My parents do.” said Sally.“Why?” asked Candy.“I always saypleaseandthank you. Then my parents are happy to read to me.” said Sally.Candy thought for a while. Then she said, “Youre right, Sally. I should be more polite.”46. Candy was fat when she was three, so she couldnt walk fast

13、.47. Candys father always sings and reads to her.48. Candy is eight years old.49. Sally is polite.50. Sallys parent dont read to her.III. 阅读短文,选择最佳答案。(在答题卡上把答案的字母编号涂黑)(5%)October 31st is Halloween. Halloween is a special day for children in Canada and the United States. On Halloween, children dress

14、up in costumes as monsters, famous people, ghosts(鬼怪), witches(女巫),cartoon characters and more. In the evening, they walk around their neighbours and go from house to house shouting “trick or treat” or “Halloween apples”. At each house, people give out many different kinds of candy. On traditional c

15、ustom of Halloween is put a Jack OLantern in the window. To make a Jack OLantern, we clean out the inside of a pumpkin, cut out a face and put a candle inside. It burns brightly on the night of Halloween. People often decorate their homes with pictures of black cats, spiders, witches, bats and ghost

16、s.51. When is Halloween? _ A. Its on April 1st . B. Its on October 31st C. Its on December 25th .52. Children dress up as monster to _ A. walk around in the evening. B. act as monster C. play the game “trick or treat”.53. If the neighbor open the door for the children, the children will say _ A. Tri

17、ck or Treat. B. Jack Olantern C. Happy Halloween54. Jack Olantern is a _ A. Festival decoration for Halloween. B. lantern for Mid-Autumn Festival. C. Lantern for showing the way in dark on Halloween.55. The right order(顺序) of making Jack Olantern is _ A. 123 B. 231 C. 312IV.阅读短文,根据短文内容,用所给的词将句子补充完整。

18、(在答题卡上把答案的字母编号涂黑)(5%)A. cold B. but C. so D. because E. thenToday was a boring day. It rained all day. I stayed inside. I played computer games all the morning. The games were boring. I called my friend Sally. She was not at home. She went to the cinema with her brother. After lunch, I slept for thr

19、ee hours. After that I started to watch TV. What a stupid show! The actors were not handsome. Im happy tomorrow is Monday. I can go back to school and see my friends.56. It rained all day, _ I had to stay at home.57. I played computer games all the morning, _ the games were boring.58. I called my fr

20、iend Sally, _ she was not at home.59. I slept for three hours, _ I started to watch TV.60. Im happy tomorrow is Monday, _ I can go back to school and see my friends.七、补全对话,每格只填一个单词。(把答案写在答题卡相应的横线上)(10%)A: You dont look well. Whats the _61_ with you?B: I feel ill. I _62_ a toothache. Maybe I ate too

21、much candy.A: Im _63_ to hear that. You should _64_ a doctor.B: I did. I _65_ to the hospital this morning.A: And what did the doctor _66_?B: She gave me a _67_ and asked me to take this medicine three _68_ a day for three days. And she told me that I should _69_ teeth twice a day.A: I think youll b

22、e _70_ soon.B: Thank you.八、选择最佳答案填空。(在答题卡上把答案的字母编号涂黑)(10%)71. There arent any _ on the farm. A. sheeps B. sheep C. a sheep72. Its raining outside. Bring your raincoat. Dont _. A. get tired B. get wet C. read books73. Im making cakes. I will clean the kitchen_. A. now B. before C. later74. What _ you

23、r school _? Its big and clean. A. is, like B. does, like C. did, like75. My mother asks me _ my teeth before I go to bed. A. brush B. not brush C. to brush 76. The secret to good health is _. A. to be happy B. be happy C. happy 77. The match was _, so the children were _. A. exciting, exciting B. ex

24、cited, excited C. exciting, excited78. We _ a film last night. A. see B. saw C. is going to see79. _ you at home yesterday evening? No, I _. A. Were, werent B. Was, wasnt C. Were, wasnt 80. Whats Marys favourite festival? _ favourite festival is Childrens Day. A. Her B. Hers C. Shes81. You can have

25、a picnic in the garden _ you want. A. but B. and C. if82. This city is not noisy. Its _. A. big B. quiet C. Expensive83. You need to get plenty of _ each day. A. sleeping B. sleep C. sleeps84. Dont eat _ salty food. A. plenty B. too many C. too much85. My mother often cuts grass _ the rabbits. A. fe

26、ed B. to feed C. feeds九、看图并根据首字母提示填写单词,把下列句子补充完整。(把答案写在答题卡上相应的横线上)(10%)86. The girl is s_. Her brother is t_.87. Tom p_ a t_ with his friend yesterday.88. The boy likes f_ a k_ in autumn.89. The man w_ f_ last Saturday.90. This hat is not e_. Its c_.十、你最喜欢的中式节日是什么?你上一次过这个节日有什么值得记录的经历呢?请你写下来。(5%)你可以写:What is your favourite Chinese festival?Last festival (your favourite Chinese festival)How did you prepare?What did you do ?What did you eat?How did you feel?要求:条理清晰,句式丰富,语法准确,字数在35字左右

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