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1、作文必备范文2018 年中考必备作文背诵的原则:1. 每周背两篇 周一背 , 周二默 ; 周三背;周四背第二篇 周五默 周末复习两篇2. 一篇当十篇用,学会借鉴(说白了就是要会抄来抄去,说高大上一点就是知识的迁移)题目:【文明中学生】根据中文和英文提示,写一封意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于 50 词的回信。信的开头和结尾已给出, 其词数不计入所完成的回信内。 所给英文提示词语仅供选用。 请不要写出你的校名和姓名。假如你叫李华, 你们学校为配合北京申办冬奥会, 倡导人人都做文明中学生。 请你根据以下提示, 给你的英国笔友 Peter 写一封邮件, 告诉他你认为做个文明中学生什么是重要的, 你通常是怎

2、么做的,以及你的感受。 ( 2015 北京市中考)提示词语: t hink, smile, respect, say hello to, wait in line, on time, happy1). What is important for a middle school student? (Being polite to others? Following rules? )2). What do you usually do?3). How do you feel?Dear Peter,How is it going? At my school we re talking about w

3、hat we should do to be a good student.Anything new at your school?Yours,Li Hua范文Dear peter,How is it going? At my school we re talking aboutwhat we should do to be agood student. I think in order to be a civilized middle school student, it s importafollow rules and be polite to others.In my daily li

4、fe, I always do what a civilized student should do. At school, Istrictly follow the school rules, such as wearing a school uniform, going to school on time, protecting the school facilities and so on. In public places such as libraries and restaurants, I never speak loudly, because everyone wants to

5、 enjoy his own peaceful world and it s rather rude to break that peace. At home,Ialways listen to my parents patiently and speak to them politely.In a word, I feel happy and proud when I do the things above. I think if we middle school students can make our own contribution to the society by behavin

6、g well, we will make Beijing a better place to live in.Anything new at your school?12018 年中考必备作文Yours,Li Hua题目:【难忘的校园生活】根据中文和英文提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于 60 词的短文,所给英文提示词语仅供选用,请不要写出你的真实校名和姓名。紧张而又忙碌的初中生活即将结束,请以“ My unforgettable ( 难忘的 ) Middle School Life ”为题写一篇短文。短文首句已给出。要求: 1. 文中不得出现真实人名和校名等相关信息 ;2. 词数 80

7、-100. 短文题目和开头已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇: learn, spend, be interested in, be busy withMy Unforgettable Middle School LifeHow time flies!范文Hi! Mike,I m glad to hear from you. Everyone has an experience which they remember best at school in the past three years, such as a sports meeting, a school trip and so on.

8、As for me, a sports meeting left a great impression on me that I will never forget.Although the weather wasn veryt fine on that day, I was even more excited because I took part in the running race. At the beginning of the race, I fell behind at first. Then I heard my classmates started yelled loudly

9、. Their simple words really encouraged me and cheered me up. Then I caught up with others little by little. At last, I won the second prize and my classmates were proud of me.This sports meeting is such an unforgettable experience that left an great impression on me.题目:【生命当中最重要的人】假如你叫李平,最近和英国朋友 Mike

10、 通过邮件谈论成长过程中对自己产生过重要影响的人,他想了解你生命中最重要的人是谁,请你根据他的问题回复邮件。提示词语: helpful, patient, look after, brave, loveWho is the most importantperson in your life?Why is he / she so important?Give an example.What can you learn from him/ her?22018 年中考必备作文范文During the process of my growth, there are lots of people I w

11、ant to thank, but the person who made a big difference to me is my friend, Mary.The reason why I think she is so important is that she always encouragesme when I get into trouble. Since I entered grade nine, I was not good at chemistry and failed in the final test. I felt sad and lost my confidence.

12、 However, she came up to me and shared some learning skills with me. Also, when I had problems in learning, she told me never to give up. Thanks for her help and encouragement, I made great progress and built up my confidence again.She sets me a good example for me and I learn that it s important fo

13、r me to face the problems bravely. That s the reason why I think she is the most important peoplefor me.题目:【对“好朋友”的理解】 - 建议类根据中文和英文提示,写一封意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于 50 词的回信。信的开头和结尾已给出, 其词数不计入所完成的回信内。 所给英文提示词语仅供选用。 请不要写出你的校名和姓名。假设你叫 Lily ,你的一位美国网友 Helen 在她的博客里提到了最近她和她的好朋友之间产生了矛盾。 她不知道自己是否做错了什么?她该怎么做才能与这位朋友重归于好?请你给

14、她一些建议,并谈谈你对于“好朋友”的理解。 ( 2015 东城一模)Last Monday my best friend Judy got ahigh score in the math test. She was veryhappy and wanted me to see a movie with herto celebrate. I told her that I wasn t interestedin the movie and refused her. Actually, Iwanted to prepare for a speech competition. Asa result,

15、 she was angry withme and didn t talk to me anymore.Did I do anything wrong? What should I do to repair our friendship? What do you think a true friend should be like?提示词: make a mistake, honest, explain, say sorry toHi! Helen,I m sorry to hear about your trouble.Yours, Lily范文Hi, Helen,I msorry to h

16、ear about your trouble. I think you did something wrong to hurtyour friend s feelings, for it s kind of rude to refuse your friend that way. But don t worry, here is some advice for you to repair your friendshipFirst,. it s a32018 年中考必备作文good idea to apologize to her. Tell her you are very truly sor

17、ry for hurting her and thenshe won t be so angry. Second, it s necessary for you to tell her the truth. If she knowsyou are preparing a speech, she will understand you and be willing to forgive you.Third, buy her a gift and treat her to the movie that she wants to watch, which willsurely make her ha

18、ppy.I think true friends should respect and understand each other. Also, being honestis always the best policy. I hope my advice can be of some help and you two canrebuild your friendship as soon as possible.Yours,Lily题目:【健康的生活方式】下面是一份针对某市初中生的生活方式的调查问卷表( questionnaire )。该表包括问题、分值( scores )和结论。请先根据自己

19、的实际情况完成问卷调查表,计算出自己的得分,再据此写一篇短文内容包括, 简单描述你的生活方式, 说出你的得分, 并通过你的最后得分确定你的生活方式是否健康,并说出你今后的打算。Middle school students lifestyle questionnaire Your choice:1. How often do you exercise?A. less than three times a weekB. three to six times a week C. every day2. How long do you sleep every night?A. less than 7

20、hoursB. more than 9 hours.C. 7-9 hours3. How much TV do you watch without a stop every day?A. more than 2 hoursB. 1 hour to 2 hoursC. less than half an hour4. How often do you eat cakes, cookies, sweets, ice-creamand junk food?A. often B. sometimes C. never5.How often do you eat fruit and vegetables

21、?A. neverB. sometimesC. often6.How often do you walk to school?A. neverB. sometimesC. oftenScores: A=1 pointB=2pointsC=3 pointsYour health score:42018 年中考必备作文Conclusion:69 points: Not healthy at all. Need exercise. Watch less TV . Sleep enough hours. Need healthy food.1013 points: Not bad but not he

22、althy enough. Need more exercise, sleep and healthier food.1418 points: Very healthy. Congratulations!范文Recently, I took part in a survey about how middle school students live, and now I d like to show the way of my life and the results of the survey to you.In my daily life, I do exercise three to s

23、ix times a week in order to make my body stronger, and go to sleep before 11 oclock so that I won tfeel sleepy the next day. Besides, I often eat fruits and vegetables and walk to school every morning. However, I usually eat junk food and like watching TV more than 2 hours every day. Therefore, I go

24、t 13 points in this survey.According to this useful survey, I realize that my life wasn thealthy enough, so I plan to exercise more, eat less junk food and watch less TV in the future. I hope that I llcarry out what I plan to do and my life will be healthier and better from now on.题目:【道路交通安全】根据中文大意和

25、英文提示词语写一篇不少于 60 词的短文,要求意思连贯、符合逻辑,文章开头已给出, 其词数不计入你写的短文内, 所给其它英文提示词语供选用。 文中请不要出现你的真实姓名或校名。假设你是学校的安全宣传员,请利用下面本地学生道路伤害事故原因统计图表,写一篇英文短文, 向你校的外籍学生介绍那些事故的主要原因, 提醒他们注意个人交通安全, 针对这些主要原因提出几点保障出行安全的建议 , 最后,表达你对他们在这里安全、愉快生活和学习的良好祝愿。 (2012 丰台二模 )30%common wrong actions25%20%15%22%28%10%20%5%11%10%9%0%common wrong

26、 Road safety is important for every student, especially for the new comers from other countries or places._52018 年中考必备作文范文Road safety is important for every student, especially for the new comers from other countries or places. As the result shows, running through a red light and crossing roads care

27、lessly are the top two reasons which cause the traffic accident. To reduce the amount of the traffic accidents and have a better life, here is some advice for your safety.First of all, it svery important that you should never break the traffic rules. If the red light is still on but there is no car

28、on the road, remember never to go across the street until the green light is on. Besides, put your phone in your pocket all the time unless you have a phone call. It s usual to see some students play games on their phone when they are crossing the road. This behavior is so dangerous that you must ne

29、ver do it. Last but not least, always keep alarm of the cars, for some of the drivers may be drunk or talking on the phone. So you still keep an eye on the cars even though the green light of your side is on.Its true that we can never avoid an accident for 100%, but what really counts is that whethe

30、r you care about this question, for life is never kidding. Hope you can have a wonderful life and study hard. Live long and prosper.题目:【传统文化之尊老敬老】 - 下一篇是传统节日;也可以参考寒假班课的重阳节 (Double Ninth Festival) 又称老人节,是我国的一个传统节日。在那天人们会出游、登高。假如你是李华,请根据以下提示,以 “重阳敬老”为主题为学校英语报投稿,介绍人们怎样庆祝这个节日,你通常做些什么来敬老助老,以及你的想法。 ( 2015

31、 海淀区初三第一学期期中考试)提示词语 : go outing, climb, help, look after1. How do Chinese people celebrate Double Ninth Festival?2. What do you usually do to show respect to the old?3. Do you think it is important to respect the old? Why?Double Ninth Festival is a traditional Chinese Festival.范文Double Ninth Festival is a traditional Chinese festival. On that day, Chinese people usually go traveling

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