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1、高三复习资料第一章冠词 1._ useful book is helpful to _ artist. A. An,an B. A,aC. A,anD. An,a 译文:一本有用的书对艺术家很有帮助。 2.She likes to play _ piano, but he likes to play _ basketball. A. the,theB. a,/C. /,theD. the,/ 译文:她喜欢弹钢琴,但是他喜欢打篮球。 3.He often has _ breakfast at 7:00 in _ hurry. A. a,aB. a,/ C. /,a D. /,/ 译文:他经常在早

2、上7:00钟匆匆忙忙地吃早饭。 4._ United Kingdom is in _ Europe. A. The,/B. The,theC. /,/D. /,the 译文:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国在欧洲。 5.The brave old woman seized a thief by _ hand. A. aB. theC. /D. some 译文:那位勇敢的老妇人抓住了小偷的手。 6.By _ way, when do you plan to go to _ bed? A. /,theB. the,/ C. /,/D. the ,the 译文:顺便问一下,你打算什么时候上床睡觉? 7.L

3、ast summer, we spent our holiday by _ sea. We went there by _ sea. A. the,/B. the,the C. /,theD. /,/ 译文:上个夏天,我们在海边度假,我们是坐船去的。 8.Comrade Li is _ chairman of the trade union of our department. A. theB. aC. /D. one 译文:李同志是我们系的工会主席。 9._ from London to Liverpool! A. How long there is B. What a long way i

4、t is C. What distance is there D. How long is 译文:从伦敦到利物浦可真远呀! 10.People dream of walking in _ like astronauts one day. A. space B. spaces C. a spaceD. the space 译文:人们梦想有一天能像宇航员那样在太空中行走。 11._ singer and _ dancer has accepted the invitation. A. A, aB. The, the C. A, the D. The, / 译文:这位既是歌唱家又是舞蹈家的人接受了邀

5、请。 12.They are learning _ chemistry, _ physics, but he likes learning _ history of China. A. /, the, / B. the, /, / C. the, /, / D. /,/ ,the 译文:他们正在学习物理和化学,但是他喜欢学习中国历史。 13.Electricity is _ most important energy. I think it is _ most useful energy in the world. A. a,the B. the, a C. the, theD. a, a 译

6、文:电力是一种重要的能源。我认为它是世界上最有用的能源。 答案:1.C 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.A 11.D 12.D 13.A第二章 名词 1.What wonderful _ we live in! A. time B. times C. the time D. a time 译文:我们生活在一个多么精彩的年代呀! 2. _ is a branch of _ ,and it treats of lights. A. Optics(光学), physicalB. Optic, physics C. Optics, physicsD. Optic,

7、 physical 译文:光学是物理学的一个分支,它是讨论光的科学。 3. He gave us much good _. Some _ has already been made. A. advices, progressB. advice, progresses C. advice, progressD. advices, progresses 译文: 他给了我们许多建议,我们已经取得了一些进步。 4. His _ dark blue. A. trousers isB. trousers are C. trouser is D. trouser are 译文:他的裤子是深蓝色的。 5. T

8、he Chinese _ friendly to every foreign friend. A. areB. is C. hasD. have 译文:中国人民对每一位外国朋友都很友好。 6. She has a few white _. A. hairs B. hair C. any hairD. some hair 译文:她有几根白头发。 7. The _ are dressed in variety of ways. A. audiencesB. audience C. any audienceD. some audiences 译文:观众穿着各式各样的服装。 8. How many _

9、 is it from here to there? A. footB. feet C. footsD. mile 译文:从这里到那里有多少英尺? 9. She broke a _ while she was washing up. A. glass wineB. wine glass C. glass of wineD. glass for wine 译文:当她洗东西的时候,打碎了一个酒杯。 10. The discovery _ Columbus was quite an event in the world. A. inB. for C. ofD. to 译文:哥伦布的发现是世界上一件相

10、当有影响力的一件事。 11. That is _. A. James and Mary fatherB. James and Marys father C. Jamess and Marys fatherD. Jamess and Mary father 译文:那是吉姆斯和玛丽的父亲。 12. Only last week I called at _. A. my aunt B. my aunts C. my auntsD. mine aunt 译文:只有上个星期,我去了我姑姑家。 13. This post card is sent by _. A. a friend of my fathe

11、rB. a friend of my fathers C. my father friendD. my father friends 译文:这张卡片是我父亲的一个朋友寄的。 14. The guard fired by _. A. a hairs breadthB. a short head C. a long noseD. a long shot 译文:千钧一发之际,警卫开火了。 答案:1.B 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.B 10.C 11.B 12.C 13.B 14.A第三章 代词 1.We found _ very difficult for the c

12、hildren to understand what the chairman said at the meeting. A. thatB. this C. itD. its 译文:我们发现,对孩子们来说,要理解主席在会上的发言是非常困难的。 2.They invited the three of us,_ . A. Bob, Joe, and IB. I, Bob, and Joe C. Bob, Joe, and meD. me, Bob, and Joe 译文:他们邀请了我们中的三个人,我,鲍勃和乔。 3.I took him to be _ . A. herB. she C. they

13、D. them 译文:我把他当成她了。 4.My sister is three years younger than _ . A. meB. I C. myD. myself 译文:我妹妹比我小三岁。 5.The police hid _ behind the building. A. himself B. themselves C. herself D. themself 译文:警察们藏身在那栋建筑之后。 6.Of the three men, one is from Paris, and _ are from London. A. other twoB. the other two C.

14、 two othersD. others 译文:这三个人中一个来自巴黎,另两个来自伦敦。 7.Neither the boy nor his brother _ what _ talked about before. A. gottheyB. getsheC. gotheD. getsthey 译文:这个男孩和他的哥哥都没有得到他们以前所谈论的东西。 8.Each boy and girl in the class _ very hard. A. had studiedB. study C. studyingD. studies 译文:这个班上每个男生和女生学习都非常努力。 9.The moo

15、n has risen. _ looks very beautiful. A. SheB. He C. ItD. They 译文:月亮升起来了,它看上去很美。 10.Did he finish the homework all _. A. by himselfB. by him C. by hisD. itself 译文:他是自己独立完成作业的吗? 11.The days in summer are longer than _ in winter. A. thatB. one C. thoseD. these 译文:夏天的白天比冬天的长。 12._ of them can help you.

16、A. SomeB. Any C. MuchD. Something 译文:他们中任一个人都能帮你。 13.All is well _ ends well. A. thisB. that C. whichD. what 译文:结果好就一切都好。 14._ is the house _ I love very much. A. ItwhatB. Itthat C. ThatwhatD. Thatthat 译文:这就是我很喜欢的房子。 15.Who is the man _ is sitting by her side? A. whoB. that C. whichD. what 译文:坐在她身边的

17、人是谁? 16.There are 3000 workers in the factory , most of _ are women. A. whoB. whom C. whoseD. that 译文:厂里有3000名工人,其中大多数是女生。 17.She was beside _ with joy. A. herB. herselfC. sheD. hers 译文:她欣喜若狂。 18.Such houses _ he saw are both dirty and expensive. A. thatB. thisC. itD. as 译文:他见到的那种房子又脏又贵。 19.All _ po

18、ssibilities must be considered. A. soB. suchC. thisD. its 译文:所有种种可能性都必须考虑到。 20._ men have rooms. A. EveryB. AllC. BothD. Each 译文:大家都有房子。 21.Therere two apples here. You and Jack _ won one. A. eachB. bothC. everyD. all 译文:这儿有两个苹果。你和杰克一人一个。 22.Did you go on many of the clubs ski trips this year? No, _

19、. A. little at allB. not muchC. quite lessD. very few 译文:“今年你参加了很多次俱乐部的滑雪活动吗?”“不,基本上没有。” 23._ must try ones best to serve the people. A. OneB. ThatC. ItD. What 译文:一个人要尽全力来为人民服务。 24.Have _ cup of tea? A. otherB. another C. othersD. the other 译文:再来一杯吗? 25.Everybody _ they have a right to be here. A. t

20、hinksB. thinking C. think D. thought 译文:每个人都认为他们有权待在这里。 26.He thought he was _, but really he was _. A. somebodyanybody B. somebodynobody C. anybodynobodyD. anybodysomebody 译文:他以为自己很了不起,实际上他是个无用之辈。 27.It is shaped _ like a ball. A. somethingB. anything C. some D. as 译文:那东西有些像球。 答案:1.C 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.

21、B 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.A 11.C 12.B 13.B 14.B 15.B 16.B 17.B 18.D 19.B 20.B 21.A 22.D 23.A 24.B 25.A 26.B 27.A第四章 数词 1. There are about _ people in the park on National Day. A. three hundredB. three hundreds C. three hundred ofD. three hundred more 译文:国庆节有大约三百人去了公园。 2. Flight Nineteen from New York is

22、now arriving at _. A. Gate twoB. the gate two C. the two gateD. second gate 译文:从纽约飞来的19次航班现在到达第二门。 3. This big steel plant has _ workers. A. a thousand of B. thousand C. thousands D. thousands of 译文:这家大型钢铁厂有成千上万的工人。 4. The homework for today is to write _ about your hometown. A. a five-hundred-word

23、composition B. a five-hundred-words composition C. a five-hundreds-word composition D. a five-hundreds-words composition 译文:今天的家庭作业是写一篇500字左右介绍你家乡的作文。 5. Some _ the population of the town are peasants. A. seventy percentB. seventy percent of C. percent seventyD. seventy percents of 译文:这个小城百分之七十的人都是农

24、民。 6. He has spent a large _ of money in his new house. A. dealB. amount C. numberD. piece 译文:他在新家上花了不少钱。 7. _ teachers came to our party. A. A number ofB. The number C. An amountD. The amount 译文:许多老师参加了我们的晚会。 8. I visited Shengli Oil Field _. A. in the spring 1991 B. spring 1991 C. the spring , 199

25、1D. in the spring of 1991 译文:我是1991年春天参观的胜利油田。 答案:1.A 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.D第五章 介词 1. He wants to know something _ the training machine. A. atB. by C. about D. to 译文:他想知道一些有关培训机器的事情。 2. Swimmers from time to time keep their heads _ the water. A. onB. above C. belowD. down 译文:游泳的人不时地把头露出水面。 3. A bridge was laid _ the river. A. through B. over C. across D. cross 译文:河上修了一座大桥。 4. We will discuss the lecture _ lunch. A. forB. afterC. inD. with 译文:我们将要在午饭后讨论报告的问题。 5. She was dozing with her back _ the chair.

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