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1、最新人教版三年级语文下册拼音生字表词语表听写版名师优秀教案一单元 1、燕 聚 增 掠 稻 尖 偶 沾zhn 圈 漾yng 倦jun 符 演 赞zn yn zi w hi qng kui ch bng jin do wi b 燕子 乌黑 轻快 翅膀 剪刀 尾巴 hu p j lng wi fng gn j j lng zng tin 活泼 机灵 微风 赶集 聚拢 增添 gung ci du m shng j l gu do tin zn g 光彩夺目 生机 掠过 稻田 赞歌 u r y qun yn f yn zu y zhun yn 偶尔 一圈 音符 演奏 一转眼 2、咏yng 碧b 妆zhu

2、ng 裁ci 剪jin 滨bn 紫z 细x叶y 光gung景jng 万wn紫 z千 qin红hng 咏 柳 贺知章(唐) 春 日 朱 熹(南宋) 碧玉妆成一树高, 胜日寻芳泗水滨, 万条垂下绿丝绦。 无边光景一时新。 不知细叶谁裁出, 等闲识得东风面, 二月春风似剪刀。万紫千红总是春。 3、荷 挨 莲 蓬 胀zhng 仿 佛 裳 翩 蹈 蜻 蜓 h hu qng xing b l lin png p li fng f 荷花 清香 碧绿 莲蓬 破裂 仿佛 w do qng tng i i j j y shang pin pin q w 舞蹈 蜻蜓 挨挨挤挤 衣裳 翩翩起舞 一(支)歌曲 一(阵)

3、微风 一(身)羽毛 一(眼)清泉 一(对)翅膀 一(束)金光 一(幅)画面 一(串)珍珠 二单元 5、翠 秆 腹 赤ch 衬 衫 透 泛fn 泡 饲 翁 陡du 壁 cu nio wi gn f b chn shn tu ling qng cu 翠鸟 苇杆 腹部 衬衫 透亮 清脆 accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th,

4、insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the four winds special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees

5、 and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, alway

6、s adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doc

7、trine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinpings important speech series, and timely to the

8、cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. Cadres and carry out mediocre, lazy, scattered special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality, The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values

9、 education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainmen

10、t phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck passing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit small abacus. The lack of big talk about the princ

11、iple of small speaking style, have something to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the saf

12、ety supervision department, safety supervision department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rect

13、ification measures: (LED Le j fi po to tu s yng y wng sh b 疾飞 泡泡 逃脱 饲养 渔翁 石壁 yu jin yu chng d xio nin tou y zh yn 又尖又长 打消 念头 一眨眼 6、欧 洲 瑞 士 舒 启 殊 骤 涉sh 疲p 政 踏t 救 载zi zhun li u zhu rush sh sh kng tio li ch 专列 欧洲 瑞士 舒适 空调 列车 q chng zhn ti t sh chng t m fn zhujing 启程 站台 特殊 长途 麻烦 骤降 q wn fng xu wn nun p

14、lo zhng f fn fn 气温 风雪 温暖 疲劳 政府 纷纷 ji h ki dng yu qng zh xi chng qin shng wn 救护 开动 友情 致谢 成千上万 j hn io p 饥寒交迫 7、森 郁 葱 湛 盖 犁l 砍kn 裸 扩 栋 柴chi 喘chun 黎 shn g sn ln zhn ln tin rn fng l gi fng 山谷 森林 湛蓝 甜润 锋利 盖房 l mn hng shu ji j gng j lu l ku d 黎明 洪水 家具 工具 裸露 扩大 dng chun q er yng yu jn yu g sh g yng 一栋栋 喘气儿

15、 应有尽有 各式各样 y y cng cng 郁郁葱葱 三单元 9、寓 则z 窟 窿 狼ln 叼 街 劝 悔 盘 缠 硬 y yn yng jun k lng dio ji fng hu hu accountable for the violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to

16、 accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas to carry out the four winds special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and report

17、ing production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of the special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, poli

18、tics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and political discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest

19、achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness, the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinpings important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of

20、 special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. Cadres and carry out mediocre, lazy, scattered special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality, The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneerin

21、g spirit, unity and struggle, serious and lively atmosphere. Take a thorough investigation, and severely punish free, absenteeism, tardiness, AWOL behavior, and resolutely put an end to work time on the Internet stocks, playing games, watching entertainment phenomenon. (five) are failing to buck pas

22、sing the problem of lack of awareness of the overall situation. The individual members of the team too much emphasis on personal interests and the interests of small groups, prior conditions, the first hit small abacus. The lack of big talk about the principle of small speaking style, have something

23、 to say, not behind talking about, no more Tricks of consciousness and self-discipline, relegates, passing each other, not unite to form a good atmosphere, and sometimes even against each other. A few members of the team that is the power sector in the safety supervision department, safety supervisi

24、on department is working to better cope with personal interests, perfunctory in the daily supervision process, the illegal behavior of enterprise there do not want to offend people speak hard, to relax the stringent requirements of the enterprise. The rectification measures: (LED Le 三年级语文下册生字词 寓言 羊圈

25、 窟窿 叼走 街坊 后悔 qun go b sh pn chn yngyo wng yng b lo 劝告 把式 盘缠 硬要 亡羊补牢 10、弓 魏 射 箭 猎 雁 弦 悲 惨 愈 痛tn 裂 wi gu sh jin d li d yn l xin bn sh 魏国 射箭 打猎 大雁 拉弦 本事 d ch y jng大吃一惊 bi cn y h li ki gng zh nio 惊弓之鸟 悲惨 愈合 裂开 g dn sh qn孤单失群 11、叮 嘱 排 靠 幅f 审 肃 晌 悦yu 熟 悉 诲 dng zh qin pi ko bin zhn qu shn sh jing ti 叮嘱 前排

26、靠边 准确 审视 讲台 shn qng yn s bn shng ln li sh x jio d 神情 严肃 半晌 轮流 熟悉 角度 xing s 相似 和h 颜yn 悦yu 色s jio hu 教诲 四单元 13、赛 忧 慰 梭su 虽 狂 赢yn 暑 益 穷 将 若 si po tng i pi ch yu shng ch x n wi 赛跑 疼爱 排除 忧伤 持续 安慰 q pin sh hu d gu su rn l xin kung bn 欺骗 实话 度过 虽然 路线 狂奔 sh ji xng rng yng t jing li ji ru accountable for the

27、violation, Had a negative impact on society. Corrective measures: (LED Leadership: Luo Mingjun, rectificati3 on time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, the initiative to accept social supervision. Give full play to the role of the news media, widely publicized safety production areas

28、 to carry out the four winds special significance, focus, work measures, dynamic work, the report published telephone. Launched the employees and the whole social supervision and reporting production safety and harm the interests of the masses, the formation of a strong prevention and treatment of t

29、he special rectification work atmosphere. 2, enhance political concentration. To strengthen the ideological and political construction, always adhere to the correct political line, politics Governance position, political orientation, political road, continuously enhance political acumen and politica

30、l discernment, firm road confidence, theory system of self-confidence and self-confidence. To further strengthen the theory of armed Marx doctrine of Chinese consciously use the latest achievements of the armed mind, guide practice and promote the work. With a high degree of political consciousness,

31、 the Bureau take the lead in-depth study to implement the spirit of general secretary Xi Jinpings important speech series, and timely to the cadres and workers to study and implement of special supervision and inspection. 3, focus on remediation Yung lazy, scattered. Cadres and carry out mediocre, lazy, scattered special rectification action, strengthen dedication, strong quality, The tree image, team spirit and the socialist core values education, vigorously to create a pioneering spirit, unity and struggle, serious and

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