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1、R7401的吊装方案62Contents1设备的主要参数General description 22吊装方案的选择Section of lifting scheme 23吊装平面布置Lifting layout 34吊装立面图Lifting elevation 35吊车吊装工况的选用Selection of Operating Condition of the Cranes 56吊车对地面的压力核算Pressure accounting of crane to ground 67吊索具的选用Selection of Slings and Rigging 78反应器的安装步骤:The Erect

2、ion Sequence of the Reactor 79. 安全措施Safety Measures 810. 所需设备、吊索具Lifting Equipments and Tools Needed 91设备的主要参数General descriptionR7401 (H.I. COPOLYMER REACTOR) 的设备总重量为27t,外形尺寸300016224mm,如右图所示:The total weight of R7401 (H.I. COPOLYMER REACTOR) is 27t, and the outline size300016224mm, which is shown

3、in the sketch on the right.反应器有8个支座,支座距反应器最低端为8427mm,安放在距地面有13米高的反应器支撑框架上。吊装高度H=13000+500+16224=29724mm。The reactor is mounted with 8 bearing stands which is 8427mm distant from the lowest point of reactor and placed on a 13m high supporting frame for reactor. The lifting height H is 13000+500+16224

4、=29724mm。2吊装方案的选择Section of lifting scheme根据现场的条件及现有的吊装机具, R7401吊装采用单台吊车提升的方法来安装,主吊车选用一台250t履带吊(SCX2500型),另外还需用一台50t汽车吊(NK 500E-V型)辅助溜尾。 Based on the site conditions and riggings available, a single crane will be used for lifting the reactor R7401. A crawler crane of 250t (Model SCX2500) will be use

5、d as the main crane and another truck crane of 50t(Model NK500E-V) will be used for tailing.3吊装平面布置Lifting layout4吊装立面图Lifting elevation4.1起吊时的立面图Elevation when lifting4.2就位时的立面图Elevation when positioning5吊车吊装工况的选用Selection of Operating Condition of the Cranes4.1 主吊车吊装工况的选用Selection of Operating Con

6、dition of the Main CraneR7401的设备总重为27t,吊索具(包括吊钩、平衡梁、钢丝绳等)的重量为2t,因此吊装计算重量应为:G=27+2=29tThe total weight of R7401 is 27t,and slings and rigging (including hook,spreader and wire ropes etc.)2t. The weight to be lifted is calculated as follows:G=27+2=29tSCX2500型履带吊车起重臂长51.8m,作业半径20m时额定起重量为42.9t,吊车负荷率=29/

7、42.9= 67.6%。The boom length of SCX2500 crawler crane is 51.8m, operation radius 20m. The rated lifting capacity of the crane under this condition is 42.9t. Crane load rate is calculated as follows:=29/42.9= 67.6%。5.2 溜尾吊车吊装工况的选用Selection of the Operating Condition of the Tailing Crane溜尾吊点选在设备底部的人孔处,

8、则溜尾力为14t,吊索具重量按0.8t计,则溜尾吊车提升力为14.8t。选用汽车吊溜尾。The lifting point of tailing is chosen at the manhole at equipment bottom, with the power of 14t, that the total lifting power of the tailing crane should be 14.8t after pulsing 0.8t as weight of rigging. One truck crane will be used.汽车吊选用日本加藤的NK500E型,在主臂1

9、8.1m,作业半径6m工况下,吊车额定起重量为23.5t,the main boom length of chosen Model NK500E truck crane from Japan is 18.1m, operation radius 6m and the rated lifting capacity of the crane 23.5t,吊车负荷率=14.8/23.5= 63.0%。load rate of the crane is =14.8/23.5= 63.0%。可见所选吊车完全可以满足溜尾需要。The crane chosen here is suitable for th

10、e tailing lifting.6吊车对地面的压力核算Pressure accounting of crane to ground6.1主吊车的履带对地面的压力Pressure of crawler of main crane to groundSCX2500型履带吊在上述工况时的车身总重量为230t,吊装的负荷为29t,因此主吊车对地面的压力G=230+29=259t;吊车履带的接地面积F=17.6m2,因此主吊车对地面的压强P为:Under the above working operation, the total weight of Model SCX2500 crawler cr

11、ane is 230t and lifting load is 29t. So the pressure of main crane to ground G=230+29=259t ,and bottom area F=17.6m2. Then strength P of main crane to ground is calculated as follows:6.2溜尾吊车的支腿对地面的压力Pressure of legs of tailing crane to groundNK500E型汽车吊的车身总重量为40t,吊装的负荷为14.8t,因此溜尾吊车对地面的压力G=40+14.8=54.

12、8t;溜尾吊车每个支腿对地面的接地面积按F=4m2计,因此溜尾吊车对地面的压强P为:The total weight of Model NK500E truck crane is 40t and lifting load is 14.8t. So the pressure of tailing crane to ground G=40+14.8=54.8t and bottom area of every legs is calculated as per F=4m2. Then strength P of tailing crane to ground is calculated as fo

13、llows:为了保证吊装的安全,要求地面的地耐力大于15t/m2。To ensure safety of lifting, the ground resistance should be more than 14.2t/m27吊索具的选用Selection of Slings and Rigging7.1主吊索具Main Slings and Rigging选用1对10t、8m长吊带和4个25吨卸扣配合平衡梁使用,吊带打双使用。吊带受力One pair of 10t lifting belt of 8m long and four 25t shackles are to be used mat

14、ched by spreader. The lifting belt will be used after bent double. The bearing force of lifting belt is calculated as follows:,选用1对10t、10m长吊带作主吊索具,吊带打双使用。吊带受力One pair of 10t lifting belt of 10m long will be used as main rigging, which will be used after bent double. The bearing force of lifting belt

15、 is calculated as follows:,单根吊带打双使用后可以承受拉力T020t。After doubled, the tensile force a single lifting belt can bear is T020t.故所选吊带可以满足要求。According to the above calculation, the belt satisfies the lifting requirement.7.2溜尾索具 Slings for Tailing溜尾索具选用1根10t、6m长吊带配合1个25t的卸扣使用。吊带对折后打双使用。One 25t shackle is to

16、be used matched by one 10t lifting belt of 6m long as slings and rigging used for tailing. The lifting belt is used bent double.8反应器的安装步骤:The Erection Sequence of the Reactor8.1 在溜尾吊车的配合下,将反应器从水平状态起吊至垂直状态。With the cooperation of the tailing crane, the main crane lifts reactor to a vertical position

17、from a horizontal position.8.2 向设备基础方向转动主吊车主臂。Turn the main crane boom to the equipment foundation.8.3 主吊车微速向基础方向微行数米。The main crane travels a few meters forward at an extremely slow speed.8.4 当吊车到达预定位置后,将设备对准基础放下就位。When the crane reaches the position for lowering, the reactor is aimed at the founda

18、tion and lowered in place.9. 安全措施Safety Measures9.1 所有吊车必须严格遵守操作规程,禁止任何违反操作规程的行为。All specifications supplied with the crane must be strictly followed. Any violation of specifications is prohibited.9.2 吊装中所用吊索的长度必须符合方案要求。吊索太长或者太短都不能使用。The length of all slings used for the lifting operation must be in

19、line with that required in this scheme. That the slings are either too long or too short is not allowed.9.3 吊装前场地必须清理干净,并保持平整。所有影响吊装的结构和物体都必须移走。吊车站立位置必须保证平整并采取有效措施防止下沉。Before lifting, the site shall be cleaned and leveled. Any objects or structural members installed that have impact on the lifting s

20、hall be removed. The location where the crane stands for lifting shall be level and solid to prevent sinking.9.4 当风力大于4级时禁止任何吊装作业。No lifting operation is carried out when the wind force is 4 scale.9.5 吊装区域要做好警示标志和设置安全路障,任何未经同意人员不得入内。Warning signs and safety barricades must be provided around the are

21、a during lifting to prevent unauthorized entry.9.6 起吊前要做好安全检查,能够确保安全时方能进行吊装。起吊前要进行试吊,试吊高度为200300mm。试吊能够保证安全时开始正式吊装作业。Before lifting, safety inspection must be conducted. When safety is ensured, perform lifting by trial and error method. The height for trial lifting is 200300mm. When the trial liftin

22、g proves everything is safe for a lift, start lifting operation.9.7 要向相关人员交待清楚自己的职责和要求,每个人都要遵守命令和严守岗位。The personnel engaged in the lifting operation shall be given clear responsibility and are required to concentrate on the work, to follow orders and to stick to his post. 9.8 吊装前做好技术交底,确保所有职责人员都明白方案

23、和相关规范中的要求。A technical presentation shall be made before lifting so that persons in different posts well understand the requirements set forth in the lifting scheme and relevant specifications for lifting construction.9.9 反应器下部系一条麻绳,吊装时安排专人负责拖麻绳。Reactor should be tied with 1 hemp which must be pulled

24、 tight by person specially assigned during lifting.10. 所需设备、吊索具Lifting Equipments and Tools Needed10.1 一台SCX2500型履带吊车One crawler crane of Model SCX2500.10.2一台NK500E型汽车吊one truck crane of NK500E10.3 一对10t吊带,长度10米(打双使用)One pair of 10t belts with a length of 10m10.4 一对10t吊带,长度8米(打双使用)One pair of 10t belts with a length of 8m10.5 一条10t吊带,长度6米(打双使用)One piece of 10t belt with a length of 6m10.6 两对25t卸扣Two pairs of 25t shackles10.7 一只25t卸扣One 10t shackl10.8 50m 30mm 麻绳50m hemp of 30mm

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