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1、新英语900句基础篇 886. Youre always on the phone with your mom for hours. 你总是同你妈妈打电话,一打就是几个小时。 887. Im not dressed. 我还没有穿好衣服呢。 888. I need you to do me one more favor . 我需要你再帮我一个忙。 889. Its becoming really messy in there. 那儿变得一团糟。 890. Its your turn to cut the grass. 该轮到你除草了。 891. Ill take the dog out for

2、a walk. 我把狗带出去遛一遛。892. You need to clean the floor this afternoon. 你今天下午需要扫地。893. The refrigerator light isnt working. 冰箱的灯坏了。894. Were almost out of toothpaste . 我们的牙膏快要用完了。895. I just want to relax and watch TV after work. 下班后我只想看电视,放松放松。896. Whats for dinner tonight? 今天晚餐吃什么?897. I dont feel like

3、 cooking tonight. 我今晚不想做饭。898. I spent most of the afternoon taking a nap. 我下午的大部分时间都在打盹。899. Your parents are coming over for dinner tomorrow. 你父母明天来吃晚饭。900. Have you met our new neighbors across the street? 你见过我们街对面的新邻居吗?【生词解读】1. favor n. 善意的行为;恩惠2. messy adj. 混乱的3. refrigerator n. 冰箱;雪柜;冷藏室4. too

4、thpaste n. 牙膏5. neighbor n. 邻居;邻近的人新英语900句之基础篇 Lesson59:AT THE BOOKSHOP在书店 871. Im just looking for your travel section. 我在找你们书店旅游方面的书。 872. Is there a specific book youre looking for? 你在找某一本书吗? 873. I wanted to see what books you had about that. 我想看看关于那方面你有什么书。874. This book is very popular right n

5、ow with little boys. 现在这本书很受小男孩们欢迎。875. This is a classic . 这是本经典名著。876. I want to return this book. 我想还这本书。 877. Can you gift-wrap this book? 你能把这本书礼品包装一下吗? 878. Well call you when your book comes in. 你的书到了,我们就会给你打电话。 879. My friend helped write this book. 我的朋友帮我写了这本书。 880. Ive read good reviews ab

6、out that novel. 我读过一些关于那部小说很不错的评论。 881. Its hard to find a good book about the Chinese language. 很难找到一本好的汉语方面的书。 882. Do you have any road atlases ? 你们这里有没有道路交通图册? 883. Why is this book in the psychology section? 为什么这本书在心理学专区? 884. Do you have the first edition of this book? 你们有这本书的第一版吗? 885. They h

7、ave some foreign magazines here. 他们这里有一些国外杂志。【生词解读】1. specific adj. 独有的;特有的2. classic n.杰作;名著;文豪3. review n. 批评;评论4. atlas n. 地图集;图解集5. psychology n. 心理学6. edition n. (发行物的)版;(某版的)发行数;版本新英语900句之基础篇 Lesson58:PLAYING SPORTS 做体育运动 856. I have to take a break for a second. 我必须休息一下。 857. When I was runni

8、ng, I twisted my ankle . 我跑步的时候扭到了脚踝。 858. Just dont neglect an injury. 别忽视了伤口。 859. That was a good game we played. 那场比赛我们打得不错。 860. Were in the middle of a game. 我们正在比赛。 861. Hes playing too rough. 他打得太猛了。 862. We can still win this game. 我们还是能赢得这场比赛。 863. We need to start playing hard. 我们必须开始艰苦比赛

9、了。 864.You guys are getting lazy. 你们这些家伙太懒了。 865. That referee is blind. 那个裁判简直是瞎了眼。 866. I cant believe I dropped that pass. 我简直不相信,传过来的球我竟然没有接住。 867. If it keeps raining, well have to stop the game. 如果雨继续下的话,我们就必须终止比赛了。 868. I think he was out of bounds . 我想他出界了。 869. That goal was pure luck. 那个球纯

10、属运气。 870. Who has the ball? 谁拿到了球?【生词解读】1. ankle n. 踝;足踝 2. neglect v. 忽视;忽略 3. referee n. (篮球、足球、拳击等的)裁判员 4. bounds n. 界限 5. pure adj. 完全的;十足的新英语900句之基础篇 Lesson57:AT THE GYM在健身房 841. Dont you look at yourself in the mirror too? 难道你自己不照镜子吗? 842. They must work out all the time. 他们一定得一直锻炼。 843. Why d

11、o you go to the gym so much? 你为什么经常去健身房? 844. Its good for me to be healthy. 身体健康对我有好处。 845. Its never good to put such a high value on appearances . 如此重视外表是不好的。 846. My muscles feel numb . 我感觉肌肉麻木。 847. I cant move a muscle . 我一动也动不了了。 848. Im exhausted. 我累坏了。 849. Im going to spend a few more minu

12、tes on the exercise bike. 我要在骑车器上再锻炼一会儿。 850. Its too crowded in the gym at night. 晚上健身房里太拥挤了。 851. Someone needs to fix the leg press machine. 得有人来修理一下压腿机。 852. Im going to relax in the sauna . 我要去泡桑拿,放松一下。 853. How many more exercises do you have to do? 你还要再做多少锻炼? 854. How often do you work out? 你

13、每隔多久锻炼一次? 855. Hes a firefighter , so he has to exercise often. 他是个消防队员,所以他必须经常锻炼。【生词解读】1. mirror n. 镜子2. appearance n. 外貌;外观;外表3. numb adj. 失去感觉的;麻木的4. muscle n. 肌;肌肉5. sauna n. (芬兰的)蒸汽浴;桑拿浴 6. firefighter n. 消防队员 新英语900句之基础篇 Lesson56:AT THE DISNEY THEME PARK 在迪斯尼主题公园 826. Hes not as common around

14、here as Mickey Mouse . 在这里他没有米老鼠那么有名。 827. My favorite character was Donald Duck . 我最喜欢的形象是唐老鸭。 828. He seemed like a regular guy. 他看起来是个普通人。 829. What do you want to see next? 接下来你想看什么? 830. It sounds like you prefer old movies in general. 听起来你一般更喜欢老电影。 831. Lets go see Space Mountain . 我们去看太空山吧。 8

15、32. That roller coaster terrified me. 那过山车真把我吓坏了。 833. Do you see Goofy? 你看了高斐狗吗? 834. I dont want to go to the gift shop and spend more money. 我不想去礼品店花更多的钱。 835.I remember coming here when I was a little kid. 我记得当我还是个孩子的时候来过这里。 836. We spent the past hour at Main Street USA. 上一个小时我们在“美国主要大街”度过。 837

16、. I think Disney World is too much of a tourist trap. 我认为迪斯尼乐园太吸引游客了。 838. Did you know they just opened a Disney World in Japan? 你知道吗,日本刚开了一个迪斯尼乐园。 839. I heard they might open another in China. 我听说可能在中国也会开一个。 840. Im staying at the hotel at Epcot Center. 我住在Epcot中心的旅馆里。【生词解读】1. Mickey Mouse 米老鼠 2.

17、 Donald Duck 唐老鸭3. Space Mountain 太空山4. coaster n. 近海贸易货船 新英语900句之基础篇 Lesson55:AT THE RAILWAY STATION 在火车站811. It should be here in the next two or three minutes. 再过两三分钟就该到了。 812. Its just getting on my nerves. 我有点烦躁了。 813. When does the next train leave for New Orleans ? 下一班开往新奥尔良的火车什么时候开? 814. Ive

18、 got kind of a problem. 我有点问题。 815. There are Tri-State Rail System trains leaving every half hour for the city. 三州铁路系统开往这个城市的火车每半个小时一班。 816. This is a new section of railroad track. 这是一段新的铁轨。 817. The Northeast corridor is the busiest section of the country for train travel. 西北走廊是这个国家火车旅行最繁忙的区域。 81

19、8. Thats the last call to board the train. 那是最后一次上车通知了。 819. I think I hear the train coming. 我想我听到火车来了。 820. I hope I get a window seat. 我希望我有靠窗口的座位。 821. Why do these trains always leave at the end of the day? 为什么这些火车总是在一天要结束的时候才发车? 822. I bought my tickets over the phone. 我通过电话定的票。 823. I want to

20、 buy a ticket for Denver to Los Angeles 我想买一张丹佛到洛杉矶的车票。 824. Have you seen our conductor ? 你看到我们的售票员了吗? 825. Im going to get a drink from the dining car. 我要去餐车喝点东西。【生词解读】1. New Orleans 新奥尔良(美国港市) 2. railroad n. 铁路 3. corridor n. 走廊;回廊;通道 4. Denver n. 丹佛(美国地名) 5. Los Angeles 洛杉矶(位于美国加州西南部)6. conducto

21、r n. (火车的)列车员 新英语900句之基础篇 Lesson54:AT THE AIRPORT在机场 Thank you for flying with Skyway Airlines. 感谢您乘坐航路航空公司的航班。 May I see your ticket , please? 能看看您的机票吗? 798. My shoulder bag is carry-on luggage. 我的挎包是随身行李。 799. Boarding will begin in about 30 minutes. 大约三十分钟后登机。 800. When does your flight land? 你的航

22、班什么时候着陆? 801. What terminal am I leaving from? 我最后从哪个出口出来? 802. The security check is going to take a while. 安全检查要花一点时间。 803. I hope the X-ray machine doesnt damage my film. 我希望X光机不会损坏我的胶卷。 804. Dont even joke about having a bomb or a gun. 甚至不要开玩笑地说你身上有炸弹或枪。 805. This is going to be a long flight. 这

23、将是一次长途飞行。 806. The arrival time has been delayed due to bad weather. 由于天气不好,到达时间延误了。 807. That bag is too heavy to be carry-on luggage. 那个包太重了,不能当作随身行李。 808. Where is the baggage claim area? 在哪领行李? 809. This is your boarding pass . 这是你的登机证。 810. May I see your passport? 我能看看您的护照吗?【生词解读】1. skyway n.

24、航线; 航路 2. ticket n. 票;券;车票;入场券 3. damage v. 损害;损失4. delay v. 延缓;使延期;耽搁;延误 5. boarding pass 登机证新英语900句之基础篇 Lesson53:AT THE BUS STOP在公共汽车站Do you know what bus leads to Memorial Stadium ? 你知道什么车去纪念碑体育馆吗?There should be a bus stop right at the Stadium.在体育馆应该有一站的。Do you know what bus is going to the thea

25、ter?你知道几路公共汽车去剧院吗?Its about 3 stops from here-maybe 15 minutes.离这儿大约三站,也许15分钟。This says the last bus leaves at 9:45.这上面说,最后一班车9:45开。Our bus is late.我们的车晚了。That bus is too crowded to board.那辆车太拥挤了,上不了。Can you read the bus schedule on that sign?你能看清站牌上的公共汽车时刻表吗?The benches are too wet to sit on.这些长椅子太

26、湿了没法坐。That bus needs some new brakes.那辆公共汽车需要新刹车了。The exhaust fumes are choking me.排放的废气让我窒息。How much is the fare for the bus?车票多少钱?There are no seats left on the bus.你知道什么车去纪念碑体育馆吗?Can you give me change for the bus?车上没有座位了。Is this bus going uptown?这车是去住宅区的吗?【生词解读】1.Memorial adj. 纪念的;追悼的;记忆的2. Stad

27、ium n. 体育场;运动场;球场;竞技场3. schedule n. 时间表;课程表;(火车等的)时刻表4. exhaust n.排出;排气(或水等)5. fume n.(有害,浓烈,或难闻的)烟;气;汽6.choke v.窒息;噎住;说不出话来新英语900句之基础篇 Lesson52:AT THE OFFICE在办公室 Please have a seat. 请坐。767. How do you feel about working on weekends? 你觉得周末上班怎么样?768. The yacht market is slow this time of the year. 一年

28、中的这个时候,游艇市场很低靡。769. You havent made a single sale in the past 3 weeks. 过去的三个星期里,你一笔销售业务也没有做成。770. Ill try to help you make a dent in some of that work. 我会尽量帮你着手其中的一些工作。771. How does this fax machine work? 这传真机效果如何?772. Is the repairman coming to fix the photocopier? 修理人员来修复印机了吗?773. Im going on a br

29、eak to get some coffee. 我要休息一下,去喝点咖啡。774. These accounts need to be paid immediately . 这些账单要马上付。775. I heard therere going to lay off some people this quarter. 我听说这个季度要裁一些人。776. Sales have gone way up this month. 这个月销售上升很快。777. I left the papers on my desk. 我把文件放在桌子上了。778. We need to cut costs somew

30、here in this office. 我们办公室必须削减开支了。779. Has the outgoing mail left for the day? 要寄出的邮件今天寄出了吗?780. Can someone answer that phone? 有谁能去接一下电话吗? 【生词解读】1. yacht n. 快艇;游艇2. fax machine 传真机 3. repairman n. 修理工4. immediately adv. 立即;即刻;马上5. outgoing n. 外出;流出;支出新英语900句之基础篇 Lesson51:AT THE HOTEL 在旅馆751. Welcome to the Comfort Hotel. 欢迎来到康福德旅店。752. I just need a room for two. 我要一间双人房。753. Do you have any vacancies ? 你们有空房间吗?754. One double bed will be fine. 一张双人床就行了。755. Would you like a discount on your room charge? 你的住宿费需要打折吗?756. Im like a wake-up call. 我想要

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