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1、中考英语题型专项复习题库完形填空10篇及答案2018年中考英语题型专项复习题库完形填空10篇及答案2018年英语中考完型填空及答案Cloze 1An Act of KindnessI had nothing for breakfast that morning. I was so 1 that I could hear my stomach growling(咕咕叫)when Mr. Katter was lecturing on Asia history. So when the bell rang, I rushed to the dining hall at once. Minutes

2、later, I stood in front of the counter(收银台), holding a tray(托盘) full of food.“Three dollars,” the lunch lady told me. I reached my hand into my 2 and felt nothing. The schoolbag was empty. I searched again. Still nothing. I was almost certain I put three bills in it last night. I put the schoolbag o

3、n the floor to search for the money again. As I finally 3 the money wasnt there, I could feel the worry and fear washing over me.Feeling quite 4 , I didnt notice that another person had stepped up to the counter. When I finally looked up to tell the lunch lady my 5 , I saw, in the corner of my eye,

4、a boy walk quickly past. I paid no attention to him, and I opened my mouth to speak.“Im sorry. I dont have any money with me.”“Honey, he paid for your lunch. Youre good.” the lunch lady said as she pointed to the direction the boy had gone. I looked in the direction she pointed to, yet I could not f

5、ind the boy. I missed the chance to 6 him. He was nameless to me. He didnt even know me. But he paid for my lunch. Although it was only three dollars, I couldnt remember anyone doing something so nice for me.A month later, on my way home, I saw an elderly woman struggling(费力) with heavy bags. I sudd

6、enly thought of the nameless boy who 7 me lunch.“Excuse me, maam, do you need help?”Ill never forget her 8 as I rushed forward to give her a hand. Its the very prize for my act of kindness.1. A. worried B. hungry C. quiet D. tired2. A. overcoat B. hat C. gloves D. schoolbag3. A. realized B. describe

7、d C. heard D. imagined4. A. lonely B. nervous C. bored D. weak5. A. situation B. joke C. promise D. suggestion6. A. visit B. interview C. thank D. question7. A. made B. handed C. ordered D. bought8. A. silence B. offer C. smile D. pride【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。主要叙述了一个男孩替作者付了三美元的饭钱。作者后来也帮助了一位老太太传递爱心的故事。1. B【解析

8、】考查形容词词义辨析。句意为:我是那么_以至于我可以听见肚子咕咕的叫。worried焦急的;hungry饥饿的;quiet安静的;tired疲劳的。根据前一句“I had nothing for breakfast that morning.”可知我的肚子是因为饥饿而咕咕的叫。故选B。2. D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意为:我伸手到_里,什么也没有摸到。overcoat外套;hat帽子;gloves手套;schoolbag书包。根据下一句“The schoolbag was empty.书包是空的。”可知我伸手到书包里,什么也没有摸到。故选D。3. A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意为:当我最

9、后_钱不在那里的时候,我感到抱歉和害怕席卷了我。realized意识到;described描述;heard听见;imagined想象。根据下一句“I could feel the worry and fear washing over me.”可知我又找了一次书包后,这时候我意识到钱不在那里。故选A。4. B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意为:感到很_,我没有注意到另一个人已经走到柜台前了。lonely孤独的;nervous紧张的;bored无聊的;weak虚弱的。根据“I didnt notice that another person had stepped up to the count

10、er.”可知由于感到紧张,所以没有注意到另一个人已经走到柜台前了。故选B。5. A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意为:当最后我抬起头来要告诉监管女士我的_,通过我的眼角,我看到一个男孩从旁边快速走过。situation情况;joke笑话;promise诺言;suggestion建议。根据前面叙述的内容,早上没有吃早饭,还忘记了带钱,肚子饿的咕咕叫,可知我要告诉她我的情况。故选A。6. C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意为:我错过了_他的机会。visit拜访;interview采访;thank感谢;question提问。根据上文“he paid for your lunch.他给你付了午饭钱。”和前

11、句“I could not find the boy.我不能找到这个男孩了。”可知我错过了感谢他的机会。故选C。7. D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意为:我突然想到了那个给我_午饭的那个不知名的男孩。made制造;handed递;ordered订购;bought买。根据上文“he paid for your lunch他给你付了午饭钱。”可知我突然想到了那个给我买午饭的不知名的男孩。故选D。8. C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意为:当我跑过去帮助她的时候,我永远也忘不了她的_。silence安静;offer提议;smile微笑;pride骄傲。根据句子的后半部分“give her a hand

12、帮助她。”可知当我跑过去帮助她的时候,我永远也忘不了她的微笑。故选C。Cloze 2When I started working, I couldnt understand why some people seemed to succeed in everything they tried. However, others just couldnt manage to achieve anything. After a while, I found the biggest 1 lies in setting and reviewing goals regularly. A study show

13、s those who have written goals and reviewed them regularly are among the highest achievers.What do you do with your desires (渴望) in life?You could pay no attention to them and leave them to 2 in your mind, or start taking action to get what you want. You need to set goals. A goal starts with a simpl

14、e desire.Do you use any 3 for not setting goals?Whatever it is, I am sure your excuse is limiting you. If youre 4 about what you want, you might end up at a certain age with things that you didnt want.Setting goals and reviewing them regularly can increase your chances of succeeding. It can give you

15、 the right direction and 5 you move closer to what you want. You will achieve more in months than many people do in years.If you have a strong desire for something, you will have two 6 :wishful thinking, or taking action. You can wish for a miracle(奇迹), but do nothing. Or, you can get clear on the s

16、teps and take them, 7 , one by one until you reach success.Setting goals is the most important and necessary step to achieve success in any area. It begins with a desire, and then a written goal, 8 by the right attitude and action. Keep reviewing your goals and watch how your wish miraculously turns

17、 into your reality.1. A. difference B. surprise C. hope D. sale2. A. sing B. dance C. light D. disappear3. A. tools B. excuses C. stories D. examples4. A. excited B. unclear C. sure D. unhappy5. A. imagine B. feel C. stop D. help6. A. steps B. decisions C. choices D. wishes7. A. slowly B. suddenly C

18、. luckily D. sadly8. A. decided B. corrected C. followed D. built【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文,主要讲设定目标的重要性,它有助于我们成功。1. A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:过了一会儿,我发现最大的_在于定期设定和审查目标。difference不同,区别;surprise惊奇;hope希望;sale销售量。根据句意及上下文分析可知此处表示最大的区别,故选A。2. D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:你可能没有注意到它们,让它们在你的心中_。sing唱歌;dance跳舞;light点亮;disappear消失。根据句意可以表示“不

19、注意它们,它们就可能会消失”。故选D。 3. B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:你有没有为不设定目标找_?tools工具;excuses借口;stories故事;examples例子。由下文“Iam sure your excuse is limiting you”及句意可知此处表示借口。故选B。4. B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:如果你_你想要什么,你可能会在某个年龄结束你不想要的事情。excited兴奋的;unclear不清楚的;sure确信的;unhappy不高兴的。根据句意可知此处表示不清楚。故选B。5. D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:它能给_你正确的方向,你更接近你想要的。

20、imagine想象;feel感觉;stop阻止;help帮助。根据上下文及句意可知此处表示帮助。故选D。6. C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果你有想要某物的强烈愿望,你有两个_:痴心妄想或采取行动。steps步骤;decisions决定;choices选择;wishes愿望。根据句意可知此处表示选择。故选C。7. A【解析】考查副词词义辨析。句意:或者,你可以弄清楚他们的步骤,_,一步一步直到你成功。slowly慢慢地;suddenly突然地;luckily幸运地;sadly悲伤地。根据句意可知此处表示慢慢地,故选A。8. C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意:它从一个愿望开始,然后是一个书

21、面目标,_是正确的态度和行动。decided决定;corrected改正;followed跟随;built建立。根据句意可知此处表示接着,跟着。故选C。Cloze 3As the teacher called my name, I knew what lay ahead. She looked at me directly and made me to the whiteboard to perform a division (除法) problem. Division was my weakest subject. I repeatedly put the numbers in the 1

22、places, or forgot to add in the zeros.I worriedly 2 myself out of my seat. With every slow step I took, I grew more nervous. My stomach ached, and my whole body shook with 3 . The teacher read the problem aloud. Unsure of myself, I looked at the girl beside me, and tried to 4 what she was writing, b

23、ut she went faster than I could understand, writing down what seemed to be foreign symbols.My eyes fixed on the chicken scratch I had tried. Impossible to understand. Why me? Why couldnt I work out the problem that seemed easy to all other kids? These questions filled my head.As the other girl finis

24、hed and danced back to her seat, I wrote some random(胡乱的) numbers on the board, and 5 back to mine. The teacher read over our work.“Now, class, Susie did this problem absolutely correctly.”“As for Tara,” the teacher said jokingly, “I dont even know what she did.”The class burst into laughs, and I fe

25、lt my face turn red as I tried to sink as low as possible into my seat, hoping to prevent them from 6 me at all.But this memory is one I remember, surprisingly, in a positive way. It made me 7 , and gave me persistence. When I get a poor grade in school, or am put down by somebody, I think of that m

26、oment and every single one of those 8 that I asked myself. The terrible ache in my stomach comes back and gives me the motivation to answer all of those whys and try hard until perfection, or as close as I can get.1. A. proper B. incorrect C. special D. unimportant2. A. lifted B. dropped C. repaired

27、 D. knocked3. A. tiredness B. excitement C. shyness D. fear4. A. accept B. explain C. copy D. describe5. A. rushed B. looked C. talked D. thought6. A. changing B. inviting C. seeing D. teaching7. A. healthier B. stronger C. cleverer D. happier8. A. ways B. words C. hows D. whys【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文,文中作者主要讲

28、述了自己小时候除法不好,在课堂上被同学们嘲笑的故事。但这次经历锻炼了作者的毅力,让作者变得更加坚强。1. B【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意为:我反复地把数字填在了_地方。proper恰当的;incorrect错误的;special特殊的;unimportant不重要的。根据前一句“Division was my weakest subject.”可知,我除法不好,因此总是把数字填错地方。故选B。2. A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意为:我担心地_我自己离开座位。 lifted举起,提升;dropped落下;repaired修理;knocked敲。分析语境可知,此处指“我起身离开座位。”故选A

29、。3. D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意为:我的肚子疼起来,我_地整个身体都地哆嗦起来。tiredness疲倦;excitement兴奋;shyness害羞;fear害怕,恐惧。根据上一段描述可知,此处指“我害怕地哆嗦起来。”with fear害怕地,故选D。4. C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意为:(由于)不相信自己,我看了看我旁边的那个女孩,试图_她正在写的内容。accept接受;explain解释;copy复制,抄袭;describe描述。根据前文语境可知,此处指“我想抄她的答案”。故选C。5. A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意为:_我的座位。rushed冲,闯;looked看;talk

30、ed谈论;thought思考,认为。根据前文“I wrote some random (胡乱的) numbers on the board,”可知,此处指我因为羞愧而快速冲回自己的座位。故选A。6. C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。句意为:希望让他们完全_不到我。 changing改变;inviting邀请;seeing看见;teaching教。联系前文“sink as low as possible into my seat”可知,此处指“不让他们看到我”。故选C。7. B【解析】考查形容词比较级的词义辨析。句意为:它让我_。healthier更健康的;stronger更强大的;cleverer

31、更聪明的;happier更幸福的。联系下文“and gave me persistence”可知,此处指“这个记忆让我变得更强大”。故选B。8. D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。句意为:我会想到那一刻以及我问过自己的每一个_。 ways方法;words词语;hows方法,方式;whys为什么。联系前文“Why me”和“Why couldnt I.”和下文“answer all of those whys”可知,此处指“每一个为什么。”故选D。Cloze 4The Train StoryI was travelling by train one morning. Quietly reading, I found myself suddenly listening to the announcements(广播). When the trainman makes an announce

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