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1、设备小知识点实验日志在console口和line vty下 输入:logging synchronous /当输入命令的时候不被日志给打断。Exec-timeout minutes minutes seconds /登陆后多久没有操作设备就自动退出Exec-timeout 0 0 /表示永不超时全局模式下:logging on /开启日志的总开关 logging console /日志信息发送到console口logging filter flash: /yssqt.txt /将日志保存到flash上的yssqt.txt的文件中logging buffered 7 /将7级以及7级以上的日志存

2、放到缓冲区logging host X.X.X.X /把日志存ip地址为X.X.X.X的主机上logging trap level /设置存在X.X.X.X主机上日志的级别,level是日志的级别,范围是从0-7R3#terminal monitor /允许在vty的窗口显示日志信息 例如:R1远程登陆到了R3,那么默认R1登陆到R3后对R3所执行的操作是不弹出日志,只有R1登陆到R3后输入该命令才会弹出R1登陆R3后对R3所执行的操作的命令R3(config)#logging monitor 7 /设置允许在VTY窗口(如telnet窗口)上显示的日志信息级别R3#terminal no m

3、onitor /关闭 在vty窗口显示日志的功能R1(config)#service sequence-numbers /弹出的日志会显示序号R1(config)#service timestamps debug/log datetime /在每种日志消息中添加一个时间戳显示准确的日期和时间 UTC 格式 标准格式 MM DD HH:MM:SSR1(config)#service timestamps debug/log update /在消息中包括路由器开机以来的时间R1(config)#logging console ? Logging severity level alerts Imme

4、diate action needed (severity=1) critical Critical conditions (severity=2) debugging Debugging messages (severity=7) discriminator Establish MD-Console association emergencies System is unusable (severity=0) errors Error conditions (severity=3) filtered Enable filtered logging guaranteed Guarantee c

5、onsole messages informational Informational messages (severity=6) notifications Normal but significant conditions (severity=5) warnings Warning conditions (severity=4) xml Enable logging in XML 选择弹出到console的日志的级别,从上往下从0开始到7,7级可看7级及7级以上的日志信息,默认是7级表示0-7级的都会显示。日志的 0、1、2这三个级别一定要密切关注,一般不常见,如果遇见基本上都是硬件马上要

6、挂了,0级别日志叫紧急 1级日志叫警觉、2级日志级别叫严重 3级日志级别叫错误,4级别是警告、5级别是通知、 6 级别是一般性信息 7级别的日志就是debug的信息R1(config)#logging facility ? auth Authorization system cron Cron/at facility daemon System daemons kern Kernel local0 Local use local1 Local use local2 Local use local3 Local use local4 Local use local5 Local use loca

7、l6 Local use local7 Local use lpr Line printer system mail Mail system news USENET news sys10 System use sys11 System use sys12 System use sys13 System use sys14 System use sys9 System use syslog Syslog itself user User process uucp Unix-to-Unix copy systemR1(config)#logging facilityfacility是可以自已定义的

8、,发往syslog的,比如交换机A可以设置成local0 交换机B可设置成local1 默认是local7这样在日志服务器上便于区分是哪台交换机发来的日志,可能还有别的方面的用途。还可以给日志设置缓存:logging buffered 字节 默认是4096个字节。Show logging /查看日志R1(config)#logging buffered ? Logging severity level Logging buffer size alerts Immediate action needed (severity=1) critical Critical conditions (sev

9、erity=2) debugging Debugging messages (severity=7) discriminator Establish MD-Buffer association emergencies System is unusable (severity=0) errors Error conditions (severity=3) filtered Enable filtered logging informational Informational messages (severity=6) notifications Normal but significant co

10、nditions (severity=5) warnings Warning conditions (severity=4) xml Enable logging in XML to XML logging buffer Logging buffered 4096 设置日志缓存大小为4096 个字节。R1(config)#logging ? Hostname or A.B.C.D IP address of the logging host /把日志传到服务器上 alarm Configure syslog for alarms buffered Set buffered logging pa

11、rameters buginf Enable buginf logging for debugging cns-events Set CNS Event logging level console Set console logging parameters count Count every log message and timestamp last occurrence discriminator Create or modify a message discriminator dmvpn DMVPN Configuration esm Set ESM filter restrictio

12、ns exception Limit size of exception flush output facility Facility parameter for syslog messages filter Specify logging filter history Configure syslog history table host Set syslog server IP address and parameters message-counter Configure log message to include certain counter value monitor Set t

13、erminal line (monitor) logging parameters on Enable logging to all enabled destinations origin-id Add origin ID to syslog messages persistent Set persistent logging parameters queue-limit Set logger message queue size rate-limit Set messages per second limit reload Set reload logging level server-ar

14、p Enable sending ARP requests for syslog servers when first configured source-interface Specify interface for source address in logging transactions trap Set syslog server logging level userinfo Enable logging of user info on privileged mode enablingR1(config)#logging host

15、 discriminator EXCESS severity drops 6 msg-body drops EXCESSCOLLR1(config)#logging buffered 50000R1(config)#logging console discriminator EXCESSTFTP 拷贝flash中的文件R1(config)#tftp-server flash:ccie.txt ? /iou中用 tftp-server unix:ccie.txt IP access list of requesting hosts IP expanded access list of reque

16、sting hosts alias file alias /把R1配置成tftpserver 其他路由器可以下载到R1的flash中的ccie.txt这个文件默认所有人都可以下载到,但可以用acl匹配哪些地址才可以下载到。R1#copy startup-config flash:ccie.txt /如果R1没有flash文件可以把当前的配置文件复制到flash,iou中时用unix来代替flash上图所示:iou中已经没有了flash的概念,而取而代之的是unix这个目录R1#erase startup-config /擦除现在flash中的配置文件R2#copy tftp:/

17、/ccie.txt flash:cisco.txt /把R1上flash中的ccie.txt文件拷贝到这台路由器的flash中,并重命名为cisco.txtShow flash:dir flash:More flas h:文件名.格式第一个数据包是R2发出的源端口号是随机目标端口号为69第二个数据包是R1发出的,源端口号随机目标端口号为R2上次数据包的源端口号第三个数据包还是R2发出的源端口号是之前的,目标端口号是上次R1发送的数据包的源端口号,然后之后交互的数据都全是这两个端口号关闭或打开http/https 服务,ip http server 与 ip http secure-server

18、 用来在网页上配置路由器,在网页中输入路由器或交换机的ip地址。可以在全局模式下:ip http server 来打开http服务 no ip server 来关闭http服务可以在全局模式下:ip http secure-server 来打开https服务no ip http secure-server 关闭https服务http 服务 和 https服务的区别:http传输的数据是不加密https传输的数据是加密的(有些设备的版本不支持https)EEM 可以完成一系列的命令操作,类似于脚本命令图如上:把R1上的lo 0口打开R1(config)#event manager applet

19、Shutdown /给这个管理事件命个名字叫SutdownR1(config-applet)#event syslog pattern “Interface Loopback0, changed state to administratively down” /抓取部分系统日志的信息R1(config-applet)#action 1.0 cli command enable /当在命令行里输入“enable”时的这个动作R1(config-applet)#action 2.0 cli command configure terminalR1(config-applet)#action 3.0

20、 cli command interface loopback 0R1(config-applet)#action 4.0 cli command no shutdownR1(config-applet)#action 5.0 syslog msg F00Down priority 7 /会弹出一个名字叫“Shutdown” 关于event manager事件的日志,日志的内容是”F00Down”R1#show running-config | begin event当把R1上的lo0口shutdown的时候,发现这个接口又自动打开了。当关闭这个接口的时候,会弹出接口关闭的日志信息,上面抓取的

21、内容就是接口关闭的日志信息,下面的动作就是当满足这个日子信息的时候就会执行自己所写的动作,所以接口它又立马打开了。SCP(Secure Copy)将R1的flash中的配置文件ccie.txt文件拷贝到R2的flash中R2作为server,R1作为clientR2(config)#aaa new-model/AAA是Authentication Authorization and Accounting(认证、授权和记账)的简称,它提供了对认证、授权和记账功能进行配置的一致性框架R2(config)#aaa authentication login default local /配置认证R2(

22、config)#aaa authorization exec default local /配置授权R2(config)#username yssqt privilege 15 password iloveyouR2(config)#ip domain-name R2(config)#crypto key generate rsaHow many bits int the modulus 512:1024R2(config)#ip scp server enableR1#copy flash:ccie.txt scp:/yssqt12.1.1.2 /此命令中的flash:ccie 是指R1fl

23、ash中的文件,yssqt是指R2中设置的用户名, 是指R2与R1相连接的R2的f0/0接口地址。/如果不能拷贝过去的原因是:此文件不存在或用户名等级低和加密位数低或密码位数少。自动命令R2(config)#username cisco privilege 15 password cisco /优先级过低提示自动命令无效R2(config)#line vty 0 15R2(config-line)#login local/不能用线下密码登陆,否则会提示自动命令无效R2(config-line)#autocommand show running-configR2(config-l

24、ine)#end/当从R1登陆到R2后就开始自动显示show running-config 命令的的内容R1#telnet . OpenUser Access VerificationUsername: ciscoPassword:Building configuration.Current configuration : 1097 bytes /当前配置命令占用的字节数!version 12.4service timestamps debug datetime msecservice timestamps log datetime msecno

25、 service password-encryption!hostname R2!boot-start-markerboot-end-marker!no aaa new-modelmemory-size iomem 5no ip icmp rate-limit unreachableip cef!no ip domain lookup!multilink bundle-name authenticated! -More/也可以针对用户来做R2(config)#username cisco privilege 15 password ciscoR2(config)#username cisco

26、autocommand show ip routeR1#telnet . OpenUser Access VerificationUsername: ciscoPassword:Codes: C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type

27、2 E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2 i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2 ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static routeGateway of last resort is to network 12.0.

28、0.0/24 is subnetted, 1 subnetsC is directly connected, FastEthernet0/1S* is directly connected, FastEthernet0/1Connection to closed by foreign hostR1#R2(config)#username ccie privilege 2 password ccie/当 R1登陆到 ccie 这个用户名到R3后,发现R1根本无法进入到全局模式下,因为给的权限不够,有些命令无法操作。R1#telnet 12.

29、1.1.2Trying . OpenUser Access VerificationUsername: cciePassword:R3#R3#R2#show ip routeR2#show ip routeCodes: C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP D - EIGRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2

30、 E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2 i - IS-IS, su - IS-IS summary, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2 ia - IS-IS inter area, * - candidate default, U - per-user static route o - ODR, P - periodic downloaded static routeGateway of last resort is to network is subnetted, 1 subnetsC is directly connected, FastEthernet0/1S* is directly connected, FastEthernet0/1R2#show runR2#show runR2#show runR2#show runnR2#show runnR2#show runnR2#conf t % Invalid input detected at marker.

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