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1、最新英语四级翻译I.汉语从反面表达,译文从正面表达例1:他提出的论据相当不充实。译文:The argument he put forward is pretty thin. 例2:我们确信,年轻一代将不会辜负我们的信任。译文:We are confident that the younger generation will prove worthy ofour trust. 例3:他七十岁了,可是并不显老。译文:He was 70, but he carried his years lightly. II.汉语从正面表达,译文从反面表例4:他这个人优柔寡断,而且总是反复无常。译文:He was

2、 an indecisive sort of person and always capricious.例5:调查结果清清楚楚地显示病人死于心脏病。译文:The investigation left no doubt that the patient had died ofheart disease. 例6:这类举动迟早会被人发觉的。译文:Such actions couldnt long escape notice.III.特殊的否定句式例7:有利必有弊。译文:There is not any advantage without disadvantage. 二、分句、合句法很多情况下,翻译句

3、子的时候,需要调整原来的句子结构,分句法和合句法是调整原文句子的两种重要的方法。所谓分句法就是把原文的一个简单句译为两个或两个以上的句子。所谓合句法就是把原文两个或两个以上的简单句或一个复合句译成一个单句。I.分句法汉译英时,需要分译的句子多数是长句,或者是结构复杂的复句。这种句子如果译成一个长句,就会使译文冗长、累赘、意思表达不清楚,也不符合英文习惯。如果采用分译,则会使译文简洁、易懂、层次分明。如以下五个例子:例1. 少年是一去不复返的,等到精力衰竭时,要做学问也来不及了。(按内容层次分译)译文: Youth will soon be gone, never to return. And

4、it will be toolate for you to go into scholarship when in your declining years.例2. 她隔窗望去,突然发现有只小船停泊在河边,船里有位船夫睡得正香。(从主语变换处分译)译文: Looking through the window, she suddenly spotted a boat mooredto the bank. In it there was a boatman fast asleep.例3. 声速随温度的升降会有轻微的增减,但不受气压的影响。(从关联词处分译)译文: The speed of soun

5、d increases slightly with a rise in temperatureand falls with decrease in temperature. It is not affected by thepressure of the air.例4.我们的政策是实行“一个国家,两种制度”,具体说,就是在中华人民共和国内,有着十多亿人口的大陆实行社会主义制度,香港、台湾地区实行资本主义制度。(原文出现总说或分述时要分译)译文: We are pursuing a policy of “one country with two systems.” Morespecificall

6、y, this means that within the Peoples Republic of China,the mainland with its more than one billion people will maintain thesocialist system, while Hong Kong and Taiwan continue under thecapitalist system.例5. 我们主张对我国神圣领土台湾实行和平统一,有关的政策,也是众所周知和不会改变的,并且正在深入人心。(为了强调语气而采用分译)译文: We want peaceful reunifica

7、tion with Taiwan which is part of oursacred territory. Our policy in this regard is also known to all andwill not change. The desire for peaceful reunification of themotherland is taking hold in the hearts of the entire Chinesenation.II.合句法英汉两种语言的句子结构不完全相同,尽管英语句子日趋简洁,但是从句套从句,短语含短语的句型也是频频出现。一般而言,一个英语

8、句子的信息包含量要大于一个汉语句子,因此,我们在做汉译英的时候,常常把汉语的两个句子,甚至更多句子,合译成英语的一句。使用合句法还可以使译文紧凑、简练。如以下三个例子:例6:一代人与一代人之间的冲突,也就是年轻人与老年人的冲突,似乎是最可笑的。因为这就是现在的自己与将来的自己,或者说过去的自己与现在的自己的冲突。(在关联词处合译)译文:A conflict between the generations between youth and age seemsthe most stupid, for it is one between oneself as one is and oneselfa

9、s one will be, or between oneself as one was and oneself as one is.例7:对我来说,我的水族箱就像我自己的一个小王国。我就是里面的国王。(从主语变换处合译)译文:To me my aquarium is like my own little kingdom where I am king.例8:第二天,我又接到一个电报。这个电报有34个字,比前一个电报说得更详细。(按内容连贯合译)译文:The following day I received another telegram consisting of 34ciphers, g

10、iving more details.:)08年6月大学英语四级考试常用翻译技巧(二)分句、合句法很多情况下,翻译句子的时候,需要调整原来的句子结构,分句法和合句法是调整原文句子的两种重要的方法。所谓分句法就是把原文的一个简单句译为两个或两个以上的句子。所谓合句法就是把原文两个或两个以上的简单句或一个复合句译成一个单句。I.分句法汉译英时,需要分译的句子多数是长句,或者是结构复杂的复句。这种句子如果译成一个长句,就会使译文冗长、累赘、意思表达不清楚,也不符合英文习惯。 如果采用分译,则会使译文简洁、易懂、层次分明。如以下五个例子:例1. 少年是一去不复返的,等到精力衰竭时,要做学问也来不及了。

11、(按内容层次分译)译文: Youth will soon be gone, never to return. And it will be too late for you to go into scholarship when in your declining years.例2. 她隔窗望去,突然发现有只小船停泊在河边,船里有位船夫睡得正香。(从主语变换处分译)译文: Looking through the window, she suddenly spotted a boat moored to the bank. In it there was a boatman fast aslee

12、p.例3. 声速随温度的升降会有轻微的增减,但不受气压的影响。(从关联词处分译)译文: The speed of sound increases slightly with a rise in temperature and falls with decrease in temperature. It is not affected by the pressure of the air.例4. 我们的政策是实行“一个国家,两种制度”,具体说,就是在中华人民共和国内,有着十多亿人口的大陆实行社会主义制度,香港、台湾地区实行资本主义制度。(原文出现总说或分述时要分译)译文: We are purs

13、uing a policy of “one country with two systems.” More specifically, this means that within the Peoples Republic of China, the mainland with its more than one billion people will maintain the socialist system, while Hong Kong and Taiwan continue under the capitalist system.例5. 我们主张对我国神圣领土台湾实行和平统一,有关的

14、政策,也是众所周知和不会改变的,并且正在深入人心。(为了强调语气而采用分译)译文: We want peaceful reunification with Taiwan which is part of our sacred territory. Our policy in this regard is also known to all and will not change. The desire for peaceful reunification of the motherland is taking hold in the hearts of the entire Chinese n

15、ationII.合句法 英汉两种语言的句子结构不完全相同,尽管英语句子日趋简洁,但是从句套从句,短语含短语的句型也是频频出现。一般而言,一个英语句子的信息包含量要大于一个汉语句子,因此,我们在做汉译英的时候,常常把汉语的两个句子,甚至更多句子,合译成英语的一句。使用合句法还可以使译文紧凑、简练。如以下三个例子:例6:一代人与一代人之间的冲突,也就是年轻人与老年人的冲突,似乎是最可笑的。因为这就是现在的自己与将来的自己,或者说过去的自己与现在的自己的冲突。(在关联词处合译)译文:A conflict between the generations between youth and age se

16、ems the most stupid, for it is one between oneself as one is and oneself as one will be, or between oneself as one was and oneself as one is.例7:对我来说,我的水族箱就像我自己的一个小王国。我就是里面的国王。(从主语变换处合译)译文:To me my aquarium is like my own little kingdom where I am king.例8:第二天,我又接到一个电报。这个电报有34个字,比前一个电报说得更详细。(按内容连贯合译)译

17、文:The following day I received another telegram consisting of 34 ciphers, giving more details.四级翻译经典题型与解析1. Female students constitute the majority of our class. .(相比之下,他们班全由男生组成)2.As our time was running out, we drove even faster (希望能够准时赶到机场).3.(这些问题连续不断地出现)suggests that our plan should be adjusted

18、.4.In his recently written autobiography, (他把自己的成功归功于父母的鼓励).5.(我们现在必须唤醒人们认识到环保的重要性),or it would be too late.6.If he had known this would happen, (他当初也许会以不同方式行事).7.(只要你一直努力工作),you will recall your past with satisfaction.8.Every mother is proud of her child and (父亲也一样).9.No one knows exactly (信息高速路的发展

19、将把我们带往何处).10.(他刚到家)when it started raining.11.If I had remembered to close the window, (小偷就不会进来).12. I ll never forget (第一次和你见面).13.Mary rushed into the room, (抱着一个大纸箱).14.A minute ago the old lady (撕开信封)with great excitement.15.My washing machine broke down this morning. (我打算明天把它送去修理).16.The report

20、 said that the sample water had too much lead in it, (可能对我们的健康有害).17.(信已经写完了)by the time you come back.18.(尽管不富裕),they feel quite satisfied with their standard of living condition.19.(我以前常去看电影),but I never get the time now.20.The pictures make (孩子们理解文字更容易).21.(既然你们明天才走),we can have dinner together t

21、onight.22. In terms of experience, Mr. Green has the right stuff for the work, (但目前他的健康状况不佳).23.(地震的破坏非常严重)that the city took decades to recover.24.The speaker, (以精彩的演讲而闻名), was warmly received by the audience.25.By the time you get to Greenwich (你会看到伦敦最古老的部分).26. (那天已经不远了)modern communication becom

22、es widespread in China s countryside.27. (我以前从没见过任何人)who has the skill John has when it comes to repairing cars.28.The second book was (完成)by this March, but two months later, the end was still nowhere in sight.29.He set out again on his journey around the world, (尽管他的朋友们劝他不要去).30.(学生不喜欢传统课堂的原因之一)is

23、 that students are seldom allowed to express their ideas in a traditional classroom.31.The supermarket sells various kinds of things, (从衣物食品到电脑游戏) 32.The new type of machine has been put in service, (让我们年底完成工程成为可能)33. It is true that humans have an extraordinary genius for working wonders, but (污染仍是

24、当前及未来最严重的问题之一)34. It is true that the world faces problems of pollution, but (这个问题可以通过全球的努力加以控制)35.(在任何一个存在种族歧视的社会里), there will always be tension.36.Some people say that in the next 30 years the population of Antarctica will grow steadily, (印度也同样)37. Someday, perhaps, (科学家能够准确地预报地震)38.(整夜他清醒地躺在床上)w

25、orrying about his financial problems.39.It is widely accepted that (社会的整个结构都依赖于相互信任)40. By six thirty every morning, (操场上满是晨练的学生)41.For some reason, she was not well prepared for the test. But (她是个诚实的女孩),she would not cheat on an exam.42.(无论你怎样看他),there is no reason to suspect him of doing this deli

26、berately.43.You have neglected your work for too long and (你不可能在一周内赶上来).44.(位于伦敦西北),Oxford University is noted far and wide for its academic excellence.45.This medical research (目的在于找出治疗遗传性血液病的新方法)because the drugs now in use cannot cure these complicated diseases.46.(当被问及对这次试题的感觉), nearly all stude

27、nts in this class said it was too difficult.47.During her school days, (她经常学习到很晚)because she wanted to be qualified for the scholarship.48. A mature man is one (善于把失败转化为成功).49.The little girl was alert to every sound in the house (因为她被那部恐怖电影吓倒了).50.Some construction workers (偶然发现一些古币)that were made

28、in the 9th century.四级翻译经典题型与解析(答案)答案1.【答案】By contrast, their class is made up of male students only.或By contrast, only male students constitute their class.【解析】本题的主要考点在于固定搭配。表达“相比”或“与相对”之意可用词组by contrast,而“组成”之意可使用前文提到的动词constitute也可使用词组be made up of。2.【答案】in hopes that we could arrive at the airpor

29、t on time或in hopes that we could reach the airport on time又或in hopes that we could make it to the airport on time【解析】本题的主要考点在于固定搭配。通过分析前半句可知,“希望”并非句子的谓语,因此不可直接使用动词hope,而应使用固定搭配in hopes that意为“怀着的希望”。“准时”之意考查的是比较基础的词组on time,此处应注意其与表达“即时”之意的in time相区别。而“赶到”之意可用arrive at或reach,也可用表达“成功地”之意的固定搭配make it

30、 to。3.【答案】The fact that these problems are continually showing up或The continual appearance of these problems【解析】本题的考点在于语法。通过分析句子结构可知,本句谓语为suggest,所以需要翻译的部分充当句子的主语,故可以考虑使用从句或使用名词性词组。需要注意的是使用从句时应根据语法需要补出汉语中没有体现出的部分the fact,使句子结构完整。4.【答案】he owes his success to his parents encouragement或He attributes hi

31、s success to his parents encouragement【解析】本题考点在于固定搭配。“把归功于”或“把归因于”可使用词组或。本题另一个易错之处在于所有格的使用。以-s结尾的复数名词所有格只需加 。5.【答案】We must awaken people to the importance of environment protection【解析】本题主要的考点在于固定搭配。表达“唤醒对的注意或警惕”之意应使用动词词组。另一需要注意的地方时所有格的使用。本题中“环保的重要性”不可用 s表示,而应使用of结构。6.【答案】he would have acted differently或He would have acted in a different way【解析】本题主要考查语法,考点是虚拟语气。由句意提示可知,本句是if引导的虚拟句,表示对过去情况的假设。由于前半句出现了had加动词的过去分词,后半句应使用would加have done的结构。7.【答案】As long as you keep working hard或As long a

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