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全国部分省市中考英语试题分类汇编 17份.docx

1、全国部分省市中考英语试题分类汇编 17份单项选择状语从句【2014重庆市B】Your uncle will come to see you as soon as he _ here. A. arrives B. arrived C. will arrive D. is arriving【答案】A 【2014宜宾】 Come and join us, Betty! Im afraid I cant. Im too busy now. If I _ time, I would certainly go.A. have B. have had C. will have D. had【答案】D【201

2、4呼和浩特】If we _ take environmental problems seriously, the earth _ worse and worse. A. dont; will be B. wont; isnt C. wont; is D. dont; wont be【答案】A【2014枣庄】If I make a lot of money I _ give some to medical research or charities.A. am going to B. can C. will D. should【答案】C【2014东营】Eating and drinking on

3、 Beijing subway is not allowed. If you _ the rule, youll face a fine (罚款) of up to 500 yuan.A. broke B. break C. will break D. have broken【答案】B【2014湖北咸宁】I want to know if Maria _ us in the fashion show tonight. I believe if she _ her homework, she will join us. A. joins; finishes B. will join; finis

4、hes C. joins; will finish D. will join; will join【答案】B【2014达州】Excuse me, could you please tell me if the sports meeting _ on time? Hard to say. If it _ tomorrow, well have to put it off.A. will hold; rains B. will be held; rainsC. will be held; will rain D. holds; will rain【答案】B【2014达州】Swimming in t

5、he river for teenagers is very dangerous.So it is. If I _ them, I _ a shower at home.A. am; would take B. were; will takeC. was; would take D. were; would take【答案】D【2014铜仁】We _ for a picnic if it _ rain this Sunday.A. go; doesnt B. will go; wont C. will go; doesnt D. go; wont【答案】C【2014聊城】I will do s

6、ome cleaning as soon as I _ my homework. A. finish B. will finish C. have finished D. finished【答案】A【2014威海】Alan! Why are you so late? Sorry! When I _ home, I met one of my old friends. A. went B. am walking C. has gone D. was walking【答案】【2014潍坊】If it _ rain tomorrow, well go hiking. A. wont B. doesn

7、t C. dont D. didnt【答案】B【2014滨州】Do you know if he will come tomorrow? No. But if he _, Ill call you to have a meal together. A. will come B. wont come C. comes D. doesnt come【答案】C 考察状语从句时态的用法。句意:你知道他明天是否会来吗?-我也不知道。如果他来了的话,我会打电话叫你一起吃饭的。If引导的时间状语从句,遵循主将从现的原则,即主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在表示将来时。故选C。单项选择There be结构与倒装

8、句型【2014重庆市A】There _ lots of sheep and pigs on my uncles farm now.A. was B. were C. is D. are【答案】D 【2014重庆市B】There _ more and more foreigners learning Chinese now.A. is B. are C. was D. were【答案】B【2014宜宾】Im not going swimming this afternoon._. I have to help my mother do some cleaning.A. So am I. B. S

9、o I am. C. Neither am I. D. Neither I am.【答案】C【2014济宁】Across from my home, _ a shop which sells things from foreign countries.A. it is B. it has C. there is D. that is 【答案】C【2014东营】There more visitors in Dongying this year because 2014 City Landscaping Exposition of Shandong Province (山东省城市园林绿化博览会)

10、will be held here on September 1st. A. is B. are C. will be D. is going to have【答案】C【2014黔西南州】There _ a basketball match between Class One and Class Three this afternoon. A. is going to be B. will have C. are going to be D. is going to have 【答案】A【2014鄂州】I hope there _ less pressure on us today. If s

11、o, we _ enjoy a more pleasant life. A. is; can B. will be; can C. will be; should D. is; should【答案】B【2014铜仁】There _a sports meet in our school next week. A. is B. will have C. are D. will be【答案】D【2014甘肃白银】There _ great changes in such kind of PDA (掌上电脑) in the last few years. A. has been B. have bee

12、n C. has had D. have had【答案】B【2014甘肃白银】Has your mother ever been to London? Yes, and _. We went together. A. so have I B. so I have C. neither have I D. neither I have 【答案】A【2014黔西南州】I have changed my job. _A. So do I. B. So have I. C. So I do. D. So I have.【答案】B 【2014泰安】Why are you in such a hurry,

13、 John? There _ an NBA basketball game in ten minutes. A. will be B. was C. would be D. has been【答案】A【2014威海】There _ a great concert in the theater next Saturday evening. A. will be B. will have C. has D. is going to have【答案】A单项选择 宾语从句【2014黄冈】So, can you tell me _ here today?Well, I was walking down

14、Centre Street when a UFO landed.A. what did you see B. what you saw C. when did you see it D. when you saw【答案】B【2014连云港】Jack, could you tell me for travelling this summer?We plan to go and see the beautiful sea in Hainan.A. where your family will go B. how will your family goC. how your family will

15、go D. where will your family go【答案】A【2014年临沂】Dad, can you tell me _ to the amusement park? The day after tomorrow.A. when we are going B. when we went C. when are we going D. when did we go【答案】A【2014长沙】Excuse me, could you please tell me _? Sure. Its about ten minutes walk. A. how long it takes to g

16、o to the zoo B. how far it is from here to the zoo C. how far is it from here to the zoo【答案】B【2014河北】I have some tickets for the basketball match. I wonder _. A. where you buy the tickets B. why you like to go there C. if youd like to come along D. when you watch the match【答案】C【2014河北】The teacher is

17、 already standing here. Do you know when she _? A. comes B. came C. is coming D. was coming 【答案】B【2014达州】We have no idea _. Its heard that he is Mr. Greens son.A. where he comes from B. if does he live hereC. who he is D. who is he【答案】C【2014河南】Excuse me, can you tell me _? Sorry, I dont know. You ca

18、n go to the information desk. A. that there is a train B. when the train leaves C. which train can I take D. where does the train go【答案】B【解析】 考查宾语从句的用法。本题句意为:打扰一下,你能告诉我?真抱歉,我不知道。你可以去服务台。本句是宾语从句,从句中应用陈述句语序,所以选项C、D错误;根据答语“Sorry, I dont know.”可知,宾语从句中应是一般疑问句句式。故选B项。【2014陕西】Mum, summer holiday is coming

19、. I wonder . How about Qinling Wild Zoo? A. where can we go B. where we can go C. how we can go D. how we can go 【答案】B【2014黔西南州】Could you tell me _? You can take the No. 1 bus. A. how can we get to Xingyi Airport B. how we can get to Xingyi Airport C. how do we get to Xingyi Airport D. how we got to

20、 Xingyi Airport【答案】B【2014北京】Do you know _ the meeting?Tomorrow morning.A. when they had B. when they are going to haveC. when did they have D. when are they going to have【答案】B【2014南京】David, could you tell me _? Every four years. A. when the 2014 World Cup will finish B. how often the World Cup takes

21、 place C. how many teams take part in the World Cup D. who may score the most goals in the World Cup【答案】B【2014鄂州】Can you tell me _? In three days. A. when will they go to the Science Museum B. how long they have been in New York C. how soon they will go to see the children left at home D. what time

22、will they attend the meeting【答案】C【2014扬州】Could you tell me _? In August, 2014. A. where will the Youth Olympic Games take place B. when will the Youth Olympic Games take place C. where the Youth Olympic Games will take place D. when the Youth Olympic Games will take place【答案】D【2014昆明】Excuse me, coul

23、d you please tell me _? Yes, there is a history museum. A. how often do you go to the history museum B. are there any good museums in Kunming C. how long it takes to get to the history museum D. if there are any good museums in Kunming【答案】D【2014重庆市A】Do you know _? This afternoon.A. when will the pol

24、iceman give us a talk B. where will the policeman give us a talkC. when the policeman will give us a talk D. where the policeman will give us a talk【答案】C 【2014安徽】Its so late. Why not write the report tomorrow? But I dont know _ I can do it if not now.A. why B. when C. how D. where【答案】B【2014重庆市B】Coul

25、d you please tell me _? Two months ago. A. when did you take this photo B. when you took this photo C. where did you take this photo D. where you took this photo【答案】B 【2014东营】Excuse me, could you tell me _?Go along this street until you see some buildings with golden roofs. A. how I can go to Tianni

26、ng Temple (天宁寺)B. how often you go to Tianning TempleC. how soon you will go to Tianning TempleD. how many times you have been to Tianning Temple【答案】A【2014苏州】I dont understand _.Im sorry. But I was doing my homework.A. why you didnt watch the football match B. why didnt you watch the football match

27、C. why you dont watch the football matchD. why dont you watch the football match【答案】A【2014天津】Could you tell me _ yuanxiao in china? Usually at Lantern Festival.A. when do people eat B. how do people eat C. when people eat D. how people ear【答案】C【2014广州】I dont understand _ such a silly question in cla

28、ss yesterday. A. why did John ask B. why John asked C. why is John asking D. why John asks【答案】B【2014杭州】Its hard to believe_ the way out of the forest without the help of the local guide.A. what they were able to find B. what were they able to findC. how they were able to find D. how were they able t

29、o find【答案】C【2014宜宾】Her mother didnt tell her _ then.A. where is the MH370 flight B. where the MH370 flight is C. where was the MH370 flight D. where the MH370 flight was【答案】D【2014呼和浩特】She got a nice skirt as a present on her birthday. Do you know _? A. what was it made of B. how much did it cost C. who buys it for her D. where she bought it【答案】C【2014呼和浩特】I hear they are going to London, but I dont know _ they will stay there. A. how soon B. how often C. how long D. how fast【答案】A【2014济宁】Could you tell me _? At 9:20 tomorrow morning.A. what time you ar

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