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1、九年级英语语法专项复习训练九年级英语语法专项复习训练1、不定冠词a/an的区别:There is “s”and “u”in the word “useful”、2、定冠词the 的用法:There is “h”in word “useful”、This is song Ive told you about、 Isnt it beautiful one?3、零冠词:下象棋,打篮球,吃三餐,季节,月份,星期,节日,专有名词(人名、地名),固定搭配二、强化训练【xx山东滨州】1、-How was _ dinner at Mikes house?-It was great、 Mikes mum is

2、_ wonderful cook、 A、 a; the B、 the; aC、 the; the D、 a; an【xx山东聊城】2、 Theres _ apple on the table、 _ apple is for my little brother、 A、 a; AnB、 an; AnC、 the; AnD、 an; The【xx凉山】John can play _ guitar, but he cant play _ chess、 A、 the;/ B、/;the C、 the; the【xx乌鲁木齐】3、 _ are planning to go on vacation、A、 B

3、lacks B、 A Blacks C、 The Blacks D、 The Blacks【xx四川达州】4、Yeah, it tells you how to play guitar、 A、 an; the B、 a; a C、 a; the D、 an; a【xx湖南益阳】5、 Because he is honest boy、A、 a B、 an C、 the(全文结束黑龙江大庆)6、 Learning_ countrys language is a better way knowing _culture behind it、A、 the; a B、 a; the C、 /; the D

4、、 a; /【xx河源】7、Miss Liu wants to lose weight、 She just has _ cup of milk for _ breakfast every day、A、 a; the B、 a;(不填)C、 the; a D、 the;(不填)【xx江苏泰州】8、 Li Na plays _ tennis very well、 She has become _first Asian woman to reach a Grand Slam(大满贯)final、A、 a, the B、 /, the C、 the, a D、/,a【xx山东泰安】9、 No, I t

5、ook _ taxi、 A、 a; a B、 不填; aC、 the; theD、 a; the【xx山东济宁】10、 I like music, but I dont like _ music of this film、 A、 a B、 an C、 the D、不填【xx山东威海】全文结束、There is _report in todays newspaper、 Its about _sports meeting that will be held in Weihai、A、 a; the B、 an; the C、 the; the D、 a; a 【xx浙江舟山】12、 You mean

6、 _ girl with long hair? Thats Kate、A、 a B、 an C、 the D、 不填【xx山东青岛】13、 Is it_ black one? I think I saw it somewhere、A、 the; the B、 a; a C、 the; a D、 a; the【xx 山东烟台】14、Do you know _ man in blue?Yes, hes a professor of_ university、 A、 the, a B、 a, an C、 the, an D、 / , the 【xx扬州】全文结束、With pleasure、A、 th

7、e; the B、 the; aC、 a; aD、 a; the【xx黄冈】16、 As we know, England is _European country and Singapore is _Asian country、A、 an; an B、 an; a C 、a; a D、 a; an【xx湖北堰】17、-Whos _ boy in red, do you know?-Oh、 Hes _ friend of Tom、A、 the, aB、 an, theC、 a, theD、 the, an【xx湖北黄石】18、 Oh, what _ nice present!A、 a; a B

8、、 a; the C、 the; a D、 a; 不填【xx广东】19、 I really like _ book you lent me yesterday、 A、 aB、 anC、 theD、 不填【xx四川德阳】20、 Fred plays _ piano after _ supper every day、 A、 the; the B、 /; the C、 the; /【xx四川绵阳】21、The young man plays violin very well, but he plays basketball badly、 A、 the; the B、 a; a C、 a; the D

9、、 the;不填【xx湖北恩施】22、 _ man riding a motorbike is _ university teacher、A、 A; an B、 The; a C、 The; an D、 A; the 【xx佛山】23、 In LA Lingling lived with Smiths and got on well with the host family、A、 aB、 theC、 /(xx山东日照中考)24、- Do you know _ man standing there?- I only know hes from _ European country、A、 a; a

10、n B、 the; the C、 the; a D、 a; the(xx吉林省通化市)25、How was _dinner at Mikes house?It was great、Mikes mum is _wonderful cook、A、a,theB、the,aC、the,theD、a,an(xx潍坊市)26、Avatar(阿凡达)is such_wonderful science fiction movie that I want to see it _second time、A、a,aB、a,theC、/,theD、/,a(xx山东省滨州市)27、 Oh, _ letter “s” i

11、s doubled、A、 a; a B、 a; theC、 an; theD、 the; the( )28、 My father bought me _ useful book、 _ book is very interesting、 A、 an; The B、 an; A C、 a; The D、 a; A( )29、 Many children like _ cartoon called Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf、 A、 a B、 anC、 theD、 /( )30、 My sister plays _ piano well, but I can spe

12、ak _ English well、 A、 the; the B、 the; / C、 /; the D、 /; /三、语法笔记 初中英语语法专项复习名词第 课时一、要点梳理1、可数名词变复数book bus fox brush match boy baby knife thief tomato potato hero photo tooth German Frenchman sheep child apple tree woman teacher2、不可数名词的数量表达:一条新闻 两杯咖啡 三碗米饭3、名词所有格:(1)教师节 Lily和Lucy(共有)的房间 陈康和徐伟(分别有)的自行车

13、二分钟的步行 医务室 (2)桌子腿 三班的学生 (3)Lily的两个朋友 我的三本书4、主谓一致:(1)This pair of shoes (be)Lilys、 (2)Three years (be)really a long time for me、(3)Mr Green with two students (be)standing outside the classroom、(4)Neither he nor I (be)a student now、 二、强化训练【xx山东滨州】1、Work hard, and youll get good _、A、 lessons B、 notes C

14、、 gradesD、 answers【xx山东泰安】2、 Yes、 Many middle school students are his _、 A、 heroesB、 starsC、 fansD、 brothers【xx山东聊城】3、 Peter regards Liaocheng as his second because he has lived here for ten years、A、 family B、 house C、 home D、 room【xx广安市】4、 Yes, there are、 A、 fish B、 pork C、 beef 【xx山东德州】5、 Today, w

15、e have many other _ to pay besides coins or paper money、A、 excusesB、 waysC、 chancesD、 plans【xx扬州】6、Theres no _ for this while you are at work、A、 causeB、 excuseC、 matterD、 choice【xx清远】7、 Im so hungry、 Please give me _ to eatA、 three bread B three pieces of bread C、 three pieces of breads D three piec

16、e of bread【xx绥化市】8、 Toms watch is the same as his_、 A, brother B、 brothers C、 brothers【xx德阳】9、 Can I help you, sir? Id like to have100 _、 I want my students to draw pictures、 A、 piece of paper B、 pieces of paper C、 pieces of papers【xx湘潭】10、 The_ of most trees will fall in autumn、 A leaf B、 leafs C l

17、eaves【xx四川达州】全文结束、 them over two hundred、 A、 woman; The number of; is B、 women; The number of; isC、 woman; A number of; is D、 women; A number of; are【xx四川宜宾】12、 There are many _ playing on the playground、 A、 child B、 children C、 man teachers D、 sheeps【xx梧州】13、 Please pick up the _、 Dont keep it on t

18、he floor、 A、 paper B、 boxes C、 books D、 bottles【xx广东深圳】14, _、 They arc exchange students of No、1 Middle School、A、 Frenchmen; Yes, please B、 Frenchmans; Come on C、 Germen; Not at all D、 Germans; All right【xx贵阳】全文结束、 Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest bus stop? Go down this road、 Its about_ walkA

19、、 five minutes B、 five minutes C、 five-minutes(xx湖南岳阳中考)16、Its from our school to my home、 A、 ten minutes walk B、 ten minutes walk C、 ten minutes walk【xx广西崇左】17、Mrs、 Wang was sent to teach English in a poor mountain village last year、 Excuse me、 may1 know your_?Excuse me, are these _ new shoes?I pre

20、fer speaking to listening in English learning、Who taught _ English last year? Can you cook by_? Helpto some fruits、 Which do you prefer, green tea or coffee?_、thanks、 Id like a glass of water、 A、 Either B、 Neither C、 Both【xx四川宜宾】23、 I have two brothers、 One is a teacher, _ is a doctor、A、 another B、 other C、 others D、 the other【xx北京】25、 I knocked on the door but _ answered、A、 somebody B、 nobody

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