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GRE写作7 8.docx

1、GRE写作7 8GRE写作第二部分Argument 逻辑分析概述 Argument的题目中设置了一些推论或论据方面的漏洞,使其 “有懈可击”. 一般而言, 每篇argument里都有3-4个明显的论证或论据的错误. Argument的结构比较固定(五段论),易于掌握.作文细则 第一屏(总体指示和建议): 你的答题时间是30分钟 你需要针对提出的论点评论它的逻辑周全性 不可以对其它任何论点进行评论 在你开始书写之前,最好花几分钟思考一下如何并组织你的文章 你需要完全展开你的观点并将它们串联起来,保持连贯性 你应该留出富裕的时间, 检查自己的文章,做必要的修改.第二屏(对论点进行评论的具体指导)

2、这里没有要求你同意或反对论点中的任何一条陈述 你应该对论点的推理过程提出自己的分析 你应该考虑论点所隐含的某些可疑的假设 你应该考虑为支持结论而提出的论据的范围 你可以讨论哪些额外的论据可以有助于加强或反驳论点 你可以讨论哪些额外的信息会帮助你对论点的结论进行评估Argument的逻辑问题 错误因果(混淆简单的相互关系或时间顺序关系) 无理假设(前提站不住脚) 以偏概全或草率概括 错误类比 调查或数据统计有误 非此即彼(either-or fallacy) 经验论(误以为所有事情都会永远保持一致) 偷换概念长度要求 对于高分argument文章来说, 没有规定的或者所谓的 “正确”长度.文章长

3、度仅仅受限于30分钟的考试时间以及可供讨论的逻辑错误的数量. 300-400字是一个比较可行的长度.Argument写作流程 1. 审题: 2分钟 在段首寻找错误的主张(claim)或在段末寻找错误的结论(conclusion)速记在草稿纸上. 寻找3-4个相对独立的论据(facts事实/examples例证/statistics数据) Sample: 课本53页第4题 前提:Adams更优秀 Evidence 1: 工作人数 Evidence 2: 收入多, 平均房价高 Evidence 4: 十年与去年的销售差别 结论: 选择Adams2. 写简洁的开头段: 3分钟罗列要点式:1.复述原文

4、的主张或结论:In this argument, the arguer claims/concludes that_.2. 复述主要论据: To support this claim/conclusion, the arguer points out that_. In addition, the arguer reasons that_.3. 指出原文存在缺陷: This argument is flawed in three major aspects. 开门见山式: 1. 复述原文错误的主张或结论The speaker asserts/claims/concludes) that_. A

5、nd three major reasons are offered in support of this claim/conclusion. 2. 指出原文存在缺陷: At first glance, this argument seems to be somewhat convincing, but further reflection tells me that I cannot agree with it for the following reasons. 或: The argrment is unconvincing because it relies on a variety o

6、f dubious assumptions.3. 组织你的正文段: 3分钟 要求: Unity一致性: 一段只批一个主要的错误, 小错误可以综合为一段. Coherence连贯性: 段落连接要有关联词+主题句(TS) 根据审题中寻找到的论点,结论以及论据来归纳其推理之间的不必然或不合理. 用主题句(TS)的形式直接写在机考屏幕上. The main problem with this argument is that_. The second problem with the argument is that_. Moreover, the arguer ignores some other

7、factors, such as_组织形式一(适合论据单一的题目) 1.首先寻找前提与结论之间的不必然 2.其次寻找前提与论据或结论与论据之间的不必然 3. 最后寻找论据自身的缺陷或不可信. Sample: 课本52页第2题 前提: 7年前临近社区实施房屋涂色规定. 结论: 我们DA也要仿效其做法. 论据: 涂色后平均房价翻番了. (平均值没有意义, 掩盖了个体差异, 可能该地区房价一直偏低, 翻番后从全国水平比较仍旧不高) 正文段1:fallacy为错误类比 One problem why I disagree with the argument is that the arguer ass

8、umes that there are no relevant differences between B and DA. 正文段2:fallacy为相关性不是必然的因果性 The second problem with this argument is that there might be correlation rather than a cause-and-effect relationship between the adoption of restrictions and the going-up of property values. There are so many fact

9、ors contributing to the latter. 正文段3:fallacy为数据自身的不可信 Moreover, average property values cannot lend strong support to the argument.组织形式二(适合论据复杂的题目) 1. 首先按照论据出现的自然顺序依次寻找论据自身的缺陷或不可信. 2. 其次说明论据与前提以及结论之间的不必然. Sample: 课本52页第1题 前提: 居民关注健康的地区销售见好. 结论: 在P开连锁店, 因为此类居民多. 论据1: 销售处于历史高点(数据模糊vague; 不一定意味着人们喜欢运动,

10、 可能因为此服饰流行, 与其它服装比价格便宜) 正文段1: 论据自身不可信 First, strong sales of exercise apparel do not necessarily indicate that P residents would be interested in exercising. Perhaps exercise apparel happens to be fashionable at the moment, or inexpensive compared to other types of clothing. 论据2: 健康俱乐部满员(数据模糊;不能说明健康

11、产品流行, 不能证明其成员都是潜在消费者) 正文段2: 论据自身的不可信 Secondly, even if club has more members than ever, the argument contains no evidence to support the assumption that people who exercise regularly are also interested in buying health food(tend to be potential customers) 论据3: 预见到新生代顾客(没有考虑到学生可能有自己的判断与选择) 正文段3: 论据自

12、身的不可信 Thirdly, the fact that a certain fitness program is mandatory for Ps schoolchildren accomplishes nothing toward bolstering the recommendation. Mandatory participation is no indication of genuine interest in health or fitness. 论据无法支持前提与结论: 论据不能充分论证该地区的居民高度关注健康,同时前提 的中previous experience犯了经验论的错误

13、, 没有考虑过去和现在的市场竞争变化对结果的影响. 以及居民过去和现在的喜好和习惯的改变,因此结论显得荒谬。 正文段4: Finally, the arguer uses previous experience to illustrate that they now will also succeed by building another chainstore, ignoring the factor of time which perhaps can change everything including eating habits of the local residents or th

14、e condition of market competition.组织形式三(适合无论据,纯假设的题目) 1. 按照原文顺序依次分析前提与无理假设之间的不必然。 2. 采用递进式(even assuming that; even if/though)对原假设一一进行批驳。 Sample: 课本130页第178题 前提假设: 计时改为计件 结论: 这一政策一定奏效(无论据支持) 正文段1: 新的政策未必带来更大的产量. 产量取决于每把刷子上可挣得的钱数多少以及工人生产刷子的效率. First of all, the argument relies on the unsubstantiated

15、assumption that the new policy will motivate workers to produce brushes more quickly. Whether this is the case will depend, of course, on the amount earned per brush and the rate at which workers can produce brush. 正文段2: 即使新政策可以提高产量, 但可能伴随着质量的下降, 从而导致NBC利润的下降. Even if the new policy does motivate NB

16、C workers to produce more brushes, the presidents argument depends on the additional assumption that producing brushes more quickly can be accomplished without sacrificing quality. 正文段3: 即使新政策使得产量和质量同时提高, 但也不能保证节约其它费用,并且将最好的工人留下. 企业对员工的吸引力是受很多因素制约的. (课外练笔)4. 完成正文段的论证: 20分钟 1. 移动光标, 在已写好的主题句(TS)下面展开论

17、证. 2. 论证的常见形式: 诉诸常识:给出一种或多种解释common sensen tells us; the arguer fails to rule out the possibility that_, perhaps 假设:it is likely(entirely possible) that、suppose;is it because? 例证:for instance; for example 递进法(让步法): moreover; even if Sample: 课本113页第140题 正文段1: 论据错误(班级大等同于受欢迎) 诉诸常识+假设论证: Thomas教授所教的植物学

18、课程如果是全校公选课,通常选课学生多造成班级大,而和受欢迎没有直接必然的联系。或是学校的教学要求必须合班上课,也可能导致班级大。 正文段2: 论据错误(带来研究捐助多等同于有研究能力) 假设论证:带来的研究捐助多有没有可能是因为她有良好的人际关系网(personal relationship),或是极其复杂的社会背景(background),使得她可以用其他渠道而非本人的研究能力带来研究捐助。 正文段3: 结论不必然(没有加薪升职,她会跳槽) 常识+假设+例证:由前提可以得知, 此教授17年都没有离开,可见她不是为了钱权而留下,难道不是因为她喜欢这份工作而留下? 当老师研究植物可能是她小时候的

19、理想(fulfill ones dream或是more than earn a living),并不是所有的人为了钱权当老师。或是由于私人原因(private reason),比如她的家人也在同一个校园中,上班生活十分方便。喜欢校园的环境,是养老的好地方(ideal place for retirement). 年纪大的人倾向于稳定而不是适应新环境.5. 写结尾段: 2-3 分钟 客套式: In conclusion, this is a weak argument. The statement given merely scratches the surface of what must b

20、e said about_. 建议式: In sum, this argument is poorly supported and is shortsighted. To better evaluate the argument, we would need more information about_. The arguer must also provide evidence that_. 无结尾式: 开头有了好的总括或时间不充分的情况下,通常可以放弃结尾。6. 检查: 2分钟 快速扫描全文,注意有无明显的错误缺失. 检查你的行文是否流畅, 尤其是过渡部分.常见逻辑错误(common f

21、allacies) 1. 强词夺理begging the question: 简单提出前提,而不给出任何必要的论据就得出结论(missing evidence缺少证据或包含无理假设unreasonable assumption) Sample: 课本57页第12题 前提: 工伤事故与工作时间有关系 强词夺理: 专家相信导致工伤的原因就是疲劳和睡眠不足. missing evidence: 少工作的1小时工人是否用于休息了?多出来的工作时间是否导致了工人的疲劳从而引发工伤? Sample: 课本133页第185题 There is no hard evidence to prove that t

22、he reform will reduce costs given that the readings are not available. A few complaints about low water pressure has already proved that the consequence of the reform might be grave. Sample: 课本147页第219题 前提: 家庭平均收入上升 强词夺理:缺少证据证明将收入投入休闲活动的可能性到底有多大? To begin with, the arguer assumes that. However, the

23、arguer provides no evidence that this is the case. It is possible that_; if so, then it is unlikely that_.2. 无效调查(invalid survey) 1) 是否随机抽样(random sampling) Sample: 课本142页第206题 调查前提: 棒球和足球比赛的受伤情况 结论: 停止组织9岁以下儿童的体育比赛 Fallacy: 只调查了对抗性强的运动, 不能说明所有比赛都是不利因素大于有利因素. The arguer claims/concludes that_. Howev

24、er, from the survey quoted in this argument, we find no sign of such procedures for random samplings, and have good reasons to doubt if the sample is representative enough to reflect the general situation as a whole. 2) 攻击调查对象:调查对象或样本(sample)的选择是否足够大来支持一般性结论. Sample: 课本131页第180题 调查前提: 两名毕业生的情况 结论: 所

25、有员工参加速读课程都会受益. The size of the sample is too small to be convincing/sufficient. For example, if 200 employees were surveyed but only 2 responded, the conclusion that _ would be highly suspect. Sample: 课本137页第193题 Fallacy: 调查只涉及两个区的高中数学和科学教师,而不是普遍的高中教师. 很可能, 由于两区对科目重视不同而造成家庭作业不同. 仅从一个或两个区的两个科目的调查就得出结

26、论是不能让人信服的. A threshold problem with the argument involves the statistical reliability of the survey because the arguer provides no/ little evidence that the subjects/respondents were representative of _ in general. If the subjects are only limited to a certain geographic region, the results of the s

27、urvey will be unconvincing. 3) 攻击对比实验(controlled experiment) 对比实验中, 实验的对比参照物或对象初始状态必须相同没有其它差别. 试验过程中除了要验证的因素以外, 其它条件没有发生变化. Sample: 课本74页第51题 Fallacy: 整个论据就是一个对比试验,关键在于试验组test group 和对照组control group初始状态相同吗? 比如年龄(age)和身体素质(physical condition) 患病的严重程度. 其它条件是否发生了变化? 两位大夫有不同的专业背景(professional backgroun

28、d) Unless the experiment was conducted in a controlled environment in which all factors were the same for A as for B, it is impossible to draw any firm conclusions about the comparative effectiveness of_. Sample: 课本126页第168题 试验者通过一组法国妇女服用大剂量的药物来验证这种方法是否能够预防骨折. 其有效性基于两个前提: 1. 初始状态: 法国妇女的身体状况应该和一般人群或她

29、们之间没有显著差异, 但很明显这一前提不一定能保证. 可能妇女的基因, 饮食, 以及养老院的安全措施导致骨折发生率低. The argument overlooks many factors that contribute to the comparatively low incidence of hip fractures among the subjects. For example, perhaps these women were more physically fit than average to begin with. Or perhaps the nursing homes w

30、here the group resided provided special safeguard against accidental injuries. Moreover, the arguer fails to rule out other factors concerning cultural dietary habits or genetic predisposition that would undermine the conclusion. 2) 此外, 其它条件是否发生了变化? 显然原文告诉我们她们还参加了举重运动, 因此我们无从判断到底是药物的作用还是结合了运动产生的效果. 三年之后的调查结果能够保证也没有其它干扰因素? Even if we accept that taking twice the recommonded dosages of vitamin D and calcium significally reduces the risk of bone fractures, the argument ignores the possibilty that the weight training, not the supplements, was responsible for preserving b

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