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1、物流英语专有词汇中英对照1(LIS) logistics information system:物流信息系统provide less cost and cycle time for companies.purchasing information system 采购信息系统transport information system 运输信息系统quality management information system 质量管理信息系统sales information system 销售信息系统2 ICOinventory controlling system 库存控制系统3MRPmateria

2、l requiring planning 物料需求归化4OMSOperations Management System运营管理系统 (order订单管理系统)5WMSwarehouse management systemTMStransport management system6GPAAgreement on Government Procurement政府采购协定7 LTLless than truck load零担货运8TEU twenty foot equivalent unit标准箱(系集装箱运量统计单位,以长20 英尺的集装箱为标准)9POSpoint of sale销售点10ER

3、Penterprise resource planning11VMIvendor managed inventory供应商管理库存12XMLextensible markup language可扩展标记语言13GPSglobal positioning system14VMS供应商管理系统 RMSretailer management system 15 (EDI) electronic data interchange 电子数据交换16(GPS) global positioning system 全球定位系统17 W/R warehouse receipt 仓单18 ULS unit lo

4、ads systems 单位包装系统 (pallet 数量大)19 OPS order picking system 拣货式系统20 EXW Ex Works 工厂交货(指定地点)FCAfree carrier货交承运人(指定地点)FASFree along ship船边交货(指定装运港)FOBfree on board船上交货(指定装运港)CFRcost,freight 成本加运费(指定目的港)CIF cost,insurance,freight成本、保险费加运费付至(指定目的港)CPTCarriage Paid to运费付至(指定目的地)CIPCarriage and Insurance

5、Paid to运费、保险费付至(指定目的地)DAFDelivered at Frontier边境交货(指定地点)DESDelivered Ex Ship目的港船上交货(指定目的港)DEQDelivered Ex Quay目的港码头交货(指定目的港)DDUDelivered Duty Unpaid未完税交货(指定目的地)DDPDelivered Duty paid完税后交货(指定目的地)21(FCL) full container load 整箱货22.整车货 (Full-Truck-Load)23JITjust in time(production、distribution)及时制24OEMo

6、riginal equipment manufacture原始设备制造商25SCMsupply chain management26SCORsupply chain operation reference供应链操作参考模型27TPLthird party logistics28 LLPLead Logistics Provider 领导物流厂商29MRpmaterials requirements planning物料需求计划30EOSelectronic ordering system电子订货系统31QRquick response32RFIradio frequency identific

7、ation射频自动识别33ACTautomatic cargo tracking自动货物追踪34ASRSautomated storage and retrieval system自动储存和回收系统35DCdistribution center36upcuniversal product code (bar code)37 JAZ just about zero38 LLP lead logistics provider领先物流39 VMI vendor managed inventory 供应商管理库存40 WTweight ton41MT metric ton兆吨42PIproforma

8、invoice形式发票43CIcommercial invoice 商业发票44PU polyurethane聚酯45 PE polyethylene聚乙烯46SKU stock keeping unit订货存储单位短语中翻英Inventory days of supply供应天数Inventory planning 库存规划Inventory consolidation 库存合并Inventory model库存模型 Inventory deployment 配置 Inventory cycle周期 Inventory turns周转量 Inventory turnover周转率2 Aggr

9、egate inventory control库存总量控制 Overall level of inventory库存总体水平3 Inside temperature库内温度4 cost efficiency 成本效率性Stock availability 存货可得性Stock carrying cost 存货周转成本Stock holding cost 库存维持成本Stock location 存货点 Stock rotation 库存周转 Stock sheet 库存清单Stock turnover 库存周转率5 receiving dock收货装卸平台 6 Put-away 入库7 Ord

10、er-picking 订单拣货 8 Shipping 装车9Trigger-point method replenishment program 临界点补货法10 demand forecasting and planning 需求预测与计划11Labor planning 工作人员作业计划12Inventory-level planning 库存水平计划13Accounting report 会计报表14Status report 财务状况报表153transport document 运输单据16 Warehouse stock transfer receipt advice 仓库库存周转

11、收货单17Warehouse operation 仓库作业18Bonded warehouse 保税仓库19Bar coding条形码20销售订单sales orders21 Freight consolidation 货物拼装22Routing and scheduling shipments23Claims processing24Tracking shipments25出票Issue背书ENDORSEMENT承兑ACCEPTANCE贴现DISCOUNT付款PAYMENT拒付DISHONOR26 ex-factory price出厂价 27 retail price零售价28 each n

12、ode(节点) in the supply chain29 point of origin 原产地 30 point of consumption消费地31 physical distribution实体配送32distribution of physical goods实体物资的配送33integration and optimization of resources资源的整合与优化34efficiency increase提高效率 35cost reduction降低成本35 distribution processing 流通加工36安全库存 safety stock37库存周期 inv

13、entory cycle time 38前置期(或提前期) lead time39.Customer service(客户服务)40.Order processing(订单处理 )41Return goods handling.退货处理42 Material handling 物料搬运43.Parts and service support零件和服务支持44 Forecasting demands 需求预测45 Warehousing and storage 仓储与保管46Plant and warehouse site selection47linefreight tariff班轮定价表48

14、basic rate基本运费率49inquiry 询盘 offer报盘 counter offer还盘 acceptance收盘50托盘化palletization51arrival notice 到达通知52cashinadvance预付货款 Cashondelivery货到付款53 continuous replenishment连续补货54proforma invoice形式发票55Customer broker关税代理人56freight consolidation合并运输57order product mixing组合订购的产品58 inbound| outbound logisti

15、cs内向外向物流57forward| reverse logistics 正向逆向物流58availability of goods 现货性 59 stockout缺货60delayer the management level 减少管理层61 order placement 下订单 62 Lose and damage 货损货差63 Channel of distribution 分销渠道 64run lengths 运营时间65corrugated materials瓦楞纸材料 66pick products挑拣货物67piggyback service背负式服务 68commercial

16、 invoice 商业发票69receiving dock装卸平台 70pick slip拣货单71Franchise dealer经销商 72 throughout volume吞吐量73Documentary credit信用单证 74consignment note托运单75Booking note订仓单 customer power客户实力Longterm orientation 长期定位 leveraging technology 杠杆技术Bullwhip effect牛鞭效应 demand pull需求拉动Supply pull供应拉动 benchmark标准化Data minin

17、g数据挖掘 strategic alliance战略同盟Franchising 特许经营 logistics outsourcing 物流外包Customized定制化的 International transport cargo insuranceLabor planning总做人员作业计划 status report财务状况报表2d bar code二维码 Method of shipment运输方式Logistics document物流单证 Combined transport联运 safety stock 安全库存 Order cycle time订单处理周期Neural packi

18、ng中性包装 order picking 订单分拣Virtual warehouse 虚拟仓库 landbridge transport大陆桥运输International multimodal transport国际多式联运Time |voyage charter 定期租船 航次租船 Consigner consignee收货人 carrier shipper托运人Port congestion surcharge 港口拥堵附加费Seaworthy packaging适合海运的包装Shockproof | damage| anticorrosive | rot proof| insect p

19、roof technique防震|防破损|防锈|防霉|防虫Special| dangerous goods packagingHandling charges 处置收费 Identification 识别标志Shrink wrap收缩膜 cellulose wadding 纤维填充物Order picking and storage equipment牛皮纸 kraft paper 瓦楞纸 corrugated paper简答题1What Is Logistics Information System答:Logistics information system (LIS) is defined

20、 as the “people, equipment, and procedures used to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely and accurate information to decision makers”.2 Warehouse = place to store inventory?答:warehousing is a range of logistics operations which involve multiple functions such as storage, pac

21、kaging,etc. Warehouse is viewed as a place to store inventory to facilitate the movement of goods from suppliers to customers.Warehousing is involved in SC process:Sourcing/inbound logisticsProcessing/manufacturingOutbound distributionReverse logistics (returns, recycling, etc.)3 Logistics, supply c

22、hain, transport物流、供应链和运输三者之间的关系?答Logistics is part of the supply chain process and it involves the management of the supply chain from start to finish. Transport is the conveyance of goods or people from one place to another。4 What is logistics? 什么是物流? 答Logistics, in a narrow sense, is the flow and

23、storage of goodsLogistics is that part of the supply chain process that plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, service and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption to meet customers requirements5物流包括哪些步骤?答:Purchasing(采购),sou

24、rcing(采办),transport运输,inventory management库存管理,customer support客户支持,financing support融资支持,warehousing仓储。6什么是第三方物流? 答:There is now a new trend of outsourcing the distribution business to specialized companies, namely third-party logistics (3PL) companies, so that the manufacturers can concentrate mor

25、e on core production operation while the logistics companies can handle distribution more deftly and professionally. 现在有一种新趋势,就是把流通业务外包给专业化的公司,即第三方物流公司(3PL),这样制造厂商就可以更好地集中精力于核心的生产运作,而物流公司也可以更娴熟、更专业地处理好流通业务。7 What is a supply chain? 答A supply chain is a complex logistics system in which raw materials

26、 are converted into finished products and then distributed to end users (consumers or companies) (see Figure1). It includes suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, distribution centres (DCs) and retail outlets供应链是一个复杂的体系,在这个系统里,原材料被转化成成品,然后配送到最终用户(消费者或公司)手里 (见图1)。 它包括供应商、生产商、仓库、配送中心(DCs)和零售网点。8 What i

27、s supply chain management?Supply chain management (SCM) is concerned with the integration, coordination and control of the flow of material, information and finances in supply chains. The task of the SCM is to design, plan, and execute the supply-related activities at the different stages so as to p

28、rovide the desired levels of service to customers profitably。It is concerned with the integration, coordination and control of the flow of material, information and finances in supply chains.供应链管理(SCM) 涉及到供应链中对材料流、信息流和资金流所进行的整合、协调和控制。9What are the objectives of SCM? 供应链的目标?The objectives of the supp

29、ly chain are to optimize pre and post-production inventory levels, obtain greater efficiency from labor, equipment and space across the company and provide flexible planning and control mechanisms.10物流的功能?(1)Creating time value: same goods can be valued differently at different times. Goods often st

30、op during the transfer process, which is professionally called the storage of logistics. It creates the time value for goods.(2)Creating location value: same goods can be valued differently at different locations. The value added during the transfer process is the location value of logistics.(3)Dist

31、ribution processing Value: sometimes logistics create distribution processing value, which changes the length, thickness and packages of the goods .Like popular saying,” cutting into smaller parts is the most commonly seen distribution processing form. Most processing within logistics create added value for goods.11配送和运输的区别答Transport is the conveyance of goods or people from one place to another。

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