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1、最新美加真题附答案word版本2015年武汉外国语学校美加分校初中入学招生考试Section One:Listening comprehension每小题1分,共计34分一、听对话或句子,选择相关联的图片。听一遍。( ) 1. A. B. C. ( ) 2. A. B. C. ( ) 3. A. B. C. ( ) 4. A. B. C. ( ) 5. A. B. C. ( ) 6. A. B. C. 二、听对话,选择最佳答案,听一遍。请听一段对话,完成第至第8小题。( ) 7. Where is the man from?A. America. B. China. C. Japan.( )

2、8. How much will the man pay?A. 100 dollars. B. 150 dollars. C. 200 dollars.请听一段对话,完成第9至第10小题。( ) 9. How does the girl feel? A. Excited B. Nervous. C. Disappointed.( ) 10. What will they do next?A. Listen to music. B. Watch a film. C. Take a walk.请听一段对话,完成第11至第12小题。( ) 11. What did the boy lose?A. H

3、is watch. B. His schoolbag. C. His cap.( ) 12. Where did he lose it?A. In the bookstore. B. In the school. C. At the restaurant.请听一段对话,完成第13至第15小题。( ) 13. Where are the two speakers?A. At home. B. At school. C. In the library.( ) 14. When will Linda finish her lessons?A. At 10 p.m. B. At 10:30 p.m.

4、C. At 11 p.m.( ) 15. What will Lindas father do night?A. He will go over his lesson.B. He will read a book.C. He will watch a football game.三、听一段电影预告片,选择正确答案,听两遍。( ) 16. The story happened in _.A. London B. New York C. Beijing( ) 17. The bear had a new English name, it was_.A. Washington B. Paddingt

5、on C. Brian( ) 18. The bear wanted to find _.A. his mother B. his father C. a home四、听一段英语教学节目,判断正误。用T或F表示。听两遍。( ) 19. The name of this programme is “English in a minute”.( ) 20. From the programme we can know “Out of your mind” means you are. thinking straight.( ) 21. The phrase “Out of your mind” c

6、an be said in anger or in a humourous way.五、听一段颁奖典礼的录音,选择正确答案。听两遍。( ) 22. This is the Oscar for “_”.A. The best actor B. The best animated short filmC. The best animated feature film( ) 23. Which film is NOT nominated (提名)?A. SONG OF THE SEA B. HOW TO TRAIN OUR DRAGON 1C. BIG HERO 6( ) 24. The Oscar

7、 goes to _.A. BIG HERO 6 B. THE BOXTROLLSC. THE TALE OF THE PRINCESS KAGUYA六、听一段节目录音,判断正误。用T或F表示。听两遍。( ) 25. Tim Cook is the CEO of Apple.( ) 26. Mr. Cook said the Apple Watch is the “most popular” device Apple has ever created.( ) 27. An Apple Watch will be able to do many of the same things as an

8、iPhone.( ) 28. People can buy Apple watches in stores in late May.( ) 29. The cheapest Apple Watch will be sold at $394.七、听歌曲,填入所缺单词。听两遍。We gather here on this sad dayTo say farewell to youWell 30 our teachers and our schoolAnd they will miss us too!We promise to 31 youAnd always to work hard.Well s

9、end you 32 of our new lifeIn photos and a card.We hope our friends will 33 onThe standards that we set.Well think of you throughout our livesAnd be 34 that we met!Section Two:Reading comprehension每小题1分,共计26分一、阅读,填入所缺的单词,使其意思连贯、符合逻辑。How do you go to school every day? Going by bus, by car or (35) _ fo

10、ot? I think riding a bike is (36) _ best choice(选择). First, you can save (37) _ because you neednt pay for your traffic. Second, bike riding is a great way to enjoy the view and take a breath of fresh air. Third, you exercise your body by riding a bike. Therefore, it is (38) _ for your health to rid

11、e a bike to school.二、4月22日是世界地球日。阅读下面的句子,看看哪里是环保的行为,在前面的括号内写Yes,不环保的写No。( ) 39. Always use a new plastic bag.( ) 40. Turn down the air-con.( ) 41. Use rechargeable batteries.( ) 42. Take public transport.( ) 43. Leave the tap on, when you brush your teeth.( ) 44. Use paper on one side only.( ) 45. R

12、ecycle, reuse and reduce.( ) 46. Give up smoking.( ) 47. Throw leftover food down the sink.( ) 48.Plant more trees.三、阅读一则小笑话,根据内容,判断正误,用T或F表示。Mr. Brown likes to be exact (确切的). One day when he was taking a walk in the street, a man came up and asked him the way to the bookshop. He said to him, “Cros

13、s the bridge(过桥) and turn to the right.” The man asked again, “ Is the bridge very long?” “Only thirty metres long.” The man thanked him and went to the bridge. Suddenly he heard a man running after him. “Stop!” Mr. Brown said to the man. “Im sorry. I forget the bridge is forty metres long. If you w

14、alk thirty metres long and turn to the right, you will fall into the river.”( ) 49. Mr. Brown was going to the bookshop when the man came up to ask him the way.( ) 50. The bookshop is on the other side of the river.( ) 51. Mr. Brown ran after the man to tell him how long the bridge is exactly.( ) 52

15、. The man would fall into the river if Mr. Brown didnt tell him how long the bridge was.四、阅读下面的信息,选择正确的答案。The founder of Apple Steve Jobs was not only one of the fathers of the personal computing time, but also one of the giants of the information age. Here are some of his greatest contributions.App

16、le Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded Apple computers Inc. in 1976.A year later, the Apple was invented. This production was the worlds first mass-market personal computer.The iMacUnder Jobs leadership, Apple introduced the all-in-one iMac computer in 1998. The iMac became the first machine, which offer

17、ed only a CD-ROM slot.The iPadBy 2010, Steve Jobs was confident the world was ready to have a tablet computer that would be great for watching movies and playing games. The touch-sensitive iPad is a great success.iPhone 4siPhone 4s came out on October 4, 2011, in America.It looks like iPhone 4. It h

18、asa larger and wider screen and a slimmer yet wider case. It has a better camera and faster data transfer speeds.( ) 53. When was the Apple invented?A.In 1976 B. in 1977 C. in 1998 D. in 2010( ) 54. When did the iMac first come out?A.In 1998 B. in 1976 C. in 2010 D. in 2011( ) 55. Which one was the

19、oldest?A.The iPad. B. The IMac.C. The Apple D. The iPhone 4s.( ) 56. From the passage, we can know that the iPad _.A.Has a better camera B. is the first personal computerC. has a CD-Rom slot D. is great for watching movies五、阅读下面的短文选择最佳答案。March 21st is World Sleep Day, lets know more about sleep. Sle

20、ep is like food for the brain (大脑). Enough sleep helps the body and brain grow and develop. According to the National Sleep Foundation in the US, adults need seven to nine hours of sleep every night. For students aged 10 to 17, a healthy amount is about eight to nine hours per night.In China, 38 per

21、cent of people suffer from (遭受) sleep problems, compared to the world average (平均水平) of 27 percent. About 80 percent of middle school students dont get enough sleep. These sleep problems greatly affect peoples lives. Students without enough sleep cannot pay attention in class or do well in sports. A

22、lso, the lack of sleep may make them depressed (沮丧的).Luckily, with good sleep habits, it is easier to fall asleep. Some of these good habits include avoiding (避免) drinks that make people excited late in the day, going to sleep at the same time each night, and sleeping in a comfortable place that is

23、dark, quiet, and neither too warm nor too cold.( ) 57. If Li Ping is 12 years old, how much sleep she need every night?A.10-12 hours. B. 8-9 hours. C. 7 hours.( ) 58. What might happen if teens dont get enough sleep?A.They might feel depressed.B.Their bodies and brains might grow better.C.They might

24、 do well in sports.( ) 59. Which of the following sentences is NOT true?A.March 21st is World Sleep DayB.In China, 27 percent of people suffer from sleep problems.C.Sleep problems greatly affect peoples lives.( ) 60. Which of the following are good sleep habits?A.Sleeping in a bright place.B.Going t

25、o bed at the same time. C.Drinking something that makes you excited.Section Three: Development每小题2分,共计20分61. Two women went shopping. One spent $1000 more than the other, and together they spent $4000. How much did each of them spend?(1分)A. $1000, $4000 B. $1500, $2500 C. $1500, $3500 D. $500, $3500

26、62. _ makes a quarter of a century.(1分)A. 25 years B. 30 years C. 50 years D. 55 years63. means 8. means17. What does mean?A. 22 B. 42 C. 30 D. 3364. Wang Lin is reading a book. He reads eighty pages a day and he is going to spend five days to finish it. It fact, it makes him four days to finish it.

27、 Can you tell how many more pages he reads than he wanted?A. Twenty pages. B. Five pages.B. C. Four pages. D. Twenty-five pages.65. There are 12 men at a dinner table. One-half of them belong to (属于) Club A, one-third(1/3) belong to club B, and one-fourth(1/4) belong to both clubs. How many men belo

28、ng to neither?A. Three B. Five C. One D. Four66. In an English exam, A, B, C and D were in the first four places(名次). After the exam, A said, “I wont be the fourth place.” B said, “I am the second.” C said, “I am in the place before A.” D said,”I am two more places ahead of C.” But only one of them

29、was wrong. Can you work out their results?A. A-4; B-2; C-3; D-1 B. A-2; B-1; C-4; D-3C. A-1; B-2; C-3; D-4 D. A-4; B-2; C-2; D-167. How many triangles(三角形) are their in the drawing?A. 18 B. 20 C. 35 D. 2668. The blocks of oak(橡木) have the same height. How many times is Block B as heavy as the cube(立

30、方体)?69. In Peters class, the ratio(比率) of students who prefer soccer to football is 4 to 3. If there are 35 students in the class, how many prefer soccer?70. A street is numbered with all the odd number(奇数) on one side. If the middle house on the side is No. 21, what is the number of the last house in the row?答案:Section Two一 35 on 36 the 37 money 38 good二 39 no 40 yes 41 yes 42 yes 43 no 44 no 45 yes 46 yes 47 no 48 yes三 49 T 50 T 51 T 52 F四 53 B 54 B 55 C 56 D五 57 B 58 A 59 B 60 BSection Three61.B 62.A 63.C 64.A 65.B 66. A 67. C 68. 6 69. 20 70. 41 人民教

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