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1、高中英语复习非谓语动词教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思选修七第三单元语法教学的教学设计 教学重点:1.识记并巩固只能接doing ,只能接to do,既能接doing又能接to do的三类动词;2.正确运用非谓语动词作宾语进行英语表达教学难点:1.如何能使学生积极地参与小组的讨论,有效完成任务;2.如何引导学生对非谓语动词作宾语的被动形式和否定形式进行总结;3.如何引导学生更深刻地理解并掌握动名词和不定式作宾语的含义区别;4.如何设计有效的任务与活动,把枯燥难记的非谓语动词的学习变得生动和鲜活,调动起学生学习的兴趣。教学目标:(一) 语言知识和技能 1.掌握并运用能接非谓语动词作宾语的三类动词

2、;2.掌握动名词和不定式的否定形式和被动形式;3.能够辨析动名词和不定式作宾语时的含义区别;4.能运用非谓语动词作宾语进行英语表达。(二)情感态度 利用多媒体手段,为学生创设逼真生动的学习情境,设计真实鲜活的任务,通过小组合作学习和任务型教学,把枯燥的语法学习和现实世界有效地联系起来,激活学生已有的知识资源,帮助学生重构语言系统和思维方式。增强语法学习的自信心,在小组合作学习中尊重他人情感,加强合作精神。并运用新闻热点话题和社会现实问题作为语法学习的素材,旨在通过潜移默化的形式,帮助学生树立正确的价值观,增强责任感和爱国素养。(三)学习策略和文化意识1.借助联想建立相关知识之间的联系;2.利用

3、推理和归纳等逻辑手段分析和解决问题;3.总结所接触语言材料中的语言规律并加以应用;4.提高思维能力和运用英语的综合能力。 教学方法高中阶段是个体探索自我、发现自我、表现自我、塑造自我、完善自我的重要时期,高中生的认识能力比初中普遍提高,自我意识进一步发展,独立意识等均有明显提高,通过活动课、小组讨论等具体形式,特别是创设有利于高中生自己自我认识、自我反省、自我调节的情境,利用他们自身较高的自我意识水平对自己的学习进行调节、监控。因此,本课我主要采用以下几种教学方法: 1.情境教学法 情境( situation)主要指进行言语交际外部的具体场合。因此,在交际中构成语境(context)的依据是话

4、语或文句意义所处的外部世界的特征,所谓教学中的情境都是模拟的。而是指教师根据学生的年龄特点和心理特征,遵循反映论的认知规律,结合教学内容,充分利用形象,创设具体生动的场境,使抽象的语言形式变成生动具体的可视语言,创设尽可能多的英语语言环境,让学生更多地接触感受英语(feel English)说英语(speak English)、用英语进行思维(thinking English)、用英语的方式主导行为(behave in English)。 2.任务型教学法 任务型教学法是让学生在课堂活动中获得知识。任务完成的过程,就是一个知识转化的过程。它应具备以下特点:(1)以任务为中心,而不是以操练语言形

5、式为目的。(2)任务的设计焦点应该是解决某一具体的贴近学生生活的交际问题。在任务型语言教学中,教师要从学生“学”的角度来设计教学活动,使学生的学习活动具有明确的目标,并构成一个有梯度的连续活动。在教师精心设计的各种“任务”中,学生能够不断地获得知识或得出结论,从注重语言本身转变为注重语言习得。从而获得语言运用的能力而不是仅仅掌握现成的语言知识点。随着“任务”的不断深化,整个语言学习的过程会越来越自动化和自主化。 本课将结合情境教学法和任务型教学法,在教学中将学生分成六人一组的学习小组。让学生们在小组中通过合作和探究来完成他们的任务。合作学习(cooperative learning)是指促进学

6、生在异质小组中彼此互助,共同完成学习任务,并以小组总体表现为奖励依据的教学理论与策略体系。 教学手段1.多媒体辅助:本课采用电脑和电子白板等多媒体设备,运用音频、视频、图片、PPT等多媒体素材,为学生运用英语创设情景,为更好地完成任务做铺垫。 2.非测试性评价:传统的评价观念的出发点是学科本位,只重学科,不重学生发展。要体现新课程标准的实施效果,评价体系应该“正确反映外语学习的本质和过程,满足学生发展的需要”。为了达到这一目标,唯有重视形成性评价,充分发挥其积极作用,促进新的评价体系的形成。因此,本课我将各种活动设计成小组活动并开展小组竞赛和填写课堂自我评价表等非测试性评价手段,帮助学生学会自

7、主学习,学会与人合作,培养创新意识以及具备科学的价值观。Teaching Procedures教学过程设计课前活动:1.I divide the class into nine groups and each group has six students. As a group ,they can discuss and cooperate with each other to finish the tasks .Among groups ,they can compete to answer the questions .2.Before class, I give out every st

8、udent a guiding paper and a word list and also a small note with a story for each group . 设计意图:1.小组合作可以通过讨论更加有效地完成任务,增强合作共享精神,小组竞争可以提高学生学习的积极性,增强集体荣誉感和竞争意识。2.给每个小组一张小纸条,上面带有一个热点新闻故事,为后面的小组讨论写故事做铺垫和准备,节省上课发放和分配故事的时间。【Learning Process】学习过程Part One: Leading-in 课堂导入1.Listen to the song “Burning” and fil

9、l in the blanks .Passion is sweet Love makes weakYou said you cherished freedom soYou refuse _Follow your fate Love and hateNever fail _the dayBut dont give yourself away .Oh when the night falls And your all aloneIn your deepest sleep what Are you dreaming ofMy skins still burning from your touchOh

10、 I just cant get enough I said I wouldnt ask for muchbut your eyes are dangerous oh the thought keep _ in my head 2.Self-observation歌词中所填的部分在句子中作( )A. 主语 B. 宾语 C. 状语 T: “Do you like the song ,class ? “Burning”!Do you like it ?” S:“Yes !”T: Did you catch the missing word ? S: Yes !(在上课之前就开始给大家放这首歌曲,因

11、为这是歌曲的前半部分,时间很短,所以可以多放几遍,让学生有更多机会填词,而且在课件上还分别截取了空词那行的单独音频,如果出现填不出来的情况,可以单句分别放。)Students activities : The students stand up and share their answers .Suggested answers : 1. to let it go , to seize , spinning . 2. B设计意图:通过一首优美而浪漫,深得年轻人喜欢的英文歌曲开场,消除学生在自动录播室的紧张感,更重要的是,通过听歌曲填词的方式,调动起大家的学习兴趣,填词之后,引导学生自己总结所填

12、的部分在句中所做成分宾语,成功地导入今天所要讲的主题:非谓语动词做宾语。T:“Objects .Yes !This is what we are going to review today . I call it review because we have learned them before . so first of all ,lets have a check . Look at the pictures and make a sentence using the given information in each picture.”Students activities : The

13、 students make the sentences and compete to answer it .Part Two : Independent Learning 自主学习. CheckingLook at the pictures and make a sentence using the given information in each picture. 1小女孩 learn 弹钢琴2. 我们 look forward to 3.警察 want 测试一下享受暑假 1._ 2._ 3._ _ _4小女孩practice 弹钢琴 每天5. 我们forbid 吸烟 在校园 6.春节前

14、 他们 manage 买到了票4 5. 6 Suggested answers:1. The police/policemen want to have a test .We forbid smoking at school .Before the Spring Festival , they managed to buy the tickets .The girl learned to play the piano .The girl practises playing the piano every day .We are looking forward to enjoying the s

15、ummer holidays .T:“ It seems that some verbs have some specific objects ,such as “want to do” and “forbid doing”. Today lets summarize most of the verbs . First , let me introduce of the first kind of verbs that can be followed by “doing ”only .I organized them to easily remember . 考虑建议盼原谅,承认推迟没得想。避

16、免错过继续练,否定完成停欣赏。禁止想象才冒险,不禁介意弃逃亡。Your task is : from group one to group three ,you find the verbs “考虑、建议、盼、原谅、承认、推迟、想”,write down the words on the whiteboard . From group four to group six ,you find the words for the second line ,and from group seven to group nine ,you find the words for the last line

17、 .You can pick up the words from the word list .I will give you 2 minutes to go . You can discuss in your group and write them on the whiteboard . Later you will show your work .Are you clear ?”S:“ Yes.” .Memorizing and practising Task 1.Write down the words that can be followed by “doing” only .只能接

18、doing 作宾语的动词口诀:考虑建议盼原谅,承认推迟没得想。避免错过继续练,否定完成停欣赏。禁止想象才冒险,不禁介意弃逃亡。根据口诀,写出对应的单词。考虑建议盼原谅,承认推迟没得想。考虑_ 建议_ _盼_原谅_ 承认_ _推迟_ _ 想_ _避免错过继续练,否定完成停欣赏。避免_错过_继续_练_否定_完成_ _停_欣赏_禁止想象才冒险,不禁介意弃逃亡。禁止_ _想象_冒险_不禁_介意_弃_逃亡_Teacher and students activities : Then the students discuss and cooperate with each other to complet

19、e the task . The teacher go into the groups to direct and offer help if necessary .When time is up , the teacher asks the groups who have finished the first line show their work . The teacher show the answers on the PPT and the other students check whether the three groups have finished correctly .设

20、计意图:学生自己从单词列表上找出口诀里对应的单词,影响更深刻。Suggested answers: 第一句包含的动词有:consider, suggest/ advocate, look forward to, forgive, 第二节包含的动词有:admit/ acknowledge, delay/postpone, recall/fancy, 第三句包含的动词有:avoid, miss, keep, practice, 第四句包含的动词有:deny, finish/complete, appreciate,第五句包含的动词有:forbid, imagine, risk第六句包含的动词有:c

21、ant help, mind, quit, escape.T: “There are so many words, right ? We can remember them through association memory method . Please look at the pictures on the screen .We can memorize the words by making stories .Teacher and students activities : The teacher associate the words for each line through a

22、 story . Students memorize the words of each line for 30 seconds . ”设计意图:通过PPT上的图片,以编小故事的方法,运用联想记忆法,让学生更轻松地记住只能接doing作宾语的动词。T: “Next, I will introduce the second kind of verbs that can be followed by “to do” only. 三个希望两答应,两个要求莫拒绝。设法学会做决定,不要假装在选择。You can pick up the words from the word list and tell

23、me together . ”Students activities : Students pick up the words from the word list and speak out loudly. After selecting the words , students memorize the words for one minute .Task 2. Write down the words that can be followed by “to do ” only .只能接to do 做宾语的动词口诀:三个希望两答应两个要求莫拒绝设法学会做决定不要假装在选择根据口诀,写出对应

24、的单词。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Suggested answers:want, wish ,hope, agree, promise, demand/ask, refuse, manage, learn, decide, pretend, choose.设计意图:通过记忆口诀的方式,让学生更容易地记住只能接“to do”的动词。T: Hi, class. Next lets challenge your memory .Task 3. Challenge your memory Try to memorize the usage of all the above words an

25、d have a test . (PPT)Teacher and students activities: Teacher shows the phrases in Chinese on the PPT. Students compete to translate the phrases.设计意图:通过挑战记忆的方式,检测学生对非谓语动词作宾语的动词的记忆情况。T: Well done! I will have some exercises for you to review what we have learned just now . But these exercises are a l

26、ittle difficult because you need pay attention to the passive voice and negative form of the verbs .The passive voice ,do you know ?S: Yes!被动语态。T:The negative voice means that sometimes we need put “not” before “to do” or “doing”. Is it clear?S: Yes .T: I will give you an example first . Look at the

27、 example. Task 4 .Fill in the blanks using the right form of the given verbs .For example:Upon graduation , he asked _(send) where he is most needed.1).Adoctorcanexpect_(call)atanyhourofthedayornight.2). Ali said that she wouldnt mind _(leave) alone at home.3). Imagine _ (know)the answer to such an

28、easy question! He is so silly . 4). Little Tom promised _ (kick)the poor cat again . 5). Tom minded _ (invite )to his friends birthday party.6). As customers , we should manage _ (mislead) byadvertisements.Teacher and students activities :Teacher leads students to do the example exercise . Following

29、 the example , the students discuss the exercises and compete to share their answers. After doing the exercises , Teacher leads students to make conclusions about the passive voice and negative forms of “to do” or “doing”. Task5.Make conclusions 非谓语动词doingto do否定形式被动形式被动的否定形式设计意图:首先讲解例题是因为后面的练习有点难度,例题讲解进一步让学生明确,在填空时需要注意语态形式和否定形式,练习题是对前面所

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