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1、牛津四年级下册同步讲义Unit8教师辅导教案 学员编号: 年 级:四年级 课 时 数:3学员姓名: 辅导科目:英语 学科教师:课程主题:4BU8同步讲义 授课时间:学习目标教学内容1. 复习4BM3U1的相关知识点2. 复习关键词语用法知识点一:一、 词汇Words1seven oclock 七点钟 例句 I get up at seven oclock every day. 我每天早上七点钟起床。2a quarter past seven 七点十五分 例句 I have dinner at a quarter past seven我七点十五分吃晚饭。 巧记 quarter意为“十五分钟,一刻

2、钟”past意为“过:,所以七点十五分就是a quarter past seven。3half past seven 七点半 例句 I eat my breakfast at half past seven. 我七点半吃早餐。 巧记 half意为“半,一半”past意为“过”,所以七点半就是half past seven。4a quarter to eight 七点四十五分 例句 Its a quarter to eight. Its time to go to school.七点四十五。该去上学了。 巧记 a quarter意为“十五分钟”,to意为“离,差”,所以a quarter to

3、eight“八点差十五分钟”就是七点四十五。5get up 起床 例句 Its hard for me to get up early.对我来说,早起是很困难的。 I usually get up at half past seven.我通常七点半起床。6brush my teeth短语 刷牙 例句 I brush my teeth twice a day我每天刷牙两次。 点拨 teeth是tooth的复数形式。在刷牙这个短语中,要注意牙齿tooth用复数形式teeth。7wash my face短语 洗脸例句 I am washing my face in the bathroom我正在浴室

4、里洗脸。点拨 当要表达“某人洗脸时”可以说“wash sbs face”例句 My brother is washing his face.我哥哥正在洗脸。8have breakfast短语 吃早餐 例句 It is time to have breakfast.是吃早餐的时候了。Dad is having breakfast.爸爸正在吃早餐。 同义词eat breakfast吃早餐 拓展 have/eat lunch吃午餐 have/eat dinner/supper吃晚餐9mouse n. 老鼠 例词 little mouse 小老鼠 Mickey Mouse 米老鼠 例句 I like

5、Mickey Mouse. 我喜欢米老鼠。 知识拓展 mice (mice的复数) 例句 Last week I saw some little mice in the zoo.上周我在动物园里看见了一些小老鼠。二、重要句型Important Sentences structures1What are you doing? 你正在做什么? 这是个由what引导的特殊疑问句,用来询问听话人正在做什么事情。如:-What are you doing,Tom? 汤姆,你正在做什么?-Im reading我正在看书。2What time is it? 几点了? 这是个由what引导的特殊疑问句,用来询

6、问时间。“what time”意为“什么时间” 如:-What time is it? 几点了?-It is ten oclock.十点了。3Are you doing your homework? 你正在做家庭作业吗? 这是一个一般疑问句。该句的时态为现在进行时。“Are you doing.?”用来询问听话人是否正在干某事。如:-Are you washing the dishes? 你正在洗碗吗?-Yes,I am是的。4Its so much fun这很有趣。 句中“so much”用修饰“fun”的程度,意为“非常,很”。Its十adj.(形容词)这个结构用来说明某物或某人具有什么性

7、质、特点。 如:It is so much interesting. 这很有意思。It is very beautiful.它很漂亮。5Its time for school. 到上学的时间了。 Its time for.意为“到了的时间了”;for后面接名词,或动词的-ing形式。 如:Its time for lunch.到吃午餐的时间了。 Its time for watching TV. 到看电视的时间了。知识点二:同步语法1特殊疑问句:What are you doing? What time is it?本单元我们学习了两个由疑问代词what引导的特殊疑问句。What are yo

8、u doing? 表示询问对方正在做某事。其结构为:“What + are you doing(进行时的一般疑问句)?”2时间的表达在本单元,我们学习了时间的表达,现在来总结一下:(1)所有的时间都可以用“小时+分钟”直接表示,如:6:10 six ten 8:30 eight thirty(2)如果所表述的时间在半小时之内,可以用“分钟+past+小时”,如:6:10 ten past six 4:20 twenty past four(3)如果所表述的时间在半小时之内,可以用“(相差的)分钟+to+(下一)小时”,如:10:35 twenty-five to eleven 5:50 ten

9、 to six(4)如果所表述的时间恰好为半小时,可以用“half+past+小时”,如:11:30 half past eleven 2:30 half past two(5)如果所表述的分钟和15有关,就有三种表达法:15分钟又叫一刻钟:a quarter9:15-nine fifteen; fifteen past nine; a quarter past rune3:45-three forty-five; fifteen to four; a quarter to four(6)整点如:Its two. / Its two oclock.现在是两点整。知识点三:I. 看图,选择相应的

10、短语。 get up brush my teeth wash my face have breakfast do a puzzle II. 看图,写出相应的时间。III. 连词成句。1. are you what doing (?)2. is it oclock ten (.)3. is Kitty TV watching (.)4. are doing your homework you (?)IV. 看图,补全对话。1. 2. V. 看图,将其与相应的句子相连。VI. 根据所学知识制作一个作息表。TimeWhat are you doing?【keys】I. 1. wash my face

11、 2. brush my teeth 3. have breakfast 4. do a puzzle 5. get upII. 1. twenty to eight/ seven forty. 2. five oclock 3. half past six/six thirty 4. twenty past eight /eight twentyIII. 1. What are you doing? 2. It is ten oclock. 3. Kitty is watching TV. 4. Are you doing your homework? IV. l. time; past 2

12、. get up; seven five V. 1.B 2. A 3. D 4. C VI. 略I. Translation(将下列词组译成英语) 1在12:30 2上学 3起床 4做家庭作业 5刷牙 6洗脸 7吃早饭 8玩拼图一 II . Read and write (按范例写句子) Model: Tom, 7:00, have breakfast Its seven oclock. Tom is having breakfast.l. the Browns, 8:30,swim 2. his father, 9 :45 ,run 3. my grandma, 6:15 ,get up 4

13、. Kittys friends ,11 :30 ,have lunch5.we, 4:15, go home III. Fill in the blanks (用所给单词的适当形式填空) 1. Lets_ (clean) our classroom now.2. -Can the girl _ (run) very fast? -Yes.3. Its one thirty. The pupils of Class Two_ (have) an English lesson.4. Its time_ ( do) my homework.5. - _ (be) his sisters happy

14、? -No.6. Min and Mog are washing _ (they) faces now.7. Their teacher _ (have) a new dress.8. -Where_ he_ (eat) his dinner every day? -He_ (eat) his dinner at home.IV. Rewrite the sentences(按要求改写句子) 1Put your new battery in your clock, please.(改为否定句) 2Its time for bed.(改为同义句) 3Jane and Jack have lunc

15、h at school.(改为一般疑问句) 4Toms mother is talking to him now.(对画线部分提问) 5Its half past ten now.(对画线部分提问) 6Its five forty-five.(改变同义词) 7School starts at eight oclock.(对画线部分提问)V. Read and write(根据首字母提示填空)Listen, its r_ outside. Oh,it8 seven o_Ben is still on his bed. He w_ up and looks at the clock. Oh, it

16、s seven t_. Ben is getting up quickly. After washing his face, hes r_ to school. Hes not l_ for school.VI. Read and judge(阅读短文判断,用”T”或“F”表示)Tigers are wild animals. They live in many places in the world, from China to America. Tigers are big animals. They have a very beautiful orange coat with black

17、 and white stripes(条纹)Their four legs are very strong, so they can run very fast. Some tigers live in the mountains. They usually live for about 15 years and eat small animals like young zebras, monkeys and rabbits. They sleep for about twelve hours a day. When they are not sleeping, they often hide

18、 behind the trees to catch small animals. When a small animal passes, a tiger jumps on the animal and catches it. Then he eats it slowly.( ) 1. Tigers are big wild animals. They all live in the mountains.( ) 2. Tigers can run fast because they have long legs.( ) 3. Tigers can live for about fifteen

19、years.( ) 4. Tigers like to eat small animals( ) 5. Tigers often sleep for 20 hours a day.VII . Writing(请以你的一天为题,写一篇英语短文,要求不少于30个词)【keys】I. 1. at half past twelve 2.go to school 3.get up ones homework 5.brush ones teeth 6. wash ones face ones breakfast puzzle1. Its half past eight.

20、The Browns are swimming. 2. Its a quarter to ten. His father is running. 3. Its. quarter past six. My grandma is getting up. 4. Its half past eleven. Kittys friends are having lunch. 5. Its quarter past four. We are going home. III. 1.clean 3.archaving 4.tod0 5.Are 6.their 7.has 8.does,

21、sIV. 1. Dont put your new battery in your clock, please. 2. Its time to go to bed. 3. Do Jane and Jack have lunch at school? 4. What is Toms mother doing now? 5. What time is it now? 6. Its aquarter to six. 7. What time does school start?V. raining, clock, wakes, thirty/thirteen ,running ,lateVI. 1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.FVII. 略

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