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1、甘肃省安定区李家堡初级中学七级英语上册导学案无答案新版冀教版精Lesson 1 Hello【学习目标】知识目标:1. Understand the text.2. Remember the words: hello, name, my, your, his, her, I, is, what能力目标:Make sure the students can introduce each other in English.情感目标:Make sure the students can introduce each other in English.重难点:1、重点:Whats his /her na

2、me? My /his /her name is1、难点: Whats your /his /her name?学习过程一、【问题指向,预习先行】1.预习内容:Discuss the following questions with the students in Chinese. 1. Why do we learn English?2. Do you know any English words?3. Is English interesting?4. Do you often come across English words?二、【呈现目标,任务导学】任务一:Pretend to me

3、et someone. Say “Hello.” or “Hi.”, My name isMake sure the students can understand it. Encourage them to repeat.任务二:Work in pairs. Encourage the students to greet each other and introduce themselves. Then ask some pairs to act it out. Whats your /his /her name?My/his/her name is三、【互动探究,合作求解】Work in

4、chain like this:A: My name is _. Whats your name?B: My name is _. Whats your name?C: Then ask some students to act it out.四、【交流展示,适度拓展】3. Presentation and practice Whats his /her name?Show a picture of Lan Mao and say, “Whats his name? His name is Lan Mao”. Ask the question and help the students to

5、answer. Then repeat. Work in pairs to practice the dialogue and ask some pairs to act it out.五、【反馈矫正,尊重差异】六、【强化训练,当堂达标】Work in chain like this:A: My name is _. Whats your name?B: My name is _. Whats your name?C: Then ask some students to act it out.七、【课后作业,下节预习】1、本节课课后巩固作业; Read the text and practic

6、e the dialogue.2、下节课预习任务; 1.如何介绍他人常用方句型:This is .His/Her name is .He is .2. 初次见面问候语-Nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you, too!3. 如何询问姓名Whats her/his name?Her/His name is 4.短语home room teacher 班主任 over there 那边课 题:Lessons 2 teacher and students【学习目标】知识目标: 1、1.学习并掌握词汇:four, five, over, homeroom, studen

7、t, classmate掌握句型:This is /Whats his/her name? His/Her name is / Nice to meet you.能力目标:让学生学会用英语问候别人,以及如何介绍别人。情感目标:让学生学会礼貌待人,以及如何与人友好相处。重难点:1、重点:This is / Whats her name? be 动词的用法2、难点:His/ Her name is学习过程一、【问题指向,预习先行】1.预习内容:1. 如何介绍他人常用方句型:This is .His/Her name is .He is .2. 初次见面问候语-Nice to meet you. -

8、Nice to meet you, too!3. 如何询问姓名Whats her/his name?Her/His name is 4. 短语home room teacher 班主任 over there 那边二、【呈现目标,任务导学】任务一:1. 这是我的朋友。_2见到你很高兴。3我在10班。4 他的名字叫什么?任务二:I.补全单词 f_ _r f_ v_ homer_ -_ m cl_ _ _ ma_ e st_de_ t三、【互动探究,任务导学】用be 动词的适当形式填空 1. His name Bill. 2. - you Tom?- Yes, I . 3. -How you?- I

9、 fine, thank you! 4. -What her name?- Her name Jenny.四、【交流展示,适度拓展】常见问候语good morning 早上好good afternoon 下午好good evening 晚上好hello hi 你好how do you do? 你好?how is it going? 近来还好吗?whats up? 近来可好?nice to meet you 见到你很高兴how are you? 你好吗?Gday 你好五、【反馈矫正,尊重差异】六、【强化训练,当堂达标】I.读课文,并完成下列情景( ) 1. - - Fine, thanks. A

10、. How do you do? B. Hello! C. Nice to meet you. D. How are you?( ) 2. Nice meet you, . A. to, to B. too, too C. to, too D. too, to ( ) 3. - How is Jenny? - She is . A. good B. fine C. nice D. Jenny ( ) 4. I am Li Ming. Kate? A. Are you B. I am C. She is D. Is he ( ) 5. - Whats name? - name is Lily.

11、A. his, His B. you, My C. her, Her D. she, Her ( ) 6. - Hello, Danny! (备用) - A. Hello, Jenny! B. How are you, Jenny? C. Morning, Jenny. D. Nice to meet you, Jenny!七、【课后作业,下节预习】1、本节课课后巩固作业;Read the text and practise the dialogue.2、下节课预习任务;Encourage the students to practise in pairs, using books, chai

12、rs, desks, etc. 课 题:Lesson 3 welcome to our school【学习目标】知识目标:1. Understand the text.2. Remember the words: where, school, classroom, library. Office lab能力目标:Make sure the students can introduce each other in English.Use the useful knowledge to ask the place情感目标:Make sure the students can introduce e

13、ach other in English.重难点:1、重点:Where is?2、难点:Write the new words 学习过程一、【问题指向,预习先行】1.预习内容:Encourage the students to practice “Whats this? Its a”, using new words. Then ask some pairs to act it out, using real things or pictures.二、【呈现目标,任务导学】Use the useful knowledge to ask the place that he /she doesnt

14、 know.Write the new words on the blackboard.三、【互动探究,合作求解】Play the tape for the students to follow. (2) Practise in pairs(3) Do it together.四、【交流展示,适度拓展】3. Presentation and practice Whats his /her name?Show a picture of Lan Mao and say, “Whats his name? His name is Lan Mao”. Ask the question and help

15、 the students to answer. Then repeat. Work in pairs to practice the dialogue and ask some pairs to act it out.五、【反馈矫正,尊重差异】六、【强化训练,当堂达标】Combine the dialogues in this unit and encourage the students to practiseA: Hello!B: Hi! My name is _. Whats your name?A: My name is_. Nice to meet you!B: Nice to m

16、eet you too.A: How are you?B: Fine, thank you. And you?A: Im fine, thanks.A: Where is _?B: There!A: May I have /borrow _?B: Sure. Here you are.A: Thanks.B: Youre welcome.Or play the chain game to practise them. Then finish N4 of this lesson.七、【课后作业,下节预习】1、本节课课后巩固作业; Read the text and practise the di

17、alogue. Practise writing the letters. 2、下节课预习任务;Use the cards to practise the letters and words in this lesson. Write the letters on the blackboard. The letters have arrows that show how and what sequences to make the strokes. On the blackboard, show the students how to follow he arrows to write eac

18、h letter. Then let the students practise writing them.课 题:lesson4what is it?【学习目标】知识目标1. 知识目标 掌握词汇及短语: that, pen , pencil, marker, how many 认知词汇及短语: pencil case, blackboard, do, have 句型: Whats this/that? This/That is a _. How many _ do you have? I have _.能力目标能够听懂简单的指令,模仿听到的录音,连贯、流畅的朗读课文,用所学的英语表达自己的观

19、点,写出简单的词、词组和句子。情感目标:过对本课的学习,树立学生学好英语的信心和勇气;用语言功能项目讨论与交流,锻炼英语表达能力。重难点:1、重点:Describe the weather in spring;Talk about the temperature.2、难点:Describe the nature phenomenon.学习过程一、【问题指向,预习先行】1.预习内容:Ask some pairs to act out the dialogue like this: A: Where is your book? B: Here it is. A: Where is my book?

20、 B: There it is . 2预习反馈:The teacher show a piece of paper with a riddle and let the students guess what it is. What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty? (blackboard)二、【呈现目标,任务导学】1、任务一:2、The teacher takes out a bag with pens, pencils, pencil-cases, markers, books etc. And asks them t

21、o guess what it is in the bag. To learn the new words: pens(钢笔), pencils(铅笔), pencil-cases(铅笔盒), markers(水彩笔)。After the students know these words, learn the new word: how many(多少).任务二: Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:1、 Whats the weather like today?2、 It is snowing, isnt it?3、

22、whats the temperature?4、 is it going to rain today, isnt it?三、【互动探究,合作求解】1. Discuss (3) Talk about the real objects with partner like this: A: Whats this? B: This is a pen. Whats that? A: Thats a blackboard.2. Listen and read (5) (1) Listen to the tape and have the students follow the tape while loo

23、king at Part1. (2) Read Part1 with partner and change to read.3. Practice (7) (1) The teacher takes out one of the things in the bag and asks “ What is it?”, everyone answers one by one. (2) Make a dialogue with the words in pairs. Eg: A: Hi, Zhang Lan!B: Hi, Li Juan. Whats this? A: This is a pencil

24、. Whats that? B: Thats a marker. (3) Remember the new words and have a competition. See who writes the best and right.四、【交流展示,适度拓展】(小组内选择任务,讨论并进行展示)任务一:1. Make dialogues with new and old knowledge in groups. Eg: A: Hello, Peter. How are you? B: Hello, Li Ming. Im fine. A: Whats this? ( point an Engl

25、ish book) B: This is a book, an English book A: How many books do you have? B: One. I have one book. A: Whats that? ( point to the blackboard) B: Thats a blackboard. A: How many blackboards do you have? B: Haha-We have two. 六、【强化训练,当堂达标】A.根据句子意思,用适当的词语填空 (1) A:Whats that? B: _ _ a pencil-case. (2) A

26、: Hello,Jenny. Whats_? B: This is a marker. (3) A: _ _ names do you have? B: Two. One is Chinese name, Zhao Yuan. The other is English name, Sally. B. 连词成句 (1)teacher, your, where, is (?) (2)do, markers, how, have, you, many (?) (3) have, pencils, I, three (.)七、【课后作业,下节预习】1、本节课课后巩固作业;Find something

27、that represents spring and show it to the class next time.2、下节课预习任务;Finish off the activity book of lesson2 part 2,4,5.Lesson5: May I Have a Book?【学习目标】知识目标: 1. New words : may, excuse, borrow, two, three, store, latter. 2. May I have a ? 肯定回答及否定回答。 May I Borrow? 肯定回答及否定回答。能力目标: 会用May I have a ? May

28、 I Borrow? 这两个句型结构。情感目标:要力所能及的帮助同学。重难点:1.重点:May I have a ? 肯定回答及否定回答。 May I Borrow? 肯定回答及否定回答。2. 难点:给学生提供合适的语言情境,让学生掌握这两个句型的用法。学习过程一、【问题指向,预习先行】二、【呈现目标,任务导学】任务一:Listen and do the actions. First let the students familiar the actions. Then read them after me and do the actions. Say the orders and do t

29、hem at the same time. (practice it for several times.) Do the actions after the tape. (practice it for several times.)任务二:学会用英语来借东西。 1. 老师拿学生一本书,问:May I have a book? 学生回答:yes/no.有必要的话补充完整) 老师: Thank you. 学生: You are welcome. 将这个对话写到黑板上,让学生来读。 拿学生一支铅笔来练习这个对话。 分男同学和女同学roleplay.2. 以同样的方式 学习May I Borrow?三、【互动探究,合作求解】以小组为单位再练习。采取自愿到教师前表演。四、【交流展示,适度拓展】采取自愿到教师前表演。五、【强化训练,当堂达标】Exercise book ,P6 part 3、4 、5、6.六、【课后作业,下节预习】1、本节课课后巩固作业;熟读课文内容。1、下节课预习任务; 完成课本13页地三部分。 练习册基础达标部分。Lesson 6: Things for School .【学习目标】知识目标: 1. New words: thing, need, list, ten, six, seven, one, nine, eight. 2. 学会用数字表达物

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