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1、备战高考英语中英双语文阅读每日练核心短语一备战2021年高考英语中英双语文阅读每日练:核心短语(一)1、head for/on 驶向,走向We saw him heading for us, so we stepped aside.我们看见他向我们走来, 就让到一边。2、heart and soul 全心全意He serves the people heart and soul.他全心全意为人民服务。3、hear about/of 听说She was overjoyed to hear about the arrival of the baby.她听说婴儿出生而欣喜若狂。4、hear from

2、 接到的信We hope to hear from you soon.希望能尽快得到你的消息。5、hold back 退缩,踌躇Dont hold back. Just go for it.不要踌躇不前,努力去干吧!6、hold on (to)1)坚持They managed to hold on until help arrived.他们设法坚持住直到有救援到来。2)抓住不放Id hold on to that house for the time being; house prices are rising sharply at the moment.目前我不能出让那所房子, 此刻房价正在

3、急剧上涨。7、hold out1)伸出The forthcoming talks hold out the hope of real arms reductions.即将举行的会谈给实现真正的裁军带来了希望。2)坚持,不屈服We must hold out till victory.我们一定要坚持到胜利。8、hold up1)举起Well, men, said the chairman, I shall now proceed to put the matter to the vote. Will all those in favor hold up the right hand?“请大家注意

4、,”主席说道,“我现在就把这件事交付表决,赞成的人请把右手举起来。”2)支持,支撑Who knows how it will hold up?天知道它会怎样,能不能扛住。”9、how about 怎么样,如何How about going out for dinner?出去吃晚餐如何?10、hurry up 赶快Hurry up! Dont waste my time!请你快一点,不要浪费我宝贵的时间!1、hand in hand 手拉手,联合起来The children walk down the street hand in hand.孩子们手拉手地在街上走。2、hand out 分发,散

5、发I rustled up a few helpers to hand out leaflets.我找到几个助手散发传单。3、hand/pass over 让与,移交He has resigned and will hand over charge of his office today.他已辞职,将在今日办移交手续。4、hang about 徘徊,逗留The library hasnt opened yet, so I have to hang about here.图书馆还没有开门,所以我只得在这儿呆等。5、hang on 取决于;(打电话时)不挂断It all hang on wheth

6、er he is willing to help us.一切都取决于他是否愿意帮助我们。Hang on a moment, please.请稍等。6、hang up1)挂断All right,Ill call you back. Will you hang up, please?好吧,我再给你回电。请先挂断电话好吗?2)悬挂Dont forget to hang up the sock!别忘了挂上袜子!7、happen to1)发生在身上An odd thing happened to him this morning.他今天早晨遇到一件怪事。2)碰巧I happen to meet him

7、this morning.我今天早晨碰巧遇到了他。8、have an advantage over 胜过,优于You have an advantage over me in experience.在经验方面你胜过我。9、have sth. in mind 记住Accordingly, on guiding ideology, should large part have sth in mind, small part begins, saveand make full use of limited space.因此,在指导思想上,应该“大处着眼,小处着手”,节省并充分利用有限的空间。10、h

8、ave nothing to do with 与无关I have nothing to do with him.我跟他无任何关系。1、go offFish soon goes off in this hot weather.在这么热的天气里,鱼很快会变质。2) 变差The lecturer used to do well, but he seems to have gone off now.这个演讲者以前讲得很好, 但如今似乎变差了。 2、go out 熄灭,停止运转His cigarette went out and he hurried to find matches.他的香烟灭了, 他急

9、忙找火柴。 3、go over1.) 仔细检查Go over your cabin thoroughly.彻底仔细检查你的客舱。2) 复习,重做She went over her lines before the first night of the play.她在该剧首演前又练习了一次台词。 4、go up 上升,增长Prices tend to go up recently.最近,物价有上涨的趋势。 5、go through with 坚持做到底I dont think I can go through with this.我可能撑不下来。 6、go wrong 出错,发生故障You ca

10、nt go wrong with our new carpet cleaner.使用我们新型的地毯吸尘器绝对不会出错. 7、good at 善于,擅长She is no less good at swimming than Mary.她和玛丽一样擅长游泳。 8、guard against 防止,防范He urged them to guard against conceit.他要求他们防止骄傲自满。 9、had better 应该,还是好We had better learn by heart as many sentence patterns as we can.我们最好尽可能多背句型。 1

11、0、hand down 把传下来The life history of the individual is first and foremost an accommodation to the patterns andstandards traditionally handed down in his community.个人的生活史,首先就是适应他的社团中祖祖辈辈传下来的行为模式和准则的历史。1、give in1)屈服,让步Shes a gutsy player, she never gives in.她是个勇敢的选手,从不屈服。2)交上Please give in your paper i

12、n ten minutes.请在十分钟后交试卷。2、give up 停止,放弃I give up; tell me what the answer is.我认输,告诉我答案吧.3、go after 追逐,追求Go after it with all that you are.应全力以赴去追寻它。4、go ahead 开始,前进,领先Food and fodder should go ahead of troops and horses.兵马未动,粮草先行。5、go around/round1)流传All sorts of rumors are going around.各种谣言正四处流传。2)

13、四处走动,转动Love makes the world go around.爱让世界转动。7、go back on/upon/from 违背,背叛Never go back on/upon your friends.决不能出卖你的朋友。8、go for1)喜欢I dont go for men of his type.我不喜欢他那种人。2)去找某人Wed better go for a doctor.我们最好去请医生。9、go in for1)参加Which events is he going in for at the Olympics?他将在奥运上参加什么项目?2)从事,致力于They

14、wanted me to go in for film work.他们要我从事电影工作。10、go into 开始从事He went into a long explanation of the affair.他对那件事长篇大论地解释起来。1、get over 克服,解决She cant get over her shyness.她无法克服她的羞怯心理。2、get rid of 摆脱,除去Frankly I can not imagine how any manager can afford to get rid of it.坦率地说我不能想象哪个经理能摆脱得了它。3、get the bett

15、er of 战胜,占上风You always get the better of me at chess.你下国际象棋总是赢我。4、get through1)接通电话I cant get through to Danny.我联系不上丹尼尔。2)通过Do you think the Bill will get through (Parliament)?你认为那议案(议会)能通过吗?5、get to 到达;开始How can I get to Hilton Hotel?我要如何才能到达希尔顿饭店?Now lets get to the real work.现在我们来办正事吧。6、get toget

16、her 聚会They get together once a year at Christmas time.他们每年圣诞节时聚会一次。7、get up 起床;安排What on earth will he get up to next?下一步他究竟要耍什么花样?8、give away1)分发Give away something for free.部分免费赠与。2)泄漏Dont give away to the public when we will start.不要向公众泄露我们出发的日期。1、get by 通过,(勉强)过得去I have no formal clothes for the occasion. Perhaps I can get by in a dark suit?我没有适合那种场合的礼服,也许穿深色西服还行吧?2、get down to 开始,着手I wish hed stop mucking about and get down to some serious work.

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