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1、小学英语完形填空试题及答案小学英语完形填空试题(及答案)一、完形填空1完形填空完形填空 Bob is an American boy. Hes 1 years old. Now he is in China 2 his grandma. Hi studies in a middle school. There are twelve boys and twenty girls in his 3 Bob has a good friend. His 4 is Jack. Jack can speak Chinese very 5 However, Bob cant. So Jack often h

2、elps Bob. Both Bob and Jack like 6 . They often borrow books from their school library. They like China.1. A. fortyB. eightyC. thirteenD. twenty-five2. A. andB. bothC. togetherD. with3. A. classB. schoolC. homeD. China4. A. homeB. nameC. teacherD. class5. A. goodB. badC. wellD. nice6. A. footballB.

3、talkingC. readingD. eating【答案】 (1)C;(2)D;(3)A;(4)B;(5)C;(6)C; 【考点】完型填空 【解析】【分析】这篇短文介绍了Bob,Bob的教室,以及Bob和好朋友Jack的一些事情。 (1)句意:他.岁了。根据上句“Bob是一位美国男孩。”和后面的“他在一所中学学习。”可知他是一名中学生,C选项“13岁”正确。故答案为:C。 (2)句意:现在他.他的奶奶在中国。根据句子结构这里不是并列,and和or都是并列连词,淘汰,together“在一起”是副词,用在这里不合适。只有介词with“和.一起”,用在这里正确。故答案为:D。 (3)句意:在他们

4、.里有12位男生和20位女生。根据句意用class“班”正确。故答案为:A。 (4)句意:他的.是Jack。home“家”,name“名字”, teacher“老师”,class“班”。根据上句“Bob有位好朋友。”可知这是介绍这位朋友,用name合适。故答案为:B。 (5)句意:Jack汉语讲得非常.。根据下句“可知Bob不行。”可知这里是讲得好。这里修饰动词用well。故答案为:C。 (6)句意:Bob和Jack都喜欢.。根据下一句“他们经常从学校图书馆借书。”可知喜欢阅读。故答案为:C。 【点评】这是考查知识综合运用的题目。首先通读短文,了解大致意思,然后根据上下文意思提示和所学语法知识

5、选择合适的选项。2完形填空完形填空 We have a big playground in our school. We all like to 1 games 2 after school. Its Friday. We have only two classes 3 the afternoon .When school is 4 a lot of students go to the playground . Look ! The boys of Grade Two are 5 a basketball match. So me girl are 6 and shouting .Footb

6、all is our favourite sport. Many teachers are also 7 football. Li Ming, Li Lei and Wei Fang are students of Grade One. They are 8 volleyball. Its six oclock. Its time 9 home. The students all leave the playground. 1. A. doB. makeC. playD. take2. A. thereB. hereC. at thereD. at here3. A. onB. inC. at

7、D. with4. A. beginningB. finishC. allD. over5. A. havingB. makingC. playingD. doing6. A. seeingB. lookingC. watchingD. meeting7. A. playingB. playing theC. playD. play the8. A. playingB. playing theC. playD. play the9. A. forB. to goC. goD. go to【答案】(1)C;(2)B;(3)B;(4)D;(5)A;(6)C;(7)A;(8)A;(9)B; 【考点】

8、完型填空 【解析】【分析】这是一篇介绍周五孩子们在操场活动的短文。(1)句意: 我们都喜欢放学后.游戏。这里是短语做游戏play games. 这是常用搭配,根据所给选项C选项正确。故答案为: C.(2)句意: 我们都喜欢放学后.游戏。这里是指在操场上, 用here这里代替,there意思是那里, there和here都不和介词搭配,都不合适。故答案为: B.(3)句意: .下午我们只有两节课。根据句意这里是固定短语in the afternoon在下午, 这是固定搭配。故答案为: B.(4)句意: 当学校.许多学生到操场上。A选项是: 开始,B选项是: 结束,C选项是: 所有的,D选项是:

9、结束。根据句子结构这里是短语be over结束,finish动词原形不和is搭配,beginning意思是开始,不合适,all意思也不合适。故答案为: D.(5)句意: 看,2年级的男生在.篮球比赛。这是短语have a match举行.比赛,这是固定短语,用在现在进行时中have用having. 故答案为: A.(6)句意: 因此我们女孩们正在.和喊。根据句意应该是观看用watch, 这里是现在进行时用watching, 冠词比赛不用see, look等,meet遇见意思不正确。故答案为: C.(7)句意: 许多老师们也在.足球。根据句意和结构这是现在进行时句子,踢足球是短语play foo

10、tball, play用现在分词playing, 球类运动前不加冠词。故答案为: A.(8)句意: 他们在.排球。根据句意和结构这是现在进行时句子,打排球是短语play volleyball. play用现在分词playing, 球类运动前不加冠词。故答案为: A.(9)句意: 是.时间了。根据句意这个句型有两个,一个是Its time for(名词,代词,动名词)或Its time to do sth。根据本句是to do sth. 根据所给选项只有B选项正确。故答案为: B.【点评】这是考查完型填空的题目。题目考查知识的综合利用,要掌握所学的知识。3完形填空完形填空 Liu Taos gr

11、andparents live on the 1 . They have a big house 2 the house, there is a park. Today is 3 Liu Tao and his parents dont study or 4 Now they are at Liu Taos grandparents house. All of them are 5 lunch around the table. There are some rice dumplings on the table. Liu Tao likes 6 the rice dumplings with

12、 meat and eggs. But his parents like the 7 with jujube (枣子). Grandpa is telling a 8 about Quyuan. They are all listening to him. They are going to watch a dragon boat race in the park in the 9 It will be very exciting (令人激动的). Liu Tao likes the races. He cant 10 to see. 1. A. zooB. farmC. park2. A.

13、InB. UnderC. Near3. A. the Spring FestivalB. ChristmasC. the Dragon Boat Festival4. A. workB. playC. write5. A. haveB. havingC. has6. A. eatingB. drinkingC. cooking7. A. onesB. oneC. first8. A. songB. bookC. story9. A. morningB. afternoonC. evening10. A. waitB. stayC. go【答案】(1)B;(2)C;(3)C;(4)A;(5)B;

14、(6)A;(7)A;(8)C;(9)A;(10)A; 【考点】完型填空 【解析】【分析】大意:讲述刘涛一家人在端午节看望齐祖父母的故事。(1)句意是刘涛的祖父母居住在农场里。根据固定搭配on the farm表达在农场里可知,故选B。(2)句意是在他们的房子附近有一个花园。根据句意可知,要使用介词near表达在.附近。故选C。(3)句意是今天是端午节。根据句意可知,要表达端午节the dragon boat festival。故选C。(4)句意是今天是端午节。刘涛和他的父母既不上学也不用上班。work表达工作。故选A。(5)句意是他们所有人都坐在一桌吃午餐。根据句意可知,要使用动词have表达

15、吃饭。be动词后接动词ing形式having表达一家人正在吃。故选B。(6)句意是刘涛喜欢吃粽子。根据句意可知,要使用like后接动词ing形式eating表达喜欢吃粽子。故选A。(7)句意是但是他的父母喜欢吃枣子类的粽子。根据句意可知,要使用代词ones来代指粽子复数。故选A。(8)句意是爷爷给他讲述关于屈原的故事。根据句意可知,要使用动词固定搭配tell a story表达将故事。故选C。(9)句意是他们打算在上午在公园观看龙舟表演。根据句意可知,要表达上午morning进行龙舟表演才合理。故选A。(10)句意是刘涛喜欢龙舟表演,因此可以推测他迫不及待地看表演。动词词组cant wait

16、to+动词原形表达迫不及待做某事。故选A。【点评】考查完形填空。注意根据上下句句意来选择合适的单词填空。4完形填空完形填空 Jack is 1 good man . He 2 birthday cakes in a shop. His cakes are great and the prices are not very high, so many people 3 his cakes . He makes friends with lots of 4 people. They all like him very much. One evening, he 5 to go home , but

17、 many of his old friends came in . Jack smiled to them ,“Im sorry. Its late today. Please 6 tomorrow .”One of them took out a nice cake and 7 to him , “You 8 so many great cakes for 9 .This birthday cake is 10 you . Happy birthday , Jack !” 1. A. aB. anC. theD. 2. A. makeB. makesC. makingD. to make3

18、. A. buysB. buyingC. buyD. to buy4. A. thisB. thatC. theirD. these5. A. wantedB. wantC. wantsD. to want6. A. comingB. comeC. comesD. came7. A. sayB. saysC. saidD. saying8. A. makeB. makesC. makingD. made9. A. ourB. usC. weD. she10. A. ofB. toC. atD. for【答案】(1)A;(2)B;(3)C;(4)D;(5)A;(6)B;(7)C;(8)A;(9)

19、B;(10)D; 【考点】完型填空 【解析】【分析】(1)句意:杰克是好男人。a用于修饰辅音音素开头的单词,好的good是以辅音音素开头的单词,故答案为A(2)句意:他在一家商店生日蛋糕。本句是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,谓语用三单形式,makes制作,故答案为B.(3)句意:他的蛋糕很好,价格也不高,所以很多人他的蛋糕。根据前半句用一般现在时,后半句也用一般现在时,主语是复数,谓语用动词原形,buy买,故答案为C.(4)句意:他和很多人交朋友。people人们,是集合名词,用指示代词复数形式修饰,these这些,故答案为D.(5)句意:一天晚上,他回家,但他的许多老朋友都进来了。One

20、evening一天晚上,是一般过去时的时间状语,谓语用动词的过去式,want-wanted想,故答案为A.(6)句意:杰克微笑着对他们说:“对不起。今天晚了。请明天。”本句是祈使句,构成动词原形+其它,come来,故答案为B.(7)句意:其中一个人拿出一块漂亮的蛋糕,对他:,本句是用and连接时态要一致,前半句用一般过去时,后半句也用一般过去时,say说,过去式是said,故答案为C.(8)句意:你给了这么多好吃的蛋糕。本句是一般现在时,主语是第二人称,谓语用动词原形,make制作,故答案为A.(9)句意:你给制作了这么多好吃的蛋糕。for sb为某人,代词放在介词后面用代词的宾格形式,us我

21、们,故答案为B.(10)句意:这个生日蛋糕是你。for sb为某人或指某物给某人,本句指给的意思,故答案为D.【点评】本题考查了完形填空,先翻译短文,然后根据短文内容,选出恰当的选项填空,使短文完整。5完形填空阅读短文,选择正确的答案填空。 Jim has some rules at home. Here are the rules. He must remember them. Dont play with a sharp knife. You may 1 yourself. Dont eat 2 ice-cream. You may get 3 . Dont run 4 the hot w

22、ater. Youll get hurt. Dont walk on the wet floor. You may 5 . Dont touch the fan. Youll get hurt. Dont forget. Safety first.1. A. hurtB. cutC. fall2. A. too muchB. much tooC. too many3. A. hurtB. playC. sick4. A. onB. nearC. next5. A. fall downB. get sickC. dangerous【答案】 (1)B;(2)A;(3)C;(4)B;(5)A; 【考

23、点】完型填空 【解析】【分析】(1)句意:不要玩锋利的刀。你可以割伤自己。根据sharp knife ,可能会切到自己,A伤害,B切,C跌倒,故答案为B. (2)句意:不要吃冰淇淋。A太多,修饰不可数名词,B太多,修饰动词,C太多,修饰可数名词复数, ice-cream是不可数名词,故答案为A. (3)句意:你可能会生病。 get 是系动词+形容词,A伤害,是实意动词,B玩,实意动词,C生病的,是形容词,故答案为C. (4)句意:不要热水的地方跑。A在上,不肯能在热水上跑,排除,B靠近,C下一个,放在表示时间名词前,不符,排除,故答案为B. (5)句意:不要在潮湿的地板上行走。你可能会摔倒。根

24、据前句句意,在潮湿的地板上行走,导致结果可能会摔倒, may是情态动词,后面接动词原形,A摔倒,B生病,C危险的,是形容词,排除,故答案A. 【点评】本题考查了完形填空,先翻译句子,然后根据句意,选出恰当的单词填空,使句意完整。 6完形填空阅读对话,选择正确的答案填空 Ben: What are you going to do next week?Susan: Im 1 to take a trip with my parents.Ben: Have a good 2 !Susan: Thank you! How 3 you? What are you going to do?Ben: Im

25、going to 4 my grandparents.Susan: How can you get to their home?Ben: I want to get there by 5 . Its not far.Susan: Good idea!1. A. goB. goesC. going2. A. dayB. timeC. night3. A. areB. aboutC. do4. A. visitB. visitingC. visits5. A. planeB. trainC. bike【答案】 (1)C;(2)B;(3)B;(4)A;(5)C; 【考点】完型填空 【解析】【分析】这

26、是谈论下周活动计划的对话。(1)句意:我.和我父母一起去旅行。问句是一般将来时,这里答语也用一般将来时,这里是be going to结构,C选项正确。故答案为:C。(2)句意:.高兴。这是对对方活动的祝福。用常用口语“Have a good time! 玩得高兴!” B选项正确。故答案为:B。(3)句意:你.?根据对话语境这里是询问对方情况,用“How about you? 你呢?“。B选项正确。故答案为:B。(4)句意:我打算.我的父母。这里是be going to 结构,后面跟动词原形,A选项正确。故答案为:A。(5)句意:我想乘.去那里。根据下句“不太远。”,可知可以骑自行车去,不用飞机

27、或火车。C选项“自行车”正确。故答案为:C。【点评】这是考查完型填空的题目。根据上下文句意提示或句子结构来选择合适的选项。7完形填空阅读短文,选择适当的单词填空。 I am Andy. I usually have lunch 1 school. Our school menu sounds good. Today is Monday. We have egg soup and beef 2 Mondays. My favoritevegetable 3 cabbage, it is fresh. I also like fruit very much. 4 are my favorite f

28、ruit. They are sweet and tasty. Mom says I should eat more vegetables and fruit, because I am too heavy now. What about 5 ? What is your school menu? Whats your favorite food?1. A. inB. onC. at2. A. inB. onC. at3. A. amB. isC. are4. A. MelonsB. MelonC. melons5. A. you(主格)B. yourC. you(宾格)【答案】 (1)C;(

29、2)B;(3)B;(4)A;(5)C; 【解析】【分析】(1)考查地点方位名词:in+大地方;on+有接触面的地点;at+小地方。选C。(2)星期前用介词on。故选B。(3)句子的主语是vegetable单数,故选B。(4)由位于are可知主语是复数名词,且是句子的第一个单词,所以要大写首字母,故选A。(5)about是介词,故选择的是宾格形式的you。故选C。8完形填空阅读短文,回答问题。Dear Amy, I want to 1 your friend. Let me introduce my family to you. My father is a doctor. He is tall

30、 2 strong. My mother is a teacher. She is think and kind. My brother Sam is 6 years old. Hes short and funny. We 3 in a big city. However, we usually go 4 on the weekends. I have a small and nice room. There is a bed and a desk in my room. I like reading books. I have many books 5 my desk. Welcome to my home.

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