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Unit 11.docx

1、Unit 11Unit 11I. Choose the right word in the box according to the definition that follows. acquisition approach badger complacency correspondence cumulative demon discrete embody formulate initiative livelihood mundane ongoing partake pertinent pitfall precedence prior proportional receptivity reli

2、nquish repository rigid scathing stigma strain unethical yoga 1. ( ) repeatedly and annoyingly tell sb. to do sth. or ask sb. questions2. ( ) a feeling of shame or dishonor3. ( ) a feeling of calm satisfaction with ones own abilities or situation that prevents one from trying harder4. ( ) try (too)

3、hard; make (too) great efforts5. ( ) increasing steadily in amount or degree by one addition after another6. ( ) an evil spirit7. ( ) a Hindu philosophy which teaches control of the mind, senses, and body in order to reach union with God8. ( ) eat or drink, esp. sth. offered9. ( ) firm or fixed in b

4、ehavior, views or methods; difficult or unwilling to change10. ( ) the way one earns money to live on11. ( ) separate; having a clear independent shape or form12. ( ) the act of exchanging letters; the letters exchanged between people13. ( ) invent or prepare (a plan, suggestion, theory, etc.)14. (

5、) the ability to make decisions and take actions without asking for the help or advice of others15. ( ) way of dealing with a person or thing16. ( ) ordinary and uninteresting, with noting exciting or unusual about it17. ( ) continuing, or continuing to develop18. ( ) relevant; to the point 19. ( )

6、a mistake that may easily be made20. ( ) serve as a symbol or expression of an idea, quality, etc.21. ( ) an instance that may be used as an example in dealing with subsequent similar instances 22. ( ) give up (power, position, claim, etc.)23. ( ) action of acquiring, gaining24. ( ) coming or planne

7、d before25. ( ) in the correct relation (to other things); corresponding in size, amount, or degree (to sth.)26. ( ) ability or willingness to receive new ideas, suggestions, etc27. ( ) a place where things are stored28. ( ) (of speech or writing) bitterly cruel in judgement29. ( ) wrong and unaccep

8、table to a societys rules or peoples beliefsII. Find out the meaning of the following phrases from the text.1. go out of ones way2. in a different light 3. in terms of 4. on the contrary III. Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate form of the given word. Example: happy1. She didnt ex

9、pect a happy ending of the story. 2. Mary got married and lived happily ever after. 3. I wish you a lifetime of happiness. 4. John is a rich man, but he is very unhappy. 5. The first week of the school had passed unhappily. 6. She wanted to save her sister from unhappiness. acquisition1. To remove a

10、ny ambiguity we have to more accurate information. 2. He has a reputation as this countrys premier solo violinist. 3. She was sitting in her newly- wheelchair. 4. Having read the book, she will be able to pass on the knowledge to trainee teachers. 5. He devotes his time to the of knowledge. 6. From

11、her wardrobe Laura took her latest , a bright red dress. 7. Hes a very sort of person. 8. The most firms tend to be engineering groups. 9. We can also observe that some people exhibit more than others. 10. His villa is filled with evidence of his . attentive1. The meeting will be by finance minister

12、s from many countries. 2. There are more pressing matters to be to today. 3. Her at school was sporadic. 4. At Easter, at churches rose. 5. Tony Williams was working as a car-park in Los Angeles. 6. Mr. Bransons victory, and all the publicity, were well deserved. 7. Later he turned his to the desper

13、ate state of housing in the province. 8. Each year more than two million household injuries need medical . 9. He wishes the government would be more to detail in their response. 10. The staff is well trained in courteous and service to each and every guest. 11. She listened and set down every word h

14、e said. 12. He was writing his report so that he didnt know the rice gruel in the pot had boiled over. 13. Anne was both flattered and surprised by Dannys to her. 14. It also reflects positively on your organizational skills, and punctuality. 15. Vital evidence had been lost through a moments . 16.

15、One moment of when driving could be fatal. 17. How do I know when the listeners are bored and ? 18. or distracted drivers appear to be a growing contributing factor in these collisions. 19. Although I smiled and chatted whenever I went in I was treated rudely and . 20. Officials say bicyclists are r

16、esponsible for paying attention to traffic control devices like stoplights and stop signs, while motorists must not drive and fail to see bicyclists. 21. Mind wandering is typically associated with negative things like laziness or , says lead author, Prof. Kalina Christoff, UBC Dept. of Psychology.

17、22. Children who showed high levels of hyperactivity and as kindergartners were much more likely to buy lotto tickets, bet on sports, and play video poker in the sixth grade than were less impulsive students. collective1. Two young girls were firewood. 2. He was grateful for a chance to relax and hi

18、s thoughts. 3. Many of these cushions have survived and are very . 4. The park will not identify specific locations where gold or minerals may be found.5. His poems have just been published. 6. Police say she was cool and during her interrogation. 7. The Art Gallery of Ontario has the worlds largest

19、 of sculptures by Henry Moore. 8. Two years ago he published a of short stories called Facing The Music. 9. The countrys politicians are already heaving a sigh of relief. 10. Social science is a name, covering a series of individual sciences. 11. They decided to recognize the changed situation. 12.

20、The Cabinet is responsible for policy. commitment1. This is a man who has murder. 2. There are unconfirmed reports he tried to suicide. 3. While we are disappointed that the product is not yet where we expected, we remain to delivering world-class many-core graphics products to our customers. 4. It

21、took five years of intense and often painful Freudian analysis to cure her and she emerged to become a vegetarian. 5. We were to actually work and work far more devotedly, and longer than any employed worker or an employer. 6. “Despite the problems in the DP, the ANC wishes to wish Mr. Leon well on

22、his untimely exit from active politics after serving his people and the province quite honestly and , he said. 7. My husband, because of his own professional , is in Cambridge every week. 8. We made a to keep working together. 9. Being vague or appear to be might trigger hostilities or confuse impor

23、tant issues. 10. His manner made it plain that he was acceding to a majority decision while his own judgment remained . complacency1. We cannot afford to be about our health. 2. We must not become the moment we have some success. 3. Politicians squint at us from the screens. 4. He sat back, smiling

24、at his own cleverness. 5. The biggest threat for anything and anybody is .6. She warned that there was no room for on inflation. consequently1. The warming of the Earth and the climatic changes affect us all. 2. The changes in social work upon reorganization have been considerable. 3. Absolute secre

25、cy is essential. , the fewer who are aware of the plan the better. 4. Relations between the two companies had, , never been close. 5. The actual estimate for extra staff and costs such as accommodation was an annual 9.18m. 6. So its not an unthinkable concept that those in their early teens are resp

26、onsible enough to make decisions. 7. The dangers of regulatory action that is poorly understood and significant are fresh in the minds of investors and citizens alike. 8. None of these civilian concerns is affected by sex or theology, and it is high time to clarify and reinforce the traditional dist

27、inction between our secular government and a theocracy.9. An economic crisis may have tremendous for our global security. 10. As an overseer, he suddenly found himself a person of . 11. His work, which seemed bold and innovative then, now seems trivial and .12. His mind was too to permit him to poss

28、ess purpose. 13. Lifes too short to be so angry. 14. She smiled and chatted to everyone she met, trying not to let her hurt show. consistency1. A team needs a run throughout the regulation stages to build confidence. 2. New goals are not always with the existing policies. 3. To write a novel, one mu

29、st keep pegging away at it . 4. You said yourself that no one could have written diaries so over all those years unless they were genuine. 5. Theres always a lack of in matters of foreign policy. 6. Yet concerns over the encyclopedias accuracy and remain.7. You are and unpredictable. 8. We had a ter

30、rific start to the season, but recently weve been . 9. If you share a goal with someone and then act with fulfilling it, you are seen as lacking integrity and trustworthiness. 10. But in those days, phone lines carried data signals , and information was transmitted slowly. 11. The report accuses the

31、 judicial system of and partiality. 12. We were asked to investigate the alleged in his evidence. constructive1. They thought he had escaped through a specially tunnel. 2. He eventually a business empire which ran to Thailand and Singapore. 3. A wall collapsed while the building was under . 4. The British pavilion is an impressive steel and glass the size of Westminster Abbey. 5. After their meeting, both men described the talks as frank, friendly and . 6. The Prime Minister has promised that Israel will p

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