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1、高考英语写作技巧使用高级词汇润色作文10页高考英语写作技巧使用高级词汇润色作文班级_姓名_学号_Improve the sentences with more advanced vocabularies1. I like playing the piano. = I _ playing the piano. 2. I agree to your plan. = I _ your plan. 3. Doing sports is good for you. = Doing sports _ you. 4. Our class has 4 groups. = Our class _ 4 group

2、s. 5. You can find my house easily.= You will have _ finding my house. 6. Because the weather was good, our journey was comfortable.= _ the good weather, our journey was comfortable. 7. Suddenly I thought out a good idea.= Suddenly a good idea _ me. Exercises: 汉语意思普通词汇高级词汇汉语意思普通词汇高级词汇1表达express8面对fa

3、ce 2应该should 9走walk 3富含be rich in 10有益处的good, helpful4普通ordinary 11多数most 5各种各样all kinds of 12突然suddenly 6最后finally 13聪明的clever 7照顾take care of 14勤奋的hard-working 汉语意思普通词汇高级词汇15参加take part in 16 记住某事remember 17.相信believe 18.帮助某人help sb 19.考虑某事think about sth. 20.想要做某事want to do 21.全神贯注于focus on 22.使用

4、use 23.想起某事think of sth. 24.建议suggest 25.导致cause; lead to 使用高级词汇润色下列短文: Passage 1 Mr. Smith is a very good person. He is good to everyone. He is good at gardening, and he grows a lot of flowers in his small garden. He often gives some of his good flowers to his neighbors. He keeps good relationship

5、with all his neighbors. In return, they often give him some good home-made cookies and other small gifts. I am so glad that I live in such a good neighborhood. I respect Mr. Smith because he has set a good example for us. Mr. Smith is a very1._ person. He is 2._to everyone. He is 3._ at gardening, a

6、nd he grows a lot of flowers in his small garden. He often gives some of his 4. _flowers to his neighbors. He keeps 5._relationship with all his neighbors. In return, they often give him some 6._ home-made cookies and other small gifts. I am so glad that I live in such a 7. _ neighborhood. I respect

7、 Mr. Smith because he has set a 8._ example for us.Passage 2We know from the news that textbook recycling(回收) plan will begin in Shanghai. That is really good for us. First, recycling textbooks can save a lot of natural resources(自然资源). Second, it helps environmental protection(环境保护). Third, we can

8、use the notes(笔记) in the books. Many countries have set good examples(树立良好榜样). 1.A_ _the 2.l_ news, textbook recycling(回收) plan will begin in Shanghai. That is really 3._for us. 4._ _ _, recycling textbooks 5._ _ less 6.c_ of natural resources(自然资源). 7._ _, it 8._ _ environmental protection(环境保护). 9

9、._ _ _ _, we can 10._ _ _ _ the notes(笔记) in the 11.u_books. Many countries have set 12._ examples(树立良好榜样).Keys: 1. I like playing the piano. I _ playing the piano. enjoy am interested in take interest in am fond of be crazy about 2. I agree to your plan. I _ your plan. am for am in favour of suppor

10、t think highly of prefer 3. Doing sports is good for you. Doing sports _ you. is beneficial to You can _ doing sports. benefit from Doing sports has a lot of _. advantages strengths4. Our class has 4 groups. Our class _ 4 groups. is made up of consists of includes5. You can find my house easily. You

11、 will have _ finding my house. no difficulty no trouble 6. Because the weather was good, our journey was comfortable. _ the good weather, our journey was comfortable. Thanks to Due to Because of7. Suddenly I thought out a good idea. Suddenly a good idea _ me. occurred to struck 汉语意思普通词汇高级词汇汉语意思普通词汇高

12、级词汇1表达expressconvey 8面对face be faced with 2应该should be supposed to ; ought to 9走walk cover; travel 3富含be rich in be abundant in 10有益处的good, helpfulbeneficial 4普通ordinary average 11多数most the majority of 5各种各样all kinds of a variety of ; various 12突然suddenly all of a sudden 6最后finally eventually 13聪明的

13、clever intelligent 7照顾take care of attend 14勤奋的hard-working diligent 汉语意思普通词汇高级词汇15参加take part in participate in 16 记住某事remember keep sth in mind 17.相信believe hold the belief that; be convinced that 18.帮助某人help sb do sb a favor; give sb a hand 19.考虑某事think about sth. take sth. into consideration 20.

14、想要做某事want to do look forward to21.全神贯注于focus on concentrate on; be devoted to 22.使用use make use of; take advantage of 23.想起某事think of sth. sth occurs to sb. ; sth strikes sb. 24.建议suggest recommend; put forward suggestion that 25.导致cause; lead to result in; contribute toPassage 1 1.nice; warm-hearted 2.genersous/kind / nice 4.beautiful/lovely 5.friendly 6.delicious 7.harmonious 和睦的 excellent Passage 21.According to 2.latest 3.beneficial 4.First of all 5.leads to 6.consumption 7.In addition 8.contributes to 9.Last but not least 10.make good use of 11.used 12.exellent

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