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英语演讲教程Asking and Answering Questions.docx

1、英语演讲教程Asking and Answering Questions英语演讲教程Asking and Answering QuestionsChapter IV Asking and Answering QuestionsI. Inviting QuestionsSo, lets throw it open to questions.Now I d like to answer any questions, if you have any.Now I am ready to answer your questions, if any.Id be glad to try and answer

2、 any questions.Are there any questions?Any questions?II. Raising QuestionsSignaling Your Intention to Ask a Question I want to ask Dr. bi a question.I have a guest ion for Dr. Anderson.Mr. Smith, I have a question to ask you.There is a question Id like to ask Prof. Li.A question for Mr. Liu.One ques

3、tion, Dr. Wei.Could I ask you a question, Prof. Li?May I venture to ask Prof. Zhang a question?Expressing Your AttitudeBefore asking your question, you can express your positive attitude or make a comment on the speakers presentation. For example,Dr. Johnson, I was fascinated by your description of

4、your study, but what will happen if.Mr. Li, you did splendid work! Just one question.Asking the Specific QuestionYou mentioned very briefly that you used two experiments that were the same.Would you please elaborate on that point?Would you be so kind as to give me more information about the method o

5、f your experiment?Would you tell me the reason why you set such a high temperature?Comprehensive SamplesDr. Wang, Id like to raise one question. First, may I say how much I enjoyed talk. But, may I ask, do you have experience with the new method?Congratulations, Dr. Li. I cant help but admire your a

6、chievement. But I want to know whats your attitude toward abuse of antibiotics?Id like to congratulate Mr. Liu on a very interesting presentation.May I ask you a question? How does subjective evaluation differ from objective evaluation?First, Id like to say your research is very interesting. May I a

7、sk two questions? Do you see any relation between cigarette smoking and peptic ulcers? And what advantage do you expect by using this approach?III. Response to QuestionsAsking for Repetition Pardon, I couldnt hear what you said.I beg your pardon, I didnt catch what you said.Im sorry I forgot your fi

8、rst question. Would you be so kind as to say it again?Im not quite surge what your question is.I didnt quite get the last point of your question.You mean, there may be some mistake in the calculation?Are you referring to the significance of the difference?Are you suggesting that the temperature migh

9、t have affected the results?If I understand you correctly, you are saying/asking.I didnt quite catch that.Could you go over that again?Im not sure what youre getting at.Welcoming the QuestionWelcome the question by saying thank you or commenting on it saying Thats a good question or Thats a challeng

10、ing question.This is a very good question.Thank you for that question.Im glad this question has been brought up-I appreciate that question.This is a hard question.This is an interesting question.This is a big question.Id be delighted to answer your question.Ill try to answer this question very brief

11、ly.In answer to your question, I would say that.I can only provide a partial answer to that question.Let me try to answer your questions one by one.My answer to your first question is.May I answer your second cjuestion first?I have only a partial answer to your question.Thank you for that question.

12、This is a challenging question and Im afraid I can only provide a partial answer to it. Anyway, Ill try my best to answer it.Repeating or Paraphrasing the QuestionQuestioner: Have you tried it on human bodies?Presenter: This gentleman would like to know whether we have tried this on human bodies.Res

13、ponding to Difficult or Challenging QuestionQuestion: So what happens if the new budget isnt approved?Answer (1): Weve spent two months preparing the new budget. Its a good budget and were confident well get approval to put it into practice.Answer (2): There is too much supposition in the question f

14、or me to give a sound answer.The following are some other examples of answers to challenging questions:Perhaps in another year or so we can answer that question, because these studies are now in progress.We are now working on this problem and, if you agree, Ill answer your question in a few weeks.Th

15、e only answer I can give at present is to wait a few more years, at which time something better might ultimately come out of all our efforts.I think it will be possible to answer this question when more experiments are completed.The answer to this question needs further study.I hope I will be able t

16、o answer your question later.Responding to Improper QuestionI appreciate your interest in my research, but I just dont want to talk about it now. Lets talk about something else.Id rather not say. Why do you want to know?Sometimes you can relay the question back to the questioner. For example,Before

17、I answer you that question, let me ask you: where do you think we should have the project?In this way, sometimes you encourage the questioner to answer his or her own question, e.g. What do you think? Are people prepared to pay an extra $ 2 for faster service?Responding to the Questions You Do Not K

18、nowIf you dont know the answer to a particular question, simply admit that you dont know. Say something like this: Im sorry. I dont happen to know the answer to that question, but Ill be happy to check into it for you. Here are some further examples:I dont think I can answer your question.I wish I c

19、ould answer your question, but unfortunately I have no good answer.Im not sure that I can answer your question. What Im going to say is not quite an answer to your question.Another technique to cope with the situation is to direct the attention to another expert who may know it or you can use the au

20、dience. Ask if anyone could help the questioner and hence it wont be necessary for you to admit that you do not know the answer. See examples below.I think that question could be better answered by Dr. Liu than by me.I think perhaps Dr. Chen would be better able to answer this question.Prof. Li woul

21、d be a better person to answer your question since he has done a lot of work in this field.Fortunately, Prof. Ma, who is an authority in this area, is here. I think no one is more suitable than him to answer your question.Dr. Sawyer is perhaps in a better position to tell us something about it.Perha

22、ps my colleague Dr. Emery here has some better ideas.I think it would be better if Prof. Wu were to make some comments on this matter.Avoid using the following expressions to embarrass the questioner:Ive already answered that but you obviously werent listening. Instead say something like Im sorry I

23、didnt explain that clearly.Avoid talking to one questioner. Look towards the other, side of the conference hall or room and indicate that there is another question. Suggest that as there are several more questioners, yon could discuss his or her question in more detail after your talk.Referring Back

24、 to the QuestionerHaving finished answering questions, you should check that the questioner is satisfied or further elaboration or explanation is called for. The following expressions might be helpful.Did I answer your question?Did I answer you satisfactorily?Did your question get answered?I dont kn

25、ow whether this answered your question.I dont know if this is a satisfactory answer.I hope this may serve as an answer to Dr. Li.I hope this answers 0ur question.:, Sometimes when question lime is over and ff time permits, you can restate, your main proposition, including any good comments from the audience and ignoring adverse questions or remarks. Thus, you demonstrate that you are confident mid can cope calmly with controversy.Remember that your last words to the audience will be retained longest and you are expected to behave in a professional manner.

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