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1、克林顿在网络自由大会上的讲话U.S. Secretary Clintons Remarks on Internet Freedom美国国务卿希拉里克林顿在互联网自由大会上的讲话SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, good evening, and its wonderful to be back in The Hague. I want to thank my colleague and friend, Foreign Minister Rosenthal, a longtime friend, and co-conspirator from time to time, Eric

2、 Schmidt. Also, thanks to Leon Willems, the director of the Free Press Unlimited, and to those of my colleagues whom I know are here, namely Carl Bildt, an incredibly connected foreign minister, along with other ministers, ambassadors, the diplomatic community, and ladies and gentlemen.国务卿克林顿:晚上好。十分

3、高兴再次来到海牙。我要感谢我的同事和朋友,外交大臣罗森塔尔(Rosenthal)及我的老友和经常共商要事的埃里克施密特(Eric Schmit)。还要感谢新闻自由无极限(Free Press Unlimited)组织负责人利昂威廉姆斯(Leon Willems)和其他我知道今天在场的同事们,如十分敬业的外交大臣卡尔比尔特(Carl Bildt)以及其他各位部长、大使、外交界人士、女士们、先生们。Its a pleasure to join you here today to discuss this issue, because we think it is vitally important

4、 to every nation represented and every nation in the world; namely, internet freedom. And I want to thank Uri and the Netherlands for hosting this conference, which is a reflection of your long tradition of defending and advancing peoples human rights and fundamental freedoms everywhere, including o

5、nline. And thanks as well to the representatives of nearly two dozen other governments here, all of whom I know will be working to get real solutions and recommendations agreed to tomorrow. Im pleased we also have representatives from the private sector and civil society. So it all adds up to a mult

6、i-stakeholder event.今天,我非常高兴同大家一起讨论这个问题,因为我们认为这个问题对所有与会国家和世界各国都是非常重要的;这就是因特网(国际互联网)(Internet)自由的问题。我要感谢尤里(Uri)和荷兰主办这个大会,这反映了你们保卫和推进世界各地人民的人权和基本自由的一贯传统,其中也包括网络空间的人权和自由。还要感谢20多个其他国家政府的与会代表,我知道诸位将为明天达成一致意见提出切实解决问题的办法和建议。我很高兴还有来自民间部门和公民社会的代表与会。这一切使这次大会成为一个多方利益相关的活动。Now, in two days, on December 10th, we

7、ll celebrate Human Rights Day, which is the anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. And in the 63 years since that achievement, the world has been implementing a global commitment around the rights and freedoms of people everywhere, no matter where they live or who

8、they are. And today, as people increasingly turn to the internet to conduct important aspects of their lives, we have to make sure that human rights are as respected online as offline. After all, the right to express ones views, practice ones faith, peacefully assemble with others to pursue politica

9、l or social change these are all rights to which all human beings are entitled, whether they choose to exercise them in a city square or an internet chat room. And just as we have worked together since the last century to secure these rights in the material world, we must work together in this centu

10、ry to secure them in cyberspace.再过两天,到12月10日,我们将庆祝人权日(Human Rights Day)。这一天是世界人权宣言(Universal Declaration of Human Rights)获得通过的周年纪念日。在取得这一成果以来的63年中,全世界都坚持履行一个全球性的承诺,要求维护世界各地所有的人的权利和自由,无论他们生活在哪里,无论他们是什么人。今天,随着人们越来越多地利用因特网从事生活各方面的重要活动,我们必须确保,不论在网上还是网下,人权都必须得到尊重。归根结底,表达自己的观点,从事自己的宗教信仰活动,为寻求政治或社会变革与其他人和平

11、集会这些都是所有的人应该享有的权利,无论他们选择在城市广场行使这些权利还是在因特网聊天室行使这些权利。自上个世纪以来,我们通过共同努力在物质世界保障这些权利。在本世纪,我们也必须共同努力,在网络空间保障这些权利。This is an urgent task. It is most urgent, of course, for those around the world whose words are now censored, who are imprisoned because of what they or others have written online, who are bloc

12、ked from accessing entire categories of internet content, or who are being tracked by governments seeking to keep them from connecting with one another.这是一项紧迫的任务。毫无疑问,对世界各地言论受到审查的人,对那些因自己或别人在网上发表文章而坐牢的人,对那些因受到封锁而无法接触网上所有类别的内容的人,对那些受到政府监视而难以互相联系的人来说,这项任务极为紧迫。In Syria, a blogger named Anas Maarawi was

13、 arrested on July 1st after demanding that President Asad leave. Hes not been charged with anything, but he remains in detention. In both Syria and Iran, many other online activists actually too many to name have been detained, imprisoned, beaten, and even killed for expressing their views and organ

14、izing their fellow citizens. And perhaps the most well known blogger in Russia, Alexei Navalny, was sentenced on Tuesday to 15 days in jail after he took part in protests over the Russian elections.在叙利亚,一个名为阿纳斯马拉维(Anas Maarawi)的博客作者在7月1日被捕,因为他要求阿萨德(Asad)总统下台。他没有接到任何指控,却仍然在押。在叙利亚和伊朗,很多其他网上活动人士人数之多,无法

15、一一列举遭到拘押、监禁、殴打甚至杀害,因为他们表达自己的观点,组织自己的同胞。在俄罗斯也许是最有名的博客作者亚历克谢纳瓦尔尼(Alexei Navalny)于星期二被判15天监禁,因为他参加对俄罗斯选举举行的抗议活动。In China, several dozen companies signed a pledge in October, committing to strengthen their quote self-management, self-restraint, and strict self-discipline. Now, if they were talking about

16、 fiscal responsibility, we might all agree. But they were talking about offering web-based services to the Chinese people, which is code for getting in line with the governments tight control over the internet.在中国,数十家公司于10月份签署了一份保证书,承诺加强各自的引用原文自我管理、自我约束、严格自律。如果他们说的是财务责任,我们也许都表示同意。但是,他们所说的是向中国人民提供网络服

17、务,而这是他们与政府对因特网的严格控制保持一致的诫律。Now, these and many other incidents worldwide remind us of the stakes in this struggle. And the struggle does not belong only to those on the front lines and who are suffering. It belongs to all of us: first, because we all have a responsibility to support human rights and

18、 fundamental freedoms everywhere. Second, because the benefits of the network grow as the number of users grow. The internet is not exhaustible or competitive. My use of the internet doesnt diminish yours. On the contrary, the more people that are online and contributing ideas, the more valuable the

19、 entire network becomes to all the other users. In this way, all users, through the billions of individual choices we make about what information to seek or share, fuel innovation, enliven public debates, quench a thirst for knowledge, and connect people in ways that distance and cost made impossibl

20、e just a generation ago.这些事件和世界范围内的许多其他事件提醒我们这场斗争涉及的利害关系。这场斗争不仅仅关系到那些站在第一线的人员和受苦受难的人,而且关系到我们所有的人:第一个原因是,我们大家都有责任支持世界各地的人权和基本自由。第二个原因是,网络的益处随着用户人数的增加而增加。因特网既不会枯竭,也不会此消彼长。我对因特网的使用不会缩减你的使用。相反,上网的人和表述思想的人越多,整个网络对其他所有的用户就更有价值。这样,通过数十亿人选择寻求获取或共享什么样的信息,所有的用户都能促进创新,活跃公开辩论,满足对知识的渴求,以仅仅在上一代还因距离和成本而不可能做到的方式把人们

21、联系在一起。But when ideas are blocked, information deleted, conversations stifled, and people constrained in their choices, the internet is diminished for all of us. What we do today to preserve fundamental freedoms online will have a profound effect on the next generation of users. More than two billion

22、 people are now connected to the internet, but in the next 20 years, that number will more than double. And we are quickly approaching the day when more than a billion people are using the internet in repressive countries. The pledges we make and the actions we take today can help us determine wheth

23、er that number grows or shrinks, or whether the meaning of being on the internet is totally distorted.但是,当思想被禁锢,信息被删除,对话被窒息,人民的选择受到制约时,因特网对我们所有的人而言都将被削弱。我们今天为保护网上基本自由所采取的行动将对下一代用户产生深远的影响。现在有超过20亿人使用因特网,而在未来20年,这个数字将增加一倍以上。我们还在迅速接近在专制国家使用因特网的人数超过10亿人的时刻。我们今天做出的承诺和采取的行动可以帮助我们确定这个数字是增长还是降低,以及上网的含义是否会被完

24、全扭曲。Delivering on internet freedom requires cooperative actions, and we have to foster a global conversation based on shared principles and with the right partners to navigate the practical challenges of maintaining an internet that is open and free while also interoperable, secure, and reliable. No

25、w, this enterprise isnt a matter of negotiating a single document and calling the job done. It requires an ongoing effort to reckon with the new reality that we live in, in a digital world, and doing so in a way that maximizes its promise.实现因特网自由需要采取合作的行动,我们要支持一个在共同原则基础上的全球性对话,与合适的合作伙伴一起,战胜实际的挑战,维护一

26、个开放和自由、又可互通的、安全和可靠的因特网。然而,这项事业并不是谈判达成一个单一的文件就万事大吉了。它需要不断努力,适应我们所处的数字世界的新的现实,并在这样做的同时最大限度地发挥其潜力。Because the advent of cyberspace creates new challenges and opportunities in terms of security, the digital economy, and human rights, we have to be constantly evolving in our responses. And though they ar

27、e distinct, they are practically inseparable, because there isnt an economic internet, a social internet, and a political internet. There is just the internet, and were here to protect what makes it great.由于网络空间的来临在安全、数字经济和人权方面提出了新的挑战,我们必须不断改变我们的应对方式。这些方面尽管互有区别,但实际上不可分割,因为没有单独经济的因特网、社会的因特网或政治的因特网。因特

28、网只有一个,我们在这里保护成就其伟业的特征。Tomorrows sessions provide the opportunity for us to make concrete progress. At this kickoff event, Id like to briefly discuss three specific challenges that defenders of the internet must confront.明天的会议将为我们提供取得具体进展的机会。在这次开幕活动上,我想谈一谈因特网的捍卫者必须面对的三个具体挑战。The first challenge is for

29、 the private sector to embrace its role in protecting internet freedom, because whether you like it or not, the choices that private companies make have an impact on how information flows or doesnt flow on the internet and mobile networks. They also have an impact on what governments can and cant do

30、, and they have an impact on people on the ground.第一个挑战是要求民间部门积极接受在保护因特网自由方面的作用。因为不管你喜欢与否,民营公司作出的选择对信息在因特网和移动网络上如何传递和能否流通都有影响。他们对政府能做或不能做什么有所影响,而且对当地人民产生影响。In recent months, weve seen cases where companies, products, and services were used as tools of oppression. Now, in some instances, this cannot

31、be foreseen, but in others, yes, it can. A few years ago, the headlines were about companies turning over sensitive information about political dissidents. Earlier this year, they were about a company shutting down the social networking accounts of activists in the midst of a political debate. Today

32、s news stories are about companies selling the hardware and software of repression to authoritarian governments. When companies sell surveillance equipment to the security agency of Syria or Iran or, in past times, Qadhafi, there can be no doubt it will be used to violate rights.在最近几个月中,我们已经看到了一些事例,说明公司、产品和服务被用作镇压行动的工具。在某些情况下,这是不能预见的,但在其他情况下,则是可以预见的。几年前见于头版头条的新闻是,某些公司交出有关持不同政见者的敏感信息。今年早些时候出现的头条新闻是,一个公司在政治辩论进行的过程中关闭了活动人士的社会网络帐户。今天的新闻则是某些公司向专制政府出售用于镇压的硬件和软件。当公司向叙利亚或伊朗的安全机构出售监视设备时,或在过去向卡扎菲出售这些设备时,毫无疑问这些设备都将被用于侵犯人权的行动。Now, there are some who would say that in order to compel good behavio

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