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1、证明用英语怎么说证明用英语怎么说篇一:在读证明英文翻译 在读证明英文翻译在读证明 兹证明XX(学号XXXX )与2002年被录取于XXXX大学服装学院服装设计与贸易专业学习,现是XXXX大学XXX系四年级本科生,拟毕业时间2008年7月。特此证明。 XXX大学服装学院 To whom it may concern, This is to certify that Mr.XXX/MiXXX was matriculated by the fashion college of XXX university in 2002,majoring in Fashion design and trading

2、. He/She is studying as a senior student of XXXX department in XXXX University now, and will graduate in July 2008. Fashion College of XXX University 2007-11.26 大学在读证明 兹证明:学生#现就读于#大学四年制本科。自2003年9月至今,该生在我校#学院#系#专业学习。如成绩合格将于2007年7月取得毕业证书。我校是被中华人民共和国教育部认可的全日制高等学校。 #大学教务处 Education Certificate This is t

3、o certify that Ms # is now studying in the four-year undergraduate program at # University .She has been eolled in the Department of#,majoring in # from September 2003 to present. Ms # will get the Bachelors degree in July 2007 if she passes the examinations in the required courses. # University is

4、a full-time accredited school for higher education approved by the Education Ministry of the Peoples Republic of China. Study Status Certificate This is to certify that , female, wrote the entrance examination of University in 20, was eolled at University of . The student specializes in in the schoo

5、l of , Grade: , Class: , Reg. No: , length of schooling: 4 Years. University of(seal) Sept. . 20 在读证明 兹证明XX(学号XXXX )与2002年被录取于XXXX大学服装学院服装设计与贸易专业学习,现是XXXX大学XXX系四年级本科生,拟毕业时间2008年7月。特此证明。 XXX大学服装学院 To whom it may concern, This is to certify that Mr.XXX/MiXXX was matriculated by the fashion college of

6、XXX university in 2002,majoring in Fashion design and trading. He/She is studying as a senior student of XXXX department in XXXX University now, and will graduate in July 2008. Fashion College of XXX University 2007-11.26 大学在读证明 兹证明:学生#现就读于#大学四年制本科。自2003年9月至今,该生在我校#学院#系#专业学习。如成绩合格将于2007年7月取得毕业证书。我校是

7、被中华人民共和国教育部认可的全日制高等学校。篇二:质量证明书英文怎么说 certificate of country of origin and quality原产地和质量证明bid no.标号: of the three standards listed hereinafter: (1) current chinese national standard; (2) ministry standard;been in operation satisfactory to the end users for at least 兹证明我厂(或我 公司)所提供的生物除臭设备(产品名称)的质量符合招标技

8、术标书的技术条款,并满 足以下标准中的一种标准: (1)现行的中国国家标准; (2) 部颁标准; (3) 通用国际标准。我厂(或我司)所供货物至少有_2_年的生产历史,至少已售出相似类型的产品_12_ 套,并且已经成功投入运行_2_年令用户满意。 兹证明我厂或我公司所提供的 生物除臭设备(产品名称)原产地是 江苏扬州 , 特此证明。 制造商:扬州森源伟业废臭气净化设备制造有限公司signature for on behalf of the manufacture:name:篇二:翻译证明材料mti翻译实践证明材料兹证明*同学于*年*月至*年*月在我公司任兼职译员。工作期间该同学工作积极,翻译

9、质量较高,交稿及时,且不断加强专业知识和理论知识的学习。完成的大项目主要有:*系列文件(约*万字)、*系列投资文件(约*万字)、*文件(约 *万字)。合计约*万字。 *有限公司 日期 单位(盖章)篇三:资格证书英文翻译资格证书英文翻译 【简介】: 大学英语四级 cet4(collegeenglishtestband4certificate) 大学英语六级 cet6(collegeenglishtestband6certificate) 英语专业四级tem4(testforenglishmajorgrade4certificate) 英语精品源自生物科 大学英语四级cet4 (college e

10、nglish test band 4 certificate)大学英语六级 cet6 (college english test band 6 certificate) 英语专业四级 tem4 (test for english major grade 4 certificate)英语专业八级 tem8 (test for english major grade 8 certificate)普通话等级考试 national mandarin test (level 1, 2, 3; grade a,b,c)日语能力考试 japanese language proficiency test (l

11、evel 1, , , )商务日语能力考试 business japanese proficiency test商务英语证书 business english certificate雅思 ielts (international english language testing system)托福 toefl (test of english as a foreign language)bec初级 (bec preliminary level,缩略为bec pre.) bec中级 (bec vantage level,缩略为bec van.)bec高级 (bec higher level,缩略

12、为bec hi.)导游资格证书 guide certificate 秘书证 secretary card 中级涉外秘书证 intermediate foreign secretary card会计证 accounting certificate会计从业资格证书: certificate of accounting professional初级职务(助理会计)证书 sub-accountant certificate preliminary level中级 职称 intermediate certificate管理会计师证书: certificate in management accounti

13、ng注册会计师证书: (cpa certificate)certificate of certified public accountant 注册金融分析师 (cfa)chartered financial analyst 特许公认会计师 (acca)the association of chartered accountantscad工程师 认证证书 cad engineer certification电工证 electrician certificate 技工证书 technician certificate教师资格证 teacher certification心理辅导教师资格证书 psy

14、chological counseling teacher certificate报关员资 格证书 clerk for the customs declaration 报关员证书 customs declaration certificate 人力资源从业资格证书 qualification of human resources practitioners驾驶证 drivers license 国家司法考试证书 national judicial examination certificate(lawyers qualification certificate) 律师资格证书 attorney

15、s certificate 企业法律顾问执业资格证书 enterprise counsel qualification certificate法律 顾问 legal adviser 律师助理证 assistant lawyer certificate 会计从业资格证 certificate of accounting professional初级会计职称 junior level accountant 中级会计职称 medium level accountant 高级职称 advanced level accountant注册会计师 certified public accountant (c

16、pc) 注册税务师 certified tax agents(cta )经济师 economist 精算师 actuary 审计师 auditor 统计师 actuary 物流师职业资格证书 certificate of international logistics specialist国际物 流师 certified international logistics specialist (cils)特许市场营销师 certified marketing manager (cmm) 初级营销职业证书 introductory certificate in marketing 市场营销职业证书

17、 certificate in marketing国际商务谈判师 certificated international professional negotiator ( cipn)投 资咨询师 investment counselor人力资源管理 human resource management ( hrm )中国职业经理人资格认证 certificate of chinese professional manager中国职业 经理人 chinese professional manager ( cpm ) 注册国际投资分析师 certified international investm

18、ent analyst( ciia )注册 金融分析师 chartered financial analyst ( cfa ) 注册金融策划师 certified financial planner(cfp)认证金融理财师 associate financial planner (afp)篇四:建筑证书中英文翻译 建筑证书的中英文翻译 certificate of real estate ownership(房地产权证)由政府部门颁发的关于某土地上所建建筑权属、地理位置、建筑面积等的证书。房屋所 有权年限等于土地使用年限。新的房地产权证包括土地使用权信息和房地产权信息。建设工程完工时,对工程质

19、量进行验收检查,合格后由建设质量监督总站颁发建设工程 竣工验收备案证书。construction permit(施工许可证) 由建设工程管理局颁发的对于建筑单位可以开始在土地上建设的施工许可。 engineering planning permit(建筑工程规划许可证)a permit issued by city planning management bureau for the construction planning which confirms its legitimacy to protect the lawful rights and interests of an entit

20、y or individual. it includes time schedule, details in construction area, approved layout, structure, etc.由城市规划管理局颁发的有关建设工程符合城市规划要求的法律凭证,用以确认有关建 设活动的合法地位,保证有关建设单位和个人的合法权益,内容包括施工进度表、建筑地区 详情、批准规划和工程结构等。 land usage planning permit(建设用地规划许可证) a permit issued by city planning management bureau which conf

21、irms its legitimacy for the land usage planning. 由城市规划管理局颁发的用以确认建设项目位置和范围符合城市规划的法律凭证。 state-owned land use right certificate(国有土地使用产权证) a certification issued by administrative bureaus of houses and land resources certifying that the certificate holder legally has the right to use a piece of state o

22、wned land as approved by the governmental authorities. 由房屋土地资源管理局颁发的表明土地使用者依法享有国有土地使用权的证明。篇三:工作证明及英文翻译 工 作 证 明兹证明*,男,出生于1964年6月7日,*先生从2001年至今一直在*贸易有限公司工作,担任公司法人代表以及总经理职务。 *贸易有限公司成立于2001年,是具有进出口经营权的外贸公司,主要经营服装、服装面料及辅料、纺织品批发。公司有一批精通外贸业务、经验丰富、具有开拓创新精神的专业营销人才;有科学的管理体系;有奋发向上的企业文化。迄今为止,公司客户遍布全球五十多个国家和地区,形

23、成了强大的营销网络、良好的服务体系和稳固的贸易关系。公司遵守国家宪法、法律、法规及相关政策,奉行“以人为本,诚信经营”的宗旨,及时高效的满足客户需求。在期经营过程中,重视社会风尚及道德建设,在同行业中颇得美誉。 *先生的主要职责是:主持公司的生产经营管理工作,组织实施股东会决议;组织实施公司的年度经营计划和投资方案;拟定公司内部管理机构设置方案;拟定公司的基本管理制度;制定公司的具体规章;提请聘任或解聘公司副经理、财务负责人;聘任或解聘除应由股东会聘任或解聘以外的负责管理人员;公司章程和股东会授予的其他职权。 *先生在工作中兢兢业业,恪尽职守,有进取心,有责任感。在担任公司总经理期间,*先生充

24、分显示出其领导才能,对待工作一丝不苟,对待下属循循善诱,细致分析市场供求,调整相关策略,致力于公司的长远发展,在公司的发展历程中做出了巨大的贡献。*先生在职期间,其收入为,其个人所得税由公司代扣代缴。特此证明单位: 签字: 职位: 电话: 日期: Statement of Working Here is to certify that *, male,born on Jun.7,1964, has been working in * Co.,Ltd from 1999 till now as the legal representative and general manager of the

25、 company. Founded in 1999, * Co.,Ltd is a foreign trade company with importing and exporting management right. Mainly, the company wholesales clothing,clothing materials, accessories and textile. There is a group of professional marketing competent staff who are proficient in foreign trade business

26、with abundant experience and have the spirit of making innovations; the company has a scientific management system and upgoing enterprise culture. Till now, the customers of our company cover more than fifty states and nations, formed a strong marketing net, fine service system and stable trade rela

27、tions. The company abides by the constitution,laws,regulations and relevant policy, it pursues the tenet of people foremost,managing with integrity, meets the needs of clients rapidly and effectively.During its managing process, it values the formation of social general mood and morality, and was hi

28、ghly praised by its counterparts. The main duty of Mr. * is :Being in charge of the management of the companys production and operation, an organizing the implementation of shareholders committee; organizing the implementation of annual operating plans and investment programs of the company; prepari

29、ng the plan for the structure of the companys internal management; preparing the basic management scheme of the company.formulating detailed company rules;recommending the appointment or removal of a deputy general manager and the officer in charge of finance;appointing and removing officers of the

30、company other than those to be appointed or removed by the shareholders committee; other powers granted by the articles of association of the company and the shareholders committee. At work, Mr. * is conscientious and does his best, fulfill his duties, has initiative thoughts and has a sense of resp

31、onsibility. During the period he works as the general manager of the company, Mr. *s leadership talent has revealed, he is serious at work, he always gives methodical and patient guidance. He analyzes the market supply and demand finely, adjusts relevant strategy, was dedicated in the long-term development of the company and made great contribution to the development of the company. The income of Mr. * when in-service is,his individual income tax has been withheld by the company.Unit:* Co.

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